tocdepth: | 1 |
API changes and deprecations:
- The ckan.api_url has been completely removed and it can no longer be used
- The edit() and after_update() methods of IPackageController plugins are now called when updating a resource using the web frontend or the resource_update API action [#1052]
- Bug fixes:
- Fix errors on preview on non-root locations (#960)
- Fix place-holder images on non-root locations (#1309)
- Don't accept invalid URLs in resource proxy (#1106)
- Make sure came_from url is local (#1039)
- Fix logout redirect in non-root locations (#1025)
- Wrong auth checks for sysadmins on package_create (#1184)
- Don't return private datasets on package_list (#1295)
- Stop tracking failing when no lang/encoding headers (#1192)
- Fix for paster db clean command getting frozen
- Fix organization not set when editing a dataset (#1199)
- Fix PDF previews (#1194)
- Fix preview failing on private datastore resources (#1221)
Note: This version requires a requirements upgrade on source installations
Note: This version requires a database upgrade
Note: This version does not require a Solr schema upgrade
The json_preview
plugin has been renamed to text_preview
(see #266). If you are upgrading CKAN from a previous version you need
to change the plugin name on your CKAN config file after upgrading to avoid
a PluginNotFound exception.
- Major:
- Bulk updates of datasets within organizations (delete, make public/private) (#278)
- Organizations and Groups search (#303)
- Generic text preview extension for JSON, XML and plain text files (#226)
- Improve consistency of the Action API (#473)
- IAuthenticator interface for plugging into authorization platforms (Work in progress) (#1007)
- New clearer dashboard with more information easier to access (#626)
- New
command to speed up reindex using multiple cores (#700) - Complete restructure of the documentation, with updated sections on installation, upgrading, release process, etc and guidelines on how to write new documentation (#769 and multiple others)
- Minor:
- Add group members page to templates (#844)
- Show search facets on organization page (#776)
- Changed default sort ordering (#869)
- More consistent display of buttons across pages (#890)
- History page ported to new templates (#368)
- More blocks to templates to allow furhter customization (#688)
- Improve imports from lib.helpers (#262)
- Add support for callback parameter on Action API (#414)
- Create site_user at startup (#952)
- Add warning before deleting an organization (#803)
- Remove flags from language selector (#822)
- Hide the Data API button when datastore is disabled (#752)
- Pin all requirements and separate minimal requirements in a separate file (#491, #1149)
- Better preview plugin selection (#1002)
- Add new functions to the plugins toolkit (#1015)
- Improve ExampleIDatasetFormPlugin (#2750)
- Extend h.sorted_extras() to do substitutions and auto clean keys (#440)
- Separate default database for development and testing (#517)
- More descriptive Solr exceptions when indexing (#674)
- Validate datastore input through schemas (#905)
- Bug fixes:
- Fix 500 on password reset (#264)
- Fix exception when indexing a wrong date on a _date field (#267)
- Fix datastore permissions issues (#652)
- Placeholder images are not linked with h.url_for_static (#948)
- Explore dropdown menu is hidden behind other resources in IE (#915)
- Buttons interrupt file uploading (#902)
- Fix resource proxy encoding errors (#896)
- Enable streaming in resource proxy (#989)
- Fix cache_dir and beaker paths on deployment.ini_tmpl (#888)
- Fix multiple issues on create dataset form on IE (#881)
- Fix internal server error when adding member (#869)
- Fix license faceting (#853)
- Fix exception in dashboard (#830)
- Fix Google Analytics integration (#827)
- Fix ValueError when resource size is not an integer (#1009)
- Catch NotFound on new resource when package does not exist (#1010)
- Fix Celery configuration to allow overriding from config (#1027)
- came_from after login is validated to not redidirect to another site (#1039)
- And many, many more!
- Deprecated and removed:
- The
plugin has been replaced by a newtext_preview
one. Please update your config files if using it. (#226)
- The
- Known issues:
- Under certain authorization setups the frontend for the groups functionality may not work as expected (See #1176 #1175).
