SPEED: A GUI-Software for Processing Neon Eye Trackers Data This software called SPEED (LabScoc Processing and Extraction of Eye tracking Data) is presented for processing data acquired by Pupil Lab Neon (Pupil Labs, Berlin,Germany). The software is written in Python which helps researchers with the feature extraction step.
It is developed by the members and collaborators of the LabSCoC - Laboratorio di Scienze Cognitive e del Comportamento (Cognitive and Behavioural Science Lab) - at University of L'Aquila (https://labscoc.wordpress.com/)
Authors: Daniele Lozzi, Ilaria Di Pompeo, Martina Marcaccio, Matias Ademaj, Simone Migliore, Giuseppe Curcio.
Load in the same folder named "eyetracking_files" all files downloaded from Pupil Cloud and rename the internal video as "internal.mp4" and the video from external camera as "external.mp4"
The gaze not enriched file in the analysis file folder must also be included called "gaze_not_enr.csv"
The script is called SPEED_0_1_gui.py and requires python 3.