All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- [frontend]: Added update Matterbridge (spawn the command: 'npm -install -g matterbridge'). The console inherit the the spawned process running so you can check.
- [frontend]: Added install plugin (spawn the command: 'npm -install -g plugin-name'). The console inherit the the spawned process running so you can check.
- [frontend]: Added shutdown button.
- [frontend]: Added login with password (default no password). Change the password in the Settings page of frontend.
- [frontend]: Frontend got updated to 0.8.5.
- [Matterbridge]: Added configuration and guidelines in the readme to run Matterbridge like a daemon with systemctl on Linux machine.
- [matter.js]: Updated the code to matter.js release 0.80.0.
- [MatterbridgeDevice]: Added DoorLock and Thermostat clusters.
- [Matterbridge]: Enable plugin now start the plugin (no need to restart in bridge mode).
- [Matterbridge]: Disable plugin now shutdown the plugin (no need to restart).
- [MatterbridgeDevice]: Added Cluster DoorLock and command handler.
- [frontend]: Remove plugin from frontend.
- [frontend]: Add plugin from frontend.
- [workflow]: All packages now have a workflow on GitHub.
- [frontend]: Frontend got updated to 0.8.4.
- [frontend]: Fixed the restart needed message.
- [matterbridge]: Fixed the delay of loading from the cli.
- [matterbridge]: Fixed the count of devices removed.
- [plugin default entry point]: export default function initializePlugin(matterbridge: Matterbridge, log: AnsiLogger, config: PlatformConfig)
- [platform constructor]: constructor(matterbridge: Matterbridge, log: AnsiLogger, config: PlatformConfig)
- [platform]: Added async loadPluginConfig() and async savePluginConfig() to store plugin config.
- [platform]: Added: config: PlatformConfig (JSON) property to platforms to store plugin config.
- [dependencies]: Updated dependencies.
- [frontend]: Frontend got updated to 0.8.3.
- [matterbridge]: added unregisterAllDevices() to the platforms
- [matterbridge]: added unregisterDevice(device: MatterbridgeDevice) to the platforms
- [frontend]: Enable and disable plugin are now available. Restart Matteerbridge after.
- [frontend]: Frontend got updated to 0.8.2.
- [frontend]: Selecting a plugin in the home page show the corresponding QR code.
- [frontend]: Settings page now controll the global logger level.
- [frontend]: Restart from the header is available.
- [frontend]: Frontend got updated to 0.8.1.
- [cli]: Resolve the plugin name from absolute or relative path or from globally installed modules (see the help).
- [frontend]: Added some fancy stuff still not visible.
- [install]: Fixed the error caused when the controllers disconnect and connect again.
- [install]: Fixed the install error (thanks
- [async]: Plugins are loaded started configured fully asyncronously.
- [frontend]: Added configured button.
- [debug]: Added public property enableDebug to Matterbridge.
- [debug]: Added parameter -debug to the command line.
- [plugin]: Fixed the plugin.paired and plugin.commissioned in bridge mode.
- [routes]: Fixed the plugin devices route.
- [bridge]: Fixed the BasicInformationCluster in bridge mode.
- [cli]: Updated the loading from cli.
- [onMatterStarted]: onMatterStarted() is called after matter server started.
- [onConfigure]: onConfigure() is called after the platform controller is commissioned.
- [dependencies]: Updated dependencies.
- [Plugin route]: Fixed the plugin device route in frontend.
- [async]: All code is asyncronous where it makes sense.
- [JSDoc]: Added JSDoc to the code.
- [event]: Removed all event code.