diff --git a/config/worlds/world_cisar.yaml b/config/worlds/world_cisar.yaml
index a50d677..653619f 100644
--- a/config/worlds/world_cisar.yaml
+++ b/config/worlds/world_cisar.yaml
@@ -65,5 +65,5 @@ safety_area:
# the frame of reference in which the max&min z is expressed
frame_name: "world_origin"
- max_z: 8.0
+ max_z: 25.0
min_z: 1.0
diff --git a/config/worlds/world_kn_yard.yaml b/config/worlds/world_kn_yard.yaml
index 612b65b..8558777 100644
--- a/config/worlds/world_kn_yard.yaml
+++ b/config/worlds/world_kn_yard.yaml
@@ -30,5 +30,5 @@ safety_area:
# the frame of reference in which the max&min z is expressed
frame_name: "world_origin"
- max_z: 4.0
+ max_z: 8.0
min_z: 1.0
diff --git a/tmux/robofly/config/custom_config.yaml b/tmux/robofly/config/custom_config.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aeac36b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tmux/robofly/config/custom_config.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+ control_manager:
+ Se3Controller:
+ eland_threshold: 2.5
+ failsafe_threshold: 3.5
+ constraint_manager:
+ estimator_types: [
+ "open_vins",
+ "gps_baro",
+ ]
+ constraints: [
+ "slow",
+ "medium",
+ "fast"
+ ]
+ # list of allowed gains per odometry mode
+ allowed_constraints:
+ gps_baro: ["slow", "medium", "fast"]
+ open_vins: ["slow", "medium", "fast"]
+ constraints: [
+ "slow",
+ "medium",
+ "fast",
+ ]
+ allowed_constraints:
+ gps_baro: ["slow", "medium", "fast"]
+ default_constraints:
+ gps_baro: "medium"
+ open_vins: "medium"
+ estimation_manager:
+ # loaded state estimator plugins
+ # available in mrs_uav_state_estimators: gps_garmin, gps_baro, rtk, aloam, ground_truth, dummy
+ state_estimators: [
+ "gps_baro",
+ "open_vins",
+ ]
+ initial_state_estimator: "gps_baro" # will be used as the first state estimator
+ agl_height_estimator: "" # only slightly filtered height for checking min height (not used in control feedback)
+ gps_baro: # namespace of the state estimator
+ alt_baro: # namespace of the altitude estimator
+ process_noise: # process noise covariance (Q)
+ pos: 1.0 # position state
+ vel: 10.0 # velocity state
+ acc: 100.0 # acceleration state
+ corrections: [
+ # positional correction only makes the estimator unstable, vel_hw_api is not a derivative of pos_hw_api, vel_hw_api_only works best
+ "pos_hw_api"
+ ]
+ pos_hw_api:
+ state_id: 0 # 0 - position, 1 - velocity, 2 - acceleration
+ noise: 0.001 # measurement noise covariance (R)
+ noise_unhealthy_coeff: 100.0 # covariance gets multiplied by this coefficient when correction is unhealthy (R)
+ message:
+ type: "geometry_msgs/PointStamped"
+ topic: "hw_api/position" # without uav namespace
+ limit:
+ delay: 1.0 # [s] messages with higher delay will flag correction as unhealthy
+ time_since_last: 0.5 # [s] larger time step between messages will flag correction as unhealthy
+ processors: [] # types of processors attached to this measurement
+ # namespace of the state estimator
+ open_vins:
+ address: "open_vins/OpenVinsEstimatorPlugin"
+ requires: # data required from the hw api
+ gnss: false
+ imu: false
+ distance_sensor: false
+ altitude: false
+ magnetometer_heading: false
+ position: false
+ orientation: true
+ velocity: true
+ angular_velocity: true
+ override_frame_id: # override the default frame_id with a custom one
+ enabled: true
+ frame_id: "vio_origin" # the desired frame_id without the UAV namespace
+ estimators: # the names of the partial estimators
+ lateral:
+ name: "lat_open_vins"
+ altitude:
+ name: "alt_open_vins"
+ # name: "alt_garmin"
+ heading:
+ name: "hdg_open_vins"
