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Database Principles Mid-term Exam Review

Lecture 1

  • No books required
  • Avoid textbooks, use professional books
Grade Percentage
Midterm 24%
Midterm 25%
Lab & Quizzes 20%
Final Exam 25%
Project* 30%

* Groups of 3 or 4 for project

Information Data with a meaning

Store data is mostly text, numbers, dates, and (less onen) mulfmedia documents.

Purposes of Databases


as efficiently as possible.

Relational Theory


Edgar F. Codd 1923 - 2003

Each column in the table stores a piece of data, and one row represents a "known fact".

All the pieces of data in a row are related, hence "relational".

Operate on relations

Codd's big idea was that as relations are well known mathemafcal animals (sets), you could operate on them, and get new sets.

If tables are variables, you can change their content massively, and combine them in complex operafons to obtain new results, as you could with numbers.


Before you can do fun operafons with tables, you must design your database well, a step known as modelling.

First of all, you must know which data you need/want to manage. It depends on whom you are.

Film Database

Duplicates are forbidden in relational tables.


What differentiates one row from another.

Key cannot be changed.

For purely commercial reasons, though, it may be assumed that the combinafon title/country/year of films will be unique.

Primary Key


First Normal Form

Each column should only contain ONE piece of informafon.

Making the right choices

Most choice revolves along assessing whether an attribute is or can be considered unambiguous or whether even unusual cases are important and could break everything, in which case you may need to split data between two or even three tables.


In a database model, you call "entity" something that has a life ot its own. eg. people, films, countries.

Relationships connect entities. They have no life of their own.

If a film project is abandoned, there will be no rows for this film in CREDITS.

An "Enfty Relafonship Diagram" (E/R Diagram) is a way to represent tables in a database (you even have hundreds of tables in a diagram). Crow feet indicate "cardinality".

Lecture 2

"Cardinality" is just a complicated word to say "number".


(1, n)

There is always one country per film, but there are several films per country.

(0, n)

In some cases, some attributes haven't always a value; "main language" for instance, because you have silent films.

(m, b)

Several actors usually appear in a film, and an actor usually plays in several films.

(m,n) cardinality implies a relationship table.


All about splitting

1 Simple Attributes

2 Attributes depend on the full key

3 Non-key attributes not dependent on each other

Every non key attribute must provide a fact about the key, the whole key, and nothing but the key. -- William Kent (1936 - 2005)

Query Language

  • SQL (born SEQUEL, Don Chamberlin with Ray Boyce)
  • QUEL (Michael Stonebraker)
  • QBE (Query By Example, Moshe Zloof)

Oates, Ellison, Miner - The founders of Oracle

Two Main Components of SQL

Data Definition Language

deals with tables


Data Manipulation Language

deals with data


There is an official SQL standard that no product fully implements, and many subtly and sometimes irritatingly different dialects. We'll see the main variants of SQL.

  • PostgreSQL
  • MySQL
  • IBM DB2
  • Microsoft SQL Server

Key propriety of relations


  • CAN BE enforced for tables in SQL

But you have to create your tables well.

  • NOT enforced for query results in SQL

You have to be extra-careful if the result of a query is the starting point for another query, which happens often.

Case Sensitivity


SQL keywords (words that have a special meaning in SQL) are NOT case sensitive and can be typed in any case you want.


Same story with identifiers, the names you give to tables or, as you will soon see, columns, aren't case-sensitive.

Table (and column) names must start with a leder (PostgreSQL tolerates an underscore) and only contain letters, digits, or underscores.

The $ sign is also accepted, and some products allow #.

Note that names can sometimes be quoted between double quotes or square brackets, in which case spaces are allowed AND names become case-sensitive. Better to avoid it.

create table table_name
  (column_name datatype,

Data Types

  • Text
  • Number
  • Date
  • Binary

That's basically what you find in a database; nothing fancy.


char(length) char

char() is for fixed-size columns (data is padded with spaces if shorter). Used for codes.

varchar(max length) varchar2(max length)

varchars don't pad. They are limited in length (a few thousand bytes).

text clob

CLOB (called TEXT in MySQL) allows to store much bigger text (Gb).


int float numeric(precision, scale) number(precision, scale)



includes time, down to second with Oracle, not with other products.


down to second (other than Oracle, except DB2)


down to 0.000001 second


raw(max length)

varbinary(max length)

RAW in Oracle, and VARBINARY (SQL Server) are the binary equivalent of VARCHAR.


