Ceedling can deploy all of its guts into a folder. This allows it to be used without having to worry about external dependencies.
ceedling new [your new project name]
(Note: This is still somewhat experimental.)
Ceedling can also be used as a gem. The following Rakefile is the bare minimum required in order to use Ceedling this way:
require 'ceedling'
Additionally, a project.yml is required. Here is one to get you started:
:use_exceptions: FALSE
:use_test_preprocessor: TRUE
:use_auxiliary_dependencies: TRUE
:build_root: build
# :release_build: TRUE
:test_file_prefix: test_
# :output: MyApp.out
# :use_assembly: FALSE
:executable: .out
- +:test/**
- -:test/support
- src/**
- test/support
# in order to add common defines:
# 1) remove the trailing [] from the :common: section
# 2) add entries to the :common: section (e.g. :test: has TEST defined)
:commmon: &common_defines []
- *common_defines
- *common_defines
:when_no_prototypes: :warn
:enforce_strict_ordering: TRUE
- :ignore
uint8: HEX8
uint16: HEX16
uint32: UINT32
int8: INT8
bool: UINT8
# Ceedling defaults to using gcc for compiling, linking, etc.
# As [:tools] is blank, gcc will be used (so long as it's in your system path)
# See documentation to configure a given toolchain for use
# This is required to use builtin ceedling plugins
- "#{builtin_ceedling_plugins_path}"
# Uncomment this and create the directory in order to use your own
# custom ceedling plugins
# - ceedling_plugins
# These two plugins ship with Ceedling.
- stdout_pretty_tests_report
- module_generator
Finally, you'll need to create something like the following directory structure. This one matches the project.yml defined above: