Hillary Clinton Programming Language :)
To install, you just need clinton.py in the same directory as your files or in the working path. There are other files provided here.
- backup.py in case you run
python clinton.py clinton.py
Which could have very disastrous results.
- helloworld.benghazi for sample code
- backup.benghazi if you accidentally delete helloworld.benghazi
- run.py is an experimental script that runs your code then starts up the email server. Same syntax as clinton.py for usage.
To run code:
python clinton.py filename.benghazi
Where filename.benghazi is your script. It's that simple!
- All filenames must end in .benghazi
- All scripts must start by declaring itself as a female and saying it will make history
I will make history as the first female president
To print statements, you must first
teleprompter prompt "hello world"
hillary read from teleprompter
You can email in this format
**email message $ [email protected] #Subject here
And run this command in a separate terminal window:
python email_server_init.py
Then run your code in a separate terminal window:
python clinton.py helloworld.benghazi
It (probably) won't actually send the email but it shows up in the email server window.
To make up for the fact that if/then isn't supported you can use
hillary repeat
to repeat the last command. You can't do this more than once because Madame Secretary only repeats herself once.
Variables are not supported because you're not allowed to save anything. Objects are not supported because Madame Secretary only takes money from Wall Street. if/then are not supported because Madame Secretary doesn't need to consider anything or anyone else when making decisions.