BLOB is the binary equivalent of CLOB (BLOB means Binary Large Object).

PostgreSQL calls the binary datatype BYTEA, don't ask me why.


It indicates the absence of a value, because we don't yet know it, or because in that case the attribute is irrelevant, or because we haven't the slightest idea about what this should be.

For more on NULL, see Lecture 3.

create table people ( peopleid int not null,
                      first_name varchar(30),
                      surname varchar(30) not null,
                      born numeric(4),
                      died numeric(4))


comment on column people.surname is 'Surname or stage name';
-- Stored in the database
-- comments in an SQL statement start with a double dash
-- Not usually stored in the database


create table people ( peopleid int not null
                                  primary key,
                      first_name varchar(30),
                check(first_name = upper(first_name)),
                      surname varchar(30) not null,
                check(surname = upper(surname)),
                      born numeric(4),
                      died numeric(4),
                      unique(first_name, surname))
-- MySQL accepts CHECK but doesn't enforce it.


PRIMARY KEY indicates two things:

  1. The value is mandatory (the additional NOT NULL doesn't hurt but is redundant).
  2. The values are unique (no duplicates allowed in the column).


With many products data is case sensitive and different capitalization means different values that wouldn't violate a uniqueness constraint. You must standardize case. eg. Oracle, PostgreSQL and DB2.

Referential Integrity

create table movies (movieid    int not null primary key,
                     title      vercahr(60) not null,
                     country    char(2) not null,
                     year_released numeric(4) not null,
                check(year_released >= 1895),
                     unique (title, country, year_released),
                     foreign key(country)
                              references countryies(country_code))

A foreign key can be composed of a combination of columns (rare).

Note that the constraint works both ways.

We won't be able to delete a country if movies reference it, because we would get "orphaned rows" and the database would become inconsistent.

Creating tables requires:

  • Proper modelling (cardinalities)
  • Defining keys (what identifies rows)
  • Determining correct data types
  • Defining constraints


INSERT enters data into a table.

insert into table_name
  (list of columns)
values (list of values)

Values must match column-names one by one.

insert into countries
  (country_code, country_name, continent)
values('us', 'United States', 'AMERICA')


For strings, SINGLE quotes is the standard and what works everywhere.

The standard SQL way to escape a quote is to double it.


There are only two ways to enter a date, as a string or as the result of a function or computation.

to_date('07/20/1969' , 'MM/DD/YYYY')


CURRENT_DATE (no time) and CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (time included) are recognized by all products

Lecture 3


select * from movies $\approx$ print table

In a program, always name columns.


select ...
from ...
where ...

SELECT is followed by the names of the columns you want to return, FROM by the name of the tables that you query, and WHERE by filtering conditions.

select *
from movies
where country = 'us'
  and year_released between 1940 and 1949

and is "stronger" than or

  • =
  • <> or !=
  • < <=
  • > >=

Whenever you are comparing data of slightly different types, you should use functions that "cast" data types. It will avoid bad surprises.

Another frequent mistake is with datetime values.

where issued >= `<Monday’s date>`
  -- <Monday 00:00:00>
  and issued <= `<Friday's date>`
  -- <Friday 00:00:00>


where country in ('us', 'gb')
  and year_released between 1940 and 1949

country not in ('us', 'gb')


  • % any number of characters, including none

  • _ one and only one character

select * from movies
  where title not like '%A%'
    and title not like '%a%'
select * from movies
  where upper(title) not like '%A%'

Not good to apply a function to a searched column.


The only way to test NULL.

where column_name is null

where column_name is not null

Concatenating Strings

'hello' || ' world' Most products

'hello' + ' world' SQL Server

concat('hello', ' world') MySQL

Avoid applying functions to columns that are used for comparison.


case upper(color)
  when 'Y' then 'Color'
  when 'N' then 'B&W'
  else '?'
end as color,

NULL cannot be tested in a WHEN branch.

