From 54f8424aeba19a0d35abfd5015d0850e2217907f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Alper Rifat Ulucinar Date: Fri, 10 May 2024 23:07:47 +0300 Subject: [PATCH] Use config.Reference.TerraformName instead of config.Reference.Type - config.Reference.Type will be deprecated in favor of config.Reference.TerraformName Signed-off-by: Alper Rifat Ulucinar --- .../v1beta1/zz_apioperation_types.go | 12 +- .../v1beta1/zz_apipolicy_types.go | 12 +- .../v1beta1/zz_apischema_types.go | 12 +- .../v1beta1/zz_authorizationserver_types.go | 6 +- .../v1beta1/zz_gatewayapi_types.go | 24 +- .../v1beta1/zz_productapi_types.go | 18 +- .../v1beta1/zz_productpolicy_types.go | 12 +- .../v1beta1/zz_subscription_types.go | 30 +- .../v1beta1/zz_redislinkedserver_types.go | 18 +- .../zz_containerconnectedregistry_types.go | 24 +- .../v1beta1/zz_token_types.go | 12 +- .../zz_kubernetesclusternodepool_types.go | 6 +- apis/cosmosdb/v1beta1/zz_account_types.go | 12 +- .../v1beta1/zz_cassandratable_types.go | 6 +- .../v1beta1/zz_gremlindatabase_types.go | 6 +- .../cosmosdb/v1beta1/zz_gremlingraph_types.go | 12 +- .../v1beta1/zz_mongocollection_types.go | 12 +- .../v1beta1/zz_mongodatabase_types.go | 6 +- .../cosmosdb/v1beta1/zz_sqlcontainer_types.go | 12 +- apis/cosmosdb/v1beta1/zz_sqldatabase_types.go | 6 +- apis/cosmosdb/v1beta1/zz_sqlfunction_types.go | 6 +- .../v1beta1/zz_sqlstoredprocedure_types.go | 18 +- apis/cosmosdb/v1beta1/zz_sqltrigger_types.go | 6 +- apis/cosmosdb/v1beta1/zz_table_types.go | 6 +- .../zz_backuppolicyblobstorage_types.go | 6 +- .../v1beta1/zz_backuppolicydisk_types.go | 6 +- .../zz_backuppolicypostgresql_types.go | 6 +- .../v1beta1/zz_datasetblobstorage_types.go | 6 +- .../v1beta1/zz_datasetdatalakegen2_types.go | 6 +- .../v1beta1/zz_datasetkustocluster_types.go | 6 +- .../v1beta1/zz_datasetkustodatabase_types.go | 6 +- apis/datashare/v1beta1/zz_datashare_types.go | 6 +- .../v1beta1/zz_firewallrule_types.go | 6 +- apis/dbformariadb/v1beta1/zz_server_types.go | 12 +- .../v1beta1/zz_flexibledatabase_types.go | 6 +- .../zz_flexibleserverconfiguration_types.go | 6 +- .../zz_flexibleserverfirewallrule_types.go | 6 +- .../zz_activedirectoryadministrator_types.go | 6 +- .../v1beta1/zz_configuration_types.go | 12 +- .../v1beta1/zz_database_types.go | 6 +- .../v1beta1/zz_firewallrule_types.go | 6 +- ...erveractivedirectoryadministrator_types.go | 6 +- .../zz_flexibleserverconfiguration_types.go | 12 +- .../zz_flexibleserverdatabase_types.go | 6 +- .../zz_flexibleserverfirewallrule_types.go | 6 +- .../v1beta1/zz_serverkey_types.go | 12 +- .../v1beta1/zz_virtualnetworkrule_types.go | 6 +- .../v1beta1/zz_iothubconsumergroup_types.go | 6 +- .../v1beta1/zz_iothubdpscertificate_types.go | 12 +- .../v1beta1/zz_iothubfallbackroute_types.go | 18 +- .../v1beta1/zz_authorizationrule_types.go | 12 +- .../v1beta1/zz_consumergroup_types.go | 12 +- apis/eventhub/v1beta1/zz_eventhub_types.go | 6 +- .../zz_healthcaremedtechservice_types.go | 6 +- ...caremedtechservicefhirdestination_types.go | 18 +- .../v1beta1/zz_monitormetricalert_types.go | 12 +- ...z_monitorprivatelinkscopedservice_types.go | 18 +- ...z_monitorscheduledqueryrulesalert_types.go | 12 +- ...monitorscheduledqueryrulesalertv2_types.go | 12 +- .../keyvault/v1beta1/zz_accesspolicy_types.go | 12 +- apis/keyvault/v1beta1/zz_certificate_types.go | 12 +- .../v1beta1/zz_certificateissuer_types.go | 12 +- apis/keyvault/v1beta1/zz_key_types.go | 12 +- .../v1beta1/zz_managedstorageaccount_types.go | 12 +- ...dstorageaccountsastokendefinition_types.go | 6 +- apis/keyvault/v1beta1/zz_secret_types.go | 12 +- apis/kusto/v1beta1/zz_database_types.go | 6 +- ...ementgroupsubscriptionassociation_types.go | 12 +- apis/media/v1beta1/zz_asset_types.go | 6 +- apis/media/v1beta1/zz_liveevent_types.go | 6 +- .../media/v1beta1/zz_liveeventoutput_types.go | 18 +- .../v1beta1/zz_servicesaccountfilter_types.go | 6 +- .../v1beta1/zz_streamingendpoint_types.go | 6 +- .../v1beta1/zz_streaminglocator_types.go | 18 +- .../media/v1beta1/zz_streamingpolicy_types.go | 6 +- apis/media/v1beta1/zz_transform_types.go | 6 +- apis/netapp/v1beta1/zz_pool_types.go | 6 +- apis/netapp/v1beta1/zz_snapshot_types.go | 18 +- .../netapp/v1beta1/zz_snapshotpolicy_types.go | 6 +- apis/netapp/v1beta1/zz_volume_types.go | 48 ++-- .../v1beta1/zz_applicationgateway_types.go | 36 +-- .../v1beta1/zz_connectionmonitor_types.go | 6 +- .../network/v1beta1/zz_dnsaaaarecord_types.go | 6 +- apis/network/v1beta1/zz_dnsarecord_types.go | 6 +- apis/network/v1beta1/zz_dnscaarecord_types.go | 6 +- .../v1beta1/zz_dnscnamerecord_types.go | 6 +- apis/network/v1beta1/zz_dnsmxrecord_types.go | 6 +- apis/network/v1beta1/zz_dnsnsrecord_types.go | 6 +- apis/network/v1beta1/zz_dnsptrrecord_types.go | 6 +- apis/network/v1beta1/zz_dnssrvrecord_types.go | 6 +- apis/network/v1beta1/zz_dnstxtrecord_types.go | 6 +- ..._expressroutecircuitauthorization_types.go | 6 +- .../zz_expressroutecircuitconnection_types.go | 18 +- .../zz_expressroutecircuitpeering_types.go | 6 +- .../zz_expressrouteconnection_types.go | 18 +- .../v1beta1/zz_expressroutegateway_types.go | 12 +- apis/network/v1beta1/zz_firewall_types.go | 36 +-- ...firewallapplicationrulecollection_types.go | 6 +- .../zz_firewallnatrulecollection_types.go | 6 +- .../zz_firewallnetworkrulecollection_types.go | 6 +- ...firewallpolicyrulecollectiongroup_types.go | 6 +- .../v1beta1/zz_frontdoorrulesengine_types.go | 6 +- apis/network/v1beta1/zz_loadbalancer_types.go | 24 +- ...zz_loadbalancerbackendaddresspool_types.go | 6 +- ...balancerbackendaddresspooladdress_types.go | 18 +- .../v1beta1/zz_loadbalancernatpool_types.go | 6 +- .../v1beta1/zz_loadbalancernatrule_types.go | 6 +- .../zz_loadbalanceroutboundrule_types.go | 18 +- .../v1beta1/zz_loadbalancerprobe_types.go | 6 +- .../v1beta1/zz_loadbalancerrule_types.go | 6 +- .../v1beta1/zz_managerstaticmember_types.go | 12 +- .../zz_natgatewaypublicipassociation_types.go | 24 +- ...tgatewaypublicipprefixassociation_types.go | 24 +- ...plicationsecuritygroupassociation_types.go | 24 +- ...facebackendaddresspoolassociation_types.go | 24 +- ...etworkinterfacenatruleassociation_types.go | 24 +- ...interfacesecuritygroupassociation_types.go | 24 +- .../network/v1beta1/zz_packetcapture_types.go | 6 +- .../v1beta1/zz_pointtositevpngateway_types.go | 24 +- .../v1beta1/zz_privatednsaaaarecord_types.go | 6 +- .../v1beta1/zz_privatednsarecord_types.go | 6 +- .../v1beta1/zz_privatednscnamerecord_types.go | 6 +- .../v1beta1/zz_privatednsmxrecord_types.go | 6 +- .../v1beta1/zz_privatednsptrrecord_types.go | 6 +- .../v1beta1/zz_privatednssrvrecord_types.go | 6 +- .../v1beta1/zz_privatednstxtrecord_types.go | 6 +- ..._privatednszonevirtualnetworklink_types.go | 18 +- .../v1beta1/zz_privateendpoint_types.go | 12 +- .../v1beta1/zz_privatelinkservice_types.go | 12 +- apis/network/v1beta1/zz_profile_types.go | 12 +- apis/network/v1beta1/zz_securityrule_types.go | 6 +- apis/network/v1beta1/zz_subnet_types.go | 6 +- .../zz_subnetnatgatewayassociation_types.go | 12 +- ...etnetworksecuritygroupassociation_types.go | 24 +- .../zz_subnetroutetableassociation_types.go | 24 +- apis/network/v1beta1/zz_virtualhub_types.go | 12 +- .../v1beta1/zz_virtualnetworkgateway_types.go | 12 +- ...z_virtualnetworkgatewayconnection_types.go | 24 +- .../v1beta1/zz_virtualnetworkpeering_types.go | 18 +- .../v1beta1/zz_watcherflowlog_types.go | 18 +- apis/rconfig/config.go | 23 -- apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqldatabase_types.go | 6 +- ...lnerabilityassessmentrulebaseline_types.go | 12 +- apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqlelasticpool_types.go | 6 +- .../v1beta1/zz_mssqlfailovergroup_types.go | 30 +- .../v1beta1/zz_mssqlmanageddatabase_types.go | 6 +- .../v1beta1/zz_mssqlmanagedinstance_types.go | 12 +- ...tanceactivedirectoryadministrator_types.go | 6 +- ...mssqlmanagedinstancefailovergroup_types.go | 24 +- ...edinstancevulnerabilityassessment_types.go | 6 +- .../zz_mssqloutboundfirewallrule_types.go | 6 +- .../v1beta1/zz_mssqlserverdnsalias_types.go | 6 +- ...zz_mssqlserversecurityalertpolicy_types.go | 6 +- ...qlservertransparentdataencryption_types.go | 6 +- .../zz_mssqlvirtualnetworkrule_types.go | 6 +- apis/storage/v1beta1/zz_blob_types.go | 12 +- apis/storage/v1beta1/zz_container_types.go | 6 +- .../zz_datalakegen2filesystem_types.go | 12 +- .../v1beta1/zz_functionjavascriptuda_types.go | 12 +- .../v1beta1/zz_outputblob_types.go | 12 +- .../v1beta1/zz_outputmssql_types.go | 12 +- .../v1beta1/zz_outputpowerbi_types.go | 12 +- .../v1beta1/zz_outputservicebusqueue_types.go | 12 +- .../v1beta1/zz_outputservicebustopic_types.go | 12 +- .../v1beta1/zz_outputsynapse_types.go | 6 +- .../v1beta1/zz_referenceinputblob_types.go | 12 +- .../v1beta1/zz_streaminputblob_types.go | 12 +- .../v1beta1/zz_streaminputeventhub_types.go | 12 +- .../v1beta1/zz_streaminputiothub_types.go | 12 +- config/alertsmanagement/config.go | 20 +- config/apimanagement/config.go | 42 +-- config/appplatform/config.go | 4 +- config/cache/config.go | 6 +- config/cdn/config.go | 16 +- config/common/common.go | 49 ++-- config/compute/config.go | 8 +- config/consumption/config.go | 4 +- config/containerregistry/config.go | 12 +- config/containerservice/config.go | 4 +- config/cosmosdb/config.go | 22 +- config/costmanagement/config.go | 4 +- config/dataprotection/config.go | 10 +- config/datashare/config.go | 40 +-- config/dbformysql/config.go | 10 +- config/devices/config.go | 18 +- config/eventhub/config.go | 10 +- config/healthcareapis/config.go | 18 +- config/insights/config.go | 26 +- config/keyvault/config.go | 32 +-- config/kusto/config.go | 2 +- config/logic/config.go | 6 +- config/management/config.go | 8 +- config/media/config.go | 26 +- config/netapp/config.go | 26 +- config/network/config.go | 268 +++++++++--------- config/operationalinsights/config.go | 4 +- config/postgresql/config.go | 32 +-- config/resources/config.go | 8 +- config/security/config.go | 6 +- config/sql/config.go | 66 ++--- config/storage/config.go | 10 +- config/streamanalytics/config.go | 32 +-- | 10 +- | 10 +- | 10 +- | 6 +- | 20 +- | 16 +- | 12 +- | 30 +- | 12 +- ...bound.io_containerconnectedregistries.yaml | 24 +- | 12 +- ...upbound.io_kubernetesclusternodepools.yaml | 6 +- .../ | 12 +- | 6 +- | 4 +- | 10 +- | 10 +- | 4 +- | 10 +- | 4 +- | 6 +- | 16 +- | 6 +- .../ | 4 +- ...e.upbound.io_backuppolicyblobstorages.yaml | 6 +- | 6 +- | 6 +- | 6 +- | 6 +- | 6 +- ...zure.upbound.io_datasetkustodatabases.yaml | 6 +- | 4 +- | 6 +- | 12 +- | 6 +- ...bound.io_flexibleserverconfigurations.yaml | 6 +- ...pbound.io_flexibleserverfirewallrules.yaml | 6 +- ...ound.io_activedirectoryadministrators.yaml | 6 +- | 12 +- | 6 +- | 6 +- ...leserveractivedirectoryadministrators.yaml | 6 +- ...bound.io_flexibleserverconfigurations.yaml | 12 +- | 6 +- ...pbound.io_flexibleserverfirewallrules.yaml | 6 +- | 12 +- | 6 +- | 4 +- ...zure.upbound.io_iothubdpscertificates.yaml | 8 +- | 16 +- | 10 +- | 10 +- .../ | 6 +- ...lthcaremedtechservicefhirdestinations.yaml | 24 +- ....upbound.io_healthcaremedtechservices.yaml | 6 +- | 16 +- ...d.io_monitorprivatelinkscopedservices.yaml | 20 +- ...d.io_monitorscheduledqueryrulesalerts.yaml | 16 +- ...io_monitorscheduledqueryrulesalertv2s.yaml | 14 +- | 8 +- | 8 +- | 8 +- .../crds/ | 8 +- ...ure.upbound.io_managedstorageaccounts.yaml | 8 +- ...agedstorageaccountsastokendefinitions.yaml | 8 +- .../ | 8 +- .../ | 4 +- ...nagementgroupsubscriptionassociations.yaml | 12 +- .../crds/ | 6 +- | 12 +- .../ | 6 +- ...ure.upbound.io_servicesaccountfilters.yaml | 6 +- | 6 +- | 14 +- | 6 +- .../ | 6 +- .../crds/ | 4 +- | 4 +- .../ | 12 +- .../crds/ | 40 +-- | 36 ++- | 4 +- | 4 +- .../ | 4 +- | 4 +- | 4 +- | 4 +- | 4 +- | 4 +- | 4 +- | 4 +- ....io_expressroutecircuitauthorizations.yaml | 6 +- ...und.io_expressroutecircuitconnections.yaml | 24 +- ...pbound.io_expressroutecircuitpeerings.yaml | 6 +- | 22 +- | 12 +- ...io_firewallapplicationrulecollections.yaml | 4 +- ...upbound.io_firewallnatrulecollections.yaml | 4 +- ...und.io_firewallnetworkrulecollections.yaml | 4 +- ...io_firewallpolicyrulecollectiongroups.yaml | 6 +- .../ | 36 ++- ...zure.upbound.io_frontdoorrulesengines.yaml | 4 +- ...adbalancerbackendaddresspooladdresses.yaml | 20 +- ...nd.io_loadbalancerbackendaddresspools.yaml | 6 +- | 6 +- | 6 +- ....upbound.io_loadbalanceroutboundrules.yaml | 22 +- | 6 +- | 6 +- | 24 +- | 12 +- ...und.io_natgatewaypublicipassociations.yaml | 20 +- ..._natgatewaypublicipprefixassociations.yaml | 24 +- ...eapplicationsecuritygroupassociations.yaml | 28 +- ...terfacebackendaddresspoolassociations.yaml | 28 +- ...o_networkinterfacenatruleassociations.yaml | 24 +- ...orkinterfacesecuritygroupassociations.yaml | 24 +- | 4 +- ...ure.upbound.io_pointtositevpngateways.yaml | 28 +- ...zure.upbound.io_privatednsaaaarecords.yaml | 6 +- | 6 +- ...ure.upbound.io_privatednscnamerecords.yaml | 6 +- | 6 +- | 6 +- | 6 +- | 6 +- ....io_privatednszonevirtualnetworklinks.yaml | 18 +- | 14 +- | 12 +- .../ | 12 +- | 6 +- ...bound.io_subnetnatgatewayassociations.yaml | 8 +- ...ubnetnetworksecuritygroupassociations.yaml | 20 +- ...bound.io_subnetroutetableassociations.yaml | 20 +- .../ | 6 +- .../ | 12 +- ...d.io_virtualnetworkgatewayconnections.yaml | 32 +-- ...ure.upbound.io_virtualnetworkgateways.yaml | 12 +- ...ure.upbound.io_virtualnetworkpeerings.yaml | 18 +- | 16 +- .../ | 4 +- ...evulnerabilityassessmentrulebaselines.yaml | 8 +- | 4 +- | 24 +- ...zure.upbound.io_mssqlmanageddatabases.yaml | 6 +- ...instanceactivedirectoryadministrators.yaml | 6 +- ...io_mssqlmanagedinstancefailovergroups.yaml | 24 +- ...zure.upbound.io_mssqlmanagedinstances.yaml | 12 +- ...nagedinstancevulnerabilityassessments.yaml | 6 +- ...upbound.io_mssqloutboundfirewallrules.yaml | 4 +- ...zure.upbound.io_mssqlserverdnsaliases.yaml | 4 +- ...d.io_mssqlserversecurityalertpolicies.yaml | 4 +- ...mssqlservertransparentdataencryptions.yaml | 4 +- ...e.upbound.io_mssqlvirtualnetworkrules.yaml | 4 +- .../crds/ | 8 +- .../ | 4 +- | 8 +- ...ure.upbound.io_functionjavascriptudas.yaml | 12 +- | 12 +- | 12 +- | 12 +- ...ure.upbound.io_outputservicebusqueues.yaml | 12 +- ...ure.upbound.io_outputservicebustopics.yaml | 12 +- | 6 +- | 12 +- | 12 +- | 12 +- | 12 +- 370 files changed, 2433 insertions(+), 2093 deletions(-) diff --git a/apis/apimanagement/v1beta1/zz_apioperation_types.go b/apis/apimanagement/v1beta1/zz_apioperation_types.go index 05a3c4ebb..f682777e8 100755 --- a/apis/apimanagement/v1beta1/zz_apioperation_types.go +++ b/apis/apimanagement/v1beta1/zz_apioperation_types.go @@ -76,28 +76,28 @@ type APIOperationObservation struct { type APIOperationParameters struct { // The Name of the API Management Service where the API exists. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Management + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional APIManagementName *string `json:"apiManagementName,omitempty" tf:"api_management_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Management to populate apiManagementName. + // Reference to a Management in apimanagement to populate apiManagementName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional APIManagementNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"apiManagementNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Management to populate apiManagementName. + // Selector for a Management in apimanagement to populate apiManagementName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional APIManagementNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"apiManagementNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The name of the API within the API Management Service where this API Operation should be created. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=API + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional APIName *string `json:"apiName,omitempty" tf:"api_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a API to populate apiName. + // Reference to a API in apimanagement to populate apiName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional APINameRef *v1.Reference `json:"apiNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a API to populate apiName. + // Selector for a API in apimanagement to populate apiName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional APINameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"apiNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/apimanagement/v1beta1/zz_apipolicy_types.go b/apis/apimanagement/v1beta1/zz_apipolicy_types.go index 447de5131..af21843d7 100755 --- a/apis/apimanagement/v1beta1/zz_apipolicy_types.go +++ b/apis/apimanagement/v1beta1/zz_apipolicy_types.go @@ -46,28 +46,28 @@ type APIPolicyObservation struct { type APIPolicyParameters struct { // The name of the API Management Service. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Management + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional APIManagementName *string `json:"apiManagementName,omitempty" tf:"api_management_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Management to populate apiManagementName. + // Reference to a Management in apimanagement to populate apiManagementName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional APIManagementNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"apiManagementNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Management to populate apiManagementName. + // Selector for a Management in apimanagement to populate apiManagementName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional APIManagementNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"apiManagementNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The ID of the API Management API within the API Management Service. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=API + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional APIName *string `json:"apiName,omitempty" tf:"api_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a API to populate apiName. + // Reference to a API in apimanagement to populate apiName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional APINameRef *v1.Reference `json:"apiNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a API to populate apiName. + // Selector for a API in apimanagement to populate apiName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional APINameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"apiNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/apimanagement/v1beta1/zz_apischema_types.go b/apis/apimanagement/v1beta1/zz_apischema_types.go index b36165161..b9a8d324c 100755 --- a/apis/apimanagement/v1beta1/zz_apischema_types.go +++ b/apis/apimanagement/v1beta1/zz_apischema_types.go @@ -58,28 +58,28 @@ type APISchemaObservation struct { type APISchemaParameters struct { // The Name of the API Management Service where the API exists. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Management + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional APIManagementName *string `json:"apiManagementName,omitempty" tf:"api_management_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Management to populate apiManagementName. + // Reference to a Management in apimanagement to populate apiManagementName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional APIManagementNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"apiManagementNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Management to populate apiManagementName. + // Selector for a Management in apimanagement to populate apiManagementName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional APIManagementNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"apiManagementNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The name of the API within the API Management Service where this API Schema should be created. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=API + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional APIName *string `json:"apiName,omitempty" tf:"api_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a API to populate apiName. + // Reference to a API in apimanagement to populate apiName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional APINameRef *v1.Reference `json:"apiNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a API to populate apiName. + // Selector for a API in apimanagement to populate apiName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional APINameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"apiNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/apimanagement/v1beta1/zz_authorizationserver_types.go b/apis/apimanagement/v1beta1/zz_authorizationserver_types.go index e006f2b4a..dddd58141 100755 --- a/apis/apimanagement/v1beta1/zz_authorizationserver_types.go +++ b/apis/apimanagement/v1beta1/zz_authorizationserver_types.go @@ -123,15 +123,15 @@ type AuthorizationServerObservation struct { type AuthorizationServerParameters struct { // The name of the API Management Service in which this Authorization Server should be created. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Management + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional APIManagementName *string `json:"apiManagementName,omitempty" tf:"api_management_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Management to populate apiManagementName. + // Reference to a Management in apimanagement to populate apiManagementName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional APIManagementNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"apiManagementNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Management to populate apiManagementName. + // Selector for a Management in apimanagement to populate apiManagementName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional APIManagementNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"apiManagementNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/apimanagement/v1beta1/zz_gatewayapi_types.go b/apis/apimanagement/v1beta1/zz_gatewayapi_types.go index 57cca57ed..76c445d90 100755 --- a/apis/apimanagement/v1beta1/zz_gatewayapi_types.go +++ b/apis/apimanagement/v1beta1/zz_gatewayapi_types.go @@ -16,28 +16,28 @@ import ( type GatewayAPIInitParameters struct { // The Identifier of the API Management API within the API Management Service. Changing this forces a new API Management Gateway API to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=API + // // APIID *string `json:"apiId,omitempty" tf:"api_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a API to populate apiId. + // Reference to a API in apimanagement to populate apiId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional APIIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"apiIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a API to populate apiId. + // Selector for a API in apimanagement to populate apiId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional APIIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"apiIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The Identifier for the API Management Gateway. Changing this forces a new API Management Gateway API to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Gateway + // // GatewayID *string `json:"gatewayId,omitempty" tf:"gateway_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Gateway to populate gatewayId. + // Reference to a Gateway in apimanagement to populate gatewayId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional GatewayIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"gatewayIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Gateway to populate gatewayId. + // Selector for a Gateway in apimanagement to populate gatewayId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional GatewayIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"gatewayIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } @@ -57,30 +57,30 @@ type GatewayAPIObservation struct { type GatewayAPIParameters struct { // The Identifier of the API Management API within the API Management Service. Changing this forces a new API Management Gateway API to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=API + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional APIID *string `json:"apiId,omitempty" tf:"api_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a API to populate apiId. + // Reference to a API in apimanagement to populate apiId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional APIIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"apiIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a API to populate apiId. + // Selector for a API in apimanagement to populate apiId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional APIIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"apiIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The Identifier for the API Management Gateway. Changing this forces a new API Management Gateway API to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Gateway + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional GatewayID *string `json:"gatewayId,omitempty" tf:"gateway_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Gateway to populate gatewayId. + // Reference to a Gateway in apimanagement to populate gatewayId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional GatewayIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"gatewayIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Gateway to populate gatewayId. + // Selector for a Gateway in apimanagement to populate gatewayId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional GatewayIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"gatewayIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/apimanagement/v1beta1/zz_productapi_types.go b/apis/apimanagement/v1beta1/zz_productapi_types.go index a7f594528..32ce6e075 100755 --- a/apis/apimanagement/v1beta1/zz_productapi_types.go +++ b/apis/apimanagement/v1beta1/zz_productapi_types.go @@ -37,41 +37,41 @@ type ProductAPIObservation struct { type ProductAPIParameters struct { // The name of the API Management Service. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Management + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional APIManagementName *string `json:"apiManagementName,omitempty" tf:"api_management_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Management to populate apiManagementName. + // Reference to a Management in apimanagement to populate apiManagementName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional APIManagementNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"apiManagementNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Management to populate apiManagementName. + // Selector for a Management in apimanagement to populate apiManagementName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional APIManagementNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"apiManagementNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The Name of the API Management API within the API Management Service. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=API + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional APIName *string `json:"apiName,omitempty" tf:"api_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a API to populate apiName. + // Reference to a API in apimanagement to populate apiName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional APINameRef *v1.Reference `json:"apiNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a API to populate apiName. + // Selector for a API in apimanagement to populate apiName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional APINameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"apiNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The ID of the API Management Product within the API Management Service. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Product + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ProductID *string `json:"productId,omitempty" tf:"product_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Product to populate productId. + // Reference to a Product in apimanagement to populate productId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ProductIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"productIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Product to populate productId. + // Selector for a Product in apimanagement to populate productId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ProductIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"productIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/apimanagement/v1beta1/zz_productpolicy_types.go b/apis/apimanagement/v1beta1/zz_productpolicy_types.go index f0efa257b..72d361b3c 100755 --- a/apis/apimanagement/v1beta1/zz_productpolicy_types.go +++ b/apis/apimanagement/v1beta1/zz_productpolicy_types.go @@ -46,28 +46,28 @@ type ProductPolicyObservation struct { type ProductPolicyParameters struct { // The name of the API Management Service. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Management + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional APIManagementName *string `json:"apiManagementName,omitempty" tf:"api_management_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Management to populate apiManagementName. + // Reference to a Management in apimanagement to populate apiManagementName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional APIManagementNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"apiManagementNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Management to populate apiManagementName. + // Selector for a Management in apimanagement to populate apiManagementName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional APIManagementNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"apiManagementNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The ID of the API Management Product within the API Management Service. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Product + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ProductID *string `json:"productId,omitempty" tf:"product_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Product to populate productId. + // Reference to a Product in apimanagement to populate productId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ProductIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"productIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Product to populate productId. + // Selector for a Product in apimanagement to populate productId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ProductIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"productIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/apimanagement/v1beta1/zz_subscription_types.go b/apis/apimanagement/v1beta1/zz_subscription_types.go index efdf8a467..b3f69051d 100755 --- a/apis/apimanagement/v1beta1/zz_subscription_types.go +++ b/apis/apimanagement/v1beta1/zz_subscription_types.go @@ -22,15 +22,15 @@ type SubscriptionInitParameters struct { AllowTracing *bool `json:"allowTracing,omitempty" tf:"allow_tracing,omitempty"` // The ID of the Product which should be assigned to this Subscription. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Product + // // ProductID *string `json:"productId,omitempty" tf:"product_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Product to populate productId. + // Reference to a Product in apimanagement to populate productId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ProductIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"productIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Product to populate productId. + // Selector for a Product in apimanagement to populate productId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ProductIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"productIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -41,15 +41,15 @@ type SubscriptionInitParameters struct { SubscriptionID *string `json:"subscriptionId,omitempty" tf:"subscription_id,omitempty"` // The ID of the User which should be assigned to this Subscription. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=User + // // UserID *string `json:"userId,omitempty" tf:"user_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a User to populate userId. + // Reference to a User in apimanagement to populate userId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional UserIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"userIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a User to populate userId. + // Selector for a User in apimanagement to populate userId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional UserIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"userIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } @@ -91,15 +91,15 @@ type SubscriptionParameters struct { APIID *string `json:"apiId,omitempty" tf:"api_id,omitempty"` // The name of the API Management Service where this Subscription should be created. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Management + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional APIManagementName *string `json:"apiManagementName,omitempty" tf:"api_management_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Management to populate apiManagementName. + // Reference to a Management in apimanagement to populate apiManagementName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional APIManagementNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"apiManagementNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Management to populate apiManagementName. + // Selector for a Management in apimanagement to populate apiManagementName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional APIManagementNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"apiManagementNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -112,16 +112,16 @@ type SubscriptionParameters struct { PrimaryKeySecretRef *v1.SecretKeySelector `json:"primaryKeySecretRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The ID of the Product which should be assigned to this Subscription. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Product + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ProductID *string `json:"productId,omitempty" tf:"product_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Product to populate productId. + // Reference to a Product in apimanagement to populate productId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ProductIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"productIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Product to populate productId. + // Selector for a Product in apimanagement to populate productId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ProductIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"productIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -151,16 +151,16 @@ type SubscriptionParameters struct { SubscriptionID *string `json:"subscriptionId,omitempty" tf:"subscription_id,omitempty"` // The ID of the User which should be assigned to this Subscription. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=User + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional UserID *string `json:"userId,omitempty" tf:"user_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a User to populate userId. + // Reference to a User in apimanagement to populate userId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional UserIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"userIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a User to populate userId. + // Selector for a User in apimanagement to populate userId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional UserIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"userIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/cache/v1beta1/zz_redislinkedserver_types.go b/apis/cache/v1beta1/zz_redislinkedserver_types.go index c23a387b8..b2a5d147f 100755 --- a/apis/cache/v1beta1/zz_redislinkedserver_types.go +++ b/apis/cache/v1beta1/zz_redislinkedserver_types.go @@ -16,15 +16,15 @@ import ( type RedisLinkedServerInitParameters struct { // The ID of the linked Redis cache. Changing this forces a new Redis to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=RedisCache + // // LinkedRedisCacheID *string `json:"linkedRedisCacheId,omitempty" tf:"linked_redis_cache_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a RedisCache to populate linkedRedisCacheId. + // Reference to a RedisCache in cache to populate linkedRedisCacheId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional LinkedRedisCacheIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"linkedRedisCacheIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a RedisCache to populate linkedRedisCacheId. + // Selector for a RedisCache in cache to populate linkedRedisCacheId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional LinkedRedisCacheIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"linkedRedisCacheIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -65,16 +65,16 @@ type RedisLinkedServerObservation struct { type RedisLinkedServerParameters struct { // The ID of the linked Redis cache. Changing this forces a new Redis to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=RedisCache + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional LinkedRedisCacheID *string `json:"linkedRedisCacheId,omitempty" tf:"linked_redis_cache_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a RedisCache to populate linkedRedisCacheId. + // Reference to a RedisCache in cache to populate linkedRedisCacheId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional LinkedRedisCacheIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"linkedRedisCacheIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a RedisCache to populate linkedRedisCacheId. + // Selector for a RedisCache in cache to populate linkedRedisCacheId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional LinkedRedisCacheIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"linkedRedisCacheIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -100,15 +100,15 @@ type RedisLinkedServerParameters struct { ServerRole *string `json:"serverRole,omitempty" tf:"server_role,omitempty"` // The name of Redis cache to link with. Changing this forces a new Redis to be created. (eg The primary role) - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=RedisCache + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional TargetRedisCacheName *string `json:"targetRedisCacheName,omitempty" tf:"target_redis_cache_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a RedisCache to populate targetRedisCacheName. + // Reference to a RedisCache in cache to populate targetRedisCacheName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional TargetRedisCacheNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"targetRedisCacheNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a RedisCache to populate targetRedisCacheName. + // Selector for a RedisCache in cache to populate targetRedisCacheName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional TargetRedisCacheNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"targetRedisCacheNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/containerregistry/v1beta1/zz_containerconnectedregistry_types.go b/apis/containerregistry/v1beta1/zz_containerconnectedregistry_types.go index 4396c56cc..2df6131de 100755 --- a/apis/containerregistry/v1beta1/zz_containerconnectedregistry_types.go +++ b/apis/containerregistry/v1beta1/zz_containerconnectedregistry_types.go @@ -22,15 +22,15 @@ type ContainerConnectedRegistryInitParameters struct { ClientTokenIds []*string `json:"clientTokenIds,omitempty" tf:"client_token_ids,omitempty"` // The ID of the Container Registry that this Connected Registry will reside in. Changing this forces a new Container Connected Registry to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Registry + // // ContainerRegistryID *string `json:"containerRegistryId,omitempty" tf:"container_registry_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Registry to populate containerRegistryId. + // Reference to a Registry in containerregistry to populate containerRegistryId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ContainerRegistryIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"containerRegistryIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Registry to populate containerRegistryId. + // Selector for a Registry in containerregistry to populate containerRegistryId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ContainerRegistryIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"containerRegistryIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -53,15 +53,15 @@ type ContainerConnectedRegistryInitParameters struct { SyncSchedule *string `json:"syncSchedule,omitempty" tf:"sync_schedule,omitempty"` // The ID of the Container Registry Token which is used for synchronizing the Connected Registry. Changing this forces a new Container Connected Registry to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Token + // // SyncTokenID *string `json:"syncTokenId,omitempty" tf:"sync_token_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Token to populate syncTokenId. + // Reference to a Token in containerregistry to populate syncTokenId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SyncTokenIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"syncTokenIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Token to populate syncTokenId. + // Selector for a Token in containerregistry to populate syncTokenId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SyncTokenIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"syncTokenIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -119,16 +119,16 @@ type ContainerConnectedRegistryParameters struct { ClientTokenIds []*string `json:"clientTokenIds,omitempty" tf:"client_token_ids,omitempty"` // The ID of the Container Registry that this Connected Registry will reside in. Changing this forces a new Container Connected Registry to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Registry + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ContainerRegistryID *string `json:"containerRegistryId,omitempty" tf:"container_registry_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Registry to populate containerRegistryId. + // Reference to a Registry in containerregistry to populate containerRegistryId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ContainerRegistryIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"containerRegistryIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Registry to populate containerRegistryId. + // Selector for a Registry in containerregistry to populate containerRegistryId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ContainerRegistryIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"containerRegistryIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -157,16 +157,16 @@ type ContainerConnectedRegistryParameters struct { SyncSchedule *string `json:"syncSchedule,omitempty" tf:"sync_schedule,omitempty"` // The ID of the Container Registry Token which is used for synchronizing the Connected Registry. Changing this forces a new Container Connected Registry to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Token + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SyncTokenID *string `json:"syncTokenId,omitempty" tf:"sync_token_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Token to populate syncTokenId. + // Reference to a Token in containerregistry to populate syncTokenId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SyncTokenIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"syncTokenIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Token to populate syncTokenId. + // Selector for a Token in containerregistry to populate syncTokenId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SyncTokenIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"syncTokenIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/containerregistry/v1beta1/zz_token_types.go b/apis/containerregistry/v1beta1/zz_token_types.go index ed8449cdf..83e40c129 100755 --- a/apis/containerregistry/v1beta1/zz_token_types.go +++ b/apis/containerregistry/v1beta1/zz_token_types.go @@ -19,15 +19,15 @@ type TokenInitParameters struct { Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty" tf:"enabled,omitempty"` // The ID of the Container Registry Scope Map associated with the token. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=ScopeMap + // // ScopeMapID *string `json:"scopeMapId,omitempty" tf:"scope_map_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a ScopeMap to populate scopeMapId. + // Reference to a ScopeMap in containerregistry to populate scopeMapId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ScopeMapIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"scopeMapIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a ScopeMap to populate scopeMapId. + // Selector for a ScopeMap in containerregistry to populate scopeMapId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ScopeMapIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"scopeMapIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } @@ -83,16 +83,16 @@ type TokenParameters struct { ResourceGroupNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"resourceGroupNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The ID of the Container Registry Scope Map associated with the token. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=ScopeMap + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ScopeMapID *string `json:"scopeMapId,omitempty" tf:"scope_map_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a ScopeMap to populate scopeMapId. + // Reference to a ScopeMap in containerregistry to populate scopeMapId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ScopeMapIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"scopeMapIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a ScopeMap to populate scopeMapId. + // Selector for a ScopeMap in containerregistry to populate scopeMapId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ScopeMapIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"scopeMapIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/containerservice/v1beta1/zz_kubernetesclusternodepool_types.go b/apis/containerservice/v1beta1/zz_kubernetesclusternodepool_types.go index eb5131999..e9b4e4078 100755 --- a/apis/containerservice/v1beta1/zz_kubernetesclusternodepool_types.go +++ b/apis/containerservice/v1beta1/zz_kubernetesclusternodepool_types.go @@ -547,16 +547,16 @@ type KubernetesClusterNodePoolParameters struct { KubeletDiskType *string `json:"kubeletDiskType,omitempty" tf:"kubelet_disk_type,omitempty"` // The ID of the Kubernetes Cluster where this Node Pool should exist. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=KubernetesCluster + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional KubernetesClusterID *string `json:"kubernetesClusterId,omitempty" tf:"kubernetes_cluster_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a KubernetesCluster to populate kubernetesClusterId. + // Reference to a KubernetesCluster in containerservice to populate kubernetesClusterId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional KubernetesClusterIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"kubernetesClusterIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a KubernetesCluster to populate kubernetesClusterId. + // Selector for a KubernetesCluster in containerservice to populate kubernetesClusterId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional KubernetesClusterIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"kubernetesClusterIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/cosmosdb/v1beta1/zz_account_types.go b/apis/cosmosdb/v1beta1/zz_account_types.go index 7c330c3c0..4dc51d638 100755 --- a/apis/cosmosdb/v1beta1/zz_account_types.go +++ b/apis/cosmosdb/v1beta1/zz_account_types.go @@ -730,15 +730,15 @@ type RestoreInitParameters struct { RestoreTimestampInUtc *string `json:"restoreTimestampInUtc,omitempty" tf:"restore_timestamp_in_utc,omitempty"` // The resource ID of the restorable database account from which the restore has to be initiated. The example is /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.DocumentDB/locations/{location}/restorableDatabaseAccounts/{restorableDatabaseAccountName}. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Account + // // SourceCosmosDBAccountID *string `json:"sourceCosmosdbAccountId,omitempty" tf:"source_cosmosdb_account_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Account to populate sourceCosmosdbAccountId. + // Reference to a Account in cosmosdb to populate sourceCosmosdbAccountId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SourceCosmosDBAccountIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"sourceCosmosdbAccountIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Account to populate sourceCosmosdbAccountId. + // Selector for a Account in cosmosdb to populate sourceCosmosdbAccountId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SourceCosmosDBAccountIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"sourceCosmosdbAccountIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -779,16 +779,16 @@ type RestoreParameters struct { RestoreTimestampInUtc *string `json:"restoreTimestampInUtc" tf:"restore_timestamp_in_utc,omitempty"` // The resource ID of the restorable database account from which the restore has to be initiated. The example is /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.DocumentDB/locations/{location}/restorableDatabaseAccounts/{restorableDatabaseAccountName}. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Account + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SourceCosmosDBAccountID *string `json:"sourceCosmosdbAccountId,omitempty" tf:"source_cosmosdb_account_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Account to populate sourceCosmosdbAccountId. + // Reference to a Account in cosmosdb to populate sourceCosmosdbAccountId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SourceCosmosDBAccountIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"sourceCosmosdbAccountIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Account to populate sourceCosmosdbAccountId. + // Selector for a Account in cosmosdb to populate sourceCosmosdbAccountId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SourceCosmosDBAccountIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"sourceCosmosdbAccountIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/cosmosdb/v1beta1/zz_cassandratable_types.go b/apis/cosmosdb/v1beta1/zz_cassandratable_types.go index 86a6c849d..9e087ca32 100755 --- a/apis/cosmosdb/v1beta1/zz_cassandratable_types.go +++ b/apis/cosmosdb/v1beta1/zz_cassandratable_types.go @@ -85,16 +85,16 @@ type CassandraTableParameters struct { AutoscaleSettings []CassandraTableAutoscaleSettingsParameters `json:"autoscaleSettings,omitempty" tf:"autoscale_settings,omitempty"` // The ID of the Cosmos DB Cassandra Keyspace to create the table within. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=CassandraKeySpace + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional CassandraKeySpaceID *string `json:"cassandraKeyspaceId,omitempty" tf:"cassandra_keyspace_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a CassandraKeySpace to populate cassandraKeyspaceId. + // Reference to a CassandraKeySpace in cosmosdb to populate cassandraKeyspaceId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional CassandraKeySpaceIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"cassandraKeyspaceIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a CassandraKeySpace to populate cassandraKeyspaceId. + // Selector for a CassandraKeySpace in cosmosdb to populate cassandraKeyspaceId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional CassandraKeySpaceIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"cassandraKeyspaceIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/cosmosdb/v1beta1/zz_gremlindatabase_types.go b/apis/cosmosdb/v1beta1/zz_gremlindatabase_types.go index 51ecc9e80..3a0c05fd3 100755 --- a/apis/cosmosdb/v1beta1/zz_gremlindatabase_types.go +++ b/apis/cosmosdb/v1beta1/zz_gremlindatabase_types.go @@ -62,15 +62,15 @@ type GremlinDatabaseObservation_2 struct { type GremlinDatabaseParameters_2 struct { // The name of the CosmosDB Account to create the Gremlin Database within. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Account + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AccountName *string `json:"accountName,omitempty" tf:"account_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Account to populate accountName. + // Reference to a Account in cosmosdb to populate accountName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AccountNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"accountNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Account to populate accountName. + // Selector for a Account in cosmosdb to populate accountName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AccountNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"accountNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/cosmosdb/v1beta1/zz_gremlingraph_types.go b/apis/cosmosdb/v1beta1/zz_gremlingraph_types.go index a343e9f17..ec75c6eec 100755 --- a/apis/cosmosdb/v1beta1/zz_gremlingraph_types.go +++ b/apis/cosmosdb/v1beta1/zz_gremlingraph_types.go @@ -165,15 +165,15 @@ type GremlinGraphObservation struct { type GremlinGraphParameters struct { // The name of the CosmosDB Account to create the Gremlin Graph within. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Account + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AccountName *string `json:"accountName,omitempty" tf:"account_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Account to populate accountName. + // Reference to a Account in cosmosdb to populate accountName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AccountNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"accountNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Account to populate accountName. + // Selector for a Account in cosmosdb to populate accountName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AccountNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"accountNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -190,15 +190,15 @@ type GremlinGraphParameters struct { ConflictResolutionPolicy []ConflictResolutionPolicyParameters `json:"conflictResolutionPolicy,omitempty" tf:"conflict_resolution_policy,omitempty"` // The name of the Cosmos DB Graph Database in which the Cosmos DB Gremlin Graph is created. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=GremlinDatabase + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional DatabaseName *string `json:"databaseName,omitempty" tf:"database_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a GremlinDatabase to populate databaseName. + // Reference to a GremlinDatabase in cosmosdb to populate databaseName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional DatabaseNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"databaseNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a GremlinDatabase to populate databaseName. + // Selector for a GremlinDatabase in cosmosdb to populate databaseName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional DatabaseNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"databaseNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/cosmosdb/v1beta1/zz_mongocollection_types.go b/apis/cosmosdb/v1beta1/zz_mongocollection_types.go index 2a0ee11f9..5b89a75fd 100755 --- a/apis/cosmosdb/v1beta1/zz_mongocollection_types.go +++ b/apis/cosmosdb/v1beta1/zz_mongocollection_types.go @@ -121,15 +121,15 @@ type MongoCollectionObservation struct { type MongoCollectionParameters struct { // The name of the Cosmos DB Account in which the Cosmos DB Mongo Collection is created. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Account + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AccountName *string `json:"accountName,omitempty" tf:"account_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Account to populate accountName. + // Reference to a Account in cosmosdb to populate accountName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AccountNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"accountNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Account to populate accountName. + // Selector for a Account in cosmosdb to populate accountName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AccountNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"accountNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -142,15 +142,15 @@ type MongoCollectionParameters struct { AutoscaleSettings []MongoCollectionAutoscaleSettingsParameters `json:"autoscaleSettings,omitempty" tf:"autoscale_settings,omitempty"` // The name of the Cosmos DB Mongo Database in which the Cosmos DB Mongo Collection is created. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=MongoDatabase + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional DatabaseName *string `json:"databaseName,omitempty" tf:"database_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a MongoDatabase to populate databaseName. + // Reference to a MongoDatabase in cosmosdb to populate databaseName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional DatabaseNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"databaseNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a MongoDatabase to populate databaseName. + // Selector for a MongoDatabase in cosmosdb to populate databaseName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional DatabaseNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"databaseNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/cosmosdb/v1beta1/zz_mongodatabase_types.go b/apis/cosmosdb/v1beta1/zz_mongodatabase_types.go index e96955ca7..d1b875d24 100755 --- a/apis/cosmosdb/v1beta1/zz_mongodatabase_types.go +++ b/apis/cosmosdb/v1beta1/zz_mongodatabase_types.go @@ -62,15 +62,15 @@ type MongoDatabaseObservation struct { type MongoDatabaseParameters struct { // The name of the Cosmos DB Mongo Database to create the table within. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Account + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AccountName *string `json:"accountName,omitempty" tf:"account_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Account to populate accountName. + // Reference to a Account in cosmosdb to populate accountName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AccountNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"accountNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Account to populate accountName. + // Selector for a Account in cosmosdb to populate accountName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AccountNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"accountNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/cosmosdb/v1beta1/zz_sqlcontainer_types.go b/apis/cosmosdb/v1beta1/zz_sqlcontainer_types.go index 8938aa15b..bbdb60b2c 100755 --- a/apis/cosmosdb/v1beta1/zz_sqlcontainer_types.go +++ b/apis/cosmosdb/v1beta1/zz_sqlcontainer_types.go @@ -314,15 +314,15 @@ type SQLContainerObservation struct { type SQLContainerParameters struct { // The name of the Cosmos DB Account to create the container within. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Account + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AccountName *string `json:"accountName,omitempty" tf:"account_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Account to populate accountName. + // Reference to a Account in cosmosdb to populate accountName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AccountNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"accountNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Account to populate accountName. + // Selector for a Account in cosmosdb to populate accountName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AccountNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"accountNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -339,15 +339,15 @@ type SQLContainerParameters struct { ConflictResolutionPolicy []SQLContainerConflictResolutionPolicyParameters `json:"conflictResolutionPolicy,omitempty" tf:"conflict_resolution_policy,omitempty"` // The name of the Cosmos DB SQL Database to create the container within. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=SQLDatabase + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional DatabaseName *string `json:"databaseName,omitempty" tf:"database_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a SQLDatabase to populate databaseName. + // Reference to a SQLDatabase in cosmosdb to populate databaseName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional DatabaseNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"databaseNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a SQLDatabase to populate databaseName. + // Selector for a SQLDatabase in cosmosdb to populate databaseName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional DatabaseNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"databaseNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/cosmosdb/v1beta1/zz_sqldatabase_types.go b/apis/cosmosdb/v1beta1/zz_sqldatabase_types.go index 0a82d1b41..071bcd786 100755 --- a/apis/cosmosdb/v1beta1/zz_sqldatabase_types.go +++ b/apis/cosmosdb/v1beta1/zz_sqldatabase_types.go @@ -62,15 +62,15 @@ type SQLDatabaseObservation struct { type SQLDatabaseParameters struct { // The name of the Cosmos DB SQL Database to create the table within. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Account + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AccountName *string `json:"accountName,omitempty" tf:"account_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Account to populate accountName. + // Reference to a Account in cosmosdb to populate accountName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AccountNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"accountNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Account to populate accountName. + // Selector for a Account in cosmosdb to populate accountName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AccountNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"accountNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/cosmosdb/v1beta1/zz_sqlfunction_types.go b/apis/cosmosdb/v1beta1/zz_sqlfunction_types.go index 2ee59bac6..21bdc343a 100755 --- a/apis/cosmosdb/v1beta1/zz_sqlfunction_types.go +++ b/apis/cosmosdb/v1beta1/zz_sqlfunction_types.go @@ -38,16 +38,16 @@ type SQLFunctionParameters struct { Body *string `json:"body,omitempty" tf:"body,omitempty"` // The id of the Cosmos DB SQL Container to create the SQL User Defined Function within. Changing this forces a new SQL User Defined Function to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=SQLContainer + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ContainerID *string `json:"containerId,omitempty" tf:"container_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a SQLContainer to populate containerId. + // Reference to a SQLContainer in cosmosdb to populate containerId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ContainerIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"containerIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a SQLContainer to populate containerId. + // Selector for a SQLContainer in cosmosdb to populate containerId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ContainerIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"containerIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/cosmosdb/v1beta1/zz_sqlstoredprocedure_types.go b/apis/cosmosdb/v1beta1/zz_sqlstoredprocedure_types.go index 40bfc805c..a15970095 100755 --- a/apis/cosmosdb/v1beta1/zz_sqlstoredprocedure_types.go +++ b/apis/cosmosdb/v1beta1/zz_sqlstoredprocedure_types.go @@ -43,15 +43,15 @@ type SQLStoredProcedureObservation struct { type SQLStoredProcedureParameters struct { // The name of the Cosmos DB Account to create the stored procedure within. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Account + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AccountName *string `json:"accountName,omitempty" tf:"account_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Account to populate accountName. + // Reference to a Account in cosmosdb to populate accountName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AccountNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"accountNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Account to populate accountName. + // Selector for a Account in cosmosdb to populate accountName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AccountNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"accountNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -60,28 +60,28 @@ type SQLStoredProcedureParameters struct { Body *string `json:"body,omitempty" tf:"body,omitempty"` // The name of the Cosmos DB SQL Container to create the stored procedure within. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=SQLContainer + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ContainerName *string `json:"containerName,omitempty" tf:"container_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a SQLContainer to populate containerName. + // Reference to a SQLContainer in cosmosdb to populate containerName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ContainerNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"containerNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a SQLContainer to populate containerName. + // Selector for a SQLContainer in cosmosdb to populate containerName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ContainerNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"containerNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The name of the Cosmos DB SQL Database to create the stored procedure within. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=SQLDatabase + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional DatabaseName *string `json:"databaseName,omitempty" tf:"database_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a SQLDatabase to populate databaseName. + // Reference to a SQLDatabase in cosmosdb to populate databaseName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional DatabaseNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"databaseNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a SQLDatabase to populate databaseName. + // Selector for a SQLDatabase in cosmosdb to populate databaseName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional DatabaseNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"databaseNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/cosmosdb/v1beta1/zz_sqltrigger_types.go b/apis/cosmosdb/v1beta1/zz_sqltrigger_types.go index f19e575b4..835f0e0de 100755 --- a/apis/cosmosdb/v1beta1/zz_sqltrigger_types.go +++ b/apis/cosmosdb/v1beta1/zz_sqltrigger_types.go @@ -50,16 +50,16 @@ type SQLTriggerParameters struct { Body *string `json:"body,omitempty" tf:"body,omitempty"` // The id of the Cosmos DB SQL Container to create the SQL Trigger within. Changing this forces a new SQL Trigger to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=SQLContainer + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ContainerID *string `json:"containerId,omitempty" tf:"container_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a SQLContainer to populate containerId. + // Reference to a SQLContainer in cosmosdb to populate containerId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ContainerIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"containerIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a SQLContainer to populate containerId. + // Selector for a SQLContainer in cosmosdb to populate containerId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ContainerIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"containerIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/cosmosdb/v1beta1/zz_table_types.go b/apis/cosmosdb/v1beta1/zz_table_types.go index 7a38f5362..4756e40f5 100755 --- a/apis/cosmosdb/v1beta1/zz_table_types.go +++ b/apis/cosmosdb/v1beta1/zz_table_types.go @@ -62,15 +62,15 @@ type TableObservation struct { type TableParameters struct { // The name of the Cosmos DB Table to create the table within. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Account + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AccountName *string `json:"accountName,omitempty" tf:"account_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Account to populate accountName. + // Reference to a Account in cosmosdb to populate accountName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AccountNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"accountNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Account to populate accountName. + // Selector for a Account in cosmosdb to populate accountName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AccountNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"accountNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/dataprotection/v1beta1/zz_backuppolicyblobstorage_types.go b/apis/dataprotection/v1beta1/zz_backuppolicyblobstorage_types.go index 56c8f542e..1ab878bcd 100755 --- a/apis/dataprotection/v1beta1/zz_backuppolicyblobstorage_types.go +++ b/apis/dataprotection/v1beta1/zz_backuppolicyblobstorage_types.go @@ -38,16 +38,16 @@ type BackupPolicyBlobStorageParameters struct { RetentionDuration *string `json:"retentionDuration,omitempty" tf:"retention_duration,omitempty"` // The ID of the Backup Vault within which the Backup Policy Blob Storage should exist. Changing this forces a new Backup Policy Blob Storage to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=BackupVault + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional VaultID *string `json:"vaultId,omitempty" tf:"vault_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a BackupVault to populate vaultId. + // Reference to a BackupVault in dataprotection to populate vaultId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional VaultIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"vaultIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a BackupVault to populate vaultId. + // Selector for a BackupVault in dataprotection to populate vaultId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional VaultIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"vaultIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/dataprotection/v1beta1/zz_backuppolicydisk_types.go b/apis/dataprotection/v1beta1/zz_backuppolicydisk_types.go index 5a1c92cb5..3891ccc2d 100755 --- a/apis/dataprotection/v1beta1/zz_backuppolicydisk_types.go +++ b/apis/dataprotection/v1beta1/zz_backuppolicydisk_types.go @@ -68,16 +68,16 @@ type BackupPolicyDiskParameters struct { TimeZone *string `json:"timeZone,omitempty" tf:"time_zone,omitempty"` // The ID of the Backup Vault within which the Backup Policy Disk should exist. Changing this forces a new Backup Policy Disk to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=BackupVault + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional VaultID *string `json:"vaultId,omitempty" tf:"vault_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a BackupVault to populate vaultId. + // Reference to a BackupVault in dataprotection to populate vaultId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional VaultIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"vaultIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a BackupVault to populate vaultId. + // Selector for a BackupVault in dataprotection to populate vaultId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional VaultIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"vaultIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/dataprotection/v1beta1/zz_backuppolicypostgresql_types.go b/apis/dataprotection/v1beta1/zz_backuppolicypostgresql_types.go index b6de85062..4db1b64a8 100755 --- a/apis/dataprotection/v1beta1/zz_backuppolicypostgresql_types.go +++ b/apis/dataprotection/v1beta1/zz_backuppolicypostgresql_types.go @@ -84,15 +84,15 @@ type BackupPolicyPostgreSQLParameters struct { TimeZone *string `json:"timeZone,omitempty" tf:"time_zone,omitempty"` // The name of the Backup Vault where the Backup Policy PostgreSQL should exist. Changing this forces a new Backup Policy PostgreSQL to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=BackupVault + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional VaultName *string `json:"vaultName,omitempty" tf:"vault_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a BackupVault to populate vaultName. + // Reference to a BackupVault in dataprotection to populate vaultName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional VaultNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"vaultNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a BackupVault to populate vaultName. + // Selector for a BackupVault in dataprotection to populate vaultName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional VaultNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"vaultNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/datashare/v1beta1/zz_datasetblobstorage_types.go b/apis/datashare/v1beta1/zz_datasetblobstorage_types.go index df5e2cd8b..1eff1a3f9 100755 --- a/apis/datashare/v1beta1/zz_datasetblobstorage_types.go +++ b/apis/datashare/v1beta1/zz_datasetblobstorage_types.go @@ -77,16 +77,16 @@ type DataSetBlobStorageParameters struct { ContainerNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"containerNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The ID of the Data Share in which this Data Share Blob Storage Dataset should be created. Changing this forces a new Data Share Blob Storage Dataset to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=DataShare + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional DataShareID *string `json:"dataShareId,omitempty" tf:"data_share_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a DataShare to populate dataShareId. + // Reference to a DataShare in datashare to populate dataShareId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional DataShareIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"dataShareIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a DataShare to populate dataShareId. + // Selector for a DataShare in datashare to populate dataShareId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional DataShareIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"dataShareIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/datashare/v1beta1/zz_datasetdatalakegen2_types.go b/apis/datashare/v1beta1/zz_datasetdatalakegen2_types.go index c91220e28..53303f460 100755 --- a/apis/datashare/v1beta1/zz_datasetdatalakegen2_types.go +++ b/apis/datashare/v1beta1/zz_datasetdatalakegen2_types.go @@ -95,16 +95,16 @@ type DataSetDataLakeGen2Parameters struct { FolderPath *string `json:"folderPath,omitempty" tf:"folder_path,omitempty"` // The resource ID of the Data Share where this Data Share Data Lake Gen2 Dataset should be created. Changing this forces a new Data Share Data Lake Gen2 Dataset to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=DataShare + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ShareID *string `json:"shareId,omitempty" tf:"share_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a DataShare to populate shareId. + // Reference to a DataShare in datashare to populate shareId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ShareIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"shareIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a DataShare to populate shareId. + // Selector for a DataShare in datashare to populate shareId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ShareIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"shareIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/datashare/v1beta1/zz_datasetkustocluster_types.go b/apis/datashare/v1beta1/zz_datasetkustocluster_types.go index 52b7ea654..82eef3787 100755 --- a/apis/datashare/v1beta1/zz_datasetkustocluster_types.go +++ b/apis/datashare/v1beta1/zz_datasetkustocluster_types.go @@ -64,16 +64,16 @@ type DataSetKustoClusterParameters struct { KustoClusterIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"kustoClusterIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The resource ID of the Data Share where this Data Share Kusto Cluster Dataset should be created. Changing this forces a new Data Share Kusto Cluster Dataset to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=DataShare + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ShareID *string `json:"shareId,omitempty" tf:"share_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a DataShare to populate shareId. + // Reference to a DataShare in datashare to populate shareId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ShareIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"shareIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a DataShare to populate shareId. + // Selector for a DataShare in datashare to populate shareId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ShareIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"shareIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/datashare/v1beta1/zz_datasetkustodatabase_types.go b/apis/datashare/v1beta1/zz_datasetkustodatabase_types.go index c4ca97840..c1c18fc19 100755 --- a/apis/datashare/v1beta1/zz_datasetkustodatabase_types.go +++ b/apis/datashare/v1beta1/zz_datasetkustodatabase_types.go @@ -64,16 +64,16 @@ type DataSetKustoDatabaseParameters struct { KustoDatabaseIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"kustoDatabaseIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The resource ID of the Data Share where this Data Share Kusto Database Dataset should be created. Changing this forces a new Data Share Kusto Database Dataset to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=DataShare + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ShareID *string `json:"shareId,omitempty" tf:"share_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a DataShare to populate shareId. + // Reference to a DataShare in datashare to populate shareId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ShareIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"shareIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a DataShare to populate shareId. + // Selector for a DataShare in datashare to populate shareId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ShareIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"shareIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/datashare/v1beta1/zz_datashare_types.go b/apis/datashare/v1beta1/zz_datashare_types.go index 8ea085058..2ebd20ba8 100755 --- a/apis/datashare/v1beta1/zz_datashare_types.go +++ b/apis/datashare/v1beta1/zz_datashare_types.go @@ -52,16 +52,16 @@ type DataShareObservation struct { type DataShareParameters struct { // The ID of the Data Share account in which the Data Share is created. Changing this forces a new Data Share to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Account + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AccountID *string `json:"accountId,omitempty" tf:"account_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Account to populate accountId. + // Reference to a Account in datashare to populate accountId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AccountIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"accountIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Account to populate accountId. + // Selector for a Account in datashare to populate accountId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AccountIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"accountIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/dbformariadb/v1beta1/zz_firewallrule_types.go b/apis/dbformariadb/v1beta1/zz_firewallrule_types.go index 37520926a..9645ccc23 100755 --- a/apis/dbformariadb/v1beta1/zz_firewallrule_types.go +++ b/apis/dbformariadb/v1beta1/zz_firewallrule_types.go @@ -60,15 +60,15 @@ type FirewallRuleParameters struct { ResourceGroupNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"resourceGroupNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // Specifies the name of the MariaDB Server. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Server + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerName *string `json:"serverName,omitempty" tf:"server_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Server to populate serverName. + // Reference to a Server in dbformariadb to populate serverName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"serverNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Server to populate serverName. + // Selector for a Server in dbformariadb to populate serverName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"serverNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/dbformariadb/v1beta1/zz_server_types.go b/apis/dbformariadb/v1beta1/zz_server_types.go index 0a5d4a16b..8cb9a6dfd 100755 --- a/apis/dbformariadb/v1beta1/zz_server_types.go +++ b/apis/dbformariadb/v1beta1/zz_server_types.go @@ -28,15 +28,15 @@ type ServerInitParameters struct { CreateMode *string `json:"createMode,omitempty" tf:"create_mode,omitempty"` // For creation modes other than Default, the source server ID to use. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Server + // // CreationSourceServerID *string `json:"creationSourceServerId,omitempty" tf:"creation_source_server_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Server to populate creationSourceServerId. + // Reference to a Server in dbformariadb to populate creationSourceServerId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional CreationSourceServerIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"creationSourceServerIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Server to populate creationSourceServerId. + // Selector for a Server in dbformariadb to populate creationSourceServerId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional CreationSourceServerIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"creationSourceServerIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -153,16 +153,16 @@ type ServerParameters struct { CreateMode *string `json:"createMode,omitempty" tf:"create_mode,omitempty"` // For creation modes other than Default, the source server ID to use. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Server + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional CreationSourceServerID *string `json:"creationSourceServerId,omitempty" tf:"creation_source_server_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Server to populate creationSourceServerId. + // Reference to a Server in dbformariadb to populate creationSourceServerId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional CreationSourceServerIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"creationSourceServerIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Server to populate creationSourceServerId. + // Selector for a Server in dbformariadb to populate creationSourceServerId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional CreationSourceServerIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"creationSourceServerIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/dbformysql/v1beta1/zz_flexibledatabase_types.go b/apis/dbformysql/v1beta1/zz_flexibledatabase_types.go index bee793f02..2b332d9a1 100755 --- a/apis/dbformysql/v1beta1/zz_flexibledatabase_types.go +++ b/apis/dbformysql/v1beta1/zz_flexibledatabase_types.go @@ -64,15 +64,15 @@ type FlexibleDatabaseParameters struct { ResourceGroupNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"resourceGroupNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // Specifies the name of the MySQL Flexible Server. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=FlexibleServer + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerName *string `json:"serverName,omitempty" tf:"server_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a FlexibleServer to populate serverName. + // Reference to a FlexibleServer in dbformysql to populate serverName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"serverNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a FlexibleServer to populate serverName. + // Selector for a FlexibleServer in dbformysql to populate serverName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"serverNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/dbformysql/v1beta1/zz_flexibleserverconfiguration_types.go b/apis/dbformysql/v1beta1/zz_flexibleserverconfiguration_types.go index ba6c8baed..d0d63b581 100755 --- a/apis/dbformysql/v1beta1/zz_flexibleserverconfiguration_types.go +++ b/apis/dbformysql/v1beta1/zz_flexibleserverconfiguration_types.go @@ -50,15 +50,15 @@ type FlexibleServerConfigurationParameters struct { ResourceGroupNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"resourceGroupNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // Specifies the name of the MySQL Flexible Server. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=FlexibleServer + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerName *string `json:"serverName,omitempty" tf:"server_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a FlexibleServer to populate serverName. + // Reference to a FlexibleServer in dbformysql to populate serverName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"serverNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a FlexibleServer to populate serverName. + // Selector for a FlexibleServer in dbformysql to populate serverName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"serverNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/dbformysql/v1beta1/zz_flexibleserverfirewallrule_types.go b/apis/dbformysql/v1beta1/zz_flexibleserverfirewallrule_types.go index 4002c7b42..55a458e81 100755 --- a/apis/dbformysql/v1beta1/zz_flexibleserverfirewallrule_types.go +++ b/apis/dbformysql/v1beta1/zz_flexibleserverfirewallrule_types.go @@ -60,15 +60,15 @@ type FlexibleServerFirewallRuleParameters struct { ResourceGroupNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"resourceGroupNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // Specifies the name of the MySQL Flexible Server. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=FlexibleServer + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerName *string `json:"serverName,omitempty" tf:"server_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a FlexibleServer to populate serverName. + // Reference to a FlexibleServer in dbformysql to populate serverName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"serverNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a FlexibleServer to populate serverName. + // Selector for a FlexibleServer in dbformysql to populate serverName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"serverNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/dbforpostgresql/v1beta1/zz_activedirectoryadministrator_types.go b/apis/dbforpostgresql/v1beta1/zz_activedirectoryadministrator_types.go index 6667b09d7..88448d772 100755 --- a/apis/dbforpostgresql/v1beta1/zz_activedirectoryadministrator_types.go +++ b/apis/dbforpostgresql/v1beta1/zz_activedirectoryadministrator_types.go @@ -70,15 +70,15 @@ type ActiveDirectoryAdministratorParameters struct { ResourceGroupNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"resourceGroupNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The name of the PostgreSQL Server on which to set the administrator. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Server + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerName *string `json:"serverName,omitempty" tf:"server_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Server to populate serverName. + // Reference to a Server in dbforpostgresql to populate serverName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"serverNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Server to populate serverName. + // Selector for a Server in dbforpostgresql to populate serverName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"serverNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/dbforpostgresql/v1beta1/zz_configuration_types.go b/apis/dbforpostgresql/v1beta1/zz_configuration_types.go index fa3aaef7e..3a6a783f1 100755 --- a/apis/dbforpostgresql/v1beta1/zz_configuration_types.go +++ b/apis/dbforpostgresql/v1beta1/zz_configuration_types.go @@ -31,14 +31,14 @@ type ConfigurationInitParameters struct { ResourceGroupNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"resourceGroupNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // Specifies the name of the PostgreSQL Server. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Server + // ServerName *string `json:"serverName,omitempty" tf:"server_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Server to populate serverName. + // Reference to a Server in dbforpostgresql to populate serverName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"serverNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Server to populate serverName. + // Selector for a Server in dbforpostgresql to populate serverName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"serverNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -84,15 +84,15 @@ type ConfigurationParameters struct { ResourceGroupNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"resourceGroupNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // Specifies the name of the PostgreSQL Server. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Server + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerName *string `json:"serverName,omitempty" tf:"server_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Server to populate serverName. + // Reference to a Server in dbforpostgresql to populate serverName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"serverNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Server to populate serverName. + // Selector for a Server in dbforpostgresql to populate serverName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"serverNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/dbforpostgresql/v1beta1/zz_database_types.go b/apis/dbforpostgresql/v1beta1/zz_database_types.go index d68f82918..d74dd4ea7 100755 --- a/apis/dbforpostgresql/v1beta1/zz_database_types.go +++ b/apis/dbforpostgresql/v1beta1/zz_database_types.go @@ -64,15 +64,15 @@ type DatabaseParameters struct { ResourceGroupNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"resourceGroupNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // Specifies the name of the PostgreSQL Server. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Server + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerName *string `json:"serverName,omitempty" tf:"server_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Server to populate serverName. + // Reference to a Server in dbforpostgresql to populate serverName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"serverNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Server to populate serverName. + // Selector for a Server in dbforpostgresql to populate serverName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"serverNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/dbforpostgresql/v1beta1/zz_firewallrule_types.go b/apis/dbforpostgresql/v1beta1/zz_firewallrule_types.go index 0ded36c64..1bc65f477 100755 --- a/apis/dbforpostgresql/v1beta1/zz_firewallrule_types.go +++ b/apis/dbforpostgresql/v1beta1/zz_firewallrule_types.go @@ -60,15 +60,15 @@ type FirewallRuleParameters struct { ResourceGroupNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"resourceGroupNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // Specifies the name of the PostgreSQL Server. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Server + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerName *string `json:"serverName,omitempty" tf:"server_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Server to populate serverName. + // Reference to a Server in dbforpostgresql to populate serverName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"serverNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Server to populate serverName. + // Selector for a Server in dbforpostgresql to populate serverName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"serverNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/dbforpostgresql/v1beta1/zz_flexibleserveractivedirectoryadministrator_types.go b/apis/dbforpostgresql/v1beta1/zz_flexibleserveractivedirectoryadministrator_types.go index 4a37704e8..e8f168aa0 100755 --- a/apis/dbforpostgresql/v1beta1/zz_flexibleserveractivedirectoryadministrator_types.go +++ b/apis/dbforpostgresql/v1beta1/zz_flexibleserveractivedirectoryadministrator_types.go @@ -77,15 +77,15 @@ type FlexibleServerActiveDirectoryAdministratorParameters struct { ResourceGroupNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"resourceGroupNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The name of the PostgreSQL Flexible Server on which to set the administrator. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=FlexibleServer + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerName *string `json:"serverName,omitempty" tf:"server_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a FlexibleServer to populate serverName. + // Reference to a FlexibleServer in dbforpostgresql to populate serverName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"serverNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a FlexibleServer to populate serverName. + // Selector for a FlexibleServer in dbforpostgresql to populate serverName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"serverNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/dbforpostgresql/v1beta1/zz_flexibleserverconfiguration_types.go b/apis/dbforpostgresql/v1beta1/zz_flexibleserverconfiguration_types.go index 0c2074b9a..dbce52d21 100755 --- a/apis/dbforpostgresql/v1beta1/zz_flexibleserverconfiguration_types.go +++ b/apis/dbforpostgresql/v1beta1/zz_flexibleserverconfiguration_types.go @@ -19,15 +19,15 @@ type FlexibleServerConfigurationInitParameters struct { Name *string `json:"name,omitempty" tf:"name,omitempty"` // The ID of the PostgreSQL Flexible Server where we want to change configuration. Changing this forces a new PostgreSQL Flexible Server Configuration resource. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=FlexibleServer + // // ServerID *string `json:"serverId,omitempty" tf:"server_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a FlexibleServer to populate serverId. + // Reference to a FlexibleServer in dbforpostgresql to populate serverId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"serverIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a FlexibleServer to populate serverId. + // Selector for a FlexibleServer in dbforpostgresql to populate serverId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"serverIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -57,16 +57,16 @@ type FlexibleServerConfigurationParameters struct { Name *string `json:"name,omitempty" tf:"name,omitempty"` // The ID of the PostgreSQL Flexible Server where we want to change configuration. Changing this forces a new PostgreSQL Flexible Server Configuration resource. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=FlexibleServer + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerID *string `json:"serverId,omitempty" tf:"server_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a FlexibleServer to populate serverId. + // Reference to a FlexibleServer in dbforpostgresql to populate serverId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"serverIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a FlexibleServer to populate serverId. + // Selector for a FlexibleServer in dbforpostgresql to populate serverId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"serverIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/dbforpostgresql/v1beta1/zz_flexibleserverdatabase_types.go b/apis/dbforpostgresql/v1beta1/zz_flexibleserverdatabase_types.go index c8ba2fb8c..a2298137d 100755 --- a/apis/dbforpostgresql/v1beta1/zz_flexibleserverdatabase_types.go +++ b/apis/dbforpostgresql/v1beta1/zz_flexibleserverdatabase_types.go @@ -48,16 +48,16 @@ type FlexibleServerDatabaseParameters struct { Collation *string `json:"collation,omitempty" tf:"collation,omitempty"` // The ID of the Azure PostgreSQL Flexible Server from which to create this PostgreSQL Flexible Server Database. Changing this forces a new Azure PostgreSQL Flexible Server Database to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=FlexibleServer + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerID *string `json:"serverId,omitempty" tf:"server_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a FlexibleServer to populate serverId. + // Reference to a FlexibleServer in dbforpostgresql to populate serverId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"serverIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a FlexibleServer to populate serverId. + // Selector for a FlexibleServer in dbforpostgresql to populate serverId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"serverIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/dbforpostgresql/v1beta1/zz_flexibleserverfirewallrule_types.go b/apis/dbforpostgresql/v1beta1/zz_flexibleserverfirewallrule_types.go index 506c9406a..d92060b1a 100755 --- a/apis/dbforpostgresql/v1beta1/zz_flexibleserverfirewallrule_types.go +++ b/apis/dbforpostgresql/v1beta1/zz_flexibleserverfirewallrule_types.go @@ -44,16 +44,16 @@ type FlexibleServerFirewallRuleParameters struct { EndIPAddress *string `json:"endIpAddress,omitempty" tf:"end_ip_address,omitempty"` // The ID of the PostgreSQL Flexible Server from which to create this PostgreSQL Flexible Server Firewall Rule. Changing this forces a new PostgreSQL Flexible Server Firewall Rule to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=FlexibleServer + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerID *string `json:"serverId,omitempty" tf:"server_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a FlexibleServer to populate serverId. + // Reference to a FlexibleServer in dbforpostgresql to populate serverId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"serverIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a FlexibleServer to populate serverId. + // Selector for a FlexibleServer in dbforpostgresql to populate serverId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"serverIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/dbforpostgresql/v1beta1/zz_serverkey_types.go b/apis/dbforpostgresql/v1beta1/zz_serverkey_types.go index 8c80a160c..3264db3c6 100755 --- a/apis/dbforpostgresql/v1beta1/zz_serverkey_types.go +++ b/apis/dbforpostgresql/v1beta1/zz_serverkey_types.go @@ -29,15 +29,15 @@ type ServerKeyInitParameters struct { KeyVaultKeyIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"keyVaultKeyIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The ID of the PostgreSQL Server. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Server + // // ServerID *string `json:"serverId,omitempty" tf:"server_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Server to populate serverId. + // Reference to a Server in dbforpostgresql to populate serverId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"serverIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Server to populate serverId. + // Selector for a Server in dbforpostgresql to populate serverId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"serverIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } @@ -71,16 +71,16 @@ type ServerKeyParameters struct { KeyVaultKeyIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"keyVaultKeyIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The ID of the PostgreSQL Server. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Server + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerID *string `json:"serverId,omitempty" tf:"server_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Server to populate serverId. + // Reference to a Server in dbforpostgresql to populate serverId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"serverIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Server to populate serverId. + // Selector for a Server in dbforpostgresql to populate serverId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"serverIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/dbforpostgresql/v1beta1/zz_virtualnetworkrule_types.go b/apis/dbforpostgresql/v1beta1/zz_virtualnetworkrule_types.go index 3725fe35b..c8ce907a6 100755 --- a/apis/dbforpostgresql/v1beta1/zz_virtualnetworkrule_types.go +++ b/apis/dbforpostgresql/v1beta1/zz_virtualnetworkrule_types.go @@ -70,15 +70,15 @@ type VirtualNetworkRuleParameters struct { ResourceGroupNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"resourceGroupNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The name of the SQL Server to which this PostgreSQL virtual network rule will be applied to. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Server + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerName *string `json:"serverName,omitempty" tf:"server_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Server to populate serverName. + // Reference to a Server in dbforpostgresql to populate serverName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"serverNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Server to populate serverName. + // Selector for a Server in dbforpostgresql to populate serverName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"serverNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/devices/v1beta1/zz_iothubconsumergroup_types.go b/apis/devices/v1beta1/zz_iothubconsumergroup_types.go index ceb0eccc3..2c4c46683 100755 --- a/apis/devices/v1beta1/zz_iothubconsumergroup_types.go +++ b/apis/devices/v1beta1/zz_iothubconsumergroup_types.go @@ -38,15 +38,15 @@ type IOTHubConsumerGroupParameters struct { EventHubEndpointName *string `json:"eventhubEndpointName" tf:"eventhub_endpoint_name,omitempty"` // The name of the IoT Hub. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=IOTHub + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional IOTHubName *string `json:"iothubName,omitempty" tf:"iothub_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a IOTHub to populate iothubName. + // Reference to a IOTHub in devices to populate iothubName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional IOTHubNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"iothubNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a IOTHub to populate iothubName. + // Selector for a IOTHub in devices to populate iothubName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional IOTHubNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"iothubNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/devices/v1beta1/zz_iothubdpscertificate_types.go b/apis/devices/v1beta1/zz_iothubdpscertificate_types.go index 5648864d3..6f488eb0a 100755 --- a/apis/devices/v1beta1/zz_iothubdpscertificate_types.go +++ b/apis/devices/v1beta1/zz_iothubdpscertificate_types.go @@ -16,14 +16,14 @@ import ( type IOTHubDPSCertificateInitParameters struct { // The name of the IoT Device Provisioning Service that this certificate will be attached to. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=IOTHubDPS + // IOTDPSName *string `json:"iotDpsName,omitempty" tf:"iot_dps_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a IOTHubDPS to populate iotDpsName. + // Reference to a IOTHubDPS in devices to populate iotDpsName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional IOTDPSNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"iotDpsNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a IOTHubDPS to populate iotDpsName. + // Selector for a IOTHubDPS in devices to populate iotDpsName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional IOTDPSNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"iotDpsNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -53,15 +53,15 @@ type IOTHubDPSCertificateParameters struct { CertificateContentSecretRef v1.SecretKeySelector `json:"certificateContentSecretRef" tf:"-"` // The name of the IoT Device Provisioning Service that this certificate will be attached to. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=IOTHubDPS + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional IOTDPSName *string `json:"iotDpsName,omitempty" tf:"iot_dps_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a IOTHubDPS to populate iotDpsName. + // Reference to a IOTHubDPS in devices to populate iotDpsName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional IOTDPSNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"iotDpsNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a IOTHubDPS to populate iotDpsName. + // Selector for a IOTHubDPS in devices to populate iotDpsName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional IOTDPSNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"iotDpsNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/devices/v1beta1/zz_iothubfallbackroute_types.go b/apis/devices/v1beta1/zz_iothubfallbackroute_types.go index 7f2c7e2f2..67d0ad91e 100755 --- a/apis/devices/v1beta1/zz_iothubfallbackroute_types.go +++ b/apis/devices/v1beta1/zz_iothubfallbackroute_types.go @@ -22,14 +22,14 @@ type IOTHubFallbackRouteInitParameters struct { Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty" tf:"enabled,omitempty"` // The endpoints to which messages that satisfy the condition are routed. Currently only 1 endpoint is allowed. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=IOTHubEndpointStorageContainer + // EndpointNames []*string `json:"endpointNames,omitempty" tf:"endpoint_names,omitempty"` - // References to IOTHubEndpointStorageContainer to populate endpointNames. + // References to IOTHubEndpointStorageContainer in devices to populate endpointNames. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional EndpointNamesRefs []v1.Reference `json:"endpointNamesRefs,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a list of IOTHubEndpointStorageContainer to populate endpointNames. + // Selector for a list of IOTHubEndpointStorageContainer in devices to populate endpointNames. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional EndpointNamesSelector *v1.Selector `json:"endpointNamesSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -72,28 +72,28 @@ type IOTHubFallbackRouteParameters struct { Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty" tf:"enabled,omitempty"` // The endpoints to which messages that satisfy the condition are routed. Currently only 1 endpoint is allowed. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=IOTHubEndpointStorageContainer + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional EndpointNames []*string `json:"endpointNames,omitempty" tf:"endpoint_names,omitempty"` - // References to IOTHubEndpointStorageContainer to populate endpointNames. + // References to IOTHubEndpointStorageContainer in devices to populate endpointNames. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional EndpointNamesRefs []v1.Reference `json:"endpointNamesRefs,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a list of IOTHubEndpointStorageContainer to populate endpointNames. + // Selector for a list of IOTHubEndpointStorageContainer in devices to populate endpointNames. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional EndpointNamesSelector *v1.Selector `json:"endpointNamesSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The name of the IoTHub to which this Fallback Route belongs. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=IOTHub + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional IOTHubName *string `json:"iothubName,omitempty" tf:"iothub_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a IOTHub to populate iothubName. + // Reference to a IOTHub in devices to populate iothubName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional IOTHubNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"iothubNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a IOTHub to populate iothubName. + // Selector for a IOTHub in devices to populate iothubName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional IOTHubNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"iothubNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/eventhub/v1beta1/zz_authorizationrule_types.go b/apis/eventhub/v1beta1/zz_authorizationrule_types.go index 7dada1696..da0441f1a 100755 --- a/apis/eventhub/v1beta1/zz_authorizationrule_types.go +++ b/apis/eventhub/v1beta1/zz_authorizationrule_types.go @@ -52,15 +52,15 @@ type AuthorizationRuleObservation struct { type AuthorizationRuleParameters struct { // Specifies the name of the EventHub. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=EventHub + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional EventHubName *string `json:"eventhubName,omitempty" tf:"eventhub_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a EventHub to populate eventhubName. + // Reference to a EventHub in eventhub to populate eventhubName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional EventHubNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"eventhubNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a EventHub to populate eventhubName. + // Selector for a EventHub in eventhub to populate eventhubName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional EventHubNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"eventhubNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -73,15 +73,15 @@ type AuthorizationRuleParameters struct { Manage *bool `json:"manage,omitempty" tf:"manage,omitempty"` // Specifies the name of the grandparent EventHub Namespace. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=EventHubNamespace + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NamespaceName *string `json:"namespaceName,omitempty" tf:"namespace_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a EventHubNamespace to populate namespaceName. + // Reference to a EventHubNamespace in eventhub to populate namespaceName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NamespaceNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"namespaceNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a EventHubNamespace to populate namespaceName. + // Selector for a EventHubNamespace in eventhub to populate namespaceName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NamespaceNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"namespaceNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/eventhub/v1beta1/zz_consumergroup_types.go b/apis/eventhub/v1beta1/zz_consumergroup_types.go index 1468e24be..001147317 100755 --- a/apis/eventhub/v1beta1/zz_consumergroup_types.go +++ b/apis/eventhub/v1beta1/zz_consumergroup_types.go @@ -40,28 +40,28 @@ type ConsumerGroupObservation struct { type ConsumerGroupParameters struct { // Specifies the name of the EventHub. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=EventHub + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional EventHubName *string `json:"eventhubName,omitempty" tf:"eventhub_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a EventHub to populate eventhubName. + // Reference to a EventHub in eventhub to populate eventhubName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional EventHubNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"eventhubNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a EventHub to populate eventhubName. + // Selector for a EventHub in eventhub to populate eventhubName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional EventHubNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"eventhubNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // Specifies the name of the grandparent EventHub Namespace. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=EventHubNamespace + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NamespaceName *string `json:"namespaceName,omitempty" tf:"namespace_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a EventHubNamespace to populate namespaceName. + // Reference to a EventHubNamespace in eventhub to populate namespaceName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NamespaceNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"namespaceNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a EventHubNamespace to populate namespaceName. + // Selector for a EventHubNamespace in eventhub to populate namespaceName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NamespaceNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"namespaceNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/eventhub/v1beta1/zz_eventhub_types.go b/apis/eventhub/v1beta1/zz_eventhub_types.go index 6e560659c..7491322f0 100755 --- a/apis/eventhub/v1beta1/zz_eventhub_types.go +++ b/apis/eventhub/v1beta1/zz_eventhub_types.go @@ -185,15 +185,15 @@ type EventHubParameters struct { MessageRetention *float64 `json:"messageRetention,omitempty" tf:"message_retention,omitempty"` // Specifies the name of the EventHub Namespace. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=EventHubNamespace + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NamespaceName *string `json:"namespaceName,omitempty" tf:"namespace_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a EventHubNamespace to populate namespaceName. + // Reference to a EventHubNamespace in eventhub to populate namespaceName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NamespaceNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"namespaceNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a EventHubNamespace to populate namespaceName. + // Selector for a EventHubNamespace in eventhub to populate namespaceName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NamespaceNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"namespaceNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/healthcareapis/v1beta1/zz_healthcaremedtechservice_types.go b/apis/healthcareapis/v1beta1/zz_healthcaremedtechservice_types.go index 78e7724e4..7386c89c8 100755 --- a/apis/healthcareapis/v1beta1/zz_healthcaremedtechservice_types.go +++ b/apis/healthcareapis/v1beta1/zz_healthcaremedtechservice_types.go @@ -193,16 +193,16 @@ type HealthcareMedtechServiceParameters struct { Tags map[string]*string `json:"tags,omitempty" tf:"tags,omitempty"` // Specifies the id of the Healthcare Workspace where the Healthcare Med Tech Service should exist. Changing this forces a new Healthcare Med Tech Service to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=HealthcareWorkspace + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional WorkspaceID *string `json:"workspaceId,omitempty" tf:"workspace_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a HealthcareWorkspace to populate workspaceId. + // Reference to a HealthcareWorkspace in healthcareapis to populate workspaceId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional WorkspaceIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"workspaceIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a HealthcareWorkspace to populate workspaceId. + // Selector for a HealthcareWorkspace in healthcareapis to populate workspaceId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional WorkspaceIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"workspaceIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/healthcareapis/v1beta1/zz_healthcaremedtechservicefhirdestination_types.go b/apis/healthcareapis/v1beta1/zz_healthcaremedtechservicefhirdestination_types.go index 5abae7fe8..53183da6e 100755 --- a/apis/healthcareapis/v1beta1/zz_healthcaremedtechservicefhirdestination_types.go +++ b/apis/healthcareapis/v1beta1/zz_healthcaremedtechservicefhirdestination_types.go @@ -19,15 +19,15 @@ type HealthcareMedtechServiceFHIRDestinationInitParameters struct { DestinationFHIRMappingJSON *string `json:"destinationFhirMappingJson,omitempty" tf:"destination_fhir_mapping_json,omitempty"` // Specifies the destination fhir service id of the Med Tech Service Fhir Destination. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=HealthcareFHIRService + // // DestinationFHIRServiceID *string `json:"destinationFhirServiceId,omitempty" tf:"destination_fhir_service_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a HealthcareFHIRService to populate destinationFhirServiceId. + // Reference to a HealthcareFHIRService in healthcareapis to populate destinationFhirServiceId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional DestinationFHIRServiceIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"destinationFhirServiceIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a HealthcareFHIRService to populate destinationFhirServiceId. + // Selector for a HealthcareFHIRService in healthcareapis to populate destinationFhirServiceId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional DestinationFHIRServiceIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"destinationFhirServiceIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -66,16 +66,16 @@ type HealthcareMedtechServiceFHIRDestinationParameters struct { DestinationFHIRMappingJSON *string `json:"destinationFhirMappingJson,omitempty" tf:"destination_fhir_mapping_json,omitempty"` // Specifies the destination fhir service id of the Med Tech Service Fhir Destination. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=HealthcareFHIRService + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional DestinationFHIRServiceID *string `json:"destinationFhirServiceId,omitempty" tf:"destination_fhir_service_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a HealthcareFHIRService to populate destinationFhirServiceId. + // Reference to a HealthcareFHIRService in healthcareapis to populate destinationFhirServiceId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional DestinationFHIRServiceIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"destinationFhirServiceIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a HealthcareFHIRService to populate destinationFhirServiceId. + // Selector for a HealthcareFHIRService in healthcareapis to populate destinationFhirServiceId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional DestinationFHIRServiceIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"destinationFhirServiceIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -88,16 +88,16 @@ type HealthcareMedtechServiceFHIRDestinationParameters struct { Location *string `json:"location,omitempty" tf:"location,omitempty"` // Specifies the name of the Healthcare Med Tech Service where the Healthcare Med Tech Service Fhir Destination should exist. Changing this forces a new Healthcare Med Tech Service Fhir Destination to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=HealthcareMedtechService + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional MedtechServiceID *string `json:"medtechServiceId,omitempty" tf:"medtech_service_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a HealthcareMedtechService to populate medtechServiceId. + // Reference to a HealthcareMedtechService in healthcareapis to populate medtechServiceId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional MedtechServiceIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"medtechServiceIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a HealthcareMedtechService to populate medtechServiceId. + // Selector for a HealthcareMedtechService in healthcareapis to populate medtechServiceId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional MedtechServiceIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"medtechServiceIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/insights/v1beta1/zz_monitormetricalert_types.go b/apis/insights/v1beta1/zz_monitormetricalert_types.go index 16bf8dcc0..348ae9dd2 100755 --- a/apis/insights/v1beta1/zz_monitormetricalert_types.go +++ b/apis/insights/v1beta1/zz_monitormetricalert_types.go @@ -242,15 +242,15 @@ type DynamicCriteriaParameters struct { type MonitorMetricAlertActionInitParameters struct { // The ID of the Action Group can be sourced from the - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=MonitorActionGroup + // // ActionGroupID *string `json:"actionGroupId,omitempty" tf:"action_group_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a MonitorActionGroup to populate actionGroupId. + // Reference to a MonitorActionGroup in insights to populate actionGroupId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ActionGroupIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"actionGroupIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a MonitorActionGroup to populate actionGroupId. + // Selector for a MonitorActionGroup in insights to populate actionGroupId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ActionGroupIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"actionGroupIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -272,16 +272,16 @@ type MonitorMetricAlertActionObservation struct { type MonitorMetricAlertActionParameters struct { // The ID of the Action Group can be sourced from the - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=MonitorActionGroup + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ActionGroupID *string `json:"actionGroupId,omitempty" tf:"action_group_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a MonitorActionGroup to populate actionGroupId. + // Reference to a MonitorActionGroup in insights to populate actionGroupId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ActionGroupIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"actionGroupIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a MonitorActionGroup to populate actionGroupId. + // Selector for a MonitorActionGroup in insights to populate actionGroupId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ActionGroupIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"actionGroupIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/insights/v1beta1/zz_monitorprivatelinkscopedservice_types.go b/apis/insights/v1beta1/zz_monitorprivatelinkscopedservice_types.go index 674545e37..a0eb2a0fb 100755 --- a/apis/insights/v1beta1/zz_monitorprivatelinkscopedservice_types.go +++ b/apis/insights/v1beta1/zz_monitorprivatelinkscopedservice_types.go @@ -16,15 +16,15 @@ import ( type MonitorPrivateLinkScopedServiceInitParameters struct { // The ID of the linked resource. It must be the Log Analytics workspace or the Application Insights component or the Data Collection endpoint. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=ApplicationInsights + // // LinkedResourceID *string `json:"linkedResourceId,omitempty" tf:"linked_resource_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a ApplicationInsights to populate linkedResourceId. + // Reference to a ApplicationInsights in insights to populate linkedResourceId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional LinkedResourceIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"linkedResourceIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a ApplicationInsights to populate linkedResourceId. + // Selector for a ApplicationInsights in insights to populate linkedResourceId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional LinkedResourceIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"linkedResourceIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } @@ -47,16 +47,16 @@ type MonitorPrivateLinkScopedServiceObservation struct { type MonitorPrivateLinkScopedServiceParameters struct { // The ID of the linked resource. It must be the Log Analytics workspace or the Application Insights component or the Data Collection endpoint. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=ApplicationInsights + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional LinkedResourceID *string `json:"linkedResourceId,omitempty" tf:"linked_resource_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a ApplicationInsights to populate linkedResourceId. + // Reference to a ApplicationInsights in insights to populate linkedResourceId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional LinkedResourceIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"linkedResourceIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a ApplicationInsights to populate linkedResourceId. + // Selector for a ApplicationInsights in insights to populate linkedResourceId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional LinkedResourceIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"linkedResourceIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -74,15 +74,15 @@ type MonitorPrivateLinkScopedServiceParameters struct { ResourceGroupNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"resourceGroupNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The name of the Azure Monitor Private Link Scope. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=MonitorPrivateLinkScope + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ScopeName *string `json:"scopeName,omitempty" tf:"scope_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a MonitorPrivateLinkScope to populate scopeName. + // Reference to a MonitorPrivateLinkScope in insights to populate scopeName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ScopeNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"scopeNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a MonitorPrivateLinkScope to populate scopeName. + // Selector for a MonitorPrivateLinkScope in insights to populate scopeName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ScopeNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"scopeNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/insights/v1beta1/zz_monitorscheduledqueryrulesalert_types.go b/apis/insights/v1beta1/zz_monitorscheduledqueryrulesalert_types.go index 34745f88e..507209922 100755 --- a/apis/insights/v1beta1/zz_monitorscheduledqueryrulesalert_types.go +++ b/apis/insights/v1beta1/zz_monitorscheduledqueryrulesalert_types.go @@ -16,16 +16,16 @@ import ( type MonitorScheduledQueryRulesAlertActionInitParameters struct { // List of action group reference resource IDs. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=MonitorActionGroup + // // // +listType=set ActionGroup []*string `json:"actionGroup,omitempty" tf:"action_group,omitempty"` - // References to MonitorActionGroup to populate actionGroup. + // References to MonitorActionGroup in insights to populate actionGroup. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ActionGroupRefs []v1.Reference `json:"actionGroupRefs,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a list of MonitorActionGroup to populate actionGroup. + // Selector for a list of MonitorActionGroup in insights to populate actionGroup. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ActionGroupSelector *v1.Selector `json:"actionGroupSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -52,17 +52,17 @@ type MonitorScheduledQueryRulesAlertActionObservation struct { type MonitorScheduledQueryRulesAlertActionParameters struct { // List of action group reference resource IDs. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=MonitorActionGroup + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional // +listType=set ActionGroup []*string `json:"actionGroup,omitempty" tf:"action_group,omitempty"` - // References to MonitorActionGroup to populate actionGroup. + // References to MonitorActionGroup in insights to populate actionGroup. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ActionGroupRefs []v1.Reference `json:"actionGroupRefs,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a list of MonitorActionGroup to populate actionGroup. + // Selector for a list of MonitorActionGroup in insights to populate actionGroup. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ActionGroupSelector *v1.Selector `json:"actionGroupSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/insights/v1beta1/zz_monitorscheduledqueryrulesalertv2_types.go b/apis/insights/v1beta1/zz_monitorscheduledqueryrulesalertv2_types.go index d5a385063..d670f2436 100755 --- a/apis/insights/v1beta1/zz_monitorscheduledqueryrulesalertv2_types.go +++ b/apis/insights/v1beta1/zz_monitorscheduledqueryrulesalertv2_types.go @@ -235,15 +235,15 @@ type MonitorScheduledQueryRulesAlertV2InitParameters struct { QueryTimeRangeOverride *string `json:"queryTimeRangeOverride,omitempty" tf:"query_time_range_override,omitempty"` // Specifies the list of resource IDs that this scheduled query rule is scoped to. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. Currently, the API supports exactly 1 resource ID in the scopes list. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=ApplicationInsights + // // Scopes []*string `json:"scopes,omitempty" tf:"scopes,omitempty"` - // References to ApplicationInsights to populate scopes. + // References to ApplicationInsights in insights to populate scopes. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ScopesRefs []v1.Reference `json:"scopesRefs,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a list of ApplicationInsights to populate scopes. + // Selector for a list of ApplicationInsights in insights to populate scopes. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ScopesSelector *v1.Selector `json:"scopesSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -393,16 +393,16 @@ type MonitorScheduledQueryRulesAlertV2Parameters struct { ResourceGroupNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"resourceGroupNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // Specifies the list of resource IDs that this scheduled query rule is scoped to. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. Currently, the API supports exactly 1 resource ID in the scopes list. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=ApplicationInsights + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional Scopes []*string `json:"scopes,omitempty" tf:"scopes,omitempty"` - // References to ApplicationInsights to populate scopes. + // References to ApplicationInsights in insights to populate scopes. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ScopesRefs []v1.Reference `json:"scopesRefs,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a list of ApplicationInsights to populate scopes. + // Selector for a list of ApplicationInsights in insights to populate scopes. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ScopesSelector *v1.Selector `json:"scopesSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/keyvault/v1beta1/zz_accesspolicy_types.go b/apis/keyvault/v1beta1/zz_accesspolicy_types.go index f7497dd36..e1cd9a2ac 100755 --- a/apis/keyvault/v1beta1/zz_accesspolicy_types.go +++ b/apis/keyvault/v1beta1/zz_accesspolicy_types.go @@ -25,15 +25,15 @@ type AccessPolicyInitParameters_2 struct { KeyPermissions []*string `json:"keyPermissions,omitempty" tf:"key_permissions,omitempty"` // Specifies the id of the Key Vault resource. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Vault + // // KeyVaultID *string `json:"keyVaultId,omitempty" tf:"key_vault_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Vault to populate keyVaultId. + // Reference to a Vault in keyvault to populate keyVaultId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional KeyVaultIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"keyVaultIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Vault to populate keyVaultId. + // Selector for a Vault in keyvault to populate keyVaultId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional KeyVaultIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"keyVaultIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -95,16 +95,16 @@ type AccessPolicyParameters_2 struct { KeyPermissions []*string `json:"keyPermissions,omitempty" tf:"key_permissions,omitempty"` // Specifies the id of the Key Vault resource. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Vault + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional KeyVaultID *string `json:"keyVaultId,omitempty" tf:"key_vault_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Vault to populate keyVaultId. + // Reference to a Vault in keyvault to populate keyVaultId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional KeyVaultIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"keyVaultIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Vault to populate keyVaultId. + // Selector for a Vault in keyvault to populate keyVaultId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional KeyVaultIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"keyVaultIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/keyvault/v1beta1/zz_certificate_types.go b/apis/keyvault/v1beta1/zz_certificate_types.go index add39f146..299ce2dd7 100755 --- a/apis/keyvault/v1beta1/zz_certificate_types.go +++ b/apis/keyvault/v1beta1/zz_certificate_types.go @@ -85,15 +85,15 @@ type CertificateInitParameters struct { CertificatePolicy []CertificatePolicyInitParameters `json:"certificatePolicy,omitempty" tf:"certificate_policy,omitempty"` // The ID of the Key Vault where the Certificate should be created. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Vault + // // KeyVaultID *string `json:"keyVaultId,omitempty" tf:"key_vault_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Vault to populate keyVaultId. + // Reference to a Vault in keyvault to populate keyVaultId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional KeyVaultIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"keyVaultIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Vault to populate keyVaultId. + // Selector for a Vault in keyvault to populate keyVaultId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional KeyVaultIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"keyVaultIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -168,16 +168,16 @@ type CertificateParameters struct { CertificatePolicy []CertificatePolicyParameters `json:"certificatePolicy,omitempty" tf:"certificate_policy,omitempty"` // The ID of the Key Vault where the Certificate should be created. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Vault + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional KeyVaultID *string `json:"keyVaultId,omitempty" tf:"key_vault_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Vault to populate keyVaultId. + // Reference to a Vault in keyvault to populate keyVaultId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional KeyVaultIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"keyVaultIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Vault to populate keyVaultId. + // Selector for a Vault in keyvault to populate keyVaultId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional KeyVaultIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"keyVaultIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/keyvault/v1beta1/zz_certificateissuer_types.go b/apis/keyvault/v1beta1/zz_certificateissuer_types.go index d57c14c1b..449060e8f 100755 --- a/apis/keyvault/v1beta1/zz_certificateissuer_types.go +++ b/apis/keyvault/v1beta1/zz_certificateissuer_types.go @@ -71,15 +71,15 @@ type CertificateIssuerInitParameters struct { Admin []AdminInitParameters `json:"admin,omitempty" tf:"admin,omitempty"` // The ID of the Key Vault in which to create the Certificate Issuer. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Vault + // // KeyVaultID *string `json:"keyVaultId,omitempty" tf:"key_vault_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Vault to populate keyVaultId. + // Reference to a Vault in keyvault to populate keyVaultId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional KeyVaultIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"keyVaultIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Vault to populate keyVaultId. + // Selector for a Vault in keyvault to populate keyVaultId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional KeyVaultIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"keyVaultIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -122,16 +122,16 @@ type CertificateIssuerParameters struct { Admin []AdminParameters `json:"admin,omitempty" tf:"admin,omitempty"` // The ID of the Key Vault in which to create the Certificate Issuer. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Vault + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional KeyVaultID *string `json:"keyVaultId,omitempty" tf:"key_vault_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Vault to populate keyVaultId. + // Reference to a Vault in keyvault to populate keyVaultId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional KeyVaultIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"keyVaultIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Vault to populate keyVaultId. + // Selector for a Vault in keyvault to populate keyVaultId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional KeyVaultIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"keyVaultIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/keyvault/v1beta1/zz_key_types.go b/apis/keyvault/v1beta1/zz_key_types.go index e6d41d5af..510d1ba63 100755 --- a/apis/keyvault/v1beta1/zz_key_types.go +++ b/apis/keyvault/v1beta1/zz_key_types.go @@ -60,15 +60,15 @@ type KeyInitParameters struct { KeyType *string `json:"keyType,omitempty" tf:"key_type,omitempty"` // The ID of the Key Vault where the Key should be created. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Vault + // // KeyVaultID *string `json:"keyVaultId,omitempty" tf:"key_vault_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Vault to populate keyVaultId. + // Reference to a Vault in keyvault to populate keyVaultId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional KeyVaultIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"keyVaultIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Vault to populate keyVaultId. + // Selector for a Vault in keyvault to populate keyVaultId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional KeyVaultIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"keyVaultIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -176,16 +176,16 @@ type KeyParameters struct { KeyType *string `json:"keyType,omitempty" tf:"key_type,omitempty"` // The ID of the Key Vault where the Key should be created. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Vault + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional KeyVaultID *string `json:"keyVaultId,omitempty" tf:"key_vault_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Vault to populate keyVaultId. + // Reference to a Vault in keyvault to populate keyVaultId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional KeyVaultIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"keyVaultIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Vault to populate keyVaultId. + // Selector for a Vault in keyvault to populate keyVaultId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional KeyVaultIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"keyVaultIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/keyvault/v1beta1/zz_managedstorageaccount_types.go b/apis/keyvault/v1beta1/zz_managedstorageaccount_types.go index 91c706e06..06e95376b 100755 --- a/apis/keyvault/v1beta1/zz_managedstorageaccount_types.go +++ b/apis/keyvault/v1beta1/zz_managedstorageaccount_types.go @@ -16,15 +16,15 @@ import ( type ManagedStorageAccountInitParameters struct { // The ID of the Key Vault where the Managed Storage Account should be created. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Vault + // // KeyVaultID *string `json:"keyVaultId,omitempty" tf:"key_vault_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Vault to populate keyVaultId. + // Reference to a Vault in keyvault to populate keyVaultId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional KeyVaultIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"keyVaultIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Vault to populate keyVaultId. + // Selector for a Vault in keyvault to populate keyVaultId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional KeyVaultIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"keyVaultIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -83,16 +83,16 @@ type ManagedStorageAccountObservation struct { type ManagedStorageAccountParameters struct { // The ID of the Key Vault where the Managed Storage Account should be created. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Vault + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional KeyVaultID *string `json:"keyVaultId,omitempty" tf:"key_vault_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Vault to populate keyVaultId. + // Reference to a Vault in keyvault to populate keyVaultId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional KeyVaultIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"keyVaultIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Vault to populate keyVaultId. + // Selector for a Vault in keyvault to populate keyVaultId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional KeyVaultIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"keyVaultIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/keyvault/v1beta1/zz_managedstorageaccountsastokendefinition_types.go b/apis/keyvault/v1beta1/zz_managedstorageaccountsastokendefinition_types.go index ed25d7d6d..0750afdb7 100755 --- a/apis/keyvault/v1beta1/zz_managedstorageaccountsastokendefinition_types.go +++ b/apis/keyvault/v1beta1/zz_managedstorageaccountsastokendefinition_types.go @@ -57,16 +57,16 @@ type ManagedStorageAccountSASTokenDefinitionObservation struct { type ManagedStorageAccountSASTokenDefinitionParameters struct { // The ID of the Managed Storage Account. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=ManagedStorageAccount + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ManagedStorageAccountID *string `json:"managedStorageAccountId,omitempty" tf:"managed_storage_account_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a ManagedStorageAccount to populate managedStorageAccountId. + // Reference to a ManagedStorageAccount in keyvault to populate managedStorageAccountId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ManagedStorageAccountIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"managedStorageAccountIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a ManagedStorageAccount to populate managedStorageAccountId. + // Selector for a ManagedStorageAccount in keyvault to populate managedStorageAccountId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ManagedStorageAccountIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"managedStorageAccountIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/keyvault/v1beta1/zz_secret_types.go b/apis/keyvault/v1beta1/zz_secret_types.go index 514b8924e..bf59b19ab 100755 --- a/apis/keyvault/v1beta1/zz_secret_types.go +++ b/apis/keyvault/v1beta1/zz_secret_types.go @@ -22,15 +22,15 @@ type SecretInitParameters struct { ExpirationDate *string `json:"expirationDate,omitempty" tf:"expiration_date,omitempty"` // The ID of the Key Vault where the Secret should be created. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Vault + // // KeyVaultID *string `json:"keyVaultId,omitempty" tf:"key_vault_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Vault to populate keyVaultId. + // Reference to a Vault in keyvault to populate keyVaultId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional KeyVaultIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"keyVaultIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Vault to populate keyVaultId. + // Selector for a Vault in keyvault to populate keyVaultId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional KeyVaultIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"keyVaultIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -93,16 +93,16 @@ type SecretParameters struct { ExpirationDate *string `json:"expirationDate,omitempty" tf:"expiration_date,omitempty"` // The ID of the Key Vault where the Secret should be created. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Vault + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional KeyVaultID *string `json:"keyVaultId,omitempty" tf:"key_vault_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Vault to populate keyVaultId. + // Reference to a Vault in keyvault to populate keyVaultId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional KeyVaultIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"keyVaultIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Vault to populate keyVaultId. + // Selector for a Vault in keyvault to populate keyVaultId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional KeyVaultIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"keyVaultIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/kusto/v1beta1/zz_database_types.go b/apis/kusto/v1beta1/zz_database_types.go index 736a4c893..64bd005a8 100755 --- a/apis/kusto/v1beta1/zz_database_types.go +++ b/apis/kusto/v1beta1/zz_database_types.go @@ -52,15 +52,15 @@ type DatabaseObservation struct { type DatabaseParameters struct { // Specifies the name of the Kusto Cluster this database will be added to. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Cluster + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ClusterName *string `json:"clusterName,omitempty" tf:"cluster_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Cluster to populate clusterName. + // Reference to a Cluster in kusto to populate clusterName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ClusterNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"clusterNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Cluster to populate clusterName. + // Selector for a Cluster in kusto to populate clusterName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ClusterNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"clusterNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/management/v1beta1/zz_managementgroupsubscriptionassociation_types.go b/apis/management/v1beta1/zz_managementgroupsubscriptionassociation_types.go index 996674103..f400f2460 100755 --- a/apis/management/v1beta1/zz_managementgroupsubscriptionassociation_types.go +++ b/apis/management/v1beta1/zz_managementgroupsubscriptionassociation_types.go @@ -16,15 +16,15 @@ import ( type ManagementGroupSubscriptionAssociationInitParameters struct { // The ID of the Management Group to associate the Subscription with. Changing this forces a new Management to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=ManagementGroup + // // ManagementGroupID *string `json:"managementGroupId,omitempty" tf:"management_group_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a ManagementGroup to populate managementGroupId. + // Reference to a ManagementGroup in management to populate managementGroupId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ManagementGroupIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"managementGroupIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a ManagementGroup to populate managementGroupId. + // Selector for a ManagementGroup in management to populate managementGroupId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ManagementGroupIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"managementGroupIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -57,16 +57,16 @@ type ManagementGroupSubscriptionAssociationObservation struct { type ManagementGroupSubscriptionAssociationParameters struct { // The ID of the Management Group to associate the Subscription with. Changing this forces a new Management to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=ManagementGroup + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ManagementGroupID *string `json:"managementGroupId,omitempty" tf:"management_group_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a ManagementGroup to populate managementGroupId. + // Reference to a ManagementGroup in management to populate managementGroupId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ManagementGroupIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"managementGroupIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a ManagementGroup to populate managementGroupId. + // Selector for a ManagementGroup in management to populate managementGroupId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ManagementGroupIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"managementGroupIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/media/v1beta1/zz_asset_types.go b/apis/media/v1beta1/zz_asset_types.go index 94402e3d6..44526ca9e 100755 --- a/apis/media/v1beta1/zz_asset_types.go +++ b/apis/media/v1beta1/zz_asset_types.go @@ -67,15 +67,15 @@ type AssetParameters struct { Description *string `json:"description,omitempty" tf:"description,omitempty"` // Specifies the name of the Media Services Account. Changing this forces a new Media Asset to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=ServicesAccount + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional MediaServicesAccountName *string `json:"mediaServicesAccountName,omitempty" tf:"media_services_account_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a ServicesAccount to populate mediaServicesAccountName. + // Reference to a ServicesAccount in media to populate mediaServicesAccountName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional MediaServicesAccountNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"mediaServicesAccountNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a ServicesAccount to populate mediaServicesAccountName. + // Selector for a ServicesAccount in media to populate mediaServicesAccountName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional MediaServicesAccountNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"mediaServicesAccountNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/media/v1beta1/zz_liveevent_types.go b/apis/media/v1beta1/zz_liveevent_types.go index 3ddab91fe..29e18c41f 100755 --- a/apis/media/v1beta1/zz_liveevent_types.go +++ b/apis/media/v1beta1/zz_liveevent_types.go @@ -313,15 +313,15 @@ type LiveEventParameters struct { Location *string `json:"location,omitempty" tf:"location,omitempty"` // The Media Services account name. Changing this forces a new Live Event to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=ServicesAccount + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional MediaServicesAccountName *string `json:"mediaServicesAccountName,omitempty" tf:"media_services_account_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a ServicesAccount to populate mediaServicesAccountName. + // Reference to a ServicesAccount in media to populate mediaServicesAccountName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional MediaServicesAccountNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"mediaServicesAccountNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a ServicesAccount to populate mediaServicesAccountName. + // Selector for a ServicesAccount in media to populate mediaServicesAccountName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional MediaServicesAccountNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"mediaServicesAccountNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/media/v1beta1/zz_liveeventoutput_types.go b/apis/media/v1beta1/zz_liveeventoutput_types.go index ce76261f6..72c9ff956 100755 --- a/apis/media/v1beta1/zz_liveeventoutput_types.go +++ b/apis/media/v1beta1/zz_liveeventoutput_types.go @@ -19,14 +19,14 @@ type LiveEventOutputInitParameters struct { ArchiveWindowDuration *string `json:"archiveWindowDuration,omitempty" tf:"archive_window_duration,omitempty"` // The asset that the live output will write to. Changing this forces a new Live Output to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Asset + // AssetName *string `json:"assetName,omitempty" tf:"asset_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Asset to populate assetName. + // Reference to a Asset in media to populate assetName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AssetNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"assetNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Asset to populate assetName. + // Selector for a Asset in media to populate assetName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AssetNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"assetNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -83,15 +83,15 @@ type LiveEventOutputParameters struct { ArchiveWindowDuration *string `json:"archiveWindowDuration,omitempty" tf:"archive_window_duration,omitempty"` // The asset that the live output will write to. Changing this forces a new Live Output to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Asset + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AssetName *string `json:"assetName,omitempty" tf:"asset_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Asset to populate assetName. + // Reference to a Asset in media to populate assetName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AssetNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"assetNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Asset to populate assetName. + // Selector for a Asset in media to populate assetName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AssetNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"assetNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -104,16 +104,16 @@ type LiveEventOutputParameters struct { HlsFragmentsPerTSSegment *float64 `json:"hlsFragmentsPerTsSegment,omitempty" tf:"hls_fragments_per_ts_segment,omitempty"` // The id of the live event. Changing this forces a new Live Output to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=LiveEvent + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional LiveEventID *string `json:"liveEventId,omitempty" tf:"live_event_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a LiveEvent to populate liveEventId. + // Reference to a LiveEvent in media to populate liveEventId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional LiveEventIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"liveEventIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a LiveEvent to populate liveEventId. + // Selector for a LiveEvent in media to populate liveEventId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional LiveEventIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"liveEventIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/media/v1beta1/zz_servicesaccountfilter_types.go b/apis/media/v1beta1/zz_servicesaccountfilter_types.go index f4cf89e22..7b0de6613 100755 --- a/apis/media/v1beta1/zz_servicesaccountfilter_types.go +++ b/apis/media/v1beta1/zz_servicesaccountfilter_types.go @@ -53,15 +53,15 @@ type ServicesAccountFilterParameters struct { FirstQualityBitrate *float64 `json:"firstQualityBitrate,omitempty" tf:"first_quality_bitrate,omitempty"` // The Media Services account name. Changing this forces a new Account Filter to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=ServicesAccount + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional MediaServicesAccountName *string `json:"mediaServicesAccountName,omitempty" tf:"media_services_account_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a ServicesAccount to populate mediaServicesAccountName. + // Reference to a ServicesAccount in media to populate mediaServicesAccountName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional MediaServicesAccountNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"mediaServicesAccountNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a ServicesAccount to populate mediaServicesAccountName. + // Selector for a ServicesAccount in media to populate mediaServicesAccountName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional MediaServicesAccountNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"mediaServicesAccountNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/media/v1beta1/zz_streamingendpoint_types.go b/apis/media/v1beta1/zz_streamingendpoint_types.go index e7fecbb7b..684dabc43 100755 --- a/apis/media/v1beta1/zz_streamingendpoint_types.go +++ b/apis/media/v1beta1/zz_streamingendpoint_types.go @@ -305,15 +305,15 @@ type StreamingEndpointParameters struct { MaxCacheAgeSeconds *float64 `json:"maxCacheAgeSeconds,omitempty" tf:"max_cache_age_seconds,omitempty"` // The Media Services account name. Changing this forces a new Streaming Endpoint to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=ServicesAccount + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional MediaServicesAccountName *string `json:"mediaServicesAccountName,omitempty" tf:"media_services_account_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a ServicesAccount to populate mediaServicesAccountName. + // Reference to a ServicesAccount in media to populate mediaServicesAccountName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional MediaServicesAccountNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"mediaServicesAccountNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a ServicesAccount to populate mediaServicesAccountName. + // Selector for a ServicesAccount in media to populate mediaServicesAccountName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional MediaServicesAccountNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"mediaServicesAccountNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/media/v1beta1/zz_streaminglocator_types.go b/apis/media/v1beta1/zz_streaminglocator_types.go index 930fbc9be..803d62667 100755 --- a/apis/media/v1beta1/zz_streaminglocator_types.go +++ b/apis/media/v1beta1/zz_streaminglocator_types.go @@ -78,14 +78,14 @@ type StreamingLocatorInitParameters struct { AlternativeMediaID *string `json:"alternativeMediaId,omitempty" tf:"alternative_media_id,omitempty"` // Asset Name. Changing this forces a new Streaming Locator to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Asset + // AssetName *string `json:"assetName,omitempty" tf:"asset_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Asset to populate assetName. + // Reference to a Asset in media to populate assetName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AssetNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"assetNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Asset to populate assetName. + // Selector for a Asset in media to populate assetName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AssetNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"assetNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -157,15 +157,15 @@ type StreamingLocatorParameters struct { AlternativeMediaID *string `json:"alternativeMediaId,omitempty" tf:"alternative_media_id,omitempty"` // Asset Name. Changing this forces a new Streaming Locator to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Asset + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AssetName *string `json:"assetName,omitempty" tf:"asset_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Asset to populate assetName. + // Reference to a Asset in media to populate assetName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AssetNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"assetNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Asset to populate assetName. + // Selector for a Asset in media to populate assetName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AssetNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"assetNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -186,15 +186,15 @@ type StreamingLocatorParameters struct { FilterNames []*string `json:"filterNames,omitempty" tf:"filter_names,omitempty"` // The Media Services account name. Changing this forces a new Streaming Locator to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=ServicesAccount + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional MediaServicesAccountName *string `json:"mediaServicesAccountName,omitempty" tf:"media_services_account_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a ServicesAccount to populate mediaServicesAccountName. + // Reference to a ServicesAccount in media to populate mediaServicesAccountName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional MediaServicesAccountNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"mediaServicesAccountNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a ServicesAccount to populate mediaServicesAccountName. + // Selector for a ServicesAccount in media to populate mediaServicesAccountName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional MediaServicesAccountNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"mediaServicesAccountNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/media/v1beta1/zz_streamingpolicy_types.go b/apis/media/v1beta1/zz_streamingpolicy_types.go index 4641ff44d..c654956d0 100755 --- a/apis/media/v1beta1/zz_streamingpolicy_types.go +++ b/apis/media/v1beta1/zz_streamingpolicy_types.go @@ -738,15 +738,15 @@ type StreamingPolicyParameters struct { EnvelopeEncryption []EnvelopeEncryptionParameters `json:"envelopeEncryption,omitempty" tf:"envelope_encryption,omitempty"` // The Media Services account name. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=ServicesAccount + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional MediaServicesAccountName *string `json:"mediaServicesAccountName,omitempty" tf:"media_services_account_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a ServicesAccount to populate mediaServicesAccountName. + // Reference to a ServicesAccount in media to populate mediaServicesAccountName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional MediaServicesAccountNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"mediaServicesAccountNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a ServicesAccount to populate mediaServicesAccountName. + // Selector for a ServicesAccount in media to populate mediaServicesAccountName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional MediaServicesAccountNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"mediaServicesAccountNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/media/v1beta1/zz_transform_types.go b/apis/media/v1beta1/zz_transform_types.go index c52b2024a..e48514e8d 100755 --- a/apis/media/v1beta1/zz_transform_types.go +++ b/apis/media/v1beta1/zz_transform_types.go @@ -1884,15 +1884,15 @@ type TransformParameters struct { Description *string `json:"description,omitempty" tf:"description,omitempty"` // The Media Services account name. Changing this forces a new Transform to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=ServicesAccount + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional MediaServicesAccountName *string `json:"mediaServicesAccountName,omitempty" tf:"media_services_account_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a ServicesAccount to populate mediaServicesAccountName. + // Reference to a ServicesAccount in media to populate mediaServicesAccountName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional MediaServicesAccountNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"mediaServicesAccountNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a ServicesAccount to populate mediaServicesAccountName. + // Selector for a ServicesAccount in media to populate mediaServicesAccountName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional MediaServicesAccountNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"mediaServicesAccountNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/netapp/v1beta1/zz_pool_types.go b/apis/netapp/v1beta1/zz_pool_types.go index bf5b6cb67..cf268d9fb 100755 --- a/apis/netapp/v1beta1/zz_pool_types.go +++ b/apis/netapp/v1beta1/zz_pool_types.go @@ -69,15 +69,15 @@ type PoolObservation struct { type PoolParameters struct { // The name of the NetApp account in which the NetApp Pool should be created. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Account + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AccountName *string `json:"accountName,omitempty" tf:"account_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Account to populate accountName. + // Reference to a Account in netapp to populate accountName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AccountNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"accountNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Account to populate accountName. + // Selector for a Account in netapp to populate accountName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AccountNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"accountNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/netapp/v1beta1/zz_snapshot_types.go b/apis/netapp/v1beta1/zz_snapshot_types.go index 36749982e..0f6bd024e 100755 --- a/apis/netapp/v1beta1/zz_snapshot_types.go +++ b/apis/netapp/v1beta1/zz_snapshot_types.go @@ -43,15 +43,15 @@ type SnapshotObservation struct { type SnapshotParameters struct { // The name of the NetApp account in which the NetApp Pool should be created. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Account + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AccountName *string `json:"accountName,omitempty" tf:"account_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Account to populate accountName. + // Reference to a Account in netapp to populate accountName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AccountNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"accountNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Account to populate accountName. + // Selector for a Account in netapp to populate accountName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AccountNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"accountNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -60,15 +60,15 @@ type SnapshotParameters struct { Location *string `json:"location,omitempty" tf:"location,omitempty"` // The name of the NetApp pool in which the NetApp Volume should be created. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Pool + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PoolName *string `json:"poolName,omitempty" tf:"pool_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Pool to populate poolName. + // Reference to a Pool in netapp to populate poolName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PoolNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"poolNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Pool to populate poolName. + // Selector for a Pool in netapp to populate poolName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PoolNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"poolNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -86,15 +86,15 @@ type SnapshotParameters struct { ResourceGroupNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"resourceGroupNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The name of the NetApp volume in which the NetApp Snapshot should be created. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Volume + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional VolumeName *string `json:"volumeName,omitempty" tf:"volume_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Volume to populate volumeName. + // Reference to a Volume in netapp to populate volumeName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional VolumeNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"volumeNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Volume to populate volumeName. + // Selector for a Volume in netapp to populate volumeName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional VolumeNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"volumeNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/netapp/v1beta1/zz_snapshotpolicy_types.go b/apis/netapp/v1beta1/zz_snapshotpolicy_types.go index 94a1d43fe..89834e98d 100755 --- a/apis/netapp/v1beta1/zz_snapshotpolicy_types.go +++ b/apis/netapp/v1beta1/zz_snapshotpolicy_types.go @@ -195,15 +195,15 @@ type SnapshotPolicyObservation struct { type SnapshotPolicyParameters struct { // The name of the NetApp Account in which the NetApp Snapshot Policy should be created. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Account + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AccountName *string `json:"accountName,omitempty" tf:"account_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Account to populate accountName. + // Reference to a Account in netapp to populate accountName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AccountNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"accountNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Account to populate accountName. + // Selector for a Account in netapp to populate accountName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AccountNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"accountNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/netapp/v1beta1/zz_volume_types.go b/apis/netapp/v1beta1/zz_volume_types.go index 22a9aadd7..9e5c50e26 100755 --- a/apis/netapp/v1beta1/zz_volume_types.go +++ b/apis/netapp/v1beta1/zz_volume_types.go @@ -22,15 +22,15 @@ type DataProtectionReplicationInitParameters struct { RemoteVolumeLocation *string `json:"remoteVolumeLocation,omitempty" tf:"remote_volume_location,omitempty"` // Resource ID of the primary volume. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Volume + // // RemoteVolumeResourceID *string `json:"remoteVolumeResourceId,omitempty" tf:"remote_volume_resource_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Volume to populate remoteVolumeResourceId. + // Reference to a Volume in netapp to populate remoteVolumeResourceId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional RemoteVolumeResourceIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"remoteVolumeResourceIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Volume to populate remoteVolumeResourceId. + // Selector for a Volume in netapp to populate remoteVolumeResourceId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional RemoteVolumeResourceIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"remoteVolumeResourceIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -64,16 +64,16 @@ type DataProtectionReplicationParameters struct { RemoteVolumeLocation *string `json:"remoteVolumeLocation" tf:"remote_volume_location,omitempty"` // Resource ID of the primary volume. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Volume + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional RemoteVolumeResourceID *string `json:"remoteVolumeResourceId,omitempty" tf:"remote_volume_resource_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Volume to populate remoteVolumeResourceId. + // Reference to a Volume in netapp to populate remoteVolumeResourceId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional RemoteVolumeResourceIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"remoteVolumeResourceIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Volume to populate remoteVolumeResourceId. + // Selector for a Volume in netapp to populate remoteVolumeResourceId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional RemoteVolumeResourceIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"remoteVolumeResourceIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -85,15 +85,15 @@ type DataProtectionReplicationParameters struct { type DataProtectionSnapshotPolicyInitParameters struct { // Resource ID of the snapshot policy to apply to the volume. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=SnapshotPolicy + // // SnapshotPolicyID *string `json:"snapshotPolicyId,omitempty" tf:"snapshot_policy_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a SnapshotPolicy to populate snapshotPolicyId. + // Reference to a SnapshotPolicy in netapp to populate snapshotPolicyId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SnapshotPolicyIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"snapshotPolicyIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a SnapshotPolicy to populate snapshotPolicyId. + // Selector for a SnapshotPolicy in netapp to populate snapshotPolicyId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SnapshotPolicyIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"snapshotPolicyIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } @@ -107,16 +107,16 @@ type DataProtectionSnapshotPolicyObservation struct { type DataProtectionSnapshotPolicyParameters struct { // Resource ID of the snapshot policy to apply to the volume. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=SnapshotPolicy + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SnapshotPolicyID *string `json:"snapshotPolicyId,omitempty" tf:"snapshot_policy_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a SnapshotPolicy to populate snapshotPolicyId. + // Reference to a SnapshotPolicy in netapp to populate snapshotPolicyId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SnapshotPolicyIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"snapshotPolicyIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a SnapshotPolicy to populate snapshotPolicyId. + // Selector for a SnapshotPolicy in netapp to populate snapshotPolicyId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SnapshotPolicyIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"snapshotPolicyIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } @@ -199,15 +199,15 @@ type VolumeInitParameters struct { AzureVMwareDataStoreEnabled *bool `json:"azureVmwareDataStoreEnabled,omitempty" tf:"azure_vmware_data_store_enabled,omitempty"` // Creates volume from snapshot. Following properties must be the same as the original volume where the snapshot was taken from: protocols, subnet_id, location, service_level, resource_group_name, account_name and pool_name. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Snapshot + // // CreateFromSnapshotResourceID *string `json:"createFromSnapshotResourceId,omitempty" tf:"create_from_snapshot_resource_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Snapshot to populate createFromSnapshotResourceId. + // Reference to a Snapshot in netapp to populate createFromSnapshotResourceId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional CreateFromSnapshotResourceIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"createFromSnapshotResourceIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Snapshot to populate createFromSnapshotResourceId. + // Selector for a Snapshot in netapp to populate createFromSnapshotResourceId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional CreateFromSnapshotResourceIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"createFromSnapshotResourceIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -367,15 +367,15 @@ type VolumeObservation struct { type VolumeParameters struct { // The name of the NetApp account in which the NetApp Pool should be created. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Account + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AccountName *string `json:"accountName,omitempty" tf:"account_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Account to populate accountName. + // Reference to a Account in netapp to populate accountName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AccountNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"accountNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Account to populate accountName. + // Selector for a Account in netapp to populate accountName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AccountNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"accountNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -384,16 +384,16 @@ type VolumeParameters struct { AzureVMwareDataStoreEnabled *bool `json:"azureVmwareDataStoreEnabled,omitempty" tf:"azure_vmware_data_store_enabled,omitempty"` // Creates volume from snapshot. Following properties must be the same as the original volume where the snapshot was taken from: protocols, subnet_id, location, service_level, resource_group_name, account_name and pool_name. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Snapshot + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional CreateFromSnapshotResourceID *string `json:"createFromSnapshotResourceId,omitempty" tf:"create_from_snapshot_resource_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Snapshot to populate createFromSnapshotResourceId. + // Reference to a Snapshot in netapp to populate createFromSnapshotResourceId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional CreateFromSnapshotResourceIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"createFromSnapshotResourceIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Snapshot to populate createFromSnapshotResourceId. + // Selector for a Snapshot in netapp to populate createFromSnapshotResourceId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional CreateFromSnapshotResourceIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"createFromSnapshotResourceIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -426,15 +426,15 @@ type VolumeParameters struct { NetworkFeatures *string `json:"networkFeatures,omitempty" tf:"network_features,omitempty"` // The name of the NetApp pool in which the NetApp Volume should be created. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Pool + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PoolName *string `json:"poolName,omitempty" tf:"pool_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Pool to populate poolName. + // Reference to a Pool in netapp to populate poolName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PoolNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"poolNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Pool to populate poolName. + // Selector for a Pool in netapp to populate poolName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PoolNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"poolNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_applicationgateway_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_applicationgateway_types.go index 20dbbddd9..a6e2b1ed7 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_applicationgateway_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_applicationgateway_types.go @@ -823,28 +823,28 @@ type FrontendIPConfigurationInitParameters struct { PrivateLinkConfigurationName *string `json:"privateLinkConfigurationName,omitempty" tf:"private_link_configuration_name,omitempty"` // The ID of a Public IP Address which the Application Gateway should use. The allocation method for the Public IP Address depends on the sku of this Application Gateway. Please refer to the Azure documentation for public IP addresses for details. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=PublicIP + // // PublicIPAddressID *string `json:"publicIpAddressId,omitempty" tf:"public_ip_address_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a PublicIP to populate publicIpAddressId. + // Reference to a PublicIP in network to populate publicIpAddressId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PublicIPAddressIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"publicIpAddressIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a PublicIP to populate publicIpAddressId. + // Selector for a PublicIP in network to populate publicIpAddressId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PublicIPAddressIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"publicIpAddressIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The ID of the Subnet. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Subnet + // // SubnetID *string `json:"subnetId,omitempty" tf:"subnet_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Subnet to populate subnetId. + // Reference to a Subnet in network to populate subnetId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SubnetIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"subnetIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Subnet to populate subnetId. + // Selector for a Subnet in network to populate subnetId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SubnetIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"subnetIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } @@ -895,30 +895,30 @@ type FrontendIPConfigurationParameters struct { PrivateLinkConfigurationName *string `json:"privateLinkConfigurationName,omitempty" tf:"private_link_configuration_name,omitempty"` // The ID of a Public IP Address which the Application Gateway should use. The allocation method for the Public IP Address depends on the sku of this Application Gateway. Please refer to the Azure documentation for public IP addresses for details. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=PublicIP + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PublicIPAddressID *string `json:"publicIpAddressId,omitempty" tf:"public_ip_address_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a PublicIP to populate publicIpAddressId. + // Reference to a PublicIP in network to populate publicIpAddressId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PublicIPAddressIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"publicIpAddressIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a PublicIP to populate publicIpAddressId. + // Selector for a PublicIP in network to populate publicIpAddressId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PublicIPAddressIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"publicIpAddressIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The ID of the Subnet. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Subnet + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SubnetID *string `json:"subnetId,omitempty" tf:"subnet_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Subnet to populate subnetId. + // Reference to a Subnet in network to populate subnetId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SubnetIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"subnetIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Subnet to populate subnetId. + // Selector for a Subnet in network to populate subnetId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SubnetIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"subnetIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } @@ -1220,15 +1220,15 @@ type IPConfigurationInitParameters struct { PrivateIPAddressAllocation *string `json:"privateIpAddressAllocation,omitempty" tf:"private_ip_address_allocation,omitempty"` // The ID of the subnet the private link configuration should connect to. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Subnet + // // SubnetID *string `json:"subnetId,omitempty" tf:"subnet_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Subnet to populate subnetId. + // Reference to a Subnet in network to populate subnetId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SubnetIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"subnetIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Subnet to populate subnetId. + // Selector for a Subnet in network to populate subnetId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SubnetIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"subnetIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } @@ -1270,16 +1270,16 @@ type IPConfigurationParameters struct { PrivateIPAddressAllocation *string `json:"privateIpAddressAllocation" tf:"private_ip_address_allocation,omitempty"` // The ID of the subnet the private link configuration should connect to. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Subnet + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SubnetID *string `json:"subnetId,omitempty" tf:"subnet_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Subnet to populate subnetId. + // Reference to a Subnet in network to populate subnetId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SubnetIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"subnetIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Subnet to populate subnetId. + // Selector for a Subnet in network to populate subnetId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SubnetIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"subnetIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_connectionmonitor_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_connectionmonitor_types.go index bfbb5d95e..94dcc8908 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_connectionmonitor_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_connectionmonitor_types.go @@ -82,16 +82,16 @@ type ConnectionMonitorParameters struct { Location *string `json:"location,omitempty" tf:"location,omitempty"` // The ID of the Network Watcher. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Watcher + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NetworkWatcherID *string `json:"networkWatcherId,omitempty" tf:"network_watcher_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Watcher to populate networkWatcherId. + // Reference to a Watcher in network to populate networkWatcherId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NetworkWatcherIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"networkWatcherIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Watcher to populate networkWatcherId. + // Selector for a Watcher in network to populate networkWatcherId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NetworkWatcherIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"networkWatcherIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_dnsaaaarecord_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_dnsaaaarecord_types.go index 378dddc3b..5768b34ec 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_dnsaaaarecord_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_dnsaaaarecord_types.go @@ -113,15 +113,15 @@ type DNSAAAARecordParameters struct { TargetResourceIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"targetResourceIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // Specifies the DNS Zone where the resource exists. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=DNSZone + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ZoneName *string `json:"zoneName,omitempty" tf:"zone_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a DNSZone to populate zoneName. + // Reference to a DNSZone in network to populate zoneName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ZoneNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"zoneNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a DNSZone to populate zoneName. + // Selector for a DNSZone in network to populate zoneName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ZoneNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"zoneNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_dnsarecord_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_dnsarecord_types.go index 8aa072c12..a4a3bf560 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_dnsarecord_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_dnsarecord_types.go @@ -113,15 +113,15 @@ type DNSARecordParameters struct { TargetResourceIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"targetResourceIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // Specifies the DNS Zone where the resource exists. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=DNSZone + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ZoneName *string `json:"zoneName,omitempty" tf:"zone_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a DNSZone to populate zoneName. + // Reference to a DNSZone in network to populate zoneName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ZoneNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"zoneNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a DNSZone to populate zoneName. + // Selector for a DNSZone in network to populate zoneName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ZoneNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"zoneNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_dnscaarecord_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_dnscaarecord_types.go index 2e92a5663..3aac3e604 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_dnscaarecord_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_dnscaarecord_types.go @@ -80,15 +80,15 @@ type DNSCAARecordParameters struct { Tags map[string]*string `json:"tags,omitempty" tf:"tags,omitempty"` // Specifies the DNS Zone where the resource exists. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=DNSZone + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ZoneName *string `json:"zoneName,omitempty" tf:"zone_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a DNSZone to populate zoneName. + // Reference to a DNSZone in network to populate zoneName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ZoneNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"zoneNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a DNSZone to populate zoneName. + // Selector for a DNSZone in network to populate zoneName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ZoneNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"zoneNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_dnscnamerecord_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_dnscnamerecord_types.go index 96c6026b3..bf6e5c657 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_dnscnamerecord_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_dnscnamerecord_types.go @@ -110,15 +110,15 @@ type DNSCNAMERecordParameters struct { TargetResourceIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"targetResourceIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // Specifies the DNS Zone where the resource exists. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=DNSZone + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ZoneName *string `json:"zoneName,omitempty" tf:"zone_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a DNSZone to populate zoneName. + // Reference to a DNSZone in network to populate zoneName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ZoneNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"zoneNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a DNSZone to populate zoneName. + // Selector for a DNSZone in network to populate zoneName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ZoneNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"zoneNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_dnsmxrecord_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_dnsmxrecord_types.go index fea873025..60cabb3c5 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_dnsmxrecord_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_dnsmxrecord_types.go @@ -80,15 +80,15 @@ type DNSMXRecordParameters struct { Tags map[string]*string `json:"tags,omitempty" tf:"tags,omitempty"` // Specifies the DNS Zone where the resource exists. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=DNSZone + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ZoneName *string `json:"zoneName,omitempty" tf:"zone_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a DNSZone to populate zoneName. + // Reference to a DNSZone in network to populate zoneName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ZoneNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"zoneNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a DNSZone to populate zoneName. + // Selector for a DNSZone in network to populate zoneName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ZoneNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"zoneNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_dnsnsrecord_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_dnsnsrecord_types.go index 9b6cfc235..eccafd342 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_dnsnsrecord_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_dnsnsrecord_types.go @@ -80,15 +80,15 @@ type DNSNSRecordParameters struct { Tags map[string]*string `json:"tags,omitempty" tf:"tags,omitempty"` // Specifies the DNS Zone where the resource exists. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=DNSZone + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ZoneName *string `json:"zoneName,omitempty" tf:"zone_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a DNSZone to populate zoneName. + // Reference to a DNSZone in network to populate zoneName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ZoneNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"zoneNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a DNSZone to populate zoneName. + // Selector for a DNSZone in network to populate zoneName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ZoneNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"zoneNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_dnsptrrecord_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_dnsptrrecord_types.go index 2d0d24e3e..5bcdc46da 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_dnsptrrecord_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_dnsptrrecord_types.go @@ -83,15 +83,15 @@ type DNSPTRRecordParameters struct { Tags map[string]*string `json:"tags,omitempty" tf:"tags,omitempty"` // Specifies the DNS Zone where the resource exists. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=DNSZone + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ZoneName *string `json:"zoneName,omitempty" tf:"zone_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a DNSZone to populate zoneName. + // Reference to a DNSZone in network to populate zoneName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ZoneNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"zoneNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a DNSZone to populate zoneName. + // Selector for a DNSZone in network to populate zoneName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ZoneNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"zoneNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_dnssrvrecord_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_dnssrvrecord_types.go index b30b22fb6..ccca04ce8 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_dnssrvrecord_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_dnssrvrecord_types.go @@ -80,15 +80,15 @@ type DNSSRVRecordParameters struct { Tags map[string]*string `json:"tags,omitempty" tf:"tags,omitempty"` // Specifies the DNS Zone where the resource exists. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=DNSZone + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ZoneName *string `json:"zoneName,omitempty" tf:"zone_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a DNSZone to populate zoneName. + // Reference to a DNSZone in network to populate zoneName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ZoneNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"zoneNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a DNSZone to populate zoneName. + // Selector for a DNSZone in network to populate zoneName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ZoneNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"zoneNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_dnstxtrecord_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_dnstxtrecord_types.go index 5bb540358..1a9d1e49f 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_dnstxtrecord_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_dnstxtrecord_types.go @@ -80,15 +80,15 @@ type DNSTXTRecordParameters struct { Tags map[string]*string `json:"tags,omitempty" tf:"tags,omitempty"` // Specifies the DNS Zone where the resource exists. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=DNSZone + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ZoneName *string `json:"zoneName,omitempty" tf:"zone_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a DNSZone to populate zoneName. + // Reference to a DNSZone in network to populate zoneName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ZoneNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"zoneNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a DNSZone to populate zoneName. + // Selector for a DNSZone in network to populate zoneName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ZoneNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"zoneNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_expressroutecircuitauthorization_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_expressroutecircuitauthorization_types.go index 08dec5bdb..e3cd8d0ef 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_expressroutecircuitauthorization_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_expressroutecircuitauthorization_types.go @@ -34,15 +34,15 @@ type ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationObservation struct { type ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorizationParameters struct { // The name of the Express Route Circuit in which to create the Authorization. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=ExpressRouteCircuit + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ExpressRouteCircuitName *string `json:"expressRouteCircuitName,omitempty" tf:"express_route_circuit_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a ExpressRouteCircuit to populate expressRouteCircuitName. + // Reference to a ExpressRouteCircuit in network to populate expressRouteCircuitName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ExpressRouteCircuitNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"expressRouteCircuitNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a ExpressRouteCircuit to populate expressRouteCircuitName. + // Selector for a ExpressRouteCircuit in network to populate expressRouteCircuitName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ExpressRouteCircuitNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"expressRouteCircuitNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_expressroutecircuitconnection_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_expressroutecircuitconnection_types.go index 8c0d40122..a7621a435 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_expressroutecircuitconnection_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_expressroutecircuitconnection_types.go @@ -22,15 +22,15 @@ type ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionInitParameters struct { AddressPrefixIPv6 *string `json:"addressPrefixIpv6,omitempty" tf:"address_prefix_ipv6,omitempty"` // The ID of the peered Express Route Circuit Private Peering. Changing this forces a new Express Route Circuit Connection to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=ExpressRouteCircuitPeering + // // PeerPeeringID *string `json:"peerPeeringId,omitempty" tf:"peer_peering_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a ExpressRouteCircuitPeering to populate peerPeeringId. + // Reference to a ExpressRouteCircuitPeering in network to populate peerPeeringId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PeerPeeringIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"peerPeeringIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a ExpressRouteCircuitPeering to populate peerPeeringId. + // Selector for a ExpressRouteCircuitPeering in network to populate peerPeeringId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PeerPeeringIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"peerPeeringIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } @@ -68,30 +68,30 @@ type ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionParameters struct { AuthorizationKeySecretRef *v1.SecretKeySelector `json:"authorizationKeySecretRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The ID of the peered Express Route Circuit Private Peering. Changing this forces a new Express Route Circuit Connection to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=ExpressRouteCircuitPeering + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PeerPeeringID *string `json:"peerPeeringId,omitempty" tf:"peer_peering_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a ExpressRouteCircuitPeering to populate peerPeeringId. + // Reference to a ExpressRouteCircuitPeering in network to populate peerPeeringId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PeerPeeringIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"peerPeeringIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a ExpressRouteCircuitPeering to populate peerPeeringId. + // Selector for a ExpressRouteCircuitPeering in network to populate peerPeeringId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PeerPeeringIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"peerPeeringIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The ID of the Express Route Circuit Private Peering that this Express Route Circuit Connection connects with. Changing this forces a new Express Route Circuit Connection to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=ExpressRouteCircuitPeering + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PeeringID *string `json:"peeringId,omitempty" tf:"peering_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a ExpressRouteCircuitPeering to populate peeringId. + // Reference to a ExpressRouteCircuitPeering in network to populate peeringId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PeeringIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"peeringIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a ExpressRouteCircuitPeering to populate peeringId. + // Selector for a ExpressRouteCircuitPeering in network to populate peeringId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PeeringIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"peeringIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_expressroutecircuitpeering_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_expressroutecircuitpeering_types.go index 810174e47..ffbfa360c 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_expressroutecircuitpeering_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_expressroutecircuitpeering_types.go @@ -90,15 +90,15 @@ type ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringObservation struct { type ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringParameters struct { // The name of the ExpressRoute Circuit in which to create the Peering. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=ExpressRouteCircuit + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ExpressRouteCircuitName *string `json:"expressRouteCircuitName,omitempty" tf:"express_route_circuit_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a ExpressRouteCircuit to populate expressRouteCircuitName. + // Reference to a ExpressRouteCircuit in network to populate expressRouteCircuitName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ExpressRouteCircuitNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"expressRouteCircuitNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a ExpressRouteCircuit to populate expressRouteCircuitName. + // Selector for a ExpressRouteCircuit in network to populate expressRouteCircuitName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ExpressRouteCircuitNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"expressRouteCircuitNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_expressrouteconnection_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_expressrouteconnection_types.go index a46dca2b0..ccc9fa9ac 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_expressrouteconnection_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_expressrouteconnection_types.go @@ -22,15 +22,15 @@ type ExpressRouteConnectionInitParameters struct { EnableInternetSecurity *bool `json:"enableInternetSecurity,omitempty" tf:"enable_internet_security,omitempty"` // The ID of the Express Route Circuit Peering that this Express Route Connection connects with. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=ExpressRouteCircuitPeering + // // ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringID *string `json:"expressRouteCircuitPeeringId,omitempty" tf:"express_route_circuit_peering_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a ExpressRouteCircuitPeering to populate expressRouteCircuitPeeringId. + // Reference to a ExpressRouteCircuitPeering in network to populate expressRouteCircuitPeeringId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"expressRouteCircuitPeeringIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a ExpressRouteCircuitPeering to populate expressRouteCircuitPeeringId. + // Selector for a ExpressRouteCircuitPeering in network to populate expressRouteCircuitPeeringId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"expressRouteCircuitPeeringIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -82,16 +82,16 @@ type ExpressRouteConnectionParameters struct { EnableInternetSecurity *bool `json:"enableInternetSecurity,omitempty" tf:"enable_internet_security,omitempty"` // The ID of the Express Route Circuit Peering that this Express Route Connection connects with. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=ExpressRouteCircuitPeering + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringID *string `json:"expressRouteCircuitPeeringId,omitempty" tf:"express_route_circuit_peering_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a ExpressRouteCircuitPeering to populate expressRouteCircuitPeeringId. + // Reference to a ExpressRouteCircuitPeering in network to populate expressRouteCircuitPeeringId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"expressRouteCircuitPeeringIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a ExpressRouteCircuitPeering to populate expressRouteCircuitPeeringId. + // Selector for a ExpressRouteCircuitPeering in network to populate expressRouteCircuitPeeringId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"expressRouteCircuitPeeringIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -100,16 +100,16 @@ type ExpressRouteConnectionParameters struct { ExpressRouteGatewayBypassEnabled *bool `json:"expressRouteGatewayBypassEnabled,omitempty" tf:"express_route_gateway_bypass_enabled,omitempty"` // The ID of the Express Route Gateway that this Express Route Connection connects with. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=ExpressRouteGateway + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ExpressRouteGatewayID *string `json:"expressRouteGatewayId,omitempty" tf:"express_route_gateway_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a ExpressRouteGateway to populate expressRouteGatewayId. + // Reference to a ExpressRouteGateway in network to populate expressRouteGatewayId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ExpressRouteGatewayIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"expressRouteGatewayIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a ExpressRouteGateway to populate expressRouteGatewayId. + // Selector for a ExpressRouteGateway in network to populate expressRouteGatewayId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ExpressRouteGatewayIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"expressRouteGatewayIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_expressroutegateway_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_expressroutegateway_types.go index 19c1a30f9..2cad3087f 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_expressroutegateway_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_expressroutegateway_types.go @@ -29,15 +29,15 @@ type ExpressRouteGatewayInitParameters struct { Tags map[string]*string `json:"tags,omitempty" tf:"tags,omitempty"` // The ID of a Virtual HUB within which the ExpressRoute gateway should be created. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=VirtualHub + // // VirtualHubID *string `json:"virtualHubId,omitempty" tf:"virtual_hub_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a VirtualHub to populate virtualHubId. + // Reference to a VirtualHub in network to populate virtualHubId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional VirtualHubIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"virtualHubIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a VirtualHub to populate virtualHubId. + // Selector for a VirtualHub in network to populate virtualHubId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional VirtualHubIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"virtualHubIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } @@ -100,16 +100,16 @@ type ExpressRouteGatewayParameters struct { Tags map[string]*string `json:"tags,omitempty" tf:"tags,omitempty"` // The ID of a Virtual HUB within which the ExpressRoute gateway should be created. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=VirtualHub + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional VirtualHubID *string `json:"virtualHubId,omitempty" tf:"virtual_hub_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a VirtualHub to populate virtualHubId. + // Reference to a VirtualHub in network to populate virtualHubId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional VirtualHubIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"virtualHubIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a VirtualHub to populate virtualHubId. + // Selector for a VirtualHub in network to populate virtualHubId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional VirtualHubIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"virtualHubIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_firewall_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_firewall_types.go index 04314dc3d..6088dc3b9 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_firewall_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_firewall_types.go @@ -19,28 +19,28 @@ type FirewallIPConfigurationInitParameters struct { Name *string `json:"name,omitempty" tf:"name,omitempty"` // The ID of the Public IP Address associated with the firewall. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=PublicIP + // // PublicIPAddressID *string `json:"publicIpAddressId,omitempty" tf:"public_ip_address_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a PublicIP to populate publicIpAddressId. + // Reference to a PublicIP in network to populate publicIpAddressId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PublicIPAddressIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"publicIpAddressIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a PublicIP to populate publicIpAddressId. + // Selector for a PublicIP in network to populate publicIpAddressId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PublicIPAddressIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"publicIpAddressIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // Reference to the subnet associated with the IP Configuration. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Subnet + // // SubnetID *string `json:"subnetId,omitempty" tf:"subnet_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Subnet to populate subnetId. + // Reference to a Subnet in network to populate subnetId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SubnetIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"subnetIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Subnet to populate subnetId. + // Selector for a Subnet in network to populate subnetId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SubnetIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"subnetIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } @@ -67,30 +67,30 @@ type FirewallIPConfigurationParameters struct { Name *string `json:"name" tf:"name,omitempty"` // The ID of the Public IP Address associated with the firewall. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=PublicIP + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PublicIPAddressID *string `json:"publicIpAddressId,omitempty" tf:"public_ip_address_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a PublicIP to populate publicIpAddressId. + // Reference to a PublicIP in network to populate publicIpAddressId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PublicIPAddressIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"publicIpAddressIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a PublicIP to populate publicIpAddressId. + // Selector for a PublicIP in network to populate publicIpAddressId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PublicIPAddressIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"publicIpAddressIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // Reference to the subnet associated with the IP Configuration. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Subnet + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SubnetID *string `json:"subnetId,omitempty" tf:"subnet_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Subnet to populate subnetId. + // Reference to a Subnet in network to populate subnetId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SubnetIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"subnetIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Subnet to populate subnetId. + // Selector for a Subnet in network to populate subnetId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SubnetIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"subnetIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } @@ -271,15 +271,15 @@ type ManagementIPConfigurationInitParameters struct { PublicIPAddressID *string `json:"publicIpAddressId,omitempty" tf:"public_ip_address_id,omitempty"` // Reference to the subnet associated with the IP Configuration. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Subnet + // // SubnetID *string `json:"subnetId,omitempty" tf:"subnet_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Subnet to populate subnetId. + // Reference to a Subnet in network to populate subnetId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SubnetIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"subnetIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Subnet to populate subnetId. + // Selector for a Subnet in network to populate subnetId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SubnetIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"subnetIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } @@ -310,16 +310,16 @@ type ManagementIPConfigurationParameters struct { PublicIPAddressID *string `json:"publicIpAddressId" tf:"public_ip_address_id,omitempty"` // Reference to the subnet associated with the IP Configuration. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Subnet + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SubnetID *string `json:"subnetId,omitempty" tf:"subnet_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Subnet to populate subnetId. + // Reference to a Subnet in network to populate subnetId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SubnetIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"subnetIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Subnet to populate subnetId. + // Selector for a Subnet in network to populate subnetId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SubnetIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"subnetIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_firewallapplicationrulecollection_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_firewallapplicationrulecollection_types.go index 559206e9f..3e862eedb 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_firewallapplicationrulecollection_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_firewallapplicationrulecollection_types.go @@ -52,15 +52,15 @@ type FirewallApplicationRuleCollectionParameters struct { Action *string `json:"action,omitempty" tf:"action,omitempty"` // Specifies the name of the Firewall in which the Application Rule Collection should be created. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Firewall + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AzureFirewallName *string `json:"azureFirewallName,omitempty" tf:"azure_firewall_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Firewall to populate azureFirewallName. + // Reference to a Firewall in network to populate azureFirewallName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AzureFirewallNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"azureFirewallNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Firewall to populate azureFirewallName. + // Selector for a Firewall in network to populate azureFirewallName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AzureFirewallNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"azureFirewallNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_firewallnatrulecollection_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_firewallnatrulecollection_types.go index 1a2fc3815..9dca75f76 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_firewallnatrulecollection_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_firewallnatrulecollection_types.go @@ -52,15 +52,15 @@ type FirewallNATRuleCollectionParameters struct { Action *string `json:"action,omitempty" tf:"action,omitempty"` // Specifies the name of the Firewall in which the NAT Rule Collection should be created. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Firewall + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AzureFirewallName *string `json:"azureFirewallName,omitempty" tf:"azure_firewall_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Firewall to populate azureFirewallName. + // Reference to a Firewall in network to populate azureFirewallName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AzureFirewallNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"azureFirewallNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Firewall to populate azureFirewallName. + // Selector for a Firewall in network to populate azureFirewallName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AzureFirewallNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"azureFirewallNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_firewallnetworkrulecollection_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_firewallnetworkrulecollection_types.go index 467abf341..29b3a83d4 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_firewallnetworkrulecollection_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_firewallnetworkrulecollection_types.go @@ -52,15 +52,15 @@ type FirewallNetworkRuleCollectionParameters struct { Action *string `json:"action,omitempty" tf:"action,omitempty"` // Specifies the name of the Firewall in which the Network Rule Collection should be created. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Firewall + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AzureFirewallName *string `json:"azureFirewallName,omitempty" tf:"azure_firewall_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Firewall to populate azureFirewallName. + // Reference to a Firewall in network to populate azureFirewallName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AzureFirewallNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"azureFirewallNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Firewall to populate azureFirewallName. + // Selector for a Firewall in network to populate azureFirewallName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional AzureFirewallNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"azureFirewallNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_firewallpolicyrulecollectiongroup_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_firewallpolicyrulecollectiongroup_types.go index d4d3dc4ff..21d45c068 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_firewallpolicyrulecollectiongroup_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_firewallpolicyrulecollectiongroup_types.go @@ -234,16 +234,16 @@ type FirewallPolicyRuleCollectionGroupParameters struct { ApplicationRuleCollection []ApplicationRuleCollectionParameters `json:"applicationRuleCollection,omitempty" tf:"application_rule_collection,omitempty"` // The ID of the Firewall Policy where the Firewall Policy Rule Collection Group should exist. Changing this forces a new Firewall Policy Rule Collection Group to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=FirewallPolicy + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional FirewallPolicyID *string `json:"firewallPolicyId,omitempty" tf:"firewall_policy_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a FirewallPolicy to populate firewallPolicyId. + // Reference to a FirewallPolicy in network to populate firewallPolicyId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional FirewallPolicyIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"firewallPolicyIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a FirewallPolicy to populate firewallPolicyId. + // Selector for a FirewallPolicy in network to populate firewallPolicyId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional FirewallPolicyIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"firewallPolicyIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_frontdoorrulesengine_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_frontdoorrulesengine_types.go index 234a13e06..786f0fe14 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_frontdoorrulesengine_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_frontdoorrulesengine_types.go @@ -77,15 +77,15 @@ type FrontdoorRulesEngineParameters struct { Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty" tf:"enabled,omitempty"` // The name of the Front Door instance. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=FrontDoor + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional FrontdoorName *string `json:"frontdoorName,omitempty" tf:"frontdoor_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a FrontDoor to populate frontdoorName. + // Reference to a FrontDoor in network to populate frontdoorName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional FrontdoorNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"frontdoorNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a FrontDoor to populate frontdoorName. + // Selector for a FrontDoor in network to populate frontdoorName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional FrontdoorNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"frontdoorNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_loadbalancer_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_loadbalancer_types.go index a922685a6..fce00a36e 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_loadbalancer_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_loadbalancer_types.go @@ -31,15 +31,15 @@ type LoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigurationInitParameters struct { PrivateIPAddressVersion *string `json:"privateIpAddressVersion,omitempty" tf:"private_ip_address_version,omitempty"` // The ID of a Public IP Address which should be associated with the Load Balancer. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=PublicIP + // // PublicIPAddressID *string `json:"publicIpAddressId,omitempty" tf:"public_ip_address_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a PublicIP to populate publicIpAddressId. + // Reference to a PublicIP in network to populate publicIpAddressId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PublicIPAddressIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"publicIpAddressIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a PublicIP to populate publicIpAddressId. + // Selector for a PublicIP in network to populate publicIpAddressId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PublicIPAddressIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"publicIpAddressIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -47,15 +47,15 @@ type LoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigurationInitParameters struct { PublicIPPrefixID *string `json:"publicIpPrefixId,omitempty" tf:"public_ip_prefix_id,omitempty"` // The ID of the Subnet which should be associated with the IP Configuration. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Subnet + // // SubnetID *string `json:"subnetId,omitempty" tf:"subnet_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Subnet to populate subnetId. + // Reference to a Subnet in network to populate subnetId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SubnetIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"subnetIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Subnet to populate subnetId. + // Selector for a Subnet in network to populate subnetId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SubnetIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"subnetIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -133,16 +133,16 @@ type LoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigurationParameters struct { PrivateIPAddressVersion *string `json:"privateIpAddressVersion,omitempty" tf:"private_ip_address_version,omitempty"` // The ID of a Public IP Address which should be associated with the Load Balancer. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=PublicIP + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PublicIPAddressID *string `json:"publicIpAddressId,omitempty" tf:"public_ip_address_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a PublicIP to populate publicIpAddressId. + // Reference to a PublicIP in network to populate publicIpAddressId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PublicIPAddressIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"publicIpAddressIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a PublicIP to populate publicIpAddressId. + // Selector for a PublicIP in network to populate publicIpAddressId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PublicIPAddressIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"publicIpAddressIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -151,16 +151,16 @@ type LoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigurationParameters struct { PublicIPPrefixID *string `json:"publicIpPrefixId,omitempty" tf:"public_ip_prefix_id,omitempty"` // The ID of the Subnet which should be associated with the IP Configuration. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Subnet + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SubnetID *string `json:"subnetId,omitempty" tf:"subnet_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Subnet to populate subnetId. + // Reference to a Subnet in network to populate subnetId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SubnetIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"subnetIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Subnet to populate subnetId. + // Selector for a Subnet in network to populate subnetId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SubnetIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"subnetIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_loadbalancerbackendaddresspool_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_loadbalancerbackendaddresspool_types.go index d7dc503ec..1d5036f03 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_loadbalancerbackendaddresspool_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_loadbalancerbackendaddresspool_types.go @@ -52,16 +52,16 @@ type LoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolObservation struct { type LoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolParameters struct { // The ID of the Load Balancer in which to create the Backend Address Pool. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=LoadBalancer + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional LoadbalancerID *string `json:"loadbalancerId,omitempty" tf:"loadbalancer_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a LoadBalancer to populate loadbalancerId. + // Reference to a LoadBalancer in network to populate loadbalancerId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional LoadbalancerIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"loadbalancerIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a LoadBalancer to populate loadbalancerId. + // Selector for a LoadBalancer in network to populate loadbalancerId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional LoadbalancerIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"loadbalancerIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_loadbalancerbackendaddresspooladdress_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_loadbalancerbackendaddresspooladdress_types.go index 4acbe2afd..c5d44b0d8 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_loadbalancerbackendaddresspooladdress_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_loadbalancerbackendaddresspooladdress_types.go @@ -42,15 +42,15 @@ type LoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolAddressInitParameters struct { // The ID of the Virtual Network within which the Backend Address Pool should exist. // For regional load balancer, user needs to specify `virtual_network_id` and `ip_address` - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=VirtualNetwork + // // VirtualNetworkID *string `json:"virtualNetworkId,omitempty" tf:"virtual_network_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a VirtualNetwork to populate virtualNetworkId. + // Reference to a VirtualNetwork in network to populate virtualNetworkId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional VirtualNetworkIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"virtualNetworkIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a VirtualNetwork to populate virtualNetworkId. + // Selector for a VirtualNetwork in network to populate virtualNetworkId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional VirtualNetworkIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"virtualNetworkIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } @@ -86,16 +86,16 @@ type LoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolAddressParameters struct { BackendAddressIPConfigurationID *string `json:"backendAddressIpConfigurationId,omitempty" tf:"backend_address_ip_configuration_id,omitempty"` // The ID of the Backend Address Pool. Changing this forces a new Backend Address Pool Address to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=LoadBalancerBackendAddressPool + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional BackendAddressPoolID *string `json:"backendAddressPoolId,omitempty" tf:"backend_address_pool_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a LoadBalancerBackendAddressPool to populate backendAddressPoolId. + // Reference to a LoadBalancerBackendAddressPool in network to populate backendAddressPoolId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional BackendAddressPoolIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"backendAddressPoolIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a LoadBalancerBackendAddressPool to populate backendAddressPoolId. + // Selector for a LoadBalancerBackendAddressPool in network to populate backendAddressPoolId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional BackendAddressPoolIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"backendAddressPoolIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -105,16 +105,16 @@ type LoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolAddressParameters struct { // The ID of the Virtual Network within which the Backend Address Pool should exist. // For regional load balancer, user needs to specify `virtual_network_id` and `ip_address` - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=VirtualNetwork + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional VirtualNetworkID *string `json:"virtualNetworkId,omitempty" tf:"virtual_network_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a VirtualNetwork to populate virtualNetworkId. + // Reference to a VirtualNetwork in network to populate virtualNetworkId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional VirtualNetworkIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"virtualNetworkIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a VirtualNetwork to populate virtualNetworkId. + // Selector for a VirtualNetwork in network to populate virtualNetworkId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional VirtualNetworkIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"virtualNetworkIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_loadbalancernatpool_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_loadbalancernatpool_types.go index 59abd8a24..d81b5979b 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_loadbalancernatpool_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_loadbalancernatpool_types.go @@ -118,16 +118,16 @@ type LoadBalancerNatPoolParameters struct { IdleTimeoutInMinutes *float64 `json:"idleTimeoutInMinutes,omitempty" tf:"idle_timeout_in_minutes,omitempty"` // The ID of the Load Balancer in which to create the NAT pool. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=LoadBalancer + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional LoadbalancerID *string `json:"loadbalancerId,omitempty" tf:"loadbalancer_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a LoadBalancer to populate loadbalancerId. + // Reference to a LoadBalancer in network to populate loadbalancerId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional LoadbalancerIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"loadbalancerIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a LoadBalancer to populate loadbalancerId. + // Selector for a LoadBalancer in network to populate loadbalancerId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional LoadbalancerIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"loadbalancerIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_loadbalancernatrule_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_loadbalancernatrule_types.go index 3cf88c23b..5cc57e587 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_loadbalancernatrule_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_loadbalancernatrule_types.go @@ -165,16 +165,16 @@ type LoadBalancerNatRuleParameters struct { IdleTimeoutInMinutes *float64 `json:"idleTimeoutInMinutes,omitempty" tf:"idle_timeout_in_minutes,omitempty"` // The ID of the Load Balancer in which to create the NAT Rule. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=LoadBalancer + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional LoadbalancerID *string `json:"loadbalancerId,omitempty" tf:"loadbalancer_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a LoadBalancer to populate loadbalancerId. + // Reference to a LoadBalancer in network to populate loadbalancerId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional LoadbalancerIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"loadbalancerIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a LoadBalancer to populate loadbalancerId. + // Selector for a LoadBalancer in network to populate loadbalancerId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional LoadbalancerIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"loadbalancerIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_loadbalanceroutboundrule_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_loadbalanceroutboundrule_types.go index bbca85530..4a81569f3 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_loadbalanceroutboundrule_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_loadbalanceroutboundrule_types.go @@ -41,15 +41,15 @@ type LoadBalancerOutboundRuleInitParameters struct { AllocatedOutboundPorts *float64 `json:"allocatedOutboundPorts,omitempty" tf:"allocated_outbound_ports,omitempty"` // The ID of the Backend Address Pool. Outbound traffic is randomly load balanced across IPs in the backend IPs. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=LoadBalancerBackendAddressPool + // // BackendAddressPoolID *string `json:"backendAddressPoolId,omitempty" tf:"backend_address_pool_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a LoadBalancerBackendAddressPool to populate backendAddressPoolId. + // Reference to a LoadBalancerBackendAddressPool in network to populate backendAddressPoolId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional BackendAddressPoolIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"backendAddressPoolIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a LoadBalancerBackendAddressPool to populate backendAddressPoolId. + // Selector for a LoadBalancerBackendAddressPool in network to populate backendAddressPoolId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional BackendAddressPoolIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"backendAddressPoolIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -100,16 +100,16 @@ type LoadBalancerOutboundRuleParameters struct { AllocatedOutboundPorts *float64 `json:"allocatedOutboundPorts,omitempty" tf:"allocated_outbound_ports,omitempty"` // The ID of the Backend Address Pool. Outbound traffic is randomly load balanced across IPs in the backend IPs. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=LoadBalancerBackendAddressPool + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional BackendAddressPoolID *string `json:"backendAddressPoolId,omitempty" tf:"backend_address_pool_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a LoadBalancerBackendAddressPool to populate backendAddressPoolId. + // Reference to a LoadBalancerBackendAddressPool in network to populate backendAddressPoolId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional BackendAddressPoolIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"backendAddressPoolIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a LoadBalancerBackendAddressPool to populate backendAddressPoolId. + // Selector for a LoadBalancerBackendAddressPool in network to populate backendAddressPoolId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional BackendAddressPoolIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"backendAddressPoolIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -126,16 +126,16 @@ type LoadBalancerOutboundRuleParameters struct { IdleTimeoutInMinutes *float64 `json:"idleTimeoutInMinutes,omitempty" tf:"idle_timeout_in_minutes,omitempty"` // The ID of the Load Balancer in which to create the Outbound Rule. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=LoadBalancer + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional LoadbalancerID *string `json:"loadbalancerId,omitempty" tf:"loadbalancer_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a LoadBalancer to populate loadbalancerId. + // Reference to a LoadBalancer in network to populate loadbalancerId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional LoadbalancerIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"loadbalancerIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a LoadBalancer to populate loadbalancerId. + // Selector for a LoadBalancer in network to populate loadbalancerId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional LoadbalancerIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"loadbalancerIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_loadbalancerprobe_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_loadbalancerprobe_types.go index b35317eb7..c639403f7 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_loadbalancerprobe_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_loadbalancerprobe_types.go @@ -71,16 +71,16 @@ type LoadBalancerProbeParameters struct { IntervalInSeconds *float64 `json:"intervalInSeconds,omitempty" tf:"interval_in_seconds,omitempty"` // The ID of the LoadBalancer in which to create the Probe. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=LoadBalancer + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional LoadbalancerID *string `json:"loadbalancerId,omitempty" tf:"loadbalancer_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a LoadBalancer to populate loadbalancerId. + // Reference to a LoadBalancer in network to populate loadbalancerId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional LoadbalancerIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"loadbalancerIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a LoadBalancer to populate loadbalancerId. + // Selector for a LoadBalancer in network to populate loadbalancerId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional LoadbalancerIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"loadbalancerIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_loadbalancerrule_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_loadbalancerrule_types.go index f94596ceb..278eb1c16 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_loadbalancerrule_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_loadbalancerrule_types.go @@ -133,16 +133,16 @@ type LoadBalancerRuleParameters struct { LoadDistribution *string `json:"loadDistribution,omitempty" tf:"load_distribution,omitempty"` // The ID of the Load Balancer in which to create the Rule. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=LoadBalancer + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional LoadbalancerID *string `json:"loadbalancerId,omitempty" tf:"loadbalancer_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a LoadBalancer to populate loadbalancerId. + // Reference to a LoadBalancer in network to populate loadbalancerId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional LoadbalancerIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"loadbalancerIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a LoadBalancer to populate loadbalancerId. + // Selector for a LoadBalancer in network to populate loadbalancerId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional LoadbalancerIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"loadbalancerIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_managerstaticmember_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_managerstaticmember_types.go index 6b5c82519..51bdf4a86 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_managerstaticmember_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_managerstaticmember_types.go @@ -16,15 +16,15 @@ import ( type ManagerStaticMemberInitParameters struct { // Specifies the Resource ID of the Virtual Network using as the Static Member. Changing this forces a new Network Manager Static Member to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=VirtualNetwork + // // TargetVirtualNetworkID *string `json:"targetVirtualNetworkId,omitempty" tf:"target_virtual_network_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a VirtualNetwork to populate targetVirtualNetworkId. + // Reference to a VirtualNetwork in network to populate targetVirtualNetworkId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional TargetVirtualNetworkIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"targetVirtualNetworkIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a VirtualNetwork to populate targetVirtualNetworkId. + // Selector for a VirtualNetwork in network to populate targetVirtualNetworkId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional TargetVirtualNetworkIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"targetVirtualNetworkIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } @@ -61,16 +61,16 @@ type ManagerStaticMemberParameters struct { NetworkGroupIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"networkGroupIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // Specifies the Resource ID of the Virtual Network using as the Static Member. Changing this forces a new Network Manager Static Member to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=VirtualNetwork + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional TargetVirtualNetworkID *string `json:"targetVirtualNetworkId,omitempty" tf:"target_virtual_network_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a VirtualNetwork to populate targetVirtualNetworkId. + // Reference to a VirtualNetwork in network to populate targetVirtualNetworkId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional TargetVirtualNetworkIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"targetVirtualNetworkIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a VirtualNetwork to populate targetVirtualNetworkId. + // Selector for a VirtualNetwork in network to populate targetVirtualNetworkId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional TargetVirtualNetworkIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"targetVirtualNetworkIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_natgatewaypublicipassociation_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_natgatewaypublicipassociation_types.go index 1bd628159..6b4ff0d94 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_natgatewaypublicipassociation_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_natgatewaypublicipassociation_types.go @@ -16,28 +16,28 @@ import ( type NATGatewayPublicIPAssociationInitParameters struct { // The ID of the NAT Gateway. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=NATGateway + // // NATGatewayID *string `json:"natGatewayId,omitempty" tf:"nat_gateway_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a NATGateway to populate natGatewayId. + // Reference to a NATGateway in network to populate natGatewayId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NATGatewayIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"natGatewayIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a NATGateway to populate natGatewayId. + // Selector for a NATGateway in network to populate natGatewayId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NATGatewayIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"natGatewayIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The ID of the Public IP which this NAT Gateway which should be connected to. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=PublicIP + // // PublicIPAddressID *string `json:"publicIpAddressId,omitempty" tf:"public_ip_address_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a PublicIP to populate publicIpAddressId. + // Reference to a PublicIP in network to populate publicIpAddressId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PublicIPAddressIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"publicIpAddressIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a PublicIP to populate publicIpAddressId. + // Selector for a PublicIP in network to populate publicIpAddressId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PublicIPAddressIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"publicIpAddressIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } @@ -55,30 +55,30 @@ type NATGatewayPublicIPAssociationObservation struct { type NATGatewayPublicIPAssociationParameters struct { // The ID of the NAT Gateway. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=NATGateway + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NATGatewayID *string `json:"natGatewayId,omitempty" tf:"nat_gateway_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a NATGateway to populate natGatewayId. + // Reference to a NATGateway in network to populate natGatewayId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NATGatewayIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"natGatewayIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a NATGateway to populate natGatewayId. + // Selector for a NATGateway in network to populate natGatewayId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NATGatewayIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"natGatewayIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The ID of the Public IP which this NAT Gateway which should be connected to. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=PublicIP + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PublicIPAddressID *string `json:"publicIpAddressId,omitempty" tf:"public_ip_address_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a PublicIP to populate publicIpAddressId. + // Reference to a PublicIP in network to populate publicIpAddressId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PublicIPAddressIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"publicIpAddressIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a PublicIP to populate publicIpAddressId. + // Selector for a PublicIP in network to populate publicIpAddressId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PublicIPAddressIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"publicIpAddressIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_natgatewaypublicipprefixassociation_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_natgatewaypublicipprefixassociation_types.go index 3440ca5b3..672bd653f 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_natgatewaypublicipprefixassociation_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_natgatewaypublicipprefixassociation_types.go @@ -16,28 +16,28 @@ import ( type NATGatewayPublicIPPrefixAssociationInitParameters struct { // The ID of the NAT Gateway. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=NATGateway + // // NATGatewayID *string `json:"natGatewayId,omitempty" tf:"nat_gateway_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a NATGateway to populate natGatewayId. + // Reference to a NATGateway in network to populate natGatewayId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NATGatewayIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"natGatewayIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a NATGateway to populate natGatewayId. + // Selector for a NATGateway in network to populate natGatewayId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NATGatewayIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"natGatewayIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The ID of the Public IP Prefix which this NAT Gateway which should be connected to. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=PublicIPPrefix + // // PublicIPPrefixID *string `json:"publicIpPrefixId,omitempty" tf:"public_ip_prefix_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a PublicIPPrefix to populate publicIpPrefixId. + // Reference to a PublicIPPrefix in network to populate publicIpPrefixId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PublicIPPrefixIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"publicIpPrefixIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a PublicIPPrefix to populate publicIpPrefixId. + // Selector for a PublicIPPrefix in network to populate publicIpPrefixId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PublicIPPrefixIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"publicIpPrefixIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } @@ -55,30 +55,30 @@ type NATGatewayPublicIPPrefixAssociationObservation struct { type NATGatewayPublicIPPrefixAssociationParameters struct { // The ID of the NAT Gateway. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=NATGateway + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NATGatewayID *string `json:"natGatewayId,omitempty" tf:"nat_gateway_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a NATGateway to populate natGatewayId. + // Reference to a NATGateway in network to populate natGatewayId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NATGatewayIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"natGatewayIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a NATGateway to populate natGatewayId. + // Selector for a NATGateway in network to populate natGatewayId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NATGatewayIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"natGatewayIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The ID of the Public IP Prefix which this NAT Gateway which should be connected to. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=PublicIPPrefix + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PublicIPPrefixID *string `json:"publicIpPrefixId,omitempty" tf:"public_ip_prefix_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a PublicIPPrefix to populate publicIpPrefixId. + // Reference to a PublicIPPrefix in network to populate publicIpPrefixId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PublicIPPrefixIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"publicIpPrefixIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a PublicIPPrefix to populate publicIpPrefixId. + // Selector for a PublicIPPrefix in network to populate publicIpPrefixId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PublicIPPrefixIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"publicIpPrefixIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_networkinterfaceapplicationsecuritygroupassociation_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_networkinterfaceapplicationsecuritygroupassociation_types.go index 29e526d02..e3c673966 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_networkinterfaceapplicationsecuritygroupassociation_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_networkinterfaceapplicationsecuritygroupassociation_types.go @@ -16,28 +16,28 @@ import ( type NetworkInterfaceApplicationSecurityGroupAssociationInitParameters struct { // The ID of the Application Security Group which this Network Interface which should be connected to. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=ApplicationSecurityGroup + // // ApplicationSecurityGroupID *string `json:"applicationSecurityGroupId,omitempty" tf:"application_security_group_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a ApplicationSecurityGroup to populate applicationSecurityGroupId. + // Reference to a ApplicationSecurityGroup in network to populate applicationSecurityGroupId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ApplicationSecurityGroupIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"applicationSecurityGroupIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a ApplicationSecurityGroup to populate applicationSecurityGroupId. + // Selector for a ApplicationSecurityGroup in network to populate applicationSecurityGroupId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ApplicationSecurityGroupIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"applicationSecurityGroupIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The ID of the Network Interface. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=NetworkInterface + // // NetworkInterfaceID *string `json:"networkInterfaceId,omitempty" tf:"network_interface_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a NetworkInterface to populate networkInterfaceId. + // Reference to a NetworkInterface in network to populate networkInterfaceId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NetworkInterfaceIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"networkInterfaceIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a NetworkInterface to populate networkInterfaceId. + // Selector for a NetworkInterface in network to populate networkInterfaceId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NetworkInterfaceIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"networkInterfaceIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } @@ -56,30 +56,30 @@ type NetworkInterfaceApplicationSecurityGroupAssociationObservation struct { type NetworkInterfaceApplicationSecurityGroupAssociationParameters struct { // The ID of the Application Security Group which this Network Interface which should be connected to. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=ApplicationSecurityGroup + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ApplicationSecurityGroupID *string `json:"applicationSecurityGroupId,omitempty" tf:"application_security_group_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a ApplicationSecurityGroup to populate applicationSecurityGroupId. + // Reference to a ApplicationSecurityGroup in network to populate applicationSecurityGroupId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ApplicationSecurityGroupIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"applicationSecurityGroupIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a ApplicationSecurityGroup to populate applicationSecurityGroupId. + // Selector for a ApplicationSecurityGroup in network to populate applicationSecurityGroupId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ApplicationSecurityGroupIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"applicationSecurityGroupIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The ID of the Network Interface. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=NetworkInterface + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NetworkInterfaceID *string `json:"networkInterfaceId,omitempty" tf:"network_interface_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a NetworkInterface to populate networkInterfaceId. + // Reference to a NetworkInterface in network to populate networkInterfaceId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NetworkInterfaceIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"networkInterfaceIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a NetworkInterface to populate networkInterfaceId. + // Selector for a NetworkInterface in network to populate networkInterfaceId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NetworkInterfaceIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"networkInterfaceIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_networkinterfacebackendaddresspoolassociation_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_networkinterfacebackendaddresspoolassociation_types.go index a03313993..4b4575027 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_networkinterfacebackendaddresspoolassociation_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_networkinterfacebackendaddresspoolassociation_types.go @@ -16,15 +16,15 @@ import ( type NetworkInterfaceBackendAddressPoolAssociationInitParameters struct { // The ID of the Load Balancer Backend Address Pool which this Network Interface should be connected to. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=LoadBalancerBackendAddressPool + // // BackendAddressPoolID *string `json:"backendAddressPoolId,omitempty" tf:"backend_address_pool_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a LoadBalancerBackendAddressPool to populate backendAddressPoolId. + // Reference to a LoadBalancerBackendAddressPool in network to populate backendAddressPoolId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional BackendAddressPoolIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"backendAddressPoolIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a LoadBalancerBackendAddressPool to populate backendAddressPoolId. + // Selector for a LoadBalancerBackendAddressPool in network to populate backendAddressPoolId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional BackendAddressPoolIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"backendAddressPoolIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -32,15 +32,15 @@ type NetworkInterfaceBackendAddressPoolAssociationInitParameters struct { IPConfigurationName *string `json:"ipConfigurationName,omitempty" tf:"ip_configuration_name,omitempty"` // The ID of the Network Interface. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=NetworkInterface + // // NetworkInterfaceID *string `json:"networkInterfaceId,omitempty" tf:"network_interface_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a NetworkInterface to populate networkInterfaceId. + // Reference to a NetworkInterface in network to populate networkInterfaceId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NetworkInterfaceIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"networkInterfaceIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a NetworkInterface to populate networkInterfaceId. + // Selector for a NetworkInterface in network to populate networkInterfaceId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NetworkInterfaceIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"networkInterfaceIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } @@ -62,16 +62,16 @@ type NetworkInterfaceBackendAddressPoolAssociationObservation struct { type NetworkInterfaceBackendAddressPoolAssociationParameters struct { // The ID of the Load Balancer Backend Address Pool which this Network Interface should be connected to. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=LoadBalancerBackendAddressPool + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional BackendAddressPoolID *string `json:"backendAddressPoolId,omitempty" tf:"backend_address_pool_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a LoadBalancerBackendAddressPool to populate backendAddressPoolId. + // Reference to a LoadBalancerBackendAddressPool in network to populate backendAddressPoolId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional BackendAddressPoolIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"backendAddressPoolIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a LoadBalancerBackendAddressPool to populate backendAddressPoolId. + // Selector for a LoadBalancerBackendAddressPool in network to populate backendAddressPoolId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional BackendAddressPoolIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"backendAddressPoolIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -80,16 +80,16 @@ type NetworkInterfaceBackendAddressPoolAssociationParameters struct { IPConfigurationName *string `json:"ipConfigurationName,omitempty" tf:"ip_configuration_name,omitempty"` // The ID of the Network Interface. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=NetworkInterface + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NetworkInterfaceID *string `json:"networkInterfaceId,omitempty" tf:"network_interface_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a NetworkInterface to populate networkInterfaceId. + // Reference to a NetworkInterface in network to populate networkInterfaceId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NetworkInterfaceIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"networkInterfaceIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a NetworkInterface to populate networkInterfaceId. + // Selector for a NetworkInterface in network to populate networkInterfaceId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NetworkInterfaceIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"networkInterfaceIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_networkinterfacenatruleassociation_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_networkinterfacenatruleassociation_types.go index d91598a2a..369beefcf 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_networkinterfacenatruleassociation_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_networkinterfacenatruleassociation_types.go @@ -19,28 +19,28 @@ type NetworkInterfaceNatRuleAssociationInitParameters struct { IPConfigurationName *string `json:"ipConfigurationName,omitempty" tf:"ip_configuration_name,omitempty"` // The ID of the Load Balancer NAT Rule which this Network Interface which should be connected to. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=LoadBalancerNatRule + // // NATRuleID *string `json:"natRuleId,omitempty" tf:"nat_rule_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a LoadBalancerNatRule to populate natRuleId. + // Reference to a LoadBalancerNatRule in network to populate natRuleId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NATRuleIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"natRuleIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a LoadBalancerNatRule to populate natRuleId. + // Selector for a LoadBalancerNatRule in network to populate natRuleId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NATRuleIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"natRuleIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The ID of the Network Interface. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=NetworkInterface + // // NetworkInterfaceID *string `json:"networkInterfaceId,omitempty" tf:"network_interface_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a NetworkInterface to populate networkInterfaceId. + // Reference to a NetworkInterface in network to populate networkInterfaceId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NetworkInterfaceIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"networkInterfaceIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a NetworkInterface to populate networkInterfaceId. + // Selector for a NetworkInterface in network to populate networkInterfaceId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NetworkInterfaceIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"networkInterfaceIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } @@ -65,30 +65,30 @@ type NetworkInterfaceNatRuleAssociationParameters struct { IPConfigurationName *string `json:"ipConfigurationName,omitempty" tf:"ip_configuration_name,omitempty"` // The ID of the Load Balancer NAT Rule which this Network Interface which should be connected to. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=LoadBalancerNatRule + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NATRuleID *string `json:"natRuleId,omitempty" tf:"nat_rule_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a LoadBalancerNatRule to populate natRuleId. + // Reference to a LoadBalancerNatRule in network to populate natRuleId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NATRuleIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"natRuleIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a LoadBalancerNatRule to populate natRuleId. + // Selector for a LoadBalancerNatRule in network to populate natRuleId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NATRuleIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"natRuleIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The ID of the Network Interface. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=NetworkInterface + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NetworkInterfaceID *string `json:"networkInterfaceId,omitempty" tf:"network_interface_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a NetworkInterface to populate networkInterfaceId. + // Reference to a NetworkInterface in network to populate networkInterfaceId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NetworkInterfaceIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"networkInterfaceIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a NetworkInterface to populate networkInterfaceId. + // Selector for a NetworkInterface in network to populate networkInterfaceId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NetworkInterfaceIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"networkInterfaceIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_networkinterfacesecuritygroupassociation_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_networkinterfacesecuritygroupassociation_types.go index 8cbaaf11f..fc4a8c883 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_networkinterfacesecuritygroupassociation_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_networkinterfacesecuritygroupassociation_types.go @@ -16,28 +16,28 @@ import ( type NetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupAssociationInitParameters struct { // The ID of the Network Interface. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=NetworkInterface + // // NetworkInterfaceID *string `json:"networkInterfaceId,omitempty" tf:"network_interface_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a NetworkInterface to populate networkInterfaceId. + // Reference to a NetworkInterface in network to populate networkInterfaceId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NetworkInterfaceIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"networkInterfaceIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a NetworkInterface to populate networkInterfaceId. + // Selector for a NetworkInterface in network to populate networkInterfaceId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NetworkInterfaceIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"networkInterfaceIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The ID of the Network Security Group which should be attached to the Network Interface. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=SecurityGroup + // // NetworkSecurityGroupID *string `json:"networkSecurityGroupId,omitempty" tf:"network_security_group_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a SecurityGroup to populate networkSecurityGroupId. + // Reference to a SecurityGroup in network to populate networkSecurityGroupId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NetworkSecurityGroupIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"networkSecurityGroupIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a SecurityGroup to populate networkSecurityGroupId. + // Selector for a SecurityGroup in network to populate networkSecurityGroupId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NetworkSecurityGroupIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"networkSecurityGroupIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } @@ -55,30 +55,30 @@ type NetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupAssociationObservation struct { type NetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupAssociationParameters struct { // The ID of the Network Interface. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=NetworkInterface + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NetworkInterfaceID *string `json:"networkInterfaceId,omitempty" tf:"network_interface_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a NetworkInterface to populate networkInterfaceId. + // Reference to a NetworkInterface in network to populate networkInterfaceId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NetworkInterfaceIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"networkInterfaceIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a NetworkInterface to populate networkInterfaceId. + // Selector for a NetworkInterface in network to populate networkInterfaceId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NetworkInterfaceIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"networkInterfaceIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The ID of the Network Security Group which should be attached to the Network Interface. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=SecurityGroup + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NetworkSecurityGroupID *string `json:"networkSecurityGroupId,omitempty" tf:"network_security_group_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a SecurityGroup to populate networkSecurityGroupId. + // Reference to a SecurityGroup in network to populate networkSecurityGroupId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NetworkSecurityGroupIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"networkSecurityGroupIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a SecurityGroup to populate networkSecurityGroupId. + // Selector for a SecurityGroup in network to populate networkSecurityGroupId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NetworkSecurityGroupIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"networkSecurityGroupIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_packetcapture_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_packetcapture_types.go index 5487ab9d7..994414ecd 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_packetcapture_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_packetcapture_types.go @@ -142,15 +142,15 @@ type PacketCaptureParameters struct { MaximumCaptureDuration *float64 `json:"maximumCaptureDuration,omitempty" tf:"maximum_capture_duration,omitempty"` // The name of the Network Watcher. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Watcher + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NetworkWatcherName *string `json:"networkWatcherName,omitempty" tf:"network_watcher_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Watcher to populate networkWatcherName. + // Reference to a Watcher in network to populate networkWatcherName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NetworkWatcherNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"networkWatcherNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Watcher to populate networkWatcherName. + // Selector for a Watcher in network to populate networkWatcherName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NetworkWatcherNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"networkWatcherNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_pointtositevpngateway_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_pointtositevpngateway_types.go index bc1f5ea37..5de0c6a89 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_pointtositevpngateway_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_pointtositevpngateway_types.go @@ -84,28 +84,28 @@ type PointToSiteVPNGatewayInitParameters struct { Tags map[string]*string `json:"tags,omitempty" tf:"tags,omitempty"` // The ID of the VPN Server Configuration which this Point-to-Site VPN Gateway should use. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=VPNServerConfiguration + // // VPNServerConfigurationID *string `json:"vpnServerConfigurationId,omitempty" tf:"vpn_server_configuration_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a VPNServerConfiguration to populate vpnServerConfigurationId. + // Reference to a VPNServerConfiguration in network to populate vpnServerConfigurationId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional VPNServerConfigurationIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"vpnServerConfigurationIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a VPNServerConfiguration to populate vpnServerConfigurationId. + // Selector for a VPNServerConfiguration in network to populate vpnServerConfigurationId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional VPNServerConfigurationIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"vpnServerConfigurationIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The ID of the Virtual Hub where this Point-to-Site VPN Gateway should exist. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=VirtualHub + // // VirtualHubID *string `json:"virtualHubId,omitempty" tf:"virtual_hub_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a VirtualHub to populate virtualHubId. + // Reference to a VirtualHub in network to populate virtualHubId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional VirtualHubIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"virtualHubIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a VirtualHub to populate virtualHubId. + // Selector for a VirtualHub in network to populate virtualHubId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional VirtualHubIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"virtualHubIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } @@ -185,30 +185,30 @@ type PointToSiteVPNGatewayParameters struct { Tags map[string]*string `json:"tags,omitempty" tf:"tags,omitempty"` // The ID of the VPN Server Configuration which this Point-to-Site VPN Gateway should use. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=VPNServerConfiguration + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional VPNServerConfigurationID *string `json:"vpnServerConfigurationId,omitempty" tf:"vpn_server_configuration_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a VPNServerConfiguration to populate vpnServerConfigurationId. + // Reference to a VPNServerConfiguration in network to populate vpnServerConfigurationId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional VPNServerConfigurationIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"vpnServerConfigurationIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a VPNServerConfiguration to populate vpnServerConfigurationId. + // Selector for a VPNServerConfiguration in network to populate vpnServerConfigurationId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional VPNServerConfigurationIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"vpnServerConfigurationIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The ID of the Virtual Hub where this Point-to-Site VPN Gateway should exist. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=VirtualHub + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional VirtualHubID *string `json:"virtualHubId,omitempty" tf:"virtual_hub_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a VirtualHub to populate virtualHubId. + // Reference to a VirtualHub in network to populate virtualHubId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional VirtualHubIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"virtualHubIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a VirtualHub to populate virtualHubId. + // Selector for a VirtualHub in network to populate virtualHubId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional VirtualHubIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"virtualHubIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_privatednsaaaarecord_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_privatednsaaaarecord_types.go index 7f02d3058..6feece3f9 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_privatednsaaaarecord_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_privatednsaaaarecord_types.go @@ -83,15 +83,15 @@ type PrivateDNSAAAARecordParameters struct { Tags map[string]*string `json:"tags,omitempty" tf:"tags,omitempty"` // Specifies the Private DNS Zone where the resource exists. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=PrivateDNSZone + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ZoneName *string `json:"zoneName,omitempty" tf:"zone_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a PrivateDNSZone to populate zoneName. + // Reference to a PrivateDNSZone in network to populate zoneName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ZoneNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"zoneNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a PrivateDNSZone to populate zoneName. + // Selector for a PrivateDNSZone in network to populate zoneName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ZoneNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"zoneNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_privatednsarecord_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_privatednsarecord_types.go index 5a05b13ac..590a832ba 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_privatednsarecord_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_privatednsarecord_types.go @@ -83,15 +83,15 @@ type PrivateDNSARecordParameters struct { Tags map[string]*string `json:"tags,omitempty" tf:"tags,omitempty"` // Specifies the Private DNS Zone where the resource exists. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=PrivateDNSZone + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ZoneName *string `json:"zoneName,omitempty" tf:"zone_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a PrivateDNSZone to populate zoneName. + // Reference to a PrivateDNSZone in network to populate zoneName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ZoneNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"zoneNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a PrivateDNSZone to populate zoneName. + // Selector for a PrivateDNSZone in network to populate zoneName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ZoneNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"zoneNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_privatednscnamerecord_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_privatednscnamerecord_types.go index 4389bd1b6..86e1ddec7 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_privatednscnamerecord_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_privatednscnamerecord_types.go @@ -80,15 +80,15 @@ type PrivateDNSCNAMERecordParameters struct { Tags map[string]*string `json:"tags,omitempty" tf:"tags,omitempty"` // Specifies the Private DNS Zone where the resource exists. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=PrivateDNSZone + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ZoneName *string `json:"zoneName,omitempty" tf:"zone_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a PrivateDNSZone to populate zoneName. + // Reference to a PrivateDNSZone in network to populate zoneName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ZoneNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"zoneNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a PrivateDNSZone to populate zoneName. + // Selector for a PrivateDNSZone in network to populate zoneName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ZoneNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"zoneNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_privatednsmxrecord_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_privatednsmxrecord_types.go index 17b91e5cb..ed2613d7a 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_privatednsmxrecord_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_privatednsmxrecord_types.go @@ -80,15 +80,15 @@ type PrivateDNSMXRecordParameters struct { Tags map[string]*string `json:"tags,omitempty" tf:"tags,omitempty"` // Specifies the Private DNS Zone where the resource exists. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=PrivateDNSZone + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ZoneName *string `json:"zoneName,omitempty" tf:"zone_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a PrivateDNSZone to populate zoneName. + // Reference to a PrivateDNSZone in network to populate zoneName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ZoneNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"zoneNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a PrivateDNSZone to populate zoneName. + // Selector for a PrivateDNSZone in network to populate zoneName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ZoneNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"zoneNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_privatednsptrrecord_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_privatednsptrrecord_types.go index ab1e30728..056825d07 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_privatednsptrrecord_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_privatednsptrrecord_types.go @@ -83,15 +83,15 @@ type PrivateDNSPTRRecordParameters struct { Tags map[string]*string `json:"tags,omitempty" tf:"tags,omitempty"` // Specifies the Private DNS Zone where the resource exists. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=PrivateDNSZone + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ZoneName *string `json:"zoneName,omitempty" tf:"zone_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a PrivateDNSZone to populate zoneName. + // Reference to a PrivateDNSZone in network to populate zoneName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ZoneNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"zoneNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a PrivateDNSZone to populate zoneName. + // Selector for a PrivateDNSZone in network to populate zoneName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ZoneNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"zoneNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_privatednssrvrecord_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_privatednssrvrecord_types.go index 4af7670e0..62f820238 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_privatednssrvrecord_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_privatednssrvrecord_types.go @@ -80,15 +80,15 @@ type PrivateDNSSRVRecordParameters struct { Tags map[string]*string `json:"tags,omitempty" tf:"tags,omitempty"` // Specifies the Private DNS Zone where the resource exists. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=PrivateDNSZone + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ZoneName *string `json:"zoneName,omitempty" tf:"zone_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a PrivateDNSZone to populate zoneName. + // Reference to a PrivateDNSZone in network to populate zoneName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ZoneNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"zoneNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a PrivateDNSZone to populate zoneName. + // Selector for a PrivateDNSZone in network to populate zoneName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ZoneNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"zoneNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_privatednstxtrecord_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_privatednstxtrecord_types.go index cbe61ccf7..8fab409c3 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_privatednstxtrecord_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_privatednstxtrecord_types.go @@ -80,15 +80,15 @@ type PrivateDNSTXTRecordParameters struct { Tags map[string]*string `json:"tags,omitempty" tf:"tags,omitempty"` // Specifies the Private DNS Zone where the resource exists. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=PrivateDNSZone + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ZoneName *string `json:"zoneName,omitempty" tf:"zone_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a PrivateDNSZone to populate zoneName. + // Reference to a PrivateDNSZone in network to populate zoneName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ZoneNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"zoneNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a PrivateDNSZone to populate zoneName. + // Selector for a PrivateDNSZone in network to populate zoneName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ZoneNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"zoneNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_privatednszonevirtualnetworklink_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_privatednszonevirtualnetworklink_types.go index bc08994b8..be4781fb5 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_privatednszonevirtualnetworklink_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_privatednszonevirtualnetworklink_types.go @@ -23,15 +23,15 @@ type PrivateDNSZoneVirtualNetworkLinkInitParameters struct { Tags map[string]*string `json:"tags,omitempty" tf:"tags,omitempty"` // The ID of the Virtual Network that should be linked to the DNS Zone. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=VirtualNetwork + // // VirtualNetworkID *string `json:"virtualNetworkId,omitempty" tf:"virtual_network_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a VirtualNetwork to populate virtualNetworkId. + // Reference to a VirtualNetwork in network to populate virtualNetworkId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional VirtualNetworkIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"virtualNetworkIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a VirtualNetwork to populate virtualNetworkId. + // Selector for a VirtualNetwork in network to populate virtualNetworkId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional VirtualNetworkIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"virtualNetworkIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } @@ -61,15 +61,15 @@ type PrivateDNSZoneVirtualNetworkLinkObservation struct { type PrivateDNSZoneVirtualNetworkLinkParameters struct { // The name of the Private DNS zone (without a terminating dot). Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=PrivateDNSZone + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PrivateDNSZoneName *string `json:"privateDnsZoneName,omitempty" tf:"private_dns_zone_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a PrivateDNSZone to populate privateDnsZoneName. + // Reference to a PrivateDNSZone in network to populate privateDnsZoneName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PrivateDNSZoneNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"privateDnsZoneNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a PrivateDNSZone to populate privateDnsZoneName. + // Selector for a PrivateDNSZone in network to populate privateDnsZoneName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PrivateDNSZoneNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"privateDnsZoneNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -96,16 +96,16 @@ type PrivateDNSZoneVirtualNetworkLinkParameters struct { Tags map[string]*string `json:"tags,omitempty" tf:"tags,omitempty"` // The ID of the Virtual Network that should be linked to the DNS Zone. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=VirtualNetwork + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional VirtualNetworkID *string `json:"virtualNetworkId,omitempty" tf:"virtual_network_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a VirtualNetwork to populate virtualNetworkId. + // Reference to a VirtualNetwork in network to populate virtualNetworkId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional VirtualNetworkIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"virtualNetworkIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a VirtualNetwork to populate virtualNetworkId. + // Selector for a VirtualNetwork in network to populate virtualNetworkId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional VirtualNetworkIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"virtualNetworkIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_privateendpoint_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_privateendpoint_types.go index 161cd95a7..bec3e803f 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_privateendpoint_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_privateendpoint_types.go @@ -55,15 +55,15 @@ type PrivateDNSZoneGroupInitParameters struct { Name *string `json:"name,omitempty" tf:"name,omitempty"` // Specifies the list of Private DNS Zones to include within the private_dns_zone_group. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=PrivateDNSZone + // // PrivateDNSZoneIds []*string `json:"privateDnsZoneIds,omitempty" tf:"private_dns_zone_ids,omitempty"` - // References to PrivateDNSZone to populate privateDnsZoneIds. + // References to PrivateDNSZone in network to populate privateDnsZoneIds. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PrivateDNSZoneIdsRefs []v1.Reference `json:"privateDnsZoneIdsRefs,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a list of PrivateDNSZone to populate privateDnsZoneIds. + // Selector for a list of PrivateDNSZone in network to populate privateDnsZoneIds. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PrivateDNSZoneIdsSelector *v1.Selector `json:"privateDnsZoneIdsSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } @@ -87,16 +87,16 @@ type PrivateDNSZoneGroupParameters struct { Name *string `json:"name" tf:"name,omitempty"` // Specifies the list of Private DNS Zones to include within the private_dns_zone_group. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=PrivateDNSZone + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PrivateDNSZoneIds []*string `json:"privateDnsZoneIds,omitempty" tf:"private_dns_zone_ids,omitempty"` - // References to PrivateDNSZone to populate privateDnsZoneIds. + // References to PrivateDNSZone in network to populate privateDnsZoneIds. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PrivateDNSZoneIdsRefs []v1.Reference `json:"privateDnsZoneIdsRefs,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a list of PrivateDNSZone to populate privateDnsZoneIds. + // Selector for a list of PrivateDNSZone in network to populate privateDnsZoneIds. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PrivateDNSZoneIdsSelector *v1.Selector `json:"privateDnsZoneIdsSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_privatelinkservice_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_privatelinkservice_types.go index 65ba39fbf..807fd245c 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_privatelinkservice_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_privatelinkservice_types.go @@ -28,15 +28,15 @@ type NATIPConfigurationInitParameters struct { PrivateIPAddressVersion *string `json:"privateIpAddressVersion,omitempty" tf:"private_ip_address_version,omitempty"` // Specifies the ID of the Subnet which should be used for the Private Link Service. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Subnet + // // SubnetID *string `json:"subnetId,omitempty" tf:"subnet_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Subnet to populate subnetId. + // Reference to a Subnet in network to populate subnetId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SubnetIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"subnetIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Subnet to populate subnetId. + // Selector for a Subnet in network to populate subnetId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SubnetIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"subnetIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } @@ -78,16 +78,16 @@ type NATIPConfigurationParameters struct { PrivateIPAddressVersion *string `json:"privateIpAddressVersion,omitempty" tf:"private_ip_address_version,omitempty"` // Specifies the ID of the Subnet which should be used for the Private Link Service. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Subnet + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SubnetID *string `json:"subnetId,omitempty" tf:"subnet_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Subnet to populate subnetId. + // Reference to a Subnet in network to populate subnetId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SubnetIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"subnetIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Subnet to populate subnetId. + // Selector for a Subnet in network to populate subnetId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SubnetIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"subnetIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_profile_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_profile_types.go index dd9ebc2f6..2c7a3fe96 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_profile_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_profile_types.go @@ -19,15 +19,15 @@ type ContainerNetworkInterfaceIPConfigurationInitParameters struct { Name *string `json:"name,omitempty" tf:"name,omitempty"` // Reference to the subnet associated with the IP Configuration. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Subnet + // // SubnetID *string `json:"subnetId,omitempty" tf:"subnet_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Subnet to populate subnetId. + // Reference to a Subnet in network to populate subnetId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SubnetIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"subnetIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Subnet to populate subnetId. + // Selector for a Subnet in network to populate subnetId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SubnetIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"subnetIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } @@ -48,16 +48,16 @@ type ContainerNetworkInterfaceIPConfigurationParameters struct { Name *string `json:"name" tf:"name,omitempty"` // Reference to the subnet associated with the IP Configuration. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Subnet + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SubnetID *string `json:"subnetId,omitempty" tf:"subnet_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Subnet to populate subnetId. + // Reference to a Subnet in network to populate subnetId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SubnetIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"subnetIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Subnet to populate subnetId. + // Selector for a Subnet in network to populate subnetId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SubnetIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"subnetIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_securityrule_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_securityrule_types.go index fed1c0037..53ec8532c 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_securityrule_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_securityrule_types.go @@ -168,15 +168,15 @@ type SecurityRuleParameters_2 struct { Direction *string `json:"direction,omitempty" tf:"direction,omitempty"` // The name of the Network Security Group that we want to attach the rule to. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=SecurityGroup + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NetworkSecurityGroupName *string `json:"networkSecurityGroupName,omitempty" tf:"network_security_group_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a SecurityGroup to populate networkSecurityGroupName. + // Reference to a SecurityGroup in network to populate networkSecurityGroupName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NetworkSecurityGroupNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"networkSecurityGroupNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a SecurityGroup to populate networkSecurityGroupName. + // Selector for a SecurityGroup in network to populate networkSecurityGroupName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NetworkSecurityGroupNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"networkSecurityGroupNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_subnet_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_subnet_types.go index eec649122..5a2cb3285 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_subnet_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_subnet_types.go @@ -182,15 +182,15 @@ type SubnetParameters struct { ServiceEndpoints []*string `json:"serviceEndpoints,omitempty" tf:"service_endpoints,omitempty"` // The name of the virtual network to which to attach the subnet. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=VirtualNetwork + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional VirtualNetworkName *string `json:"virtualNetworkName,omitempty" tf:"virtual_network_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a VirtualNetwork to populate virtualNetworkName. + // Reference to a VirtualNetwork in network to populate virtualNetworkName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional VirtualNetworkNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"virtualNetworkNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a VirtualNetwork to populate virtualNetworkName. + // Selector for a VirtualNetwork in network to populate virtualNetworkName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional VirtualNetworkNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"virtualNetworkNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_subnetnatgatewayassociation_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_subnetnatgatewayassociation_types.go index 38f0b8e75..fb06dd96f 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_subnetnatgatewayassociation_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_subnetnatgatewayassociation_types.go @@ -29,15 +29,15 @@ type SubnetNATGatewayAssociationInitParameters struct { NATGatewayIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"natGatewayIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The ID of the Subnet. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Subnet + // // SubnetID *string `json:"subnetId,omitempty" tf:"subnet_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Subnet to populate subnetId. + // Reference to a Subnet in network to populate subnetId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SubnetIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"subnetIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Subnet to populate subnetId. + // Selector for a Subnet in network to populate subnetId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SubnetIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"subnetIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } @@ -71,16 +71,16 @@ type SubnetNATGatewayAssociationParameters struct { NATGatewayIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"natGatewayIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The ID of the Subnet. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Subnet + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SubnetID *string `json:"subnetId,omitempty" tf:"subnet_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Subnet to populate subnetId. + // Reference to a Subnet in network to populate subnetId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SubnetIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"subnetIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Subnet to populate subnetId. + // Selector for a Subnet in network to populate subnetId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SubnetIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"subnetIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_subnetnetworksecuritygroupassociation_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_subnetnetworksecuritygroupassociation_types.go index 12ef5fa71..4ecb15660 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_subnetnetworksecuritygroupassociation_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_subnetnetworksecuritygroupassociation_types.go @@ -16,28 +16,28 @@ import ( type SubnetNetworkSecurityGroupAssociationInitParameters struct { // The ID of the Network Security Group which should be associated with the Subnet. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=SecurityGroup + // // NetworkSecurityGroupID *string `json:"networkSecurityGroupId,omitempty" tf:"network_security_group_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a SecurityGroup to populate networkSecurityGroupId. + // Reference to a SecurityGroup in network to populate networkSecurityGroupId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NetworkSecurityGroupIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"networkSecurityGroupIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a SecurityGroup to populate networkSecurityGroupId. + // Selector for a SecurityGroup in network to populate networkSecurityGroupId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NetworkSecurityGroupIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"networkSecurityGroupIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The ID of the Subnet. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Subnet + // // SubnetID *string `json:"subnetId,omitempty" tf:"subnet_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Subnet to populate subnetId. + // Reference to a Subnet in network to populate subnetId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SubnetIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"subnetIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Subnet to populate subnetId. + // Selector for a Subnet in network to populate subnetId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SubnetIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"subnetIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } @@ -57,30 +57,30 @@ type SubnetNetworkSecurityGroupAssociationObservation struct { type SubnetNetworkSecurityGroupAssociationParameters struct { // The ID of the Network Security Group which should be associated with the Subnet. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=SecurityGroup + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NetworkSecurityGroupID *string `json:"networkSecurityGroupId,omitempty" tf:"network_security_group_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a SecurityGroup to populate networkSecurityGroupId. + // Reference to a SecurityGroup in network to populate networkSecurityGroupId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NetworkSecurityGroupIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"networkSecurityGroupIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a SecurityGroup to populate networkSecurityGroupId. + // Selector for a SecurityGroup in network to populate networkSecurityGroupId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NetworkSecurityGroupIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"networkSecurityGroupIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The ID of the Subnet. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Subnet + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SubnetID *string `json:"subnetId,omitempty" tf:"subnet_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Subnet to populate subnetId. + // Reference to a Subnet in network to populate subnetId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SubnetIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"subnetIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Subnet to populate subnetId. + // Selector for a Subnet in network to populate subnetId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SubnetIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"subnetIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_subnetroutetableassociation_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_subnetroutetableassociation_types.go index ed4288dee..d8f58e24f 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_subnetroutetableassociation_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_subnetroutetableassociation_types.go @@ -16,28 +16,28 @@ import ( type SubnetRouteTableAssociationInitParameters struct { // The ID of the Route Table which should be associated with the Subnet. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=RouteTable + // // RouteTableID *string `json:"routeTableId,omitempty" tf:"route_table_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a RouteTable to populate routeTableId. + // Reference to a RouteTable in network to populate routeTableId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional RouteTableIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"routeTableIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a RouteTable to populate routeTableId. + // Selector for a RouteTable in network to populate routeTableId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional RouteTableIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"routeTableIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The ID of the Subnet. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Subnet + // // SubnetID *string `json:"subnetId,omitempty" tf:"subnet_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Subnet to populate subnetId. + // Reference to a Subnet in network to populate subnetId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SubnetIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"subnetIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Subnet to populate subnetId. + // Selector for a Subnet in network to populate subnetId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SubnetIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"subnetIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } @@ -57,30 +57,30 @@ type SubnetRouteTableAssociationObservation struct { type SubnetRouteTableAssociationParameters struct { // The ID of the Route Table which should be associated with the Subnet. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=RouteTable + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional RouteTableID *string `json:"routeTableId,omitempty" tf:"route_table_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a RouteTable to populate routeTableId. + // Reference to a RouteTable in network to populate routeTableId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional RouteTableIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"routeTableIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a RouteTable to populate routeTableId. + // Selector for a RouteTable in network to populate routeTableId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional RouteTableIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"routeTableIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The ID of the Subnet. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Subnet + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SubnetID *string `json:"subnetId,omitempty" tf:"subnet_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Subnet to populate subnetId. + // Reference to a Subnet in network to populate subnetId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SubnetIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"subnetIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Subnet to populate subnetId. + // Selector for a Subnet in network to populate subnetId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SubnetIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"subnetIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_virtualhub_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_virtualhub_types.go index a8432c180..4f81a95a5 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_virtualhub_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_virtualhub_types.go @@ -38,15 +38,15 @@ type VirtualHubInitParameters_2 struct { VirtualRouterAutoScaleMinCapacity *float64 `json:"virtualRouterAutoScaleMinCapacity,omitempty" tf:"virtual_router_auto_scale_min_capacity,omitempty"` // The ID of a Virtual WAN within which the Virtual Hub should be created. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=VirtualWAN + // // VirtualWanID *string `json:"virtualWanId,omitempty" tf:"virtual_wan_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a VirtualWAN to populate virtualWanId. + // Reference to a VirtualWAN in network to populate virtualWanId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional VirtualWanIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"virtualWanIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a VirtualWAN to populate virtualWanId. + // Selector for a VirtualWAN in network to populate virtualWanId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional VirtualWanIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"virtualWanIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } @@ -139,16 +139,16 @@ type VirtualHubParameters_2 struct { VirtualRouterAutoScaleMinCapacity *float64 `json:"virtualRouterAutoScaleMinCapacity,omitempty" tf:"virtual_router_auto_scale_min_capacity,omitempty"` // The ID of a Virtual WAN within which the Virtual Hub should be created. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=VirtualWAN + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional VirtualWanID *string `json:"virtualWanId,omitempty" tf:"virtual_wan_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a VirtualWAN to populate virtualWanId. + // Reference to a VirtualWAN in network to populate virtualWanId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional VirtualWanIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"virtualWanIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a VirtualWAN to populate virtualWanId. + // Selector for a VirtualWAN in network to populate virtualWanId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional VirtualWanIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"virtualWanIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_virtualnetworkgateway_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_virtualnetworkgateway_types.go index ddd1a2e29..e21beb811 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_virtualnetworkgateway_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_virtualnetworkgateway_types.go @@ -598,15 +598,15 @@ type VirtualNetworkGatewayIPConfigurationInitParameters struct { PublicIPAddressIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"publicIpAddressIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The ID of the gateway subnet of a virtual network in which the virtual network gateway will be created. It is mandatory that the associated subnet is named GatewaySubnet. Therefore, each virtual network can contain at most a single Virtual Network Gateway. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Subnet + // // SubnetID *string `json:"subnetId,omitempty" tf:"subnet_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Subnet to populate subnetId. + // Reference to a Subnet in network to populate subnetId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SubnetIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"subnetIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Subnet to populate subnetId. + // Selector for a Subnet in network to populate subnetId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SubnetIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"subnetIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } @@ -651,16 +651,16 @@ type VirtualNetworkGatewayIPConfigurationParameters struct { PublicIPAddressIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"publicIpAddressIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The ID of the gateway subnet of a virtual network in which the virtual network gateway will be created. It is mandatory that the associated subnet is named GatewaySubnet. Therefore, each virtual network can contain at most a single Virtual Network Gateway. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Subnet + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SubnetID *string `json:"subnetId,omitempty" tf:"subnet_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Subnet to populate subnetId. + // Reference to a Subnet in network to populate subnetId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SubnetIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"subnetIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Subnet to populate subnetId. + // Selector for a Subnet in network to populate subnetId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional SubnetIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"subnetIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_virtualnetworkgatewayconnection_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_virtualnetworkgatewayconnection_types.go index 001e1bded..b9755cca5 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_virtualnetworkgatewayconnection_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_virtualnetworkgatewayconnection_types.go @@ -130,15 +130,15 @@ type VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionInitParameters struct { Location *string `json:"location,omitempty" tf:"location,omitempty"` // The ID of the peer virtual network gateway when creating a VNet-to-VNet connection (i.e. when type is Vnet2Vnet). The peer Virtual Network Gateway can be in the same or in a different subscription. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=VirtualNetworkGateway + // // PeerVirtualNetworkGatewayID *string `json:"peerVirtualNetworkGatewayId,omitempty" tf:"peer_virtual_network_gateway_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a VirtualNetworkGateway to populate peerVirtualNetworkGatewayId. + // Reference to a VirtualNetworkGateway in network to populate peerVirtualNetworkGatewayId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PeerVirtualNetworkGatewayIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"peerVirtualNetworkGatewayIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a VirtualNetworkGateway to populate peerVirtualNetworkGatewayId. + // Selector for a VirtualNetworkGateway in network to populate peerVirtualNetworkGatewayId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PeerVirtualNetworkGatewayIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"peerVirtualNetworkGatewayIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -161,15 +161,15 @@ type VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionInitParameters struct { UsePolicyBasedTrafficSelectors *bool `json:"usePolicyBasedTrafficSelectors,omitempty" tf:"use_policy_based_traffic_selectors,omitempty"` // The ID of the Virtual Network Gateway in which the connection will be created. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=VirtualNetworkGateway + // // VirtualNetworkGatewayID *string `json:"virtualNetworkGatewayId,omitempty" tf:"virtual_network_gateway_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a VirtualNetworkGateway to populate virtualNetworkGatewayId. + // Reference to a VirtualNetworkGateway in network to populate virtualNetworkGatewayId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional VirtualNetworkGatewayIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"virtualNetworkGatewayIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a VirtualNetworkGateway to populate virtualNetworkGatewayId. + // Selector for a VirtualNetworkGateway in network to populate virtualNetworkGatewayId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional VirtualNetworkGatewayIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"virtualNetworkGatewayIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } @@ -424,16 +424,16 @@ type VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionParameters struct { Location *string `json:"location,omitempty" tf:"location,omitempty"` // The ID of the peer virtual network gateway when creating a VNet-to-VNet connection (i.e. when type is Vnet2Vnet). The peer Virtual Network Gateway can be in the same or in a different subscription. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=VirtualNetworkGateway + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PeerVirtualNetworkGatewayID *string `json:"peerVirtualNetworkGatewayId,omitempty" tf:"peer_virtual_network_gateway_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a VirtualNetworkGateway to populate peerVirtualNetworkGatewayId. + // Reference to a VirtualNetworkGateway in network to populate peerVirtualNetworkGatewayId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PeerVirtualNetworkGatewayIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"peerVirtualNetworkGatewayIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a VirtualNetworkGateway to populate peerVirtualNetworkGatewayId. + // Selector for a VirtualNetworkGateway in network to populate peerVirtualNetworkGatewayId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PeerVirtualNetworkGatewayIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"peerVirtualNetworkGatewayIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -478,16 +478,16 @@ type VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionParameters struct { UsePolicyBasedTrafficSelectors *bool `json:"usePolicyBasedTrafficSelectors,omitempty" tf:"use_policy_based_traffic_selectors,omitempty"` // The ID of the Virtual Network Gateway in which the connection will be created. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=VirtualNetworkGateway + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional VirtualNetworkGatewayID *string `json:"virtualNetworkGatewayId,omitempty" tf:"virtual_network_gateway_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a VirtualNetworkGateway to populate virtualNetworkGatewayId. + // Reference to a VirtualNetworkGateway in network to populate virtualNetworkGatewayId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional VirtualNetworkGatewayIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"virtualNetworkGatewayIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a VirtualNetworkGateway to populate virtualNetworkGatewayId. + // Selector for a VirtualNetworkGateway in network to populate virtualNetworkGatewayId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional VirtualNetworkGatewayIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"virtualNetworkGatewayIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_virtualnetworkpeering_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_virtualnetworkpeering_types.go index a28a11047..ab33fbe00 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_virtualnetworkpeering_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_virtualnetworkpeering_types.go @@ -25,15 +25,15 @@ type VirtualNetworkPeeringInitParameters struct { AllowVirtualNetworkAccess *bool `json:"allowVirtualNetworkAccess,omitempty" tf:"allow_virtual_network_access,omitempty"` // The full Azure resource ID of the remote virtual network. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=VirtualNetwork + // // RemoteVirtualNetworkID *string `json:"remoteVirtualNetworkId,omitempty" tf:"remote_virtual_network_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a VirtualNetwork to populate remoteVirtualNetworkId. + // Reference to a VirtualNetwork in network to populate remoteVirtualNetworkId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional RemoteVirtualNetworkIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"remoteVirtualNetworkIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a VirtualNetwork to populate remoteVirtualNetworkId. + // Selector for a VirtualNetwork in network to populate remoteVirtualNetworkId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional RemoteVirtualNetworkIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"remoteVirtualNetworkIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -91,16 +91,16 @@ type VirtualNetworkPeeringParameters struct { AllowVirtualNetworkAccess *bool `json:"allowVirtualNetworkAccess,omitempty" tf:"allow_virtual_network_access,omitempty"` // The full Azure resource ID of the remote virtual network. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=VirtualNetwork + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional RemoteVirtualNetworkID *string `json:"remoteVirtualNetworkId,omitempty" tf:"remote_virtual_network_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a VirtualNetwork to populate remoteVirtualNetworkId. + // Reference to a VirtualNetwork in network to populate remoteVirtualNetworkId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional RemoteVirtualNetworkIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"remoteVirtualNetworkIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a VirtualNetwork to populate remoteVirtualNetworkId. + // Selector for a VirtualNetwork in network to populate remoteVirtualNetworkId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional RemoteVirtualNetworkIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"remoteVirtualNetworkIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -127,15 +127,15 @@ type VirtualNetworkPeeringParameters struct { UseRemoteGateways *bool `json:"useRemoteGateways,omitempty" tf:"use_remote_gateways,omitempty"` // The name of the virtual network. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=VirtualNetwork + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional VirtualNetworkName *string `json:"virtualNetworkName,omitempty" tf:"virtual_network_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a VirtualNetwork to populate virtualNetworkName. + // Reference to a VirtualNetwork in network to populate virtualNetworkName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional VirtualNetworkNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"virtualNetworkNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a VirtualNetwork to populate virtualNetworkName. + // Selector for a VirtualNetwork in network to populate virtualNetworkName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional VirtualNetworkNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"virtualNetworkNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_watcherflowlog_types.go b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_watcherflowlog_types.go index 84ca6658b..8265ab5f9 100755 --- a/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_watcherflowlog_types.go +++ b/apis/network/v1beta1/zz_watcherflowlog_types.go @@ -150,15 +150,15 @@ type WatcherFlowLogInitParameters struct { Location *string `json:"location,omitempty" tf:"location,omitempty"` // The ID of the Network Security Group for which to enable flow logs for. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=SecurityGroup + // // NetworkSecurityGroupID *string `json:"networkSecurityGroupId,omitempty" tf:"network_security_group_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a SecurityGroup to populate networkSecurityGroupId. + // Reference to a SecurityGroup in network to populate networkSecurityGroupId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NetworkSecurityGroupIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"networkSecurityGroupIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a SecurityGroup to populate networkSecurityGroupId. + // Selector for a SecurityGroup in network to populate networkSecurityGroupId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NetworkSecurityGroupIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"networkSecurityGroupIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -237,29 +237,29 @@ type WatcherFlowLogParameters struct { Location *string `json:"location,omitempty" tf:"location,omitempty"` // The ID of the Network Security Group for which to enable flow logs for. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=SecurityGroup + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NetworkSecurityGroupID *string `json:"networkSecurityGroupId,omitempty" tf:"network_security_group_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a SecurityGroup to populate networkSecurityGroupId. + // Reference to a SecurityGroup in network to populate networkSecurityGroupId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NetworkSecurityGroupIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"networkSecurityGroupIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a SecurityGroup to populate networkSecurityGroupId. + // Selector for a SecurityGroup in network to populate networkSecurityGroupId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NetworkSecurityGroupIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"networkSecurityGroupIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The name of the Network Watcher. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Watcher + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NetworkWatcherName *string `json:"networkWatcherName,omitempty" tf:"network_watcher_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Watcher to populate networkWatcherName. + // Reference to a Watcher in network to populate networkWatcherName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NetworkWatcherNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"networkWatcherNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Watcher to populate networkWatcherName. + // Selector for a Watcher in network to populate networkWatcherName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional NetworkWatcherNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"networkWatcherNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/rconfig/config.go b/apis/rconfig/config.go index 1bbf60f20..4b8a3d7c2 100644 --- a/apis/rconfig/config.go +++ b/apis/rconfig/config.go @@ -5,8 +5,6 @@ package rconfig import ( - "fmt" - "" xpref "" @@ -18,29 +16,8 @@ const ( APISPackagePath = "" // ExtractResourceIDFuncPath holds the Azure resource ID extractor func name ExtractResourceIDFuncPath = APISPackagePath + "/rconfig.ExtractResourceID()" - - // VersionV1Alpha2 is used as minimum version for all manually configured resources. - // Deprecated: Please use VersionV1Beta1 as minimum. - VersionV1Alpha2 = "v1alpha2" - // VersionV1Beta1 is used to signify that the resource has been tested and external name configured - VersionV1Beta1 = "v1beta1" - - // StorageAccountReferencePath is used as import path for StorageAccount - StorageAccountReferencePath = APISPackagePath + "/storage/" + VersionV1Beta1 + ".Account" - - // VaultKeyReferencePath is used as import path for VaultKey - VaultKeyReferencePath = APISPackagePath + "/keyvault/" + VersionV1Beta1 + ".Key" - - // ContainerReferencePath is used as import path for Container - ContainerReferencePath = APISPackagePath + "/storage/" + VersionV1Beta1 + ".Container" ) -// GetDefaultVersionedPath gets the package path from repo root -// for the specified group and kind name. -func GetDefaultVersionedPath(group, kindName string) string { - return fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s.%s", group, VersionV1Beta1, kindName) -} - // ExtractResourceID extracts the value of `` // from a Terraformed resource. If mr is not a Terraformed // resource, returns an empty string. diff --git a/apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqldatabase_types.go b/apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqldatabase_types.go index f0a87bf99..dbb7e0039 100755 --- a/apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqldatabase_types.go +++ b/apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqldatabase_types.go @@ -482,16 +482,16 @@ type MSSQLDatabaseParameters struct { SampleName *string `json:"sampleName,omitempty" tf:"sample_name,omitempty"` // The id of the MS SQL Server on which to create the database. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=MSSQLServer + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerID *string `json:"serverId,omitempty" tf:"server_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a MSSQLServer to populate serverId. + // Reference to a MSSQLServer in sql to populate serverId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"serverIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a MSSQLServer to populate serverId. + // Selector for a MSSQLServer in sql to populate serverId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"serverIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqldatabasevulnerabilityassessmentrulebaseline_types.go b/apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqldatabasevulnerabilityassessmentrulebaseline_types.go index a390c3593..52526a574 100755 --- a/apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqldatabasevulnerabilityassessmentrulebaseline_types.go +++ b/apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqldatabasevulnerabilityassessmentrulebaseline_types.go @@ -41,14 +41,14 @@ type MSSQLDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineInitParameters struct { BaselineResult []BaselineResultInitParameters `json:"baselineResult,omitempty" tf:"baseline_result,omitempty"` // Specifies the name of the MS SQL Database. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=MSSQLDatabase + // DatabaseName *string `json:"databaseName,omitempty" tf:"database_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a MSSQLDatabase to populate databaseName. + // Reference to a MSSQLDatabase in sql to populate databaseName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional DatabaseNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"databaseNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a MSSQLDatabase to populate databaseName. + // Selector for a MSSQLDatabase in sql to populate databaseName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional DatabaseNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"databaseNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -101,15 +101,15 @@ type MSSQLDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineParameters struct { BaselineResult []BaselineResultParameters `json:"baselineResult,omitempty" tf:"baseline_result,omitempty"` // Specifies the name of the MS SQL Database. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=MSSQLDatabase + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional DatabaseName *string `json:"databaseName,omitempty" tf:"database_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a MSSQLDatabase to populate databaseName. + // Reference to a MSSQLDatabase in sql to populate databaseName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional DatabaseNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"databaseNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a MSSQLDatabase to populate databaseName. + // Selector for a MSSQLDatabase in sql to populate databaseName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional DatabaseNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"databaseNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqlelasticpool_types.go b/apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqlelasticpool_types.go index aee36bc1f..b4f4f29b4 100755 --- a/apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqlelasticpool_types.go +++ b/apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqlelasticpool_types.go @@ -134,15 +134,15 @@ type MSSQLElasticPoolParameters struct { ResourceGroupNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"resourceGroupNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The name of the SQL Server on which to create the elastic pool. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=MSSQLServer + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerName *string `json:"serverName,omitempty" tf:"server_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a MSSQLServer to populate serverName. + // Reference to a MSSQLServer in sql to populate serverName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"serverNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a MSSQLServer to populate serverName. + // Selector for a MSSQLServer in sql to populate serverName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"serverNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqlfailovergroup_types.go b/apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqlfailovergroup_types.go index 2f96bba26..3abb775b4 100755 --- a/apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqlfailovergroup_types.go +++ b/apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqlfailovergroup_types.go @@ -16,16 +16,16 @@ import ( type MSSQLFailoverGroupInitParameters struct { // A set of database names to include in the failover group. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=MSSQLDatabase + // // // +listType=set Databases []*string `json:"databases,omitempty" tf:"databases,omitempty"` - // References to MSSQLDatabase to populate databases. + // References to MSSQLDatabase in sql to populate databases. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional DatabasesRefs []v1.Reference `json:"databasesRefs,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a list of MSSQLDatabase to populate databases. + // Selector for a list of MSSQLDatabase in sql to populate databases. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional DatabasesSelector *v1.Selector `json:"databasesSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -72,17 +72,17 @@ type MSSQLFailoverGroupObservation struct { type MSSQLFailoverGroupParameters struct { // A set of database names to include in the failover group. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=MSSQLDatabase + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional // +listType=set Databases []*string `json:"databases,omitempty" tf:"databases,omitempty"` - // References to MSSQLDatabase to populate databases. + // References to MSSQLDatabase in sql to populate databases. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional DatabasesRefs []v1.Reference `json:"databasesRefs,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a list of MSSQLDatabase to populate databases. + // Selector for a list of MSSQLDatabase in sql to populate databases. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional DatabasesSelector *v1.Selector `json:"databasesSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -99,16 +99,16 @@ type MSSQLFailoverGroupParameters struct { ReadonlyEndpointFailoverPolicyEnabled *bool `json:"readonlyEndpointFailoverPolicyEnabled,omitempty" tf:"readonly_endpoint_failover_policy_enabled,omitempty"` // The ID of the primary SQL Server on which to create the failover group. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=MSSQLServer + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerID *string `json:"serverId,omitempty" tf:"server_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a MSSQLServer to populate serverId. + // Reference to a MSSQLServer in sql to populate serverId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"serverIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a MSSQLServer to populate serverId. + // Selector for a MSSQLServer in sql to populate serverId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"serverIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -121,15 +121,15 @@ type MSSQLFailoverGroupParameters struct { type PartnerServerInitParameters struct { // The ID of a partner SQL server to include in the failover group. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=MSSQLServer + // // ID *string `json:"id,omitempty" tf:"id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a MSSQLServer to populate id. + // Reference to a MSSQLServer in sql to populate id. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional IDRef *v1.Reference `json:"idRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a MSSQLServer to populate id. + // Selector for a MSSQLServer in sql to populate id. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional IDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"idSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } @@ -149,16 +149,16 @@ type PartnerServerObservation struct { type PartnerServerParameters struct { // The ID of a partner SQL server to include in the failover group. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=MSSQLServer + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ID *string `json:"id,omitempty" tf:"id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a MSSQLServer to populate id. + // Reference to a MSSQLServer in sql to populate id. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional IDRef *v1.Reference `json:"idRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a MSSQLServer to populate id. + // Selector for a MSSQLServer in sql to populate id. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional IDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"idSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqlmanageddatabase_types.go b/apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqlmanageddatabase_types.go index 3e3c34f0c..3caca800f 100755 --- a/apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqlmanageddatabase_types.go +++ b/apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqlmanageddatabase_types.go @@ -109,16 +109,16 @@ type MSSQLManagedDatabaseParameters struct { LongTermRetentionPolicy []MSSQLManagedDatabaseLongTermRetentionPolicyParameters `json:"longTermRetentionPolicy,omitempty" tf:"long_term_retention_policy,omitempty"` // The ID of the Azure SQL Managed Instance on which to create this Managed Database. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=MSSQLManagedInstance + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ManagedInstanceID *string `json:"managedInstanceId,omitempty" tf:"managed_instance_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a MSSQLManagedInstance to populate managedInstanceId. + // Reference to a MSSQLManagedInstance in sql to populate managedInstanceId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ManagedInstanceIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"managedInstanceIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a MSSQLManagedInstance to populate managedInstanceId. + // Selector for a MSSQLManagedInstance in sql to populate managedInstanceId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ManagedInstanceIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"managedInstanceIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqlmanagedinstance_types.go b/apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqlmanagedinstance_types.go index cbc9c8628..0dcc13039 100755 --- a/apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqlmanagedinstance_types.go +++ b/apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqlmanagedinstance_types.go @@ -60,15 +60,15 @@ type MSSQLManagedInstanceInitParameters struct { Collation *string `json:"collation,omitempty" tf:"collation,omitempty"` // The ID of the SQL Managed Instance which will share the DNS zone. This is a prerequisite for creating an azurerm_sql_managed_instance_failover_group. Setting this after creation forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=MSSQLManagedInstance + // // DNSZonePartnerID *string `json:"dnsZonePartnerId,omitempty" tf:"dns_zone_partner_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a MSSQLManagedInstance to populate dnsZonePartnerId. + // Reference to a MSSQLManagedInstance in sql to populate dnsZonePartnerId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional DNSZonePartnerIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"dnsZonePartnerIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a MSSQLManagedInstance to populate dnsZonePartnerId. + // Selector for a MSSQLManagedInstance in sql to populate dnsZonePartnerId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional DNSZonePartnerIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"dnsZonePartnerIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -214,16 +214,16 @@ type MSSQLManagedInstanceParameters struct { Collation *string `json:"collation,omitempty" tf:"collation,omitempty"` // The ID of the SQL Managed Instance which will share the DNS zone. This is a prerequisite for creating an azurerm_sql_managed_instance_failover_group. Setting this after creation forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=MSSQLManagedInstance + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional DNSZonePartnerID *string `json:"dnsZonePartnerId,omitempty" tf:"dns_zone_partner_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a MSSQLManagedInstance to populate dnsZonePartnerId. + // Reference to a MSSQLManagedInstance in sql to populate dnsZonePartnerId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional DNSZonePartnerIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"dnsZonePartnerIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a MSSQLManagedInstance to populate dnsZonePartnerId. + // Selector for a MSSQLManagedInstance in sql to populate dnsZonePartnerId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional DNSZonePartnerIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"dnsZonePartnerIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqlmanagedinstanceactivedirectoryadministrator_types.go b/apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqlmanagedinstanceactivedirectoryadministrator_types.go index 74dfdbcd6..f3758546a 100755 --- a/apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqlmanagedinstanceactivedirectoryadministrator_types.go +++ b/apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqlmanagedinstanceactivedirectoryadministrator_types.go @@ -60,16 +60,16 @@ type MSSQLManagedInstanceActiveDirectoryAdministratorParameters struct { LoginUsername *string `json:"loginUsername,omitempty" tf:"login_username,omitempty"` // The ID of the Azure SQL Managed Instance for which to set the administrator. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=MSSQLManagedInstance + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ManagedInstanceID *string `json:"managedInstanceId,omitempty" tf:"managed_instance_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a MSSQLManagedInstance to populate managedInstanceId. + // Reference to a MSSQLManagedInstance in sql to populate managedInstanceId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ManagedInstanceIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"managedInstanceIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a MSSQLManagedInstance to populate managedInstanceId. + // Selector for a MSSQLManagedInstance in sql to populate managedInstanceId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ManagedInstanceIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"managedInstanceIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqlmanagedinstancefailovergroup_types.go b/apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqlmanagedinstancefailovergroup_types.go index bb4d67d72..4cf600d46 100755 --- a/apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqlmanagedinstancefailovergroup_types.go +++ b/apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqlmanagedinstancefailovergroup_types.go @@ -16,28 +16,28 @@ import ( type MSSQLManagedInstanceFailoverGroupInitParameters struct { // The ID of the Azure SQL Managed Instance which will be replicated using a Managed Instance Failover Group. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=MSSQLManagedInstance + // // ManagedInstanceID *string `json:"managedInstanceId,omitempty" tf:"managed_instance_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a MSSQLManagedInstance to populate managedInstanceId. + // Reference to a MSSQLManagedInstance in sql to populate managedInstanceId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ManagedInstanceIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"managedInstanceIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a MSSQLManagedInstance to populate managedInstanceId. + // Selector for a MSSQLManagedInstance in sql to populate managedInstanceId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ManagedInstanceIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"managedInstanceIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The ID of the Azure SQL Managed Instance which will be replicated to. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=MSSQLManagedInstance + // // PartnerManagedInstanceID *string `json:"partnerManagedInstanceId,omitempty" tf:"partner_managed_instance_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a MSSQLManagedInstance to populate partnerManagedInstanceId. + // Reference to a MSSQLManagedInstance in sql to populate partnerManagedInstanceId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PartnerManagedInstanceIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"partnerManagedInstanceIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a MSSQLManagedInstance to populate partnerManagedInstanceId. + // Selector for a MSSQLManagedInstance in sql to populate partnerManagedInstanceId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PartnerManagedInstanceIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"partnerManagedInstanceIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -82,30 +82,30 @@ type MSSQLManagedInstanceFailoverGroupParameters struct { Location *string `json:"location" tf:"location,omitempty"` // The ID of the Azure SQL Managed Instance which will be replicated using a Managed Instance Failover Group. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=MSSQLManagedInstance + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ManagedInstanceID *string `json:"managedInstanceId,omitempty" tf:"managed_instance_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a MSSQLManagedInstance to populate managedInstanceId. + // Reference to a MSSQLManagedInstance in sql to populate managedInstanceId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ManagedInstanceIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"managedInstanceIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a MSSQLManagedInstance to populate managedInstanceId. + // Selector for a MSSQLManagedInstance in sql to populate managedInstanceId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ManagedInstanceIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"managedInstanceIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The ID of the Azure SQL Managed Instance which will be replicated to. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=MSSQLManagedInstance + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PartnerManagedInstanceID *string `json:"partnerManagedInstanceId,omitempty" tf:"partner_managed_instance_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a MSSQLManagedInstance to populate partnerManagedInstanceId. + // Reference to a MSSQLManagedInstance in sql to populate partnerManagedInstanceId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PartnerManagedInstanceIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"partnerManagedInstanceIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a MSSQLManagedInstance to populate partnerManagedInstanceId. + // Selector for a MSSQLManagedInstance in sql to populate partnerManagedInstanceId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional PartnerManagedInstanceIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"partnerManagedInstanceIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqlmanagedinstancevulnerabilityassessment_types.go b/apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqlmanagedinstancevulnerabilityassessment_types.go index b82545021..2bad9b54a 100755 --- a/apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqlmanagedinstancevulnerabilityassessment_types.go +++ b/apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqlmanagedinstancevulnerabilityassessment_types.go @@ -40,16 +40,16 @@ type MSSQLManagedInstanceVulnerabilityAssessmentObservation struct { type MSSQLManagedInstanceVulnerabilityAssessmentParameters struct { // The id of the MS SQL Managed Instance. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=MSSQLManagedInstance + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ManagedInstanceID *string `json:"managedInstanceId,omitempty" tf:"managed_instance_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a MSSQLManagedInstance to populate managedInstanceId. + // Reference to a MSSQLManagedInstance in sql to populate managedInstanceId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ManagedInstanceIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"managedInstanceIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a MSSQLManagedInstance to populate managedInstanceId. + // Selector for a MSSQLManagedInstance in sql to populate managedInstanceId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ManagedInstanceIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"managedInstanceIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqloutboundfirewallrule_types.go b/apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqloutboundfirewallrule_types.go index 08cc69ed8..0e3ca15c0 100755 --- a/apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqloutboundfirewallrule_types.go +++ b/apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqloutboundfirewallrule_types.go @@ -28,16 +28,16 @@ type MSSQLOutboundFirewallRuleObservation struct { type MSSQLOutboundFirewallRuleParameters struct { // The resource ID of the SQL Server on which to create the Outbound Firewall Rule. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=MSSQLServer + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerID *string `json:"serverId,omitempty" tf:"server_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a MSSQLServer to populate serverId. + // Reference to a MSSQLServer in sql to populate serverId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"serverIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a MSSQLServer to populate serverId. + // Selector for a MSSQLServer in sql to populate serverId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"serverIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqlserverdnsalias_types.go b/apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqlserverdnsalias_types.go index 6d7b9ef97..909fc76f7 100755 --- a/apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqlserverdnsalias_types.go +++ b/apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqlserverdnsalias_types.go @@ -31,16 +31,16 @@ type MSSQLServerDNSAliasObservation struct { type MSSQLServerDNSAliasParameters struct { // The ID of the mssql server. Changing this forces a new MSSQL Server DNS Alias to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=MSSQLServer + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional MSSQLServerID *string `json:"mssqlServerId,omitempty" tf:"mssql_server_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a MSSQLServer to populate mssqlServerId. + // Reference to a MSSQLServer in sql to populate mssqlServerId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional MSSQLServerIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"mssqlServerIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a MSSQLServer to populate mssqlServerId. + // Selector for a MSSQLServer in sql to populate mssqlServerId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional MSSQLServerIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"mssqlServerIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqlserversecurityalertpolicy_types.go b/apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqlserversecurityalertpolicy_types.go index 6b30e6097..0d201c4fb 100755 --- a/apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqlserversecurityalertpolicy_types.go +++ b/apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqlserversecurityalertpolicy_types.go @@ -112,15 +112,15 @@ type MSSQLServerSecurityAlertPolicyParameters struct { RetentionDays *float64 `json:"retentionDays,omitempty" tf:"retention_days,omitempty"` // Specifies the name of the MS SQL Server. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=MSSQLServer + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerName *string `json:"serverName,omitempty" tf:"server_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a MSSQLServer to populate serverName. + // Reference to a MSSQLServer in sql to populate serverName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"serverNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a MSSQLServer to populate serverName. + // Selector for a MSSQLServer in sql to populate serverName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"serverNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqlservertransparentdataencryption_types.go b/apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqlservertransparentdataencryption_types.go index c2eb43ae3..ad3f07b0e 100755 --- a/apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqlservertransparentdataencryption_types.go +++ b/apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqlservertransparentdataencryption_types.go @@ -68,16 +68,16 @@ type MSSQLServerTransparentDataEncryptionParameters struct { KeyVaultKeyIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"keyVaultKeyIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // Specifies the name of the MS SQL Server. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=MSSQLServer + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerID *string `json:"serverId,omitempty" tf:"server_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a MSSQLServer to populate serverId. + // Reference to a MSSQLServer in sql to populate serverId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"serverIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a MSSQLServer to populate serverId. + // Selector for a MSSQLServer in sql to populate serverId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"serverIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqlvirtualnetworkrule_types.go b/apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqlvirtualnetworkrule_types.go index f8d8bb367..c3e3914e7 100755 --- a/apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqlvirtualnetworkrule_types.go +++ b/apis/sql/v1beta1/zz_mssqlvirtualnetworkrule_types.go @@ -54,16 +54,16 @@ type MSSQLVirtualNetworkRuleParameters struct { IgnoreMissingVnetServiceEndpoint *bool `json:"ignoreMissingVnetServiceEndpoint,omitempty" tf:"ignore_missing_vnet_service_endpoint,omitempty"` // The resource ID of the SQL Server to which this SQL virtual network rule will be applied. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=MSSQLServer + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerID *string `json:"serverId,omitempty" tf:"server_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a MSSQLServer to populate serverId. + // Reference to a MSSQLServer in sql to populate serverId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"serverIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a MSSQLServer to populate serverId. + // Selector for a MSSQLServer in sql to populate serverId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional ServerIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"serverIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/storage/v1beta1/zz_blob_types.go b/apis/storage/v1beta1/zz_blob_types.go index 28d0a8a87..94cc2f4b6 100755 --- a/apis/storage/v1beta1/zz_blob_types.go +++ b/apis/storage/v1beta1/zz_blob_types.go @@ -143,28 +143,28 @@ type BlobParameters struct { SourceURI *string `json:"sourceUri,omitempty" tf:"source_uri,omitempty"` // Specifies the storage account in which to create the storage container. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Account + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StorageAccountName *string `json:"storageAccountName,omitempty" tf:"storage_account_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Account to populate storageAccountName. + // Reference to a Account in storage to populate storageAccountName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StorageAccountNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"storageAccountNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Account to populate storageAccountName. + // Selector for a Account in storage to populate storageAccountName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StorageAccountNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"storageAccountNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The name of the storage container in which this blob should be created. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Container + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StorageContainerName *string `json:"storageContainerName,omitempty" tf:"storage_container_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Container to populate storageContainerName. + // Reference to a Container in storage to populate storageContainerName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StorageContainerNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"storageContainerNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Container to populate storageContainerName. + // Selector for a Container in storage to populate storageContainerName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StorageContainerNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"storageContainerNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/storage/v1beta1/zz_container_types.go b/apis/storage/v1beta1/zz_container_types.go index 010ad2a6a..d2287291f 100755 --- a/apis/storage/v1beta1/zz_container_types.go +++ b/apis/storage/v1beta1/zz_container_types.go @@ -60,15 +60,15 @@ type ContainerParameters struct { Metadata map[string]*string `json:"metadata,omitempty" tf:"metadata,omitempty"` // The name of the Storage Account where the Container should be created. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Account + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StorageAccountName *string `json:"storageAccountName,omitempty" tf:"storage_account_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Account to populate storageAccountName. + // Reference to a Account in storage to populate storageAccountName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StorageAccountNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"storageAccountNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Account to populate storageAccountName. + // Selector for a Account in storage to populate storageAccountName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StorageAccountNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"storageAccountNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/storage/v1beta1/zz_datalakegen2filesystem_types.go b/apis/storage/v1beta1/zz_datalakegen2filesystem_types.go index 151a66f01..0e95a7f31 100755 --- a/apis/storage/v1beta1/zz_datalakegen2filesystem_types.go +++ b/apis/storage/v1beta1/zz_datalakegen2filesystem_types.go @@ -78,15 +78,15 @@ type DataLakeGen2FileSystemInitParameters struct { Properties map[string]*string `json:"properties,omitempty" tf:"properties,omitempty"` // Specifies the ID of the Storage Account in which the Data Lake Gen2 File System should exist. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Account + // // StorageAccountID *string `json:"storageAccountId,omitempty" tf:"storage_account_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Account to populate storageAccountId. + // Reference to a Account in storage to populate storageAccountId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StorageAccountIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"storageAccountIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Account to populate storageAccountId. + // Selector for a Account in storage to populate storageAccountId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StorageAccountIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"storageAccountIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } @@ -133,16 +133,16 @@ type DataLakeGen2FileSystemParameters struct { Properties map[string]*string `json:"properties,omitempty" tf:"properties,omitempty"` // Specifies the ID of the Storage Account in which the Data Lake Gen2 File System should exist. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Account + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StorageAccountID *string `json:"storageAccountId,omitempty" tf:"storage_account_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Account to populate storageAccountId. + // Reference to a Account in storage to populate storageAccountId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StorageAccountIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"storageAccountIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Account to populate storageAccountId. + // Selector for a Account in storage to populate storageAccountId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StorageAccountIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"storageAccountIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/streamanalytics/v1beta1/zz_functionjavascriptuda_types.go b/apis/streamanalytics/v1beta1/zz_functionjavascriptuda_types.go index 8a0ed1d7b..a23b27a35 100755 --- a/apis/streamanalytics/v1beta1/zz_functionjavascriptuda_types.go +++ b/apis/streamanalytics/v1beta1/zz_functionjavascriptuda_types.go @@ -25,15 +25,15 @@ type FunctionJavascriptUdaInitParameters struct { Script *string `json:"script,omitempty" tf:"script,omitempty"` // The resource ID of the Stream Analytics Job where this Function should be created. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Job + // // StreamAnalyticsJobID *string `json:"streamAnalyticsJobId,omitