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Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Usage
  3. Binaries
  4. Building from source
  5. License

About The Project

This Command Line Interface (CLI) tool enables you to seamlessly migrate your project from GitHub and GitLab to Radicle.

To utilize this tool, you have a few options:

  • You can download one of the pre-built binaries from the project's GitHub releases.
  • Alternatively, you can use the provided docker image: docker pull
  • If you prefer, you can also build a binary directly from the source code.

It is recommended to have the latest version of Radicle CLI installed (rad) and the HTTP daemon up and running (rad web). Installation instructions for rad are available here.

This tool is available under Apache License, Version 2.0

Important Note: Please note that since Radicle is still under active development, our functionality may require adjustments in the future to ensure compatibility.


The tool offers a range of essential features to facilitate migration, including:

GitHub Migration

For migrating issues from GitHub projects, some important features include:

  • It enables the migration of all GitHub issues from the source repository in a single run.
  • It migrates essential information such as the Title, Description, Status, Labels, Comments, Events, and Milestone details.
  • It supports the migration of inline assets/files discovered within GitHub issues and comments as Radicle embeds. A GitHub user_session cookie must be provided when migrating assets/files from a private GitHub repository by using either the --github-session CLI parameter or the GH_SESSION environment variable. Login to GitHub via your browser and copy the value of the user_session cookie.
  • Any additional information that doesn't fit within the Issue model is preserved in a dedicated GitHub Metadata section, along with references to the original repository
  • It supports ongoing migration, allowing you to rerun the tool (e.g., on a schedule) and update existing issues while creating only the newest ones that haven't been previously migrated.
  • It offers a range of filtering options to streamline the issue migration process, including issues created after a specified time, issues with specific labels, issues in a particular state, issues belonging to a given milestone number, issues created by a specific user, and issues assigned to a particular user.
  • It is available in different binary forms, providing flexibility in how it can be utilized.

Additionally, the tool provides a convenient way to migrate your GitHub Wiki to your Radicle project under the .wiki directory, offering a quick solution until Radicle potentially introduces support for Wikis. Notable features include:

  • Preservation of the Wiki's repository commit history through the use of the git subtree command.
  • Facilitation of ongoing migration for any updates in the Wiki's repository via the git subtree pull command.

GitLab Migration

For migrating issues from GitLab projects, some important features include:

  • It enables the migration of all GitLab issues from the source repository in a single run.
  • It migrates essential information such as the Title, Description, Status, Labels, Comments, Events, and Milestone details.
  • It supports the migration of inline assets/files discovered within GitLab issues and comments as Radicle embeds. A GitLab _gitlab_session cookie must be provided when migrating assets/files from a private GitLab repository by using either the --gitlab-session CLI parameter or the GL_SESSION environment variable. Login to GitLab via your browser and copy the value of the _gitlab_session cookie.
  • Any additional information that doesn't fit within the Issue model is preserved in a dedicated GitLab Metadata section, along with references to the original repository
  • It supports ongoing migration, allowing you to rerun the tool (e.g., on a schedule) and update existing issues while creating only the newest ones that haven't been previously migrated.
  • It offers a range of filtering options to streamline the issue migration process, including issues created after a specified time, issues with specific labels, issues in a particular state, issues belonging to a given milestone number, issues created by a specific user, and issues assigned to a particular user.


Command-line interface

GitHub Migration

To migrate issues from a GitHub repository, execute the issues subcommand as follows:

Usage: radicle-migration-tool github issues [-gv=<gVersion>] [-gu=<gUrl>] -gr=<gRepo> -go=<gOwner> -gt [-gs=<gSession>] [-rv=<rVersion>] [-ru=<rUrl>] -rp=<rProject> -rh [-fs=<fSince>] [-fl=<fLabels>] [-ft=<fState>] [-fm=<fMilestone>] [-fa=<fAssignee>] [-fc=<fCreator>] [-dr]

Migrate issues from a GitHub repository to a Radicle project.       
      -gv, --github-api-version=<gVersion>      The version of the GitHub REST API (default: 2022-11-28).
      -gu, --github-api-url=<gUrl>              The base url of the GitHub REST API (default:
      -gr, --github-repo=<gRepo>                The source GitHub repo.
      -go, --github-repo-owner=<gOwner>         The owner of the source GitHub repo.
      -gt, --github-token                       Your GitHub personal access token (with repo scope or read-only access granted).
      -gd, --github-domain=<gDomain>            The GitHub domain. It is utilized for migrating assets and files (default:
      -gs, --github-session                     The value of the user_session cookie. It is utilized for migrating assets and files from a private GitHub repository.
      -rv, --radicle-api-version=<rVersion>     The version of the Radicle HTTP API (default: v1).
      -ru, --radicle-api-url=<rUrl>             The base url of Radicle HTTP API (default: http://localhost:8080/api).
      -rp, --radicle-project=<rProject>         The target Radicle project.
      -rh, --radicle-passphrase=<rPassphrase>   Your radicle passphrase.
      -fs, --filter-since=<fSince>              Migrate issues created after the given time (default: 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z, example: 2023-01-01T10:15:30+01:00).
      -fl, --filter-labels=<fLabels>            Migrate issues with the given labels given in a csv format (example: bug,ui,@high).
      -ft, --filter-state=<fState>              Migrate issues in this state (default: all, can be one of: open, closed, all).
      -fm, --filter-milestone=<fMilestone>      Migrate issues belonging to the given milestone number (example: 3).
      -fa, --filter-assignee=<fAssignee>        Migrate issues assigned to the given user name.
      -fc, --filter-creator=<fCreator>          Migrate issues created by the given user name.
      -dr, --dry-run                            Run the whole migration process without actually creating the issues in the target Radicle project.

To migrate a wiki, execute the wiki subcommand as follows:

Usage: radicle-migration-tool github wiki -gr=<gRepo> -go=<gOwner> -gt -rpp=<rProjectPath>

Migrate a GitHub Wiki to a Radicle project.

      -gr, --github-repo=<gRepo>                  The source GitHub repo.
      -go, --github-repo-owner=<gOwner>           The owner of the source GitHub repo.
      -gt, --github-token                         Your GitHub personal access token (with `repo` scope or `read-only access` granted).
      -rpp, --radicle-project-path=<rProjectPath> The absolute path to the target Radicle project in your local file system.

GitLab Migration

To migrate issues from a GitLab project, execute the issues subcommand as follows:

Usage: radicle-migration-tool gitlab issues [-gv=<gVersion>] [-gu=<gUrl>] -gp=<gProject> -gn=<gNamespace> -gt [-gd=<gDomain>] [-gs=<gSession>] [-rv=<rVersion>] [-ru=<rUrl>] -rp=<rProject> -rh [-fs=<fSince>] [-fl=<fLabels>] [-ft=<fState>] [-fm=<fMilestone>] [-fa=<fAssignee>] [-fc=<fCreator>] [-dr]

Migrate issues from a GitLab repository to a Radicle project.