- Bug fixes:
- Fix errors on preview on non-root locations (#960)
- Don't accept invalid URLs in resource proxy (#1106)
- Make sure came_from url is local (#1039)
- Fix logout redirect in non-root locations (#1025)
- Don't return private datasets on package_list (#1295)
- Stop tracking failing when no lang/encoding headers (#1192)
- Fix for paster db clean command getting frozen
- Bug fixes:
- Fix markdown in group descriptions (#303)
- Fix resource proxy encoding errors (#896)
- Fix datastore exception on first run (#907)
- Enable streaming in resource proxy (#989)
- Fix in user search (#1024)
- Fix Celery configuration to allow overriding from config (#1027)
- Undefined function on organizations controller (#1036)
- Fix license not translated in orgs/groups (#1040)
- Fix link to documentation from the footer (#1062)
- Fix missing close breadcrumb tag in org templates (#1071)
- Fix recently_changed_packages_activity_stream function (#1159)
- Fix Recline map sidebar not showing in IE 7-8 (#1133)
- Bug fixes:
- Use IDatasetForm schema for resource_update (#897)
- Fixes for CKAN being run on a non-root URL (#948, #913)
- Fix resource edit errors losing info (#580)
- Fix Czech translation (#900)
- Allow JSON filters for datastore_search on GET requests (#917)
- Install vdm from the Python Package Index (#764)
- Allow extra parameters on Solr queries (#739)
- Create site user at startup if it does not exist (#952)
- Fix modal popups positioning (#828)
- Fix wrong redirect on dataset form on IE (#963)
Starting on v2.0, issue numbers with four digits refer to the old ticketing system at and the ones with three digits refer to GitHub issues. For example:
- #3020 is
- #271 is ckan#271
Some GitHub issues URLs will redirect to GitHub pull request pages.
v2.0 is a huge release so the changes listed here are just the highlights. Bug fixes are not listed.
Note: This version requires a requirements upgrade on source installations
Note: This version requires a database upgrade
Note: This version requires a Solr schema upgrade
- Organizations based authorization (see :doc:`authorization`):
CKAN's new "organizations" feature replaces the old authorization system with a new one based on publisher organizations. It replaces the "Publisher Profile and Workflow" feature from CKAN 1.X, any instances relying on it will need to be updated.
- New organization-based authorization and organization of datasets
- Supports private datasets
- Publisher workflow
- New authorization ini file options
- New frontend (see :doc:`theming`):
CKAN's frontend has been completely redesigned, inside and out. There is a new default theme and the template engine has moved from Genshi to Jinja2. Any custom templates using Genshi will need to be updated, although there is a :ref:`ckan.legacy_templates` setting to aid in the migration.
- Block-based template inheritance
- Custom jinja tags: {% ckan_extends %}, {% snippet %} and {% url_for %} (#2502, #2503)
- CSS "primer" page for theme developers
- We're now using LESS for CSS
- Scalable font icons (#2563)
- Social sharing buttons (google plus, facebook, twitter) (this replaces the ckanext-social extension)
- Three-stage dataset creation form (#2501)
- New paster front-end-build command does everything needed to build the frontend for a production CKAN site (runs paster less to compile the css files, paster minify to minify the css and js files, etc.)
- Plugins & Extensions:
- New plugins toolkit provides a stable set of utility and helper functions for CKAN plugins to depend on.
- The IDatasetForm plugin interface has been redesigned (note: this breaks backwards-compatibility with existing IDatasetForm plugins) (#649)
- Many IDatasetForm bugs were fixed
- New example extensions in core, and better documentation for the relevant plugin interfaces: example_itemplatehelpers (#447), example_idatasetform (#2750), hopefully more to come in 2.1!
- New IFacets interface that allows to modify the facets shown on various pages. (#400)
- The get_action() function now automatically adds 'model' and 'session' to the context dict (this saves on boiler-plate code, and means plugins don't have to import ckan.model in order to call get_action()) (#172)
- Activity Streams, Following & User Dashboard:
- New visual design for activity streams (#2941)
- Group activity streams now include activities for changes to any of the group's datasets (#1664)
- Group activity streams now appear on group pages (previously they could only be retrieved via the api)
- Dataset activity streams now appear on dataset pages (previously they could only be retrieved via the api) (#3024)
- Users can now follow groups (previously you could only follow users or datasets) (#3005)
- Activity streams and following are also supported for organizations (#505)
- When you're logged into CKAN, you now get a notifications count in the top-right corner of the site, telling you how many new notifications you have on your dashboard. Clicking on the count takes you to your dashboard page to view your notifications. (#3009)
- Optionally, you can also receive notifications by email when you have new activities on your dashboard (#1635)
- Infinite scrolling of activity streams (if you scroll to the bottom of a an activity stream, CKAN will automatically load more activities) (#3018)
- Redesigned user dashboard (#3028):
- New dropdown-menu enables you to filter you dashboard activity stream to show only activities from a particular user, dataset, group or organization that you're following
- New sidebar shows previews and unfollow buttons (when the activity stream is filtered)
- New :ref:`ckan.activity_streams_enabled` config file setting allows you to disable the generation of activity streams (#654)
- Data Preview:
- PDF files preview (#2203)
- JSON files preview
- HTML pages preview (in an iframe) (#2888)
- New plugin extension point that allows plugins to add custom data previews for different data types (#2961)
- Improved Recline Data Explorer previews (CSV files, Excel files..)
- Plain text files preview
- API:
- The Action API is now CKAN's default API, and the API documentation has been rewritten (#357)
- Other highlights:
- CKAN now has continuous integration testing at
- Dataset pages now have <link rel="alternate" type="application/rdf+xml" links in the HTML headers, allows linked-data tools to find CKAN's RDF rendering of a dataset's metadata (#413)
- CKAN's DataStore and Data API have been rewritten, and now use PostgreSQL instead of elasticsearch, so there's no need to install elasticsearch anymore (this feature was also back-ported to CKAN 1.8) (#2733)
- New Config page for sysadmins (/ckan-admin/config) enables sysadmins to set the site title, tag line, logo, the intro text shown on the front page, the about text shown on the /about page, select a theme, and add custom CSS (#2302, #2781)
- New paster color command for creating color schemes
- Fanstatic integration (#2371):
- CKAN now uses Fanstatic to specify required static resource files (js, css..) for web pages
- Enables each page to only include the static files that it needs, reducing page loads
- Enables CKAN to use bundled and minified static files, further reducing page loads
- CKAN's new paster minify command is used to create minified js and css files (#2950) (also see paster front-end-build)
- CKAN will now recognise common file format strings such as "application/json", "JSON", ".json" and "json" as a single file type "json" (#2416)
- CKAN now supports internalization of strings in javascript files, the new paster trans command is used to pull translatable strings out of javascript files (#2774, #2750)
- convert_to/from_extras have been fixed to not add quotes around strings (#2930)
- Updated CKAN coding standards (#3020) and CONTRIBUTING.rst file
- Built-in page view counting and 'popular' badges on datasets and resources There's also a paster command to export the tracking data to a csv file (#195)
- Updated CKAN Coding Standards and new CONTRIBUTING.rst file
- You can now change the sort ordering of datasets on the dataset search page
- Deprecated and removed:
- The IGenshiStreamFilter plugin interface is deprecated (#271), use the ITemplateHelpers plugin interface instead
- The Model, Search and Util APIs are deprecated, use the Action API instead
- Removed restrict_template_vars config setting (#2257)
- Removed deprecated facet_title() template helper function, use get_facet_title() instead (#2257)
- Removed deprecated am_authorized() template helper function, use check_access() instead (#2257)
- Removed deprecated datetime_to_datestr() template helper function (#2257)
- Bug fixes:
- Fix for using harvesters with organization setup
- Refactor for user update logic
- Tweak resources visibility query
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed possible XSS vulnerability on html input (#703)
- Fix unicode template 500 error (#808)
- Fix error on related controller
Note: This version requires a requirements upgrade on source installations
Note: This version requires a database upgrade
Note: This version does not require a Solr schema upgrade
- Major
- New 'follow' feature that allows logged in users to follow other users or datasets (#2304)
- New user dashboard that shows an activity stream of all the datasets and users you are following. Thanks to Sven R. Kunze for his work on this (#2305)
- New version of the Datastore. It has been completely rewritten to use PostgreSQL as backend, it is more stable and fast and supports SQL queries (#2733)
- Clean up and simplifyng of CKAN's dependencies and source install instructions. Ubuntu 12.04 is now supported for source installs (#2428,#2592)
- Big speed improvements when indexing datasets (#2788)
- New action API reference docs, which individually document each function and its arguments and return values (#2345)
- Updated translations, added Japanese and Korean translations
- Minor
- Add source install upgrade docs (#2757)
- Mark more strings for translation (#2770)
- Allow sort ordering of dataset listings on group pages (#2842)
- Reenable simple search option (#2844)
- Editing organization removes all datasets (#2845)
- Accessibility enhancements on templates
- Bug fixes
- Fix for relative url being used when doing file upload to local storage
- Various fixes on IGroupFrom (#2750)
- Fix group dataset sort (#2722)
- Fix adding existing datasets to organizations (#2843)
- Fix 500 error in related controller (#2856)
- Fix for non-open licenses appearing open
- Editing organization removes all datasets (#2845)
- API changes and deprecation:
- Template helper functions are now restricted by default. By default only those helper functions listed in lib.helpers.__allowed_functions__ are available to templates. The full functions can still be made available by setting ckan.restrict_template_vars = false in your ini file. Only restricted functions will be allowed in future versions of CKAN.
