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File metadata and controls

533 lines (415 loc) · 29 KB

System interface module

Interface to the SACK System Library. This provides some views into internal information, and methods specific to the SACK system abstraction.

Method Name paramters Description
dumpRegisteredNames () Diagnostic. Dump internal registered names to stdout.
createMemory (name, size) create a named memory region which can be opend by other thread/processes
openMemory ( name) Open an existing memory region. Will return null if the region does not already exist.
allowSpawn () Return the status of whether spawning processes is allowed or not.
disallowSpawn () Disable spawning processes.
enableThreadFileSystem () Enable thread-local filesystem on this thread. No filesystems will bemounted after this call
reboot (mode) (Windows Only) Reboot or shutdown the current system. Mode can be 'reboot' or 'shutdown' or empty which defaults to reboot.
dumpMemory (verbose,filename) Dump C allocated memory. verbose and filename are both optional. verbose enables dumping each block. filename dumps the log to the specified file.
logMemory (true/false) Enable logging allocation and deallocation/releases. (when compiled with _DEBUG which is CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Debug or RelWithDebInfo)
debugMemory (true/false) Enable additional debug tracking of memory blocks - on release stamps with a signature, and compares the sigutures later for out of bounds or update after free happes. Similarly blocks that are allocates are definitely not 0, and are stamped with a signagure
enableExitSignal (cb) (Windows Only) Enable a callback which can be called when process exit event is triggered. This disables the automatic exit, so this function should invoke process.exit() (The event cannot be triggered again).
hideCursor (timeout) (Windows Only) Enables hiding the mouse cursor if it is stationary for an amount of time. Timeout parameter is in milliseconds

Some examples of using some of the system interfaces.

import {sack} from "sack.vfs"
sack.system.reboot( "reboot" );

File Monitor - provides event callbacks when directories in the file system change.\

This provides an interface to receive notifications when files are created, modified or deleted.

var sack = require( "sack.vfs" );
var monitor = sack.FileMonitor( <pathname>, idleDelay );
monitor.addFilter( "*.jpg", /* imageChanged */ (info)=>{
	// info.path, info.size,,, info.created, info.deleted
	// if !created and !deleted, is just a change.
	// the first time a file is seen it will be sent as 'created' even if it existed
	// previously (?).
} );

TLS Interface

Exposes OpenSSL library functions to create key pairs, cerficates, and certificate chains.


     genkey( length [,password]) - Generates a keypair, returns PEM string.  Requires length parameter, allows optional password to be specified.
     pubkey( {options} ) - gets public key of a keypair or certificate
     gencert( { options } ) - Generates a self signed certificate.
     genreq( {options} ) - Generates a certification request
     signcert( {options} ) - uses a certificate to sign a certificate request
     validate( {options} ) - validate a certificate against a certificate chain.
     expiration( certificate ) - gets the expiration of a certificate as a Date().     
     certToString( certificate ) - dump information about cert into a string (may not be 100% of information)
     hosts( certificate ) - gets the list of server names of a certificate as an array of strings.
pubkey options
cert a certificate to get a key from, will not be used if 'key' option is specified. either this or key MUST be specified, but not both.
key a keypair to get the public key from. Either this or cert MUST be specified, but not both.
password password for keypair if required.
gencert options
country specified country of origin; must be a 2 character country specifier.
state specifies state or province of origin;
locality specifies city in state specified.
org specified organization for certificate
orgUnit specifies organizational unit.
name specifies common name, this is typically a domain name with possible wildcard at start.
key private/public key to use
password if required for key
serial serial number for this certificate (is a number type).
expire number of days before this certificate expires (is a number type).
pubkey override storing the public key of this certificate. (used to test certificate chain validity check; do not use)
issuer override the issuer/subject identifier of this certificate. (used to test certificate chain validity check; do not use)
genreq options
country specified country of origin; must be a 2 character country specifier.
state specifies state or province of origin;
locality specifies city in state specified.
org specified organization for certificate
orgUnit specifies organizational unit.
name specifies common name, this is typically a domain name with possible wildcard at start.
subject add fields to Subject Alternative Name... This is an object containing arrays
DNS a single domain name or an array of domain name strings to add
IP a single IP address string or an array of IO addresses to add; does support IPv6 addresses.
key private/public key to use
password if required for key
// some examples of subject options
TLS.genreq( { subject : { IP: "" } } );
TLS.genreq( { subject : { IP: ["",""] } } );
TLS.genreq( { subject : { DNS: "" } } );
TLS.genreq( { subject : { DNS: ["", ""], IP:[ "" ] } } );
signcert options
signer certificate to sign with
request certificate request to sign
expire number of days this certificate is valid for
key private key of the signer
password password of the signer's key.
serial serial number for this certificate (is a number type).
issuer used to override issuer identifier. (used to test certificate chain validity check; do not use)
subject used to override subject identifier. (used to test certificate chain validity check; do not use)
pubkey used to override the public key stored in the output certificate. (used to test certificate chain validity check; do not use)
validate options
cert certificate to validate
chain concatenated certificate chain to use for validation. Order does not matter. Not required if cert is self signed.

