diff --git a/_projects/bridge.md b/_projects/bridge.md
index b5c87c2..ada663c 100644
--- a/_projects/bridge.md
+++ b/_projects/bridge.md
@@ -30,19 +30,30 @@ In general, interfacial tension decreases as the temperature increases. As a res
We used our method to investigate the thermocapillary driven break-up of a liquid bridge. A group of scientists have studied this problem experimentally in the International Space Station, but numerical simulation enables us to thoroughly investigate the role played by thermocapillary force.
-Based on dimensional analysis, three dimensionless numbers are required to define this problem: Oh, Ca and Pr. We explored the parameter spaces of Oh and Ca. Three distinct break-up regime were identified.
+Based on dimensional analysis, three dimensionless numbers are required to define this problem: Oh, Ca and Pr. We explored the parameter spaces of Oh and Ca. Below are two examples from the simulation.