- Deprecated functions related to the old faceting data structure have been removed:, facets.html:facet_sidebar(), facets.html:facet_list_items(). Internal use of the old facets datastructure (attached to the context, c.facets) has been superseded by use of the improved facet data structure, c.search_facets. The old data structure is still available on c.facets, but is deprecated, and will be removed in future versions. (#2313)
- Bug fixes:
- Refactor for user update logic
- Tweak resources visibility query
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed possible XSS vulnerability on html input (#703)
- Minor:
- Documentation enhancements regarding file uploads
- Bug fixes:
- Fixes for lincences i18n
- Remove sensitive data from user dict (#2784)
- Fix bug in feeds controller (#2869)
- Show dataset author and maintainer names even if they have no emails
- Fix URLs for some Amazon buckets
- Other minor fixes
- Minor:
- Documentation enhancements regarding install and extensions (#2505)
- Home page and search results speed improvements (#2402,#2403)
- I18n: Added Greek translation and updated other ones (#2506)
- Bug fixes:
- UI fixes (#2507)
- Fixes for i18n login and logout issues (#2497)
- Date on add/edit resource breaks if offset is specified (#2383)
- Fix in organizations read page (#2509)
- Add synchronous_search plugin to deployment.ini template (#2521)
- Inconsistent language on license dropdown (#2575)
- Fix bug in translating lists in multilingual plugin
- Group autocomplete doesn't work with multiple words (#2373)
- Other minor fixes
- Major:
- Updated SOLR schema (#2327). Note: This will require and update of the SOLR schema file and a reindex.
- Support for Organization based workflow, with membership determinig access permissions to datasets (#1669,#2255)
- Related items such as visualizations, applications or ideas can now be added to datasets (#2204)
- Restricted vocabularies for tags, allowing grouping related tags together (#1698)
- Internal analytics that track number of views and downloads for datasets and resources (#2251)
- Consolidated multilingual features in an included extension (#1821,#1820)
- Atom feeds for publishers, tags and search results (#1593,#2277)
- RDF dump paster command (#2303)
- Better integration with the DataStore, based on ElasticSearch, with nice helper docs (#1797)
- Updated the Recline data viewer with new features such as better graphs and a map view (#2236,#2283)
- Improved and redesigned documentation (#2226,#2245,#2248)
- Minor:
- Groups can have an image associated (#2275)
- Basic resource validation (#1711)
- Ability to search without accents for accented words (#906)
- Weight queries so that title is more important than rest of body (#1826)
- Enhancements in the dataset and resource forms (#1506)
- OpenID can now be disabled (#1830)
- API and forms use same validation (#1792)
- More robust bulk search indexing, with options to ignore exceptions and just refresh (#1616i,#2232)
- Modify where the language code is placed in URLs (#2261)
- Simplified licenses list (#1359)
- Add extension point for dataset view (#1741)
- Bug fixes:
- Catch exceptions on the QA archiver (#1809)
- Error when changing language when CKAN is mounted in URL (#1804)
- Naming of a new package/group can clash with a route (#1742)
- Can't delete all of a package's resources over REST API (#2266)
- Group edit form didn't allow adding multiple datasets at once (#2292)
- Fix layout bugs in IE 7 (#1788)
- Bug with Portugese translation and Javascript (#2318)
- Fix broken parse_rfc_2822 helper function (#2314)
- Major:
- Resources now have their own pages, as well as showing in the Dataset (#1445, #1449)
- Group pages enhanced, including in-group search (#1521)
- User pages enhanced with lists of datasets (#1396) and recent activity (#1515)
- Dataset view page decluttered (#1450)
- Tags not restricted to just letters and dashes (#1453)
- Stats Extension and Storage Extension moved into core CKAN (#1576, #1608)
- Ability to mounting CKAN at a sub-URL (#1401, #1659)
- 5 Stars of Openness ratings show by resources, if ckanext-qa is installed (#1583)
- Recline Data Explorer (for previewing and plotting data) improved and v2 moved into core CKAN (#1602, #1630)
- Minor:
- 'About' page rewritten and easily customisable in the config (#1626)
- Gravatar picture displayed next to My Account link (#1528)
- 'Delete' button for datasets (#1425)
- Relationships API more RESTful, validated and documented (#1695)
- User name displayed when logged in (#1529)
- Database dumps now exclude deleted packages (#1623)
- Dataset/Tag name length now limited to 100 characters in API (#1473)
- 'Status' API call now includes installed extensions (#1488)
- Command-line interface for list/read/deleting datasets (#1499)
