Using queries, you can filter, sort and limit the data that is returned in a Collection. Queries can be set in the constructor or afterwards using the query
To set a query on a Collection, create a function that returns a Firestore Query object. The function takes a Firestore CollectionReference as input and should return a Firestore Query. The function is "smart", in such a way that it is automatically re-evaluated whenever the Collection.ref
changes or when an observable changes that was accessed inside the Query Function.
const col = new Collection('todos', {
query: (ref) => ref.where('finished', '==', false).limit(10)
Queries can also be set or re-set aftwards:
const col = new Collection('todos');
// Show only the documents that not finished, with a max-limit of 10
col.query = (ref) => ref.where('finished', '==', false).limit(10);
// Reset query to show all data in the collection
col.query = undefined;
When the Query Function accesses an observable, it will automatically be re-evaluated whenever that observable changes.
React Example:
const TodosView extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this._pageLimit =;
this._col = new Collection('todos', {
query: (ref) => ref.limit(pageLimit)
render() {
return (
{ => <TodoItem doc={doc} />)}
onUpdatePageLimit = (limit) => {
// Changing the observable will cause the query to be
// automatically re-evaluated with the new limit
Since Document
objects are also observables, it is also possible
to link queries to document-data. In the following example, the Collection query is updated whenever the showFinished
field in the settings
Document is updated.
const settingsDoc = new Document('settings');
const col = new Collection('todos', {
query: (ref) => ref.where('finished', '==',
autorun(() => {
In some cases, the observed data inside the Query function indicates that the Collection should not query any data. In that case the query function may return null
to disable the Collection.
const userId =;
const col = new Collection('todos');
// Define query that selects all todos for a specific user,
// and disables the Collection when no user is selected.
col.query = (ref) => {
const userId = userId.get();
return userId
? ref.where('userId', '==', userId) // Get todos for specific user
: null; // Disable collection when no user specified
// User logs in
// User logs out
Using explicit Firestore Query references
Firestore Query references can also be assigned directly to a Collection. For instance, like this:
const col = new Collection('artists');
col.query = col.ref.where('name', '>=', 'D').orderBy('name', 'desc');