All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.2.0 (2021-09-29)
parameter (9185b72)- add dicom to jpeg task api (6ca0d19)
- add file size field in dicomToJpegTask (529e84a)
- add flip and flop (fc77d65)
- handle viewport parameter (b77ea8c)
- front-end: add dicom to jpeg task page (3c9a839)
- read metadata file instead of mongodb metadata data (e690008)
- use imagemagick to handle quality and iccprofile (18d21f7)
- use magick instead of sharp to handle image (7faaedb)
- use prebuild dicomtojson package (74665d5)
Bug Fixes
- create folder when it is not exist (131fe00)
- date query will lose by cleandoc (3eef6c5)
- icc profile binary save as
extension (9f31226) - incorrect aggregate sequence (ef04b82)
- incorrect STOW-RS request (431889f)
- incorrect tag when get modality of dicom json (87b4064)
- missing error log in getFrameImage function (49d890d)
- resolve 80 and 443 port in url (2c576ba)
- resolve the dicom to jpeg task have difftime when status if false (3960138)
- response missing content-type in header (0b39ffa)
- studyUID is not defined in catch (8d64478)