See Also tlsTest.js for example usage.

SRG Module

Salty Random Generator

  var sack = require( 'sack.vfs' );
  var SRG = sack.SaltyRG( salt=&gt;salt.push( new Date() ) )// callback is passed an array to add salt to.
  var number = SRG.getBits(); // get a signed 32 bit number -  -2,147,483,648  to 2,147,483,647
  • SaltyRG( callback ), SaltyRG( initial_seed ), SaltyRG()
    callback is called to request more salt. An array is passed which can have values pushed into it.
    initial_seed is a seed to use initially, then no callback is called.
    no parameters results with a generator with no initial seed, and no callback
    Results with a random_generator object.
SaltyRNG Instance Methods Args Description
seed ( toString ) : set the next seed to be used; any value passed is converted to a string.
reset () : reset the generator to base state.
getBits ( [bitCount [, signed]] ) : if no parameters are passed, a 32 bit signed integer is returned. If bitCount is passed, it must be less than 32 bits. If signed is not passed or is false, the resulting value is the specified number of bits as an unsigned integer, otherwise the top bit is sign extended, and a signed integer results.
getBuffer ( bits ) : returns an ArrayBuffer that is the specified number of bits long, rounded up to the next complete byte count.
setVersion () Sets Sign/Verify generator to SHA3. (needs additional options someday)
sign ( [pad1 [, pad2],] string get a signing identifier for string
setSigningThreads ( n ) Set the number of threads to sign with to n
verify ( buffer, key ) returns true/false if key is a signing key of buffer
SaltRNG Methods Args Description
sign ( [pad1 [, pad2],] string get a signing identifier for string
setSigningThreads ( n ) Set the number of threads to sign with to n
verify ( buffer, key ) returns true/false if key is a signing key of buffer
id ( [source [, version]] ) Version indicates which entropy generator to use internally

id function

The id() function takes an optional parameter that is an integer.

id version use generator
0 sha1
1 sha2
2 sha2_256
3 sha3
4 K12
default K12
  // some examples
  import {sack} from "sack.vfs";
  var SRG = sack.SaltyRG( salt=&gt;salt.push( new Date() ) )// callback is passed an array to add salt to.
  var signed_byte = SRG.getBits( 8, true );
  var unsigned_byte = SRG.getBits( 8 );
  var someValue = SRG.getBits( 13, true );  // get 13 bits of randomness, sign extended.
  var buffer = SRG.getBuffer( 1234 ); // get 155 bytes of random data (last byte only has 2 bits )

  // these return base64 encoded bytes.
 var randomId     =;  // default generator
 var randomId_v4  =;  // use version 4 hashing
 var regenId      ="Hash This ID");  // default hash generator (NEEDS TESTING!)
 var regenId_v4   ="Hash This ID", 4); // regenerate, using hash 4

WebSocket Module

var sack = require( "sack.vfs" );
var client = new sack.WebSocket.Client( &lt;url&gt; [, &lt;protocol(s)&gt;] [,option object] );
client.on( &lt;event&gt;, &lt;callback&gt; );
client.onopen( callback );
client.onmessage( callback );
client.onerror( callback );
client.onclose( callback );

var server = new sack.WebSocket.Server( { &lt;options&gt; } );
server.on( &lt;event&gt;, &lt;callback&gt; );
server.onconnect( callback );
server.onaccept( callback );

RegAccess - Windows registry system access....

Parses a simple path and assumes last name of path is key to read/write a value to. HKCU HKLM and capital longhand forms of above are supported.

var vfs = require( "./vfs_module.js" )

function update( newVal ) {
        var oldval = vfs.registry.get( "HKCU/Software/Freedom Collective/ChangeMe" );
        console.log( "Old Value is:", oldval );
        if( oldval != newVal )
                 vfs.registry.set( "HKCU/Software/Freedom Collective/ChangeMe", newVal );
update( );

The above script reads the value, reports what it was, if the old value is not the new value, then write the new value. example was testing a constant like 526. if typeof value is a number, value is set as a REG_DWORD. Otherwise it's set as REG_SZ.

registry = { set( regPath, value ); get( regPath ); }

var reg = vfs.registry.set( "HKCU/something", value );
var val = vfs.registry.get( "HKCU/something" );

COM Ports

(result from vfs.ComPort() )

Get a list of the com ports available (on windows)...

import sack from "sack.vfs"
const ports = sack.ComPort.ports;

This is the result of opening a com port object. Com ports greater than 9 must be specified with \\.\com#. Throws an error if the com port cannot be opened.

