- Start CubeFS cluster at first, refer: CubeFS deploy
- Create Storage volume, volume name style is, volume_$number, eg: volume_1
curl -v ""
- Repo:CubeFS-code
- Branch:cubefs-for-android-server
- Build cfa-server
- Set gopath, cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/cubefs/cubefs/cfa
- Execute source build.sh to build cfa-server
- Introducation
- Support http api for cfa-client to invoke.
- Support third auth(optional), user route(optional).
- Start Process
./cfa-server -c proxy.conf
- Proxy.conf Sample:
- Configuration
Name | Type | Description | Mandatory |
role | string | Role of process and must be set to proxy | Yes |
port | string | Listen and serve port | Yes |
master_addr | string | Address of master servers | Yes |
logDir | string | Log directory | Yes |
logLevel | string | Log level, default error | No |
routerAddr | string | Router server addr and port,eg: |
No |
volName | string | Volume name, used to store different users's data, eg: volume_1 | No |
authAddr | string | Third auth url, eg: |
No |
authAccessKey | string | Third auth key | No |
There must be at least one of RouterAddr or volName, if both exist, then volName will take effect
- volName: if used, proxy module will manage users router, cluster only support one volume.
routerAddr:if used, user's relationship will be managed by route server, cluster can support multiple volumes.
Create User Sapce Before using it, the user needs to call the following interface to open a space for the user, where userId is the user account of each device.
curl proxy:19010/api/v1/createUser -X POST -H "x-userId: 1234567" -i
The directory of user 1234567 in CFA will eventually be mapped to the /$hashId/1234567/0/ directory on the volume (such as volume_1).
- Introducation
- Used to alloc storage volume and subpath for users.
- Used to persistently store the mapping relationship between users and volumes.
- Dependency
- Start Process
./cfa-server -c router.conf
- Router.conf Sample
- Configuration
Name | Type | Description | Mandatory |
role | string | Role of process and must be set to route | Yes |
port | string | Listen and server port | Yes |
master_addr | string | Address of master servers | Yes |
logDir | string | Log directory | Yes |
logLevel | string | Log level, default error | No |
mgoAddr | string | Mongo addr | Yes |
- Init Route When using the routing service, you need to call the interface to pre-add the created volume to the routing table firstly. When users are created, users will be allocated to these volumes according to the allocation algorithm; voumeid is the suffix number of the volume name created in the cubefs cluster. For example, volume name vol_1, volumeId=1; volume name vol_10, volumeid=10
curl -d '{"volumeid":2}' -X POST
- Introducation
- Provide authentication service for proxy module, implemented by third-party developers with reference to the following specifications: auth-doc
- Third-auth-example(demo)
- cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/cubefs/cubefs/proxy/third-auth-example
- go build
- Start Third-auth-example
- add config in proxy's config file
"authAccessKey": "accessKey",