A tiny and fast lib to generate human-readable hash from a string in the style of China license plates.
pnpm add -D hashplate-cn
import { hashplate } from "hashplate-cn";
const hash = hashplate("Hello World!");
// returns "🍢 渝F·WGVA2 🪣"
The hash is generated in the following format:
<emoji> <2 uppercase letters>-<3 digits>-<2 uppercase letters> <emoji>
You can remove emoji by passing the second parameter.
import { hashplate } from "hashplate-cn";
const hash = hashplate("Hello World!", {
hasEmoji: false,
// returns "渝F·WGVA2"
I needed a way to generate a hash that was readable and easy to recognize to anonymize data. This is the result.
forked from Project hashplate