      -gv, --gitlab-api-version=<gVersion>  The version of the GitLab REST API (default: v4).
      -gu, --gitlab-api-url=<gUrl>          The base url of the GitLab REST API (default:
      -gp, --gitlab-project=<gProject>      The source GitLab project.
      -gn, --gitlab-namespace=<gNamespace>  The namespace of the source GitLab project.
      -gt, --gitlab-token                   Your GitLab personal access token.
      -gd, --gitlab-domain=<gDomain>        The GitLab domain. It is utilized for migrating assets and files (default:
      -gs, --gitlab-session=<gSession>      The value of the _gitlab_session cookie. It is utilized for migrating assets and files from a GitLab project with the `Require authentication to view media files` enabled.
      -rv, --radicle-api-version=<rVersion> The version of the Radicle HTTP API (default: v1).
      -ru, --radicle-api-url=<rUrl>         The base url of Radicle HTTP API (default: http://localhost:8080/api).
      -rp, --radicle-project=<rProject>     The target Radicle project.
      -rh, --radicle-passphrase             Your radicle passphrase.
      -fs, --filter-since=<fSince>          Migrate issues created after the given time (default: 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z, example: 2023-01-01T10:15:30+01:00).
      -fl, --filter-labels=<fLabels>        Migrate issues with the given labels given in a csv format (example: bug,ui,@high).
      -ft, --filter-state=<fState>          Migrate issues in this state (default: all, can be one of: open, closed, all).
      -fm, --filter-milestone=<fMilestone>  Migrate issues belonging to the given milestone (example: 'Milestone 1')
      -fa, --filter-assignee=<fAssignee>    Migrate issues assigned to the given user name.
      -fc, --filter-creator=<fCreator>      Migrate issues created by the given user name.
      -dr, --dry-run                        Run the whole migration process without actually creating the issues in the target Radicle project.


To use this application, you'll need to fulfill some common requirements, as well as specific requirements based on the binary you choose:

  • A GitHub account with a Personal Access Token (PAT). Your PAT must grant you with repo scope - in case of a classic one - or with read-only access - in case of a fine-grained one.
  • The rad Command Line Interface (CLI) tool installed, preferably the latest version. You can find installation details here. To check the version, run rad --version.
  • A running instance of the Radicle HTTP daemon. Before starting the daemon, ensure that you have set the RAD_PASSPHRASE environment variable or executed the rad auth command in the same terminal. Refer to this link for examples on how to use the rad auth command. To start the Radicle HTTP daemon, run rad web.
  • A Radicle-initialized Git repository. This will serve as your target Radicle project, where the issues will be migrated.
  • If running the JAR binary, ensure that you have Java 17 or a later version installed on your machine.
  • If using the Docker image, make sure that the Docker daemon is up and running on your machine.

Important Notes

Since the Issue model and HTTP API in Radicle are currently simpler compared to GitHub, we have implemented the following alternative solutions / adaptations:

  • We have included a special GitHub Metadata / GitLab Metadata section at the beginning of the Description and each Comment of the Radicle Issue. This section contains extra information and links to the original GitHub/GitLab Issue, presented in a table format with columns such as Issue Number, Created On, Created By, Assignees, Milestone, and Due By.
  • GitHub/GitLab Events are migrated as Radicle Comments.
  • GitHub/GitLab Milestones are migrated as Radicle Labels. Additional information can be found in the GitHub Metadata / GitLab Metadata section in the Description of each Radicle Issue (if there is any).
  • The user who runs the tool will be listed as the Creator of all Radicle issues.
  • Any links to images within the Description and Comments of GitHub Issues will still point to GitHub's servers. This means that images will display correctly for public GitHub repositories. However, for private repositories, since authorization is required, you will need to copy the source URL and access it through your browser.

Furthermore, it's important to note that as of now, Radicle does not offer support for Wikis. Consequently, this tool serves as a helpful means to swiftly migrate your GitHub Wiki to a .wiki directory within your Radicle project, while also transferring the commit history from the source git repository by utilizing the git subtree command.

Environment Variables

You can pass any of the command line options via environment variables. Here is the complete list of the supported environment variables:


  • RAD_API_VERSION: The version of the Radicle HTTP API (default v1)
  • RAD_API_URL: The base url of Radicle HTTP API (default http://localhost:8080/api)
  • RAD_PROJECT: The target Radicle project
  • RAD_PROJECT_PATH: The path of the target Radicle project in your local file system
  • RAD_PASSPHRASE: Your radicle passphrase


