An open source full-stack web application framework for the Ruby programming language.
- Complete thoughtbot's Intro to Ruby on Rails Tutorial
- Complete Michael Hartl's Rails Tutorial
- Complete Rails for Zombies
- Push your code to GitHub
- Deploy to Heroku
- Create a route, controller, and action.
- Query the database.
- Create a form that saves records.
- Associate ActiveRecord objects.
- Validate ActiveRecord objects.
- Whitelist ActiveRecord attributes.
- Interpolate data in a view.
- Deploy your app to production.
- Complete thoughtbot's Intermediate Ruby on Rails Tutorial
- Read Agile Web Development with Rails
- Watch Humans Present: Refactoring
- Complete the RailsApps tutorials
- Watch Railscasts
- Move code from views and controllers into models.
- Create models, views, and controllers without built-in generators.
- Use partials, built-in Rails helpers, and custom helpers to clean up and reduce duplication in your view code.
- Use the asset pipeline effectively.
- Implement user authentication.
- Use polymorphism to model your domain.
- Implement counter caches and advanced counters.
- Implement file uploads.
- Add pagination to your application.
- Complete thoughtbot's Test-Driven Rails Tutorial
- Watch Improving Rails Performance
- Complete Rails Testing for Zombies
- Read open source code: example
- Review the thoughtbot style guide
- Subscribe to the Rails Core mailing list
- Watch Destroy All Software screencasts
- Write and run tests for your models.
- Write and run acceptance tests for your application.
- Contribute to an open source project.
- Stick to a style guide.
- Refer to the Rails API documentation
- Refer to the official Rails guides