diff --git a/ofelia/README.md b/ofelia/README.md
index 695e8144..3afffe15 100755
--- a/ofelia/README.md
+++ b/ofelia/README.md
@@ -10,17 +10,14 @@ Ofelia is a Pd external which allows you to use openFrameworks and Lua within a
[Lua](https://www.lua.org/) is a powerful, efficient, lightweight, easy-to-learn scripting language.
[Pure Data](https://puredata.info/)(Pd) is a real-time visual programming language for multimedia.
-Thanks to Lua scripting feature, you can do text coding directly on a Pd patch or through a text editor which makes it easier to solve problems that are complicated to express in visual programming languages like Pd. And unlike compiled languages like C/C++, you can see the result immediately as you change code which enables faster workflow. Moreover, you can use openFrameworks functions and classes within a Lua script.
+Thanks to Lua scripting feature, you can do text coding directly on a Pd patch or through a text editor which makes it easier to solve problems that are complicated to express in visual programming languages like Pd. And unlike compiled languages like C/C++, you can see the result immediately as you change code which enables faster workflow. Moreover, you can use openFrameworks [functions and classes](ofelia/classesAndGlobalFunctions.txt) within a Lua script.
Using Ofelia, you can flexibly choose between patching and coding style based on your preference.
-You can see a full categorized list of objects from the [help-intro.pd](https://github.com/cuinjune/ofxOfelia/tree/master/ofelia/help-intro.pd) patch.
-You can double click on any object to open the help file or the documentation page in your browser.
The external is available to be used under macOS, Windows, Linux and Raspbian.
## Installation
-* Make sure you have [Pure Data](https://puredata.info/downloads/pure-data) installed on your desktop. (requires >= Pd-0.49-0)
+* Make sure you have [Pure Data](https://puredata.info/downloads/pure-data) installed on your desktop.
* Start Pd and go to `Help` -> `Find externals`, then search for `ofelia`
* Select the latest version of Ofelia to download and install.
* Try opening patches inside downloaded `ofelia/examples` directory.
@@ -101,23 +98,20 @@ Feel free to contact the [author](#author) if you have any questions or suggesti
-## Projects that used Ofelia/ofxOfelia
+## Projects that used Ofelia
* [Bruno Rohde](http://esmeril.ufba.br/): [ESMERIL](https://youtu.be/DfyGt6fyGMg).
* [Mike Moreno](https://github.com/MikeMorenoAudio/): [Paths](https://youtu.be/Si_IbyIvPy4/).
-* [Chris Niven: BILL JOBS CYBER RADIO](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=emDiimH0Y7U).
-* [Martin Hiendl](http://martinhiendl.com/): [Ten Bullets Through One Hole](http://martinhiendl.com/?section=ten-bullets-through-one-hole).
+* [Chris Niven: BILL JOBS CYBER RADIO](https://youtu.be/j3qptxxBoTE).
+* [Martin Hiendl](http://martinhiendl.com/): [Ten Bullets Through One Hole](https://youtu.be/uzdXXMNWNMs).
* [Virtual Insight: World of Piano](https://www.worldofpiano.net/).
* [The Center for Haptic Audio Interaction Reseach: Instrument development](https://chair.audio/).
-* [POLR Technologies](https://www.facebook.com/polrtech): [LIQUID GRID](https://youtu.be/L5zdNc3NvRg/).
## Acknowledgements
* [Miller Puckette](http://msp.ucsd.edu/) and the [Pd community](http://puredata.info/community/) for developing and maintaining [Pd](http://puredata.info/);
* [Arturo Castro](http://arturocastro.net/), [Theodore Watson](http://www.theowatson.com/) and the [OF community](https://openframeworks.cc/community/) for developing and maintaining [openFrameworks](https://openframeworks.cc/);
-* [Daniel Shiffman](https://shiffman.net/) and the [Processing Foundation](https://processingfoundation.org/) for providing many [examples](https://processing.org/examples/) which Ofelia copied;
* [Dan Wilcox](http://danomatika.com/) for developing [ofxLua](https://github.com/danomatika/ofxLua), [ofxPd](https://github.com/danomatika/ofxPd) and [ofxMidi](https://github.com/danomatika/ofxMidi) addons which Ofelia/ofxOfelia uses;
-* Creators of [ofxJSON](https://github.com/jeffcrouse/ofxJSON), [ofxJsonSettings](https://github.com/mattfelsen/ofxJsonSettings), [ofxOsc](https://openframeworks.cc/documentation/ofxOsc/), [ofxReverb](https://github.com/JoshuaBatty/ofxReverb) and [ofxZipPass](https://github.com/Ant1r/ofxZipPass) addons which Ofelia/ofxOfelia uses;
-* Creator of [OpenFrameworks-Documentation-shortcut](https://github.com/lilive/OpenFrameworks-Documentation-shortcut) used for easy documentation access;
* [IOhannes M Zmölnig](https://puredata.info/author/zmoelnig) for developing [GEM](https://puredata.info/downloads/gem) which has greatly influenced Ofelia;
+* [Daniel Shiffman](https://shiffman.net/) and the [Processing Foundation](https://processingfoundation.org/) for providing many [examples](https://processing.org/examples/) which Ofelia copied;
* [Henri Menke](https://www.henrimenke.com/) for answering so many questions about integrating Lua into C++;
* Many others who contributed to the development of Ofelia.