- Slug API calls tidied up and documented (#1500)
- Users nagged to add email address if missing from their account (#1413)
- Model and API for Users to become Members of a Group in a certain Capacity (#1531, #1477)
- Extension interface to adjust search queries, indexing and results (#1547, #1738)
- API for changing permissions (#1688)
- Bug fixes:
- Group deletion didn't work (#1536)
- metadata_created used to return an entirely wrong date (#1546)
- Unicode characters in field-specific API search queries caused exception (since CKAN 1.5) (#1798)
- Sometimes task_status errors weren't being recorded (#1483)
- Registering or Logging in failed silently when already logged in (#1799)
- Deleted packages were browseable by administrators and appeared in dumps (#1283, #1623)
- Facicon was a broken link unless corrected in config file (#1627)
- Dataset search showed last result of each page out of order (#1683)
- 'Simple search' mode showed 0 packages on home page (#1709)
- Occasionally, 'My Account' shows when user is not logged in (#1513)
- Could not change language when on a tag page that had accented characters or dataset creation page (#1783, #1791)
- Editing package via API deleted its relationships (#1786)
- Major:
- Background tasks (#1363, #1371, #1408)
- Fix for security issue affecting CKAN v1.5 (#1585)
- Minor:
- Language support now excellent for European languages: en de fr it es no sv pl ru pt cs sr ca
- Web UI improvements:
- Resource editing refreshed
- Group editing refreshed
- Indication that group creation requires logging-in (#1004)
- Users' pictures displayed using Gravatar (#1409)
- 'Welcome' banner shown to new users (#1378)
- Group package list now ordered alphabetically (#1502)
- Allow managing a dataset's groups also via package entity API (#1381)
- Dataset listings in API standardised (#1490)
- Search ordering by modification and creation date (#191)
- Account creation disallowed with Open ID (create account in CKAN first) (#1386)
- User name can be modified (#1386)
- Email address required for registration (for password reset) (#1319)
- Atom feeds hidden for now
- New config options to ease CSS insertion into the template (#1380)
- Removed ETag browser cache headers (#1422)
- CKAN version number and admin contact in new 'status_show' API (#1087)
- Upgrade SQLAlchemy to 0.7.3 (compatible with Postgres up to 9.1) (#1433)
- SOLR schema is now versioned (#1498)
- Bug fixes:
- Group ordering on main page was alphabetical but should be by size (since 1.5) (#1487)
- Package could get added multiple times to same Group, distorting Group size (#1484)
- Search index corruption when multiple CKAN instances on a server all storing the same object (#1430)
- Dataset property metadata_created had wrong value (since v1.3) (#1546)
- Tag browsing showed tags for deleted datasets (#920)
- User name change field validation error (#1470)
- You couldn't edit a user with a unicode email address (#1479)
- Package search API results missed the extra fields (#1455)
- OpenID registration disablement explained better (#1532)
- Data upload (with ckanext-storage) failed if spaces in the filename (#1518)
- Resource download count fixed (integration with ckanext-googleanalytics) (#1451)
- Multiple CKANs with same dataset IDs on the same SOLR core would conflict (#1462)
Deprecated due to security issue #1585
- Major:
- New visual theme (#1108)
- Package & Resource edit overhaul (#1294/#1348/#1351/#1368/#1296)
- JS and CSS reorganization (#1282, #1349, #1380)
- Apache Solr used for search in core instead of Postgres (#1275, #1361, #1365)
- Authorization system now embedded in the logic layer (#1253)
- Captcha added for user registration (#1307, #1431)
- UI language translations refreshed (#1292, #1350, #1418)
- Action API improved with docs now (#1315, #1302, #1371)
- Minor:
- Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) support (#1271)
- Strings to translate into other languages tidied up (#1249)
- Resource format autocomplete (#816)
- Database disconnection gives better error message (#1290)
- Log-in cookie is preserved between sessions (#78)
- Extensions can access formalchemy forms (#1301)
- 'Dataset' is the new name for 'Package' (#1293)
- Resource standard fields added: type, format, size (#1324)
- Listing users speeded up (#1268)
- Basic data preview functionality moved to core from QA extension (#1357)
- Admin Extension merged into core CKAN (#1264)
- URLs in the Notes field are automatically linked (#1320)
- Disallow OpenID for account creation (but can be linked to accounts) (#1386)
- Tag name now validated for max length (#1418)
- Bug fixes:
- Purging of revisions didn't work (since 1.4.3) (#1258)
- Search indexing wasn't working for SOLR (since 1.4.3) (#1256)
