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executable file
88 lines (58 loc) · 3.09 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
88 lines (58 loc) · 3.09 KB

macOS Init


Name Description Required macOSInit
SSH Install SSH Keys Yes Supported
GPG Install GPG Keys Optional Supported
gitconfig Git config and workspace Yes Supported
Homebrew Install Homebrew and apps Yes Supported
Power10k Install Oh My Zsh and Power 10k Yes Supported
zshrc Copy zshrc config file Yes Supported
wakatime.cfg Wakatime Config Optional Supported
Wallpapers Copy Wallpapers Optional Supported
Fonts Copy Wallpapers Yes Supported
scripts Custom scripts and aliases Optional Manually
vimrc Copy vimrc config file Yes Supported
vscode Extensions, Theme and Config Yes Manually
Emails Profile Config Optional Manually


You need a folder called "macosinit" on the Desktop with your personal backup files such as SSH keys, configs, wallpapers, etc. Or you can use the script to make a backup before: /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"


/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"


Config by editing your own preferences on folders preferences and build with

node build/backup.js
node build/install.js
node build/remove.js

then, execute:


on a new Machine

Note .zshrc is not backup, check manually before formatting.

Manual installation

macOS Profile (profile.mobileconfig)

Some configurations need to be installed manually due to security or macOS limitations. However, there are one-click installation solutions available through Apple Configurator settings, which can configure: Email, WiFi, Fonts, Calendar. (Fonts are installed with macosInit scripts due to the file size.)

I am personally using it only for Email configurations.

Post-install script (examples)

  • Obsidian

Visual Studio Code Configurations

For VS Code, it is not possible to automatically install personal settings. However, I have created two VSCode profiles that suit my own needs: one environment for JavaScript and another environment for Data Science.

Please use my settings and configure them according to your needs.

You need import Profile from VS Code and the paste the following URLs:

For JavaScript:
For Data Science:

List of manual installations/configurations

  • Drivers (Printer, Scanner, Android USB Tools)
  • Organize Apps Folder
  • Organize macOS Dock
  • macOS Preferences

Others configuration

For more information or more configurations visit


Danny Davila (@daikiejp) - だいきえ