- Replace isnull by nullable attribute for database type
- Database VB: add new template database-vb-ado.xslt and sql-vb-ado.xslt to generate Visual Basic .Net wrapper
- Unify isnull and nullable for database type
- sql-csharp-ado.xslt: Read data asyn (await reader.ReadAsync())
- Rename template to use this rules:
- database or sql: use database for template to apply to all database and use sql for template to apply on SQL queries
- language: charp, vb, ...
- type: ado
- Template available:
- database-csharp-ado.xslt: generate a database helper from schema xml in C# ADO
- database-vb-ado.xslt: generate a database helper from schema xml in Visual Basic ADO
- sql-cshapr-ado.xslt: generate a SQL query wrapper from schema xml and SQL query in C# ADO
- sql-vb-ado.xslt: generate a SQL query wrapper from schema xml and SQL query in Visual Basic ADO
- Fix issue: database name is not provided to XSLT.
- Database C#: Fix return value for function
- Database C#: Fix column, table and method name to follow microft recommendation to avoid message IDEXXXX
- Database C#: Move UpdateIfModified method in database class to avoid compilation error with several database helper
- break changes Modify command line name for better understanding
- Add Linux support (Debian 12)
- Generate stored procedure and function wrapper for mysql/mariadb
- Fix error with mariadb/mysql function: UNIX_TIMESTAMP
- Fix #3 error with mariadb/mysql function: SUBSTR
- Fix error with mariadb/mysql: EXISTS
- Fix line break when generate XML request
- break changes Modify sqlwrapper.json configuration for better understanding
- Add Linux support (Debian 12)
- SQL C# ADO: Replace mysqlconnector by DbConnection to allow use this template with other database.
- Database C#: Generate stored procedure and function wrapper for mysql/mariadb
- Database C#: Replace mysqlconnector by DbConnection to allow use this template with other database.
- Database C#: Fix formating
- Order caseinsentive input SQL variables.
- Enhance display warning message
- MariaDB/MySQL: Fix UNION column checking with BOOL, INT, INTEGER type
- Visual Studio can generate wrapper in background
- Fix compilation error after clean the project, the generated source is now added to compile process. Don't need to build again the project.
- Enhance display warning message
- Update readme.md
- Database C#: Use int type for length or long instead of uint to avoid int cast with index of string function.
- Database C#: Rename SQLWrapper::UpdateIfModified to SQLWrapperHelper::UpdateIfModified method and move it in same namespace to avoid warning this Daikoz.SQLWrapper NuGet package.
- SQL C# ADO: Fix tab/space mix
- SQL C# ADO: Fix spaces