  • GH_API_VERSION: The version of the GitHub REST API (default 2022-11-28)
  • GH_API_URL: The base url of the GitHub REST API (default
  • GH_REPO: The source GitHub repo
  • GH_OWNER: The owner of the source GitHub repo
  • GH_TOKEN: Your GitHub personal access token (with repo scope or read-only access granted)
  • GH_DOMAIN: The GitHub domain. It is utilized for migrating assets and files (default:
  • GH_SESSION: The value of the user_session cookie. It is utilized for migrating assets and files from a private GitHub repository


  • GL_API_VERSION: The version of the GitLab REST API (default: v4)
  • GL_API_URL: The base url of the GitLab REST API (default:
  • GL_PROJECT: The source GitLab project
  • GL_NAMESPACE: The namespace of the source GitLab project
  • GL_TOKEN: Your GitLab personal access token
  • GL_DOMAIN: The GitLab domain. It is utilized for migrating assets and files (default:
  • GL_SESSION: The value of the _gitlab_session cookie. It is utilized for migrating assets and files from a GitLab project with the Require authentication to view media files enabled


  • FILTER_SINCE: Migrate issues created after the given time (default: 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z, example: 2023-01-01T10:15:30+01:00).
  • FILTER_LABELS: Migrate issues with the given labels given in a csv format (example: bug,ui,@high).
  • FILTER_STATE: Migrate issues in this state (default: all, can be one of: open, closed, all).
  • FILTER_MILESTONE: Migrate issues belonging to the given milestone number (example: 3).
  • FILTER_ASSIGNEE: Migrate issues assigned to the given username.
  • FILTER_CREATOR: Migrate issues created by the given username.


  • LOG_LEVEL: The log level of the application (default INFO)
  • DRY_RUN: Run the whole migration process without actually creating the issues in the target Radicle project.

For example, to run the command in DEBUG mode, you can execute the following command:

LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG java -jar radicle-migration-tool-0.5.0.jar issues


JAR Binary

If you intend to use a specific version of the JAR binary (e.g., 0.5.0), execute the following command:

java -jar radicle-migration-tool-0.5.0.jar issues

Native Binaries

If you intend to use one of the native builds, you need to execute the corresponding native binary. For example, if you have downloaded the binary for Ubuntu, you should execute it by running the following command:

./radicle-migration-tool-0.5.0-ubuntu-latest issues

Docker Image

If you intend to use the Docker image, please follow the instructions provided below:

# Pull the docker image in your local docker registry
docker pull

# Tag the docker image in your local docker registry
docker tag radicle-migration-tool

# Run the migration
docker run -it -v ~/.radicle:/root/.radicle -e RAD_PASSPHRASE=<YOUR_PASSPHRASE> radicle-migration-tool

To ensure that the docker run command executes successfully, the following volumes are required:

  • ~/.radicle:/root/.radicle: This enables the tool to access your Radicle path. If the rad path command returns a different path, please update the volume accordingly.

The image assumes that your local Radicle HTTP daemon is accessible by default at, where represents the IP address of the host from inside the Docker container. If it is not accessible, you can either restart it using rad web --listen or change this default configuration using the available environment variables or CLI options.

Lastly, you have the option to pass any environment variable using the -e option of the docker run command. For example: docker run -e LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG.

Important Note: The github wiki migration command is not currently available in the docker binary. Please use the JAR or native binaries for migrating a GitHub Wiki.

Pre-built binaries

Pre-built binaries can be downloaded from the project's GitHub releases page. Choose the appropriate release for your operating system and download the associated JAR or executable file.

Building from source

To build the binary from source code, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository from GitHub:
$ git clone
  1. Change into the project directory:
$ cd radicle-migration-tool
  1. Build the binaries using Maven:

To build JAR binary in Unix run:

$ ./mvnw package

To build a native binary in Unix run:

$ ./mvnw package -Pnative

This will generate the binary file in the target directory.

To build a docker image in Unix run:

$ ./mvnw package -Pdocker


Distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE for more information.