example request:
succesful response
{ "result": "success", "email": "<email address>", "response": "<boolean>", "message": "<string>" }
purpose: to get a single meik entity by meikId
example request:
succesful response
{ "meikID": "<id>", "data": { "result":"success", "user":{ "<meikAttribute>":"<value>", "..." } } "image": "<base64 encoded string>" }
purpose: to get all meik entities
example request:
succesful response
[ { "image": "<base64 encoded string>", "year": "<string>", "imageURL": "<int>", "name": "<string>", "concentration": "<string>", "location": "<string", "id": "<string>", "text": "<string>", "email": "<string>", "tags": ["<tag0>", "<tag1>"] }, "..." ]
purpose: To update existing meik entity
example request:
succesful response example
{ "uid": "KHwC5IemOqXjMG79IVcO8a6XBUK2", "result": { "location_status": "Success" }, "status": "Success" }
purpose: create first year entity
example request:
succesful response
{ "result": "no_error" }
purpose: This uses our algorithm to recommend meiks for our first year.
example request:
succesful response
{ "uid": "<uid>", "result": "status", "meiks": ["List of meiks"], "images": { "meiks": "meiks images" } }
example request:
succesful response
{ "uid": "uid", "result": { "result": "status", "new_search": { "Languanges": "3", "Dance": "7", "Pre-Med": "4", "Arts": "6" }, "no_error": "boolean" }, "status": "success" }
The algorithm we chose to recommend meiks have a few a few parts. First we use the given first year tags and given them a rating of 5 and save those ratings. Then we use the first years search values and use the number of times they search something to give those categories ratings, and then we use collaborative filtering to fill in the rest of the categories that are missing ratings. With those given ratings, we return meiks that have the first years highest ranking tag withing their tag.
Caching is used when we get all users information and user images from our database. This saves time when we refresh our pages, when we need images for other functions, and saves us from making too many api calls and exhuasting our system.