Server API solution to talk to quality dashboard.
- Structured logging with zap.
- Use go-cache to save quality repositories in cache.
- Use swaggo to create a specific swagger for all server served endpoints
- Stores data in a PostreSQL database
- Uses entgo to model and query the database
A proper setup Go workspace using Go 1.19+ is required.
Install dependencies:
# Go to backend dir and install dependencies
go mod tidy
# Copy the dependencies to vendor folder
go mod vendor
# Create qe-dashboard-backend binary in bin folder. Please add the binary to the path or just execute ./bin/qe-dashboard-backend
make build
Environments used by the server:
Environment Name | Value | Default | Required |
Github token to make requests | `` | yes |
CodeCov token to make requests | `` | no |
Jira token to read jira issues | yes | --jira-token xxxxx |