// open a com port with a reader
const ComObject = sack.ComPort( "com1" );

// this is bad syntax, but these are the methods available on the resulting object.
ComObject = { 
     onRead( callback ) - sets a callback to be called with a uint8Array parameter when data arrives on the port.
     write( uint8Array ) - write buffer specfied to com port; only accepts uint8array.
     rts = true/false - set rts flag.
     close() - close the com port.

COM port settings are kept in the default option database under 
  /comports.ini/COM PORTS/&lt;comName&gt; = 57600,N,8,1,carrier,RTS,rTSflow
  /comports.ini/&lt;comName&gt;/port timeout = 100 

     the com port settings string is semi-standard DOS string... the first paramaeters, 
         baud, N/E/O/M/S (parity), 8/7 (data bits), 1/2 (stop bits); 
         then the next settings are toggles based on case...
            [C/c]arrier - enable/disable respect carrier detect to send (lower case is disable)
            [R/r]TS - enable/disable respect request to send (lower case is disable)
            [R/r]TSflow - enable/disable using RTS for flow control. (lower case is disable)

    port timeout is how long to wait for idle between sending com data.  
        (no data received for 100ms, post packet; this gives a slight delay between when the 
         data is received and actually dispatched)

Config and Text Parsing Methods

Configuration file processing; for processing formatted statements in text configurations. Can also be used to process streaming text input and responding with triggers based on configuration. Things like a log analyzer can be created using this interface.

var sack = require( "sack.vfs" );
var processor = sack.Config();
processor.add( "some line with %i words", (n) => console.log( "found line param:", n ); );

//processor.go( "filename.txt" ); // reads configuration from a file...
processor.write( "Some sort of file streaming data\n" );  // the newline will be important, 
                                                          //otherwise it will be a single long line to match.

processor.write( "some line with 33 words\n" );  

// output:
// found line param: 33

// sample to read a configuration file.
var disk = sack.Volume();
processor.write( "some file" ).toString() );

Configuration processor can also be used to build log scanners. Since most of a line in a log is the same sort of information token matching and fitlering can trigger event handlers as each line is discovered. Recusive contexts can be used within config that will either disable the prior set of rules and begin a new set; for example, if a block header is discoverd that the following lines would also relate to this, then it probably won't be any of the higher level rules for a while, so a new sub-conconfiguration processor can be opened and rules added. Whlie in this mode additional rules may also extend handlers; for example, processing a GUI configuration that describes a layout, a header 'Control....' might be discovered, and as part of the control there are lots of common properties ... (CSS styles for instance), but then the type of the control might trigger adding an additional set of rules for things specific to that type of control on the page (button click events), rules for a macro button, properties for a text label like scroll, highlight, text line justification...

Methods arguments description
add (format, callback) Add a matching expression to process match against the stream. THe callback is passed the variables parts matched in the format statemnt in sequence of match.
go (filename) Reads a file and processes each line in the file
write ( content) Write some stream data to be processed; instead of coming from a file, data comes from this
on (event,callback) defines some event handlers on the stream.
"unhandled" event is triggered on a line that does not match any format that has been added
"done" file has finished processing (redundant, go() does not return until file is finished anyway
begin ( section name ) begins a new configuration layer. Rules can be added to this, and are applied until section is end()ed. This allows defining things like custom configuration handler to handle sections of a configuration; an example might be the configuration defines controls in a layout, and some of the contorls are buttons that have different properties than say text fields.
end () ends the current sub-section processing. Pops the context off the current processing stack
addFilter ( data ) Allows adding a transformation function on the data. This can create custom ways to separate lines of text for instance (maybe it doesn't end with regular carriage returns). Can also perform translation on the data and result with different data than it was passed. (Not yet implemented)
clearFilters () removes filters from the current handler (Not yet implemented)