+ passthrough: false # if true, then heading is not estimated but passed through from the orientation topic
+ topics:
+ orientation: "hw_api/orientation" # orientation passthrough
+ angular_velocity: "hw_api/angular_velocity" # angular velocity passthrough
+ # namespace of the altitude estimator
+ alt_open_vins: # namespace of the altitude estimator
+ max_flight_z: 100.0 # [m] maximum allowed flight Z (in the estimator frame)
+ innovation:
+ limit: 1.0 # [m] innovation limit that will trigger action
+ action: "switch" # {"eland", "switch", "mitigate"}
+ repredictor: # repredictor for correct fusion of delayed measurements
+ enabled: true
+ buffer_size: 200 # [samples] how many states and corrections are kept in history (i.e. estimator running at the default 100 Hz rate will be able to fuse corrections with up to 2 s delay with buffer size of 200 samples)
+ process_noise: # process noise covariance (Q)
+ pos: 1.0 # position state
+ vel: 100.0 # velocity state
+ acc: 100.0 # acceleration state
+ corrections: [
+ "pos_vio",
+ "vel_hw_api"
+ ]
+ pos_vio:
+ state_id: 0 # 0 - position, 1 - velocity, 2 - acceleration
+ noise: 0.001 # measurement noise covariance (R)
+ noise_unhealthy_coeff: 100.0 # covariance gets multiplied by this coefficient when correction is unhealthy (R)
+ message:
+ type: "nav_msgs/Odometry"
+ topic: "vins_republisher/odom" # without uav namespace
+ limit:
+ delay: 1.0 # [s] messages with higher delay will flag correction as unhealthy
+ time_since_last: 0.5 # [s] larger time step between messages will flag correction as unhealthy
+ processors: [] # types of processors attached to this measurement
+ vel_hw_api:
+ state_id: 1 # 0 - position, 1 - velocity, 2 - acceleration
+ noise: 1.0 # measurement noise covariance (R)
+ noise_unhealthy_coeff: 100.0 # covariance gets multiplied by this coefficient when correction is unhealthy (R)
+ message:
+ type: "geometry_msgs/Vector3Stamped"
+ topic: "hw_api/velocity" # without uav namespace
+ limit:
+ delay: 1.0 # [s] messages with higher delay will flag correction as unhealthy
+ time_since_last: 0.5 # [s] larger time step between messages will flag correction as unhealthy
+ processors: [] # types of processors attached to this measurement
+ median_filter:
+ buffer_size: 20 # the number of samples from which the median is calculated
+ max_diff: 2.0 # [m] reject measurement if difference from median is over this value
+ # namespace of the heading estimator
+ hdg_open_vins: # namespace of the heading estimator
+ max_flight_z: 100.0 # [m] maximum allowed flight Z (in the estimator frame)
+ position_innovation_limit: 1.0 # [rad] innovation limit that will trigger switch to other estimator
+ repredictor: # repredictor for correct fusion of delayed measurements
+ enabled: true
+ buffer_size: 200 # [samples] how many states and corrections are kept in history (i.e. estimator running at the default 100 Hz rate will be able to fuse corrections with up to 2 s delay with buffer size of 200 samples)
+ process_noise: # process noise covariance (Q)
+ pos: 0.1 # position state
+ vel: 0.1 # velocity state
+ corrections: [
+ "hdg_vio"
+ ]
+ hdg_vio:
+ state_id: 0 # 0 - position, 1 - velocity, 2 - acceleration
+ noise: 0.0001 # measurement noise covariance (R)
+ noise_unhealthy_coeff: 100.0 # covariance gets multiplied by this coefficient when correction is unhealthy (R)
+ message:
+ type: "nav_msgs/Odometry"
+ topic: "vins_republisher/odom" # without uav namespace
+ limit:
+ delay: 1.0 # [s] messages with higher delay will flag correction as unhealthy
+ time_since_last: 0.5 # [s] larger time step between messages will flag correction as unhealthy
