#Facebook integration instruction for Cocos2d-JS on Web
This doc walks you through the integration of Facebook support for Cocos2d-JS on Web.
Although Facebook has Facebook SDK for JavaScript, if your game has both mobile version and web version, we highly recommend you to use Cocos2d-JS's Facebook support for the web version because you can use the same code for both mobile and web without writing them separately for each platform.
Step1: Create your Facebook App on Canvas as described in Getting Started with Canvas. Add the URL to the web host for your sample under the "Canvas URL" and "Secure Canvas URL" section.
Step2: Import Facebook support
There are two ways for doing this:
Option 1: You can find the files under
folder. Then you can load all dependencies manually as below:cc.loader.loadJs("", [ "external/pluginx/platform/facebook_sdk.js", "external/pluginx/platform/facebook.js" ], function(){ //do something });
Option 2: You can directly include Facebook support module in
, the name for this module isplugin-facebook
. In this way, the engine loads the dependencies in engine's loading process, so it may cause the loading time to be longer.
Step3: Config Facebook parameters in project.json
as below
You need to add all Facebook App related information in project.json
, the property of appid need add Your application id provided by Facebook:
"module" : ["cocos2d", "pluginx", "plugin-facebook"],
"plugin" : {
"facebook": {
"appId" : "",
"xfbml" : true,
"version" : "v2.0"
You can visit Quickstart: Facebook SDK for JavaScript to learn more details.
Step4: How to Use Facebook API
Please visit Facebook API Reference for Cocos2d-JS.