Useful Functions

Numerical Functions

round(3.141592, 3) 3.142

trunc(3,141592, 3) 3.141

floor() ceiling()

String Functions

upper lower()

substr('Citizen Kane'), 5, 3 'zen'

trim(' Oops ') 'Oops'

replace('Sheep', 'ee', 'i') 'Ship'


Date Functions

cast(__ as __)


select distinct country
from movies

Aggregate Functions

aggregate function will aggregate all rows that share a feature and return a characteristic of each group of aggregated rows.


select country, year_released, count(*) number_of_movies
from movies
group by country, year_released

You can also group on several columns. Every column that isn't an aggregate function and appears after SELECT must also appear after GROUP BY.

  • count(*) count(col)
  • min(col)
  • max(col)
  • avg(col)
  • sum(col)
  • stddev()

SQLite hasn't stddev(), which computes the standard deviation

select * from (
   select country,
          min(year_released) oldest_movie
   from movies
   group by country
   ) earliest_movies_per_country
where oldest_movie < 1940


The HAVING clause was added to SQL because the WHERE keyword could not be used with aggregate functions.

--- W3Schools

select country,
        min(year_released) oldest_movie
from movies
group by country
having min(year_released) < 1940

having country = 'us' hurts performance.

where country = 'us' is way more efficient.

When you apply a function or operators to a null, with very few exceptions the result is null because the result of a transformation applied to something unknown is an unknown quantity.

Aggregate functions ignore NULLs.

Counting a mandatory column such as BORN will return the same value as COUNT(*). The third count, though, will only return the number of dead people in the table.

select count(*) people_count,
       count(born) birth_year_count,
       count(died) death_year_count
from people

select count(distinct colname)

How many people are both actors and directors?

select peopleid, count(*) as number_of_roles
from (select distinct peopleid, credited_as
    from credits
    where credited_as in ('A', 'D')
    ) all_actors_and_directors
group by peopleid
having count(*) = 2

Lecture 4


select title, country_name, year_released
from movies
  join countries
    on country_code = country
where country_code <> 'us'


Not supported by SQL Server

select distinct first_name, surname
from people
  join credits
    using (peopleid)
where credited_as = 'D'


select distinct p.first_name, p.surname
from people p
  join credits c
    on c.peopleid = p.peopleid
where credited_as = 'D'



the regular join





takes an indeterminate number of parameters and returns the first one that isn't NULL, available with all products.

Filter close to tables

With LEFT OUTER JOINs, apply all condiIons before joining.

British movie titles with director names when available?

It's not necessary to have a subquery of British films for MOVIES, but it is necessary to have a subquery that only returns directors.

select m.year_released, m.title,
       p.first_name, p.surname
from (select movieid, year_released, title
      from movies
      where country = 'gb') m
left outer join (select movieid, peopleid
                 from credits
                 where credited_as = 'D') c
             on c.movieid = m.movieid
left outer join people p
on p.peopleid = c.peopleid

Filtering and Qualifying

An outer join is always a qualifying join, unless it is associated with an IS NULL condiIon, meaning that not finding a match is significant.

If a join is removed, MORE rows?

  • Yes -> Filtering
  • No -> Qualifying

Set Operations


takes two result sets and combine them into a single result set.

  • must return the same number of columns,
  • the data types of corresponding columns must match.




intersect -> inner join

except -> outer join

Find country codes that are both in movies and countries.

select distinct country
from movies

Find countries for which we haven't any film.

select country_code
from countries
select distinct country
from movies
select c.country_code
from countries c
      left outer join
          (select distinct country
           from movies) m
      on = c.country_code
 where is null



select m.title, m.year_released,
        (select c.country_name
         from countries c
         where c.country_code =
            as country_name
from movies m
where <> 'us'

Strictly speaking, a subquery afer the SELECT is more equivalent to a LEFT OUTER JOIN.

select m.title,
from movies m
     left outer join countries c
          on c.country_code =
where <> 'us'

A subquery in the FROM cannot be correlated.

from clause uncorrelated

select list correlated

where clause uncorrelated or correlated


in (select col
    from ...
    where ...)
select country, year_released, title
from movies
where country in
       (select country_code
        from countries
        where continent = 'EUROPE')

Some products (Oracle, DB2, PostgreSQL with some twisting) even allow comparing a set of column values (the correct word is "tuple") to the result of a subquery.

(col1, col2) in
          (select col3, col4
           from t
           where ...)

IN() means an implicit DISTINCT in the subquery.

If demonstrably unique, no distinct wtih a JOIN (no need with a IN()).

Lecture 5


select * from people
where born >= 1970
  and first_name not in
  (select first_name
  from people
  where born < 1970)

No data found!!! Why?

col in ('a', 'b', 'c') = (col = 'a' or col = 'b' or col = 'c')

Throw a NULL in, we have a condition that is never true but because of OR it can just be ignored.

col = NULL never true.

A subquery that returns a NULL in a NOT IN () will always give a false condition, and the result will vanish. If you want to be safe, you should add a condition saying that you DON'T WANT NULL values if they are possible.

select * from people
where born >= 1970
  and first_name not in
  (select first_name
  from people
  where born < 1970
    and first_name is not null)

WHERE Correlated Query

Correlated queries in the WHERE clause are used with the (NOT) EXISTS construct.

NEVER try to correlate an IN()!


The films with at least one actor born in 1970 or later.

select distinct m.title
from movies m
where exists
 (select null
  from credits c
       inner join people p
          on p.peopleid = c.peopleid
  where c.credited_as = 'A'
    and p.born >= 1970
    and c.movieid = m.movieid)

Sorting Data


order by col1 desc, col2 asc

ASC is the default and nobody uses it.

Ordering depends on the data type.

What about NULL?

It depends on the DBMS.

SQL Server, MySQL and SQLite consider by default that nothing is smaller than everything.

DB2, Oracle and PostgreSQL that it's greater than anything.


Local text sorting rules.

Advanced sorts

Using CASE .. END to replace each code with a value that sorts as intended.

order by
      case credited_as
        when 'D' then 1
        when 'P' then 2
        when 'A' then 3


PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite

limit 10


fetch first 10 rows

SQL Server

select top 10 title, ...

In Oracle, if you just want to keep the first ten rows, since the rownum of each row is assigned before the sort, the orered query must be nested.


select *
from (select title, country, year_released
      from movies
      order by title) m
where rownum <= 10

Third Page

PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite

select title,
from movies
order by title limit 10 offset 20

If you are using with SQL Server or DB2 the equivalent of LIMIT, then there is no OFFSET. You must cheat.

Materialized Path

Turning the "ancestry" into an attribute.


Dynamic Ordering

select message, ....
from forum_posts ...
connect by answered_postid = prior postid
start with answered_postid is null
       and topicid = ...
order siblings by postid

IBM DB2, SQL Server, Oracle

Recursive queries

with q(postid, message) as (select postid, message
      from forum_posts
      where answered_postid is null
        and topicid = ...
union all
      select f.postid, f.message
      from forum_posts f
inner join q
on f.answered_postid = q.postid)
select *
from q

Recursive queries operate level by level from top to bottom.

Window Functions


Like scalar functions, they return a result for a single row; but like aggregate functions, this result is computed out of several rows.

func(parameters) over (magic clause)

Aggregate Function as Window Function

With DBMS products that support window funcIons, every aggregate function can be used as a window function.

min(year_released) over (partition by country)

Window functions always operate againts rows that belong to a result set.

One related characteristics is that they can only appear after the SELECT, not in the WHERE clause, and there is nothing with them similar to HAVING with aggregate functions.


You can have an empty OVER clause to indicate that you want the result computed over all rows selected.

min(year_released) over()

When there is an ORDER BY you cannot start returning rows before you have seen all of them. The same thing can be obtained with CROSS JOIN (also called a Cartesian join).