- Configuration errors were being ignored (since always) (#1172)
- Flash messages were temporarily held-back when using proxy cache (since 1.3.2) (#1321)
- On login, user told 'welcome back' even if he's just registered (#1194)
- Various minor exceptions cropped up (mostly since 1.4.3) (#1334, #1346)
- Extra field couldn't be set to original value when key deleted (#1356)
- JSONP callback parameter didn't work for the Action API (since 1.4.3) (#1437)
- The same tag could be added to a package multiple times (#1331)
- Minor:
- Added files to allow debian packaging of CKAN
- Added Catalan translation
- Bug fixes:
- Incorrect Group creation form parameter caused exception (#1347)
- Incorrect AuthGroup creation form parameter caused exception (#1346)
- Major:
- Action API (API v3) (beta version) provides powerful RPC-style API to CKAN data (#1335)
- Documentation overhaul (#1142, #1192)
- Minor:
- Viewing of a package at a given date (as well as revision) with improved UI (#1236)
- Extensions can now add functions to the logic layer (#1211)
- Refactor all remaining database code out of the controllers and into the logic layer (#1229)
- Any OpenID log-in errors that occur are now displayed (#1228)
- 'url' field added to search index (e9214)
- Speed up tag reading (98d72)
- Cope with new WebOb version 1 (#1267)
- Avoid exceptions caused by bots hitting error page directly (#1176)
- Too minor to mention: #1234,
- Bug fixes:
- Re-adding tags to a package failed (since 1.4.1 in Web UI, 1.4 in API) (#1239)
- Modified revisions retrieved over API caused exception (since 1.4.2) (#1310)
- Whichever language you changed to, it announced "Language set to: English" (since 1.3.1) (#1082)
- Incompatibilities with Python 2.5 (since and maybe earlier) (#1325)
- You could create an authorization group without a name, causing exceptions displaying it (#1323)
- Revision list wasn't showing deleted packages (b21f4)
- User editing error conditions handled badly (#1265)
- Major:
- Packages revisions can be marked as 'moderated' (#1141, #1147)
- Password reset facility (#1186/#1198)
- Minor:
- Viewing of a package at any revision (#1236)
- API POSTs can be of Content-Type "application/json" as alternative to existing "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" (#1206)
- Caching of static files (#1223)
- Bug fixes:
- When you removed last row of resource table, you could't add it again - since 1.0 (#1215)
- Adding a tag to package that had it previously didn't work - since 1.4.1 in UI and 1.4.0 in API (#1239)
- Search index was not updated if you added a package to a group - since 1.1 (#1140)
- Exception if you had any Groups and migrated between CKAN v1.0.2 to v1.2 (migration 29) - since v1.0.2 (#1205)
- API Package edit requests returned the Package in a different format to usual - since 1.4 (#1214)
- API error responses were not all JSON format and didn't have correct Content-Type (#1214)
- API package delete doesn't require a Content-Length header (#1214)
- Major:
- Refactor Web interface to use logic layer rather than model objects directly. Forms now defined in navl schema and designed in HTML template. Forms use of Formalchemy is deprecated. (#1078)
- Minor:
- Links in user-supplied text made less attractive to spammers (nofollow) #1181
- Package change notifications - remove duplicates (#1149)
- Metadata dump linked to (#1169)
- Refactor authorization code to be common across Package, Group and Authorization Group (#1074)
- Bug fixes
- Duplicate authorization roles were difficult to delete (#1083)
- Major:
- Authorization forms now in grid format (#1074)
- Links to RDF, N3 and Turtle metadata formats provided by (#1088)
- Refactor internal logic to all use packages in one format - a dictionary (#1046)
- A new button for administrators to change revisions to/from a deleted state (#1076)
- Minor:
- Etags caching can now be disabled in config (#840)
- Command-line tool to check search index covers all packages (#1073)
- Command-line tool to load/dump postgres database (#1067)
- Bug fixes:
- Visitor can't create packages on new CKAN install - since v1.3.3 (#1090)
- OpenID user pages couldn't be accessed - since v1.3.2 (#1056)
- Default site_url configured to, so pages obtains CSS from since v1.3 (#1085)
- Major:
- Authorization checks added to editing Groups and PackageRelationships (#1052)
- API: Added package revision history (#1012, #1071)
- Minor:
- API can take auth credentials from cookie (#1001)
- Theming: Ability to set custom favicon (#1051)
- Importer code moved out into ckanext-importlib repo (#1042)
- API: Group can be referred to by ID (in addition to name) (#1045)
- Command line tool: rights listing can now be filtered (#1072)
- Bug fixes:
- SITE_READ role setting couldn't be overridden by sysadmins (#1044)
- Default 'reader' role too permissive (#1066)