+ processors: [] # types of processors attached to this measurement
+ # namespace of the lateral estimator
+ lat_open_vins: # namespace of the lateral estimator
+ hdg_source_topic: "vio/hdg_vio/output" # [mrs_uav_state_estimation/EstimatorOutput]
+ max_flight_z: 100.0 # [m] maximum allowed flight Z (in the estimator frame)
+ innovation:
+ limit: 1.0 # [m] innovation limit that will trigger action
+ action: "eland" # {"eland", "switch", "mitigate"}
+ repredictor: # repredictor for correct fusion of delayed measurements
+ enabled: true
+ buffer_size: 200 # [samples] how many states and corrections are kept in history (i.e. estimator running at the default 100 Hz rate will be able to fuse corrections with up to 2 s delay with buffer size of 200 samples)
+ process_noise: # process noise covariance (Q)
+ pos: 0.1 # position state
+ vel: 1.0 # velocity state
+ acc: 1.0 # acceleration state
+ corrections: [
+ "pos_vio",
+ "vel_vio"
+ ]
+ pos_vio:
+ state_id: 0 # 0 - position, 1 - velocity, 2 - acceleration
+ noise: 0.01 # measurement noise covariance (R)
+ noise_unhealthy_coeff: 100.0 # covariance gets multiplied by this coefficient when correction is unhealthy (R)
+ message:
+ type: "nav_msgs/Odometry"
+ topic: "vins_republisher/odom" # without uav namespace
+ limit:
+ delay: 1.0 # [s] messages with higher delay will flag correction as unhealthy
+ time_since_last: 0.5 # [s] larger time step between messages will flag correction as unhealthy
+ processors: [] # types of processors attached to this measurement
+ vel_vio:
+ state_id: 1 # 0 - position, 1 - velocity, 2 - acceleration
+ noise: 0.01 # measurement noise covariance (R)
+ noise_unhealthy_coeff: 100.0 # covariance gets multiplied by this coefficient when correction is unhealthy (R)
+ body_frame: true # velocity is in body frame from open_vins
+ message:
+ type: "nav_msgs/Odometry"
+ topic: "vins_republisher/odom" # without uav namespace
+ limit:
+ delay: 1.0 # [s] messages with higher delay will flag correction as unhealthy
+ time_since_last: 0.5 # [s] larger time step between messages will flag correction as unhealthy
+ processors: [] # types of processors attached to this measurement
+ uav_manager:
+ takeoff:
+ during_takeoff:
+ controller: "MpcController"
+ after_takeoff:
+ controller: "MpcController"
+ takeoff_height: 0.8
+ midair_activation:
+ after_activation:
+ controller: "MpcController"
+ transform_manager:
+ open_vins:
+ odom_topic: "odom" # name of the topic (expects nav_msgs/Odometry topic type)
+ tf_from_attitude: # used for transforming velocities before full transform is available
+ enabled: true
+ attitude_topic: "attitude" # name of the attitude topic(expects geometry_msgs/QuaternionStamped topic type)
+ namespace: "estimation_manager/open_vins" # the namespace of the topic (usually the node that publishes the topic)
+ utm_based: false # if true, will publish tf to utm_origin
+ inverted: true # publish as inverted tf (the default for inverted mrs tf tree convention)
+ republish_in_frames: [] # the odometry message will be transformed and republished in the specified frames
+ landoff_tracker:
+ max_position_difference: 2.0
+ vertical_tracker:
+ takeoff_speed: 1.0
+ takeoff_acceleration: 0.5
diff --git a/tmux/robofly/config/network_config.yaml b/tmux/robofly/config/network_config.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08f370d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tmux/robofly/config/network_config.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# 1. This list is used by NimbroNetwork for mutual communication of the UAVs
+# The names of the robots have to match hostnames described in /etc/hosts.