Ranking Reporting Function

With a ranking window function you MUST have an ORDER BY clause in the OVER() (you cannot have an empty OVER() clause). You can combine it with a PARTITION BY to order with groups.

over (order by ...)

over (partition by col1, col2, ...
      order by col3, col4, ...)


assigns distinct, sequential numbers to everyone.


assigns the same number to ties, but there is a gap in ranks.


assigns the same number to ties, with no gap

Generating HTML


Lecture 6

HTML Charts


SQL Subtleties

SQL isn't fully relational.

With SQL (at least with complex queries, and they occur a lot in reporting) you keep juggling between relational and non-relational features of the language.


select * from people
where born >= 1970
-- Relational
select * from people
where born >= 1970
order by born
-- Not relational, it's more like an array.
select * from (
  select * from people
  where born >= 1970
  order by born
where rownum <= 3
-- Relational again.
-- Just the fact that you have three of the oldest people born in 1970 or later.

Common Table Expressions

CTEs are simply a kind of factorization of subqueries.


with something as ...

Interesting use of LEFT OUTER JOIN

"Filling the gaps"

select x.year_released, count(m.movieid) as films
from (select 1925 as year_released
      union all select 1926
      union all select 1927
      union all select 1928
      union all select 1929
      union all select 1930
      union all select 1931
      union all select 1932
      union all select 1933
      union all select 1934) x
    left outer join movies m
    on m.year_released = x.year_released
group by x.year_released
-- There are various tricks for generating lists of values
-- This will return 0 when we have no films for that year.

Interesting use of MIN/MAX

All values are equal iff:

having min(...) = max(...)

exists compared to count

If you only want to check whether the result of the count is zero or not, use exists rather than count.

Reason: If you use exists and if the third row you inspect verifies the condition, you can stop here. If you use count, you must check all rows to find how many other rows also verify the condition.

GROUP BY: Multiple joins with the same table

GROUP BY can sometimes replace self-joins, especially when a table appears many, many times.

Aim: Display the names of cities between which you have flights with this (legitimate) query.

select,, ...
from flights f
  inner join airports d
  on d.code = f.departure
  inner join airports a
  on a.code = f.arrival
-- Original version.
select, ...
from flights f
  inner join airports a
  on a.code in (f.departure,
-- Shown as:
-- Paris
-- Beijing
select case a.code
  when f.departure then
  else null
  end, ...
from flights f
  inner join airports a
  on a.code in (f.departure,
-- Shown as:
-- Paris
--       Beijing
select max(case a.code
  when f.departure then
  else null
  end), ...
from flights f
  inner join airports a
  on a.code in (f.departure,
group by ...
-- Shown as:
-- Paris Beijing

Apply MAX(), which ignores NULL, and you squash your two rows into one.

Limiting damage

Another Interesting use of window functions is limiting damage with runaway queries.

Common way:

select count(*)
from (original query)
if count <= maxcnt:
  original query

If the first query saves on data transfers and data rendition, it still executes the painful part. And if the query is OK, in practice you run it twice.

Better way:

select ... ,
        count(*) over () count
from ...
where ...
  and rownum <= maxcnt + 1
order by ...

If we more than what we want, the ordered set may be wrong, but we won't display it so it doesn't matter. We're putting a cap over what may go wrong.

Fuzzy Searches


Basically you retain the first lemer, drop vowels, lemers that sound like vowels (w = oo), h (ofen silent), then replace similarly sounding consonents by the same digit, before eliminating one of two successive identical digits.

Problem: Strong Anglo-Saxon Bias


Split a text in (pure) words, eliminate words that are too common, then associate each word with the film identifier.


Split 2001: a space odyssey as:


Then rank all movies related to these key words by hit number.

Thinking a Query

Queries must be thought as successive layers, from the inside out.

1. The Scope

Identifying the tables we need.

2. Aggregates

We must perform them before joining when possible.

3. Main Filter

Use a main filter that defines the most precisely the subset of rows we want to retrieve.

4. Core Joins

Core joins are either the ones that contribute to filtering (not in that case) or that returns information that you should return and that shall be here.

5. Polish

Additional information, ordering, etc. Make the result nicer.


begin / start transaction

A transaction ends when you issue either COMMIT or ROLLBACK.

Data Change

Backup the database while it's active.