- Resource ordering went wrong when editing and adding at same time (#1054)
- GET followed by PUTting a package stored an incorrect license value (#662)
- Sibling package relationships were shown for deleted packages (#664)
- Tags were displayed when they only apply to deleted packages (#920)
- API: 'Last modified' time was localised - now UTC (#1068)
- Major:
- User list in the Web interface (#1010)
- CKAN packaged as .deb for install on Ubuntu
- Resources can have extra fields (although not in web interface yet) (#826)
- CSW Harvesting - numerous of fixes & improvements. Ready for deployment. (#738 etc)
- Language switcher (82002)
- Minor:
- Wordpress integration refactored as a Middleware plugin (#1013)
- Unauthorized actions lead to a flash message (#366)
- Resources Groups to group Resources in Packages (#956)
- Plugin interface for authorization (#1011)
- Database migrations tested better and corrected (#805, #998)
- Government form moved out into ckanext-dgu repo (#1018)
- Command-line user authorization tools extended (#1038, #1026)
- Default user roles read from config file (#1039)
- Bug fixes:
- Mounting of filesystem (affected versions since 1.0.1) (#1040)
- Resubmitting a package via the API (affected versions since 0.6?) (#662)
- Open redirect (affected v1.3) (#1026)
- Highlights of changes:
- Package edit form improved:
- field instructions (#679)
- name autofilled from title (#778)
- Group-based access control - Authorization Groups (#647)
- Metadata harvest job management (#739, #884, #771)
- CSW harvesting now uses owslib (#885)
- Package creation authorization is configurable (#648)
- Read-only maintenance mode (#777)
- Stats page (#832) and importer (#950) moved out into CKAN extensions
- Minor:
- site_title and site_description config variables (#974)
- Package creation/edit timestamps (#806)
- Caching configuration centralised (#828)
- Command-line tools - sysadmin management (#782)
- Group now versioned (#231)
- Highlights of changes:
- Package edit form: attach package to groups (#652) & revealable help
- Form API - Package/Harvester Create/New (#545)
- Authorization extended: user groups (#647) and creation of packages (#648)
- Plug-in interface classes (#741)
- WordPress twentyten compatible theming (#797)
- Caching support (ETag) (#693)
- Harvesting GEMINI2 metadata records from OGC CSW servers (#566)
- Minor:
- New API key header (#466)
- Group metadata now revisioned (#231)
- Highlights of changes:
- Changes to the database cause notifications via AMQP for clients (#325)
- Pluggable search engines (#317), including SOLR (#353)
- API is versioned and packages & groups can be referred to by invariant ID (#313)
- Resource search in API (#336)
- Visual theming of CKAN now easy (#340, #320)
- Greater integration with external Web UIs (#335, #347, #348)
- Plug-ins can be configured to handle web requests from specified URIs and insert HTML into pages.
- Minor:
- Search engine optimisations e.g. alphabetical browsing (#350)
- CSV and JSON dumps improved (#315)
- Bugfix: API returns error when creating package (#432)
- API: Revision search 'since id' and revision model in API
- API: Basic API versioning - packages specified by ID (#313)
- Pluggable search - initial hooks
- Customisable templates (#340) and external UI hooks (#335)
- Revision primary key lost in migrating data (#311)
- Local authority license correction in migration (#319)
- I18n formatting issues
- Web i/f searches foreign characters (#319)
- Data importer timezone issue (#330)
CKAN comes of age, having been used successfully in several deployments around the world. 56 tickets covered in this release. See:
Highlights of changes:
- Package edit form: new pluggable architecture for custom forms (#281, #286)
- Package revisions: diffs now include tag, license and resource changes (#303)
- Web interface: visual overhaul (#182, #206, #214-#227, #260) including a tag cloud (#89)
- i18n: completion in Web UI - now covers package edit form (#248)
- API extended: revisions (#251, #265), feeds per package (#266)
- Developer documentation expanded (#289, #290)
- Performance improved and CKAN stress-tested (#201)
- Package relationships (Read-Write in API, Read-Only in Web UI) (#253-257)
- Statistics page (#184)
- Group edit: add multiple packages at once (#295)
- Package view: RDF and JSON formatted metadata linked to from package page (#247)
- Resources were losing their history (#292)
- Extra fields now work with spaces in the name (#278, #280) and international characters (#288)
- Updating resources in the REST API (#293)
- Licenses: now uses external License Service ('licenses' Python module)
- Changesets introduced to support distributed revisioning of CKAN data - see doc/distributed.rst for more information.