These methods are on the (module).Config object itself, not on an instance of the object. |Static methods| arguments | Description | | expand | (string) | Adds escape characters to the string to handle default filters. (escape backslashes and hash marks for instane) | strip | (string) | Remove extra characters from a string (unescape). Usually don't have to do this, expand written will be stripped when read. | | color | (color) | format a parameter suitable for reading as a color formatted argument | | encode | (TYpedArray) | format a block of binary data so it can be read in text; it's a variation of base64 encoding | | decode | (stirng ) | result with a block of data that was previousy encoded |

Supported Formats

This is a table of the format expressions allowed. '%' character is the prefix of all of these. if a literal percent is to be matched it should be prefixed with a backslash '\%'

Character meaning
m multi-word. Matches a sequency of words. Ends at either the next word after %m specified or the end of line
w single-word. Matches a single word.
i integer. Matches a number. Argument is passed as an integer
f floating point number. Matches a decimal/integer type number. Argument is passed as a number.
b boolean. Matches (yes/no, true/false, on/off, 1/0, open/close) and is passed as a boolean argument
B blob/binary. String encountered matched binary encoded string; callback will be passed the binary buffer
c color. String matched a formatted color. Color is passed to the callback (may require GUI support to be useful)
q quotient. Argument is passed as a fraction type (needs more support; fraction library interface not implemented)
u url. Matches a URL (host.address:port/with/path)
d directory name. allows gathering words with slashes as a path; must end with a slash (/ or )
n name of file. Allows gathering words with slashes as a filename (same as directory?)
p path (filepath). Interpted path in sequence of words
a a network address...; collect a hostname/IP and optional port as an expression


Task interface for launching and monitoring tasks. Windows tasks are launched first by name, as processes, then as a shell execute (runs things like shortcut .lnk files), and then as a cmd.exe /c ... command to run batch files. Linux processes are attempted first to exec by the name directly, and then try for each path set in PATH.

Pipes are connected to a task's stdin/stdout/stderr inputs if a output callback is specified. The standard IO pipes are left untouched otherwise. If task options define overridden input() and errorInput() handlers, then inheritance on the the default standard IO handles is disabled. If there are no input handlers, and it's a new console, and noClose the standard IO handle inheritance is also disabled. There is also an option to just prevent standard IO handle inheritance. (Many handles created by SACK have inheritance disabled by default).

| Task Static Methods | description | | loadLibrary( libname ) | Load external shared library. ex: sack.Task.loadLibrary( "xxx" ); | | getProcessList( partial name) | gets a list of processes that the program name matches the optional partial name parameter; if no parameter or null is specified, then all processes are returned| | getDisplays() | (Windows) returns an array of information about displays. | | getStyles( processId ) | (Windows) returns an object with window, windowEx and class members that are the style values| | setStyles( processId, window, windowEx, class ) | (Windows) Sets the style of a window associated with the process ID, -1 does not set any bits | | getTitle( processId ) | (Windows) returns the title of the window associated with a process. | getPosition( processId ) | (Windows) returns an object with the current window x,y, width, height | | setPosition( processId, { x,y,width,height} ) | (Windows) Set the position of a window associated with the process ID. | | modulePath | where sack-[vfs/gui].node loaded from | | dataPath | where shared data is for the module | | commonDataPath| global common data? like ProgramData on home, ~/.freedom Collective on linus | | programDataPath| Program specific datapath? | | programPath | The path of the program that is running | | programName | the name (minus.exe) of the program that is running |

import {sack} from "sack.vfs"

console.log( "Program:", sack.Task.programName );
console.log( "Program Path:", sack.Task.programPath );
console.log( "Program Data:", sack.Task.programDataPath );
console.log( "Common(global) Data:", sack.Task.commonDataPath );
console.log( "Module Path:", sack.Task.modulePath );
console.log( "Data Path:", sack.Task.dataPath );

/***** OUTPUT *****
Program: node
Program Path: C:\Users\d3x0r\AppData\Local\nvs\default
Program Data: C:\ProgramData\Freedom Collective\node
Common(global) Data: C:\ProgramData\Freedom Collective
Module Path: M:\javascript\vfs\native\build\RelWithDebInfo
Data Path: C:\Users\d3x0r\AppData\Local\nvs

Having created a task instance with sack.Task( {...} ); the following methods are available to interact with the process.

