Campus Name Server:
DB. Implementation
- from_file()
- fetch_key(Name)
Python Implementation
Config File
- CNS-Server
- CNS-Message
- Header
- Query
- Answer
- run()
- init(config)
- encode() -> byte String
- decode() byte String -> Message
- build_query_msg()
- build_answer_msg()
- add_header()
- get_header()
- get_queries -> List(query)
- get_answers -> List(answer)
- init()
- copy()
- encode()
- decode()
- make_query()
- resolve_query()
- if_cache()
- encode()
- decode()
- Fields
- get_answer(Name,Fields) -> Answer
Protocol Design:
- Port Number, Record Structure <- from config file.
- Header Strcuture
- Query & Answer Strcuture
Header Structure:
- Id (8 bit)
- Status (4 bit)
- 1st bit - whether Answer or Query
- 2nd bit - Format - Ok or Ill-Formed
- 3rd and 4th bit for futute expansion
- No of queries (1-16) (4 bits)
- Copy from request to response
Query Structure:
- 1 Cache bit
- which Records (7 bit) (using only 2 but can easily expand)
- Name: String (variable size)
- Terminated by \n
Answer Structure:
- Status Codes:
- Name not Found
- Ok
- 1 Cache bit
- which Records (7 bit) (using only 2 but can easily expand)
- Each record terminated by \n
- Each answer terminated by \r
- Status Codes:
Record Structure:
- Can have max of 7 fields
- from a Config file (SQL)
- and make the protocol generic over records
Server Implementation:
- Make the server client in C++/python
- Decide between DB or File
- Record Structure
Client Implementation:
- Make libraries in atleast 3 languages
- C++
- Python
- Rust ( Daksh )
- Java ( Maybe )
- Use these libraries to make examples
- Make libraries in atleast 3 languages
There is enough work to divide easily so no problem this time.