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1. Introduction {#sec-introduction}

Dafny [@Leino:Dafny:LPAR16] is a programming language with built-in specification constructs, so that verifying a program's correctness with respect to those specifications is a natural part of writing software. The Dafny static program verifier can be used to verify the functional correctness of programs. This document is a reference manual for the programming language and a user guide for the dafny tool that performs verification and compilation to an executable form.

The Dafny programming language is designed to support the static verification of programs. It is imperative, sequential, supports generic classes, inheritance and abstraction, methods and functions, dynamic allocation, inductive and coinductive datatypes, and specification constructs. The specifications include pre- and postconditions, frame specifications (read and write sets), and termination metrics. To further support specifications, the language also offers updatable ghost variables, recursive functions, and types like sets and sequences. Specifications and ghost constructs are used only during verification; the compiler omits them from the executable code.

The dafny verifier is run as part of the compiler. As such, a programmer interacts with it in much the same way as with the static type checker—when the tool produces errors, the programmer responds by changing the program’s type declarations, specifications, and statements.

(This document typically uses "Dafny" to refer to the programming language and dafny to refer to the software tool that verifies and compiles programs in the Dafny language.)

The easiest way to try out the Dafny language is to download the supporting tools and documentation and run dafny on your machine as you follow along with the Dafny tutorial. The dafny tool can be run from the command line (on Linux, MacOS, Windows or other platforms) or from IDEs such as emacs and VSCode, which can provide syntax highlighting and code manipulation capabilities.

The verifier is powered by Boogie [@Boogie:Architecture;@Leino:Boogie2-RefMan;@LeinoRuemmer:Boogie2] and Z3 [@deMouraBjorner:Z3:overview].

From verified programs, the dafny compiler can produce code for a number of different backends: the .NET platform via intermediate C# files, Java, Javascript, Go, and C++. Each language provides a basic Foreign Function Interface (through uses of :extern) and a supporting runtime library.

This reference manual for the Dafny verification system is based on the following references: [@Leino:Dafny:LPAR16], [@MSR:dafny:main], [@LEINO:Dafny:Calc], [@LEINO:Dafny:Coinduction], Co-induction Simply.

The main part of the reference manual is in top down order except for an initial section that deals with the lowest level constructs.

The details of using (and contributing to) the dafny tool are described in the User Guide (Section 13).

1.1. Dafny 4.0

The most recent major version of the Dafny language is Dafny 4.0, released in February 2023. It has some backwards incompatibilities with Dafny 3, as decribed in the migration guide.

The user documentation has been expanded with more examples, a FAQ, and an error explanation catalog. There is even a new book, Program Proofs by Dafny designer Rustan Leino.

The IDE now has a framework for showing error explanation information and corresponding quick fixes are being added, with refactoring operations on the horizon.

More details of 4.0 functionality are described in the release notes.

1.2. Dafny Example {#sec-example}

To give a flavor of Dafny, here is the solution to a competition problem.

// VSComp 2010, problem 3, find a 0 in a linked list and return
// how many nodes were skipped until the first 0 (or end-of-list)
// was found.
// Rustan Leino, 18 August 2010.
// The difficulty in this problem lies in specifying what the
// return value 'r' denotes and in proving that the program
// terminates.  Both of these are addressed by declaring a ghost
// field 'List' in each linked-list node, abstractly representing
// the linked-list elements from the node to the end of the linked
// list.  The specification can now talk about that sequence of
// elements and can use 'r' as an index into the sequence, and
// termination can be proved from the fact that all sequences in
// Dafny are finite.
// We only want to deal with linked lists whose 'List' field is
// properly filled in (which can only happen in an acyclic list,
// for example).  To that end, the standard idiom in Dafny is to
// declare a predicate 'Valid()' that is true of an object when
// the data structure representing that object's abstract value
// is properly formed.  The definition of 'Valid()' is what one
// intuitively would think of as the ''object invariant'', and
// it is mentioned explicitly in method pre- and postconditions.
// As part of this standard idiom, one also declares a ghost
// variable 'Repr' that is maintained as the set of objects that
// make up the representation of the aggregate object--in this
// case, the Node itself and all its successors.
module {:options "--function-syntax:4"} M {
class Node {
  ghost var List: seq<int>
  ghost var Repr: set<Node>
  var head: int
  var next: Node? // Node? means a Node value or null

  ghost predicate Valid()
    reads this, Repr
    this in Repr &&
    1 <= |List| && List[0] == head &&
    (next == null ==> |List| == 1) &&
    (next != null ==>
      next in Repr && next.Repr <= Repr && this !in next.Repr &&
      next.Valid() && next.List == List[1..])

  static method Cons(x: int, tail: Node?) returns (n: Node)
    requires tail == null || tail.Valid()
    ensures n.Valid()
    ensures if tail == null then n.List == [x]
                            else n.List == [x] + tail.List
    n := new Node;
    n.head, := x, tail;
    if (tail == null) {
      n.List := [x];
      n.Repr := {n};
    } else {
      n.List := [x] + tail.List;
      n.Repr := {n} + tail.Repr;

method Search(ll: Node?) returns (r: int)
  requires ll == null || ll.Valid()
  ensures ll == null ==> r == 0
  ensures ll != null ==>
            0 <= r && r <= |ll.List| &&
            (r < |ll.List| ==>
              ll.List[r] == 0 && 0 !in ll.List[..r]) &&
            (r == |ll.List| ==> 0 !in ll.List)
  if (ll == null) {
    r := 0;
  } else {
    var jj,i := ll,0;
    while (jj != null && jj.head != 0)
      invariant jj != null ==>
            jj.Valid() &&
            i + |jj.List| == |ll.List| &&
            ll.List[i..] == jj.List
      invariant jj == null ==> i == |ll.List|
      invariant 0 !in ll.List[..i]
      decreases |ll.List| - i
      jj :=;
      i := i + 1;
    r := i;

method Main()
  var list: Node? := null;
  list := list.Cons(0, list);
  list := list.Cons(5, list);
  list := list.Cons(0, list);
  list := list.Cons(8, list);
  var r := Search(list);
  print "Search returns ", r, "\n";
  assert r == 1;