Task methods Description
end() attempt to cause a task to exit. It will first dispatch ctrl-c, ctrl-break, post a WM_QUIT message, and if the program does not end soon enough, terminates the process. (closing pipes to task could also be implemented?)
terminate() Terminates the task. Terminates the process.
write(buf) Writes data to the task's stdin.
isRunning() Tests if the process is till running.
send(buf) Writes data to the task's stdin.
exitCode After/during the end callback, this may be queried to get the return code of the task
moveWindow(object) (Windows only) Move the task's primary window to the specifed location. See Move options below.
refreshWindow() (Windows only) Refresh the internal handle for the window. (Set for moveWindow, and used later for moveWindow() or end())
windowTitle() (Windows only) Gets the current title of the window associated with the task.
getPosition() (Windows only) Gets the current position of the window associated with a task.
getStyles() (Windows only) Gets the current style of a window associated with a task.
setStyles(window,windowEx,class) (Windows only) Sets the specified style bits of window associated with a task.

Task Option object may contain these options to control how the task is spawned.

Task options Type Description
work string specify the directory the task will be started in
bin string program to run
args string or [ string [, string]...] an argument or array of arguments to pass to the program
firstArgIsArg bool If false, first argument in args is program name and not an argument (POSIX exec); default is true, and the first argument in args is the first argument
env object key:value pairs to write to the environment before launching the process
binary bool if true, buffer to input callback will be an ArrayBuffer else it will be a string
input callback(buffer) A callback function which will receive output from the task. This only receives, and, when specified, redirects the stdoutput stream.
errorInput callback(buffer) A callback, which if specified, redirects stderr to this callback function; otherwise stderr is not captured.
end callback() This callback will be triggered when the task exits.
impersonate bool (Needs work;updated compatibility... this is for a service to launch a task as a user which is now impossible(?))
hidden bool set windows UI flags such that the next process is created with a hidden window. Default: false
firstArgIsArg bool Specified if the first argument in the array or string is the first argument or is the program name. If it the first element is the program name, set to false. If it is the first argument set true. Default: true
newGroup bool (Windows)create task as a new task group instead of a child of this group. Default: false
newConsole bool (Windows)create a new console for the new task; instead of ineriting the existing console, default false
suspend bool create task suspended. Default: false
useBreak bool set task to use ctrl-break instead of ctrl-c; if it's a window generates WM_CLOSE regardless. default: false
useSignal bool set task to use exit signal instead of ctrl-c or ctrl-break. default: false
noKill bool allow task to continue running after the parent exits. default: false (kills children at exit)
noWait bool Allow waiting for tasks that don't have an end() or input() callback specified. default: true (don't wait if no callbacks)
detach bool (Windows) option to create a detached console process (like newConsole, but no Console is created). default: false
moveTo object (Windows)After the task is started, move its window to the specified location. (See Move options below)
noInheritStdio bool prevents task from inheriting stdio pipes
style object (Windows)After the task is started, set window style bits, then, if specified, move the window
usePty bool enable using pty on linux; no additional task interface(yet)

Task Move Options

Move options are applied after styles are set.

Move options Type Description
timeout number specifies milliseconds to wait for window to exist. If no task window is found, status is false. Default is 500.
x number specifies the x/left position of the window. Default is 0.
y number specifies the y/top position of the window. Default is 0.
width number specifies the width position of the window. Default is 1920.
height number specifies the height position of the window. Default is 1080.
display number specifies the display number to move the display to. 0 is the primary display, 1-N are displays by ID number. If display option is specified, then x,y,width, and height options are ignored. Default is -1.
cb function callback function which receives true/false parameter indicating the result of the move operation. false results if the display number is invalid, or if the timeout occurs before finding the window.

Task Style Object Options

Styles defined for the window of a task are applied first, and then any move options specified (otherwise the border of the window may disappear, and the client area of the window would result smaller than the position information specified).

Move options Type Description
timeout number specifies milliseconds to wait for window to exist. If no task window is found, status is false. Default is 500.
window number Specifies bits to set in window style. If -1 or undefined, option is ignored.
windowEx number Specifies bits to set in window Ex style. If -1 or undefined, option is ignored.
class number Specifies bits to set in window's class style. If -1 or undefined, option is ignored.
cb function callback function which receives 0-7 parameter indicating the result of the move operation. 0 results if the display number is invalid, or if the timeout occurs before finding the window.

Style Values

There is a 'style' object on Task ( which contains window, windowEx and class objects which have the names of the bits defined by windows for window and class styles. These values may be used to create the integer values associated with a task; for example|

var sack = require( "sack.vfs");

// don't redirect/capture input/output
var task1 = sack.Task( {bin:"echo", args:"hello, World"});

// send tasks's output to console.log...
var task2 = sack.Task( {bin:"echo", args:"hello, World", input:console.log });

sack.Task( { bin: "notepad.exe", args:"test.txt" } );
// default tasks exit when node does... or when garbage collected... 
// unless end and or input event handlers are attached...
setTimeout( ()=>{ }, 5000 );