Our biggest release so far (55 tickets) with lots of new features and improvements. This release also saw a major new production deployment with the CKAN software powering which had its public launch on Jan 21st!
For a full listing of tickets see: <>. Main highlights:
- Package Resource object (multiple download urls per package): each package can have multiple 'resources' (urls) with each resource having additional metadata such as format, description and hash (#88, #89, #229)
- "Full-text" searching of packages (#187)
- Semantic web integration: RDFization of all data plus integration with an online RDF store (e.g. for at or Talis store) (#90 #163)
- Package ratings (#77 #194)
- i18n: we now have translations into German and French with deployments at and (#202)
- Package diffs available in package history (#173)
- Minor:
- Package undelete (#21, #126)
- Automated CKAN deployment via Fabric (#213)
- Listings are sorted alphabetically (#195)
- Add extras to rest api and to ckanclient (#158 #166)
- Infrastructural:
- Change to UUIDs for revisions and all domain objects
- Improved search performance and better pagination
- Significantly improved performance in API and WUI via judicious caching
- Switch to repoze.who for authentication (#64)
- Explicit User object and improved user account UI with recent edits etc (#111, #66, #67)
- Generic Attributes for Packages (#43)
- Use sqlalchemy-migrate to handle db/model upgrades (#94)
- "Groups" of packages (#105, #110, #130, #121, #123, #131)
- Package search in the REST API (#108)
- Full role-based access control for Packages and Groups (#93, #116, #114, #115, #117, #122, #120)
- New CKAN logo (#72)
- Infrastructural:
- Upgrade to Pylons 0.9.7 (#71)
- Convert to use formalchemy for all forms (#76)
- Use paginate in webhelpers (#118)
- Minor:
- Add author and maintainer attributes to package (#91)
- Change package state in the WUI (delete and undelete) (#126)
- Ensure non-active packages don't show up (#119)
- Change tags to contain any character (other than space) (#62)
- Add Is It Open links to package pages (#74)
- (DM!) Add version attribute for package
- Fix purge to use new version of vdm (0.4)
- Link to changed packages when listing revision
- Show most recently registered or updated packages on front page
- Bookmarklet to enable easy package registration on CKAN
- Usability improvements (package search and creation on front page)
- Use external list of licenses from license repository
- Convert from py.test to nosetests
- View information about package history (ticket:53)
- Basic datapkg integration (ticket:57)
- Show information about package openness using icons (ticket:56)
- One-stage package create/registration (r437)
- Reinstate package attribute validation (r437)
- Upgrade to vdm 0.4
- Convert to use SQLAlchemy and vdm v0.3 (v. major)
- Atom/RSS feed for Recent Changes
- Package search via name and title
- Tag lists show number of associated packages
- Autocompletion (+ suggestion) of tags when adding tags to a package.
- Paginated lists for packages, tags, and revisions.
- RESTful machine API for package access, update, listing and creation.
- API Keys for users who wish to modify information via the REST API.
- Update to vdm v0.2 (SQLObject) which fixes ordering of lists.
- Better immunity to SQL injection attacks.
- Purging of a Revision and associated changes from cli and wui (ticket:37)
- Make data available in machine-usable form via sql dump (ticket:38)
- Upgrade to Pylons 0.9.6.* and deploy (ticket:41)
- List and search tags (ticket:33)
- (bugfix) Manage reserved html characters in urls (ticket:40)
- New spam management utilities including (partial) blacklist support
- Preview support when editing a package (ticket:36).
- Correctly list IP address of of not logged in users (ticket:35).
- Improve read action for revision to list details of changed items (r179).
- Sort out deployment using modpython.
- System now in a suitable state for production deployment as a beta
- Domain model versioning via the vdm package (currently released separately)
- Basic Recent Changes listing log messages
- User authentication (login/logout) via open ID
- License page
- Myriad of small fixes and improvements
- Complete rewrite of ckan to use pylons web framework
- Support for full CRUD on packages and tags
- No support for users (authentication)
- No versioning of domain model objects
NB: not an official release
- Almost functional system with support for persons, packages
- Tag support only half-functional (tags are per package not global)
- Limited release and file support