HTML is the markup language for displaying web pages and other information that can be displayed in a web browser. CSS is a language used for describing the look and formatting of HTML. Together they form the foundation of the web.
- Read HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites
- Read A Beginner’s Guide to HTML & CSS
- Read Bulletproof Web Design: Improving flexibility and protecting against worst-case scenarios with HTML5 and CSS3 for an introduction to HTML and CSS
- Complete Code Academy Web Fundamentals
- View source on a web page and understand it.
- Use
semantically. - Name classes and ids semantically.
- Use Web Inspector quickly (hint: keyboard shortcuts).
- Understand the box model.
- Understand floating and positioning.
- Style text.
- Quickly build a simple layout.
- Read Dive into HTML5
- Read HTML5 for Web Designers
- Use the new HTML5 elements
semantically. - Understand the difference between
. - Know all of the new form input types and if used how to safely degrade them to older browsers.
- Apply a box shadow, rounded corners, and text shadow.
- Use RGBa, HSL, HSLa, and opacity.
- Know transitions and animations and where to apply them.
- Know what vendor prefixes are, why they are used.
- Understand how box-sizing changes the box model.
- Know the new pseudo-selectors and know their uses.
- Follow the Sass trail map
- Read Responsive Web Design the article
- Read Responsive Web Design the book
- Visit This is Responsive for current news and links about responsive design
- Read Mobile First
- Read The Infinite Grid
- Read Put Your Content In My Pocket
- Build a fluid grid.
- Understand where breakpoints should be inserted into design.
- Use
queries to provide different layouts to devices with differing widths. - Can organize your stylesheets so that the are mobile minded.
- Understand how best to serve images to mobile and retina screens.
- Refer to the HTML5 Spec
- Refer to