Bank records you may think:

Account type Number Balance
CURRENT ACNT 1234567 300.00
SAVINGS ACNT 8765432 1600.00

Real life bank records:

Account type Number Balance Date
CURRENT ACNT 1234567 300.00 1-Sep
SAVINGS ACNT 8765432 1600.00 1-Sep
Account type Amount Operation Date
1234567 100.00 DEBIT 3-Sep
8765432 100.00 CREDIT 3-Sep

In banking system, what is stored is operations, and balances are recomputed once in a while.


What appears as an update may be in fact an insert.


Most products (exceptions are Oracle and SQLite) allow inserting several rows in one statement, with a comma- separated list of row data between parentheses.

insert into table_name
  (column1, column2, ..., columnn)
values  (value1, value2, ..., valuen),
        (valuep, valueq, ..., valuez)

If you don't specify the columns, it's understood as "all the columns, in the same order as they are displayed when running select * ".

If you omit a column in insert, the value inserted is the default one if defined, otherwise it will be NULL.

create table <table_name> (...
             <column_name>    <data type>
default <default_value> not null, ...)

If I have a default value for a mandatory column, it will be OK to omit it in an insert statement.

If the column is nullable, nothing prevents you from explicitly inserting NULL, and the default value won't be used.

How to populate numerical identifiers

Querying the next value to use is a sure recipe for conflicts. Several users may get the same one:

select max(movieid) + 1
from movies

There are two approaches.


Simply a number generator.

IBM DB2, Oracle, SQL Server 2012, PostgreSQL

create sequence movie_seq

Lecture 7

Auto-Numbered Column

SQL Server

create table movies (movieid int not null identity primary key)

PostgreSQL, MySQL

serial primary key


integer primary key

PostgreSQL actually creates a sequence behind the scene, which it "attaches" to the table so that dropping the table drops the sequence.

Oracle (since version 12, it wasn't possible before) can do it PostgreSQL style, but more explicitly.

Loading Data From a File

Linux Line 1\nLine 2

Windows Line1\r\nLine2

File Format

  • Comma Separated Values (CSV)
  • Tab-separated
  • Fixed-field Files
  • XML

When everything else fails, using a scripting language to generate INSERT statements is usually the simplest solution.


Without a WHERE all rows are affected.

update table_name
set column_name = new_value,
    other_col = other_val,
where ...

UPDATE is a SET operation.

  • Updates in loops are WRONG.
  • Think massive operations.

Like a join in a select, same issues with nulls and duplicates!

Oracle and DB2 both support subqueries returning several columns (SQLite also now).

SQL Server and PostgreSQL both support the same older-join type of syntax allowing to join the updated table to the one from which we are getting data.

MySQL allows a join with the newer syntax.

It's usually forbidden to update a key - it's the identifier. You cannot change an identifier. You can only delete the row and insert another.

Update or Insert

SQL Server, Oracle


A interesting operation would be to update a film we know, and insert it if we don't. That's the purpose of MERGE.


on duplicate key update


insert or replace

Update then Insert

When none of the above is available, you should try to update, and if nothing is affected insert.

NEVER count first to see if the row is already here! It's useless work.


delete from table_name
where ...

If you omit the WHERE clause, then (as with UPDATE) the statement affects all rows and you EMPTY table_name!


without a WHERE clause. Can't be rolled back. Leave it to senior DBAs.

Constraints means guarantee

Once you have one movie, you are prevented from deleting the country otherwise the foreign key on table MOVIES would no longer work for films from that country.

begin transaction


SQL Programming


create function full_name(p_fname varchar, p_sname varchar)
returns varchar
as $$
  return case
          when p_fname is null then ''
          else p_fname || ' '
        end |
        case position('(' in p_sname,)
          when 0 then p_sname
          else trim(')' from substr(p_sname,
                                  position('(' in p_sname) + 1))
                || ' '
                || trim(substr(p_sname, 1,
                                  position('(' in p_sname) - 1))
$$ language plpgsql;
select full_name(first_name, surname) as name, born, died
from people order by surname

Procedural extensions to SQL

select col1, col2, ...
into local_var1, local_var2, ...
from ...


"row variables"