+# 2. This list is used by MpcTracker for mutual collision avoidance of the UAVs.
+# The names should match the true "UAV_NAMES" (the topic prefixes).
+# network_config:=~/config/network_config.yaml
+# to the core.launch and nimbro.launch.
+ robot_names: [
+ uav1,
+ ]
diff --git a/tmux/robofly/record.sh b/tmux/robofly/record.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b5043ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tmux/robofly/record.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+path="/home/\$(optenv USER mrs)/bag_files/latest/"
+# By default, we record everything.
+# Except for this list of EXCLUDED topics:
+# If you want to record cameras, create a copy of this script
+# and place it at your tmux session.
+# Please, seek an advice of a senior researcher of MRS about
+# what can be recorded. Recording too much data can lead to
+# ROS communication hiccups, which can lead to eland, failsafe
+# or just a CRASH.
+# Every topic containing "compressed"
+# '(.*)compressed(.*)'
+# Every topic containing "image_raw"
+# '(.*)image_raw(.*)'
+# Every topic containing "theora"
+# '(.*)theora(.*)'
+# Every topic containing "h264"
+# '(.*)h264(.*)'
+# file's header
+echo "" > "$filename"
+echo "" >> "$filename"
+echo "" >> "$filename"
+echo -n "> "$filename"
+# if there is anything to exclude
+if [ "${#exclude[*]}" -gt 0 ]; then
+ echo -n " -x " >> "$filename"
+ # list all the string and separate the with |
+ for ((i=0; i < ${#exclude[*]}; i++));
+ do
+ echo -n "${exclude[$i]}" >> "$filename"
+ if [ "$i" -lt "$( expr ${#exclude[*]} - 1)" ]; then
+ echo -n "|" >> "$filename"
+ fi
+ done
+echo "\">" >> "$filename"
+echo "" >> "$filename"
+echo "" >> "$filename"
+# file's footer
+echo "" >> "$filename"
+echo "" >> "$filename"
+echo "" >> "$filename"
+cat $filename
+roslaunch $filename
diff --git a/tmux/robofly/tmux.sh b/tmux/robofly/tmux.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f4038d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tmux/robofly/tmux.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+# Provides: tmux
+# Required-Start: $local_fs $network dbus
+# Required-Stop: $local_fs $network
+# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
+# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
+# Short-Description: start the uav
+if [ "$(id -u)" == "0" ]; then
+ exec sudo -u mrs "$0" "$@"
+source $HOME/.bashrc
+# location for storing the bag files
+# * do not change unless you know what you are doing
+# the project name
+# * is used to define folder name in ~/$MAIN_DIR
+# the name of the TMUX session
+# * can be used for attaching as 'tmux a -t '
+# following commands will be executed first in each window
+# * do NOT put ; at the end
+# define commands
+# 'name' 'command'
+# * "new line" after the command => the command will be called after start
+# * NO "new line" after the command => the command will wait for user's
+ 'Rosbag' 'waitForTime; ./record.sh'
+ 'Sensors' 'waitForTime; roslaunch mrs_uav_deployment sensors.launch
+ 'HwApi' 'waitForTime; roslaunch mrs_uav_px4_api api.launch
+ 'Status' 'waitForHw; roslaunch mrs_uav_status status.launch
+ 'midair' 'rosservice call /'"$UAV_NAME"'/uav_manager/midair_activation'
+ 'OpenVins' 'waitForHw; roslaunch mrs_open_vins_core robofly.launch
+ 'VinsRepublisher' 'waitForHw; roslaunch mrs_vins_republisher vins_republisher_openvins_unreal.launch
+ 'Camera' 'waitForTime; roslaunch libcamera_ros uav.launch
+ 'IMU' 'waitForTime; roslaunch mrs_icm_imu_driver imu.launch
+ 'Autostart' 'waitForHw; roslaunch mrs_uav_autostart automatic_start.launch
+ 'Core' 'waitForTime; roslaunch mrs_uav_core core.launch platform_config:=`rospack find mrs_uav_deployment`/config/mrs_uav_system/$UAV_TYPE.yaml world_config:=`rospack find mrs_uav_deployment`/config/worlds/world_$WORLD_NAME.yaml custom_config:=./config/custom_config.yaml network_config:=./config/network_config.yaml
+ # 'AutoStart' 'waitForHw; roslaunch mrs_uav_autostart automatic_start.launch
+# '
+# do NOT modify the command list below
+ 'EstimDiag' 'waitForHw; rostopic echo /'"$UAV_NAME"'/estimation_manager/diagnostics
+ 'kernel_log' 'tail -f /var/log/kern.log -n 100
+ 'roscore' 'roscore
+ 'simtime' 'waitForRos; rosparam set use_sim_time false
+# the name of the window to focus after start
+# automatically attach to the new session?
+# {true, false}, default true
+export TMUX_BIN="/usr/bin/tmux -L mrs -f /etc/ctu-mrs/tmux.conf"
+# find the session
+if [ $? == "0" ]; then
+ echo "The session already exists"
+ $TMUX_BIN -2 attach-session -t $SESSION_NAME
+ exit
+# Absolute path to this script. /home/user/bin/foo.sh
+SCRIPT=$(readlink -f $0)
+# Absolute path this script is in. /home/user/bin
+TMUX= $TMUX_BIN new-session -s "$SESSION_NAME" -d
+echo "Starting new session."
+# get the iterator
+if [ -e "$ITERATOR_FILE" ]
+ echo "iterator.txt does not exist, creating it"
+ mkdir -p "$MAIN_DIR/$PROJECT_NAME"
+ touch "$ITERATOR_FILE"
+# create file for logging terminals' output
+SUFFIX=$(date +"%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S")
+mkdir -p "$SUBLOG_DIR"
+mkdir -p "$TMUX_DIR"
+# link the "latest" folder to the recently created one
+rm "$LOG_DIR/latest" > /dev/null 2>&1
+rm "$MAIN_DIR/latest" > /dev/null 2>&1
+ln -sf "$SUBLOG_DIR" "$LOG_DIR/latest"
+ln -sf "$SUBLOG_DIR" "$MAIN_DIR/latest"
+# create arrays of names and commands
+for ((i=0; i < ${#input[*]}; i++));
+ ((i%2==0)) && names[$i/2]="${input[$i]}"
+ ((i%2==1)) && cmds[$i/2]="${input[$i]}"
+# run tmux windows
+for ((i=0; i < ${#names[*]}; i++));
+ $TMUX_BIN new-window -t $SESSION_NAME:$(($i+1)) -n "${names[$i]}"
+sleep 3
+# start loggers
+for ((i=0; i < ${#names[*]}; i++));
+ $TMUX_BIN pipe-pane -t $SESSION_NAME:$(($i+1)) -o "ts | cat >> $TMUX_DIR/$(($i+1))_${names[$i]}.log"
+# send commands
+for ((i=0; i < ${#cmds[*]}; i++));
+ $TMUX_BIN send-keys -t $SESSION_NAME:$(($i+1)) "cd $SCRIPTPATH;
+# identify the index of the init window
+for ((i=0; i < ((${#names[*]})); i++));
+ if [ ${names[$i]} == "$init_window" ]; then
+ init_index=$(expr $i + 1)
+ fi
+$TMUX_BIN select-window -t $SESSION_NAME:$init_index
+if $attach; then
+ if [ -z ${TMUX} ];
+ then
+ $TMUX_BIN -2 attach-session -t $SESSION_NAME
+ else
+ tmux detach-client -E "tmux -L mrs a -t $SESSION_NAME"
+ fi
+ echo "The session was started"
+ echo "You can later attach by calling:"
+ echo " tmux -L mrs a -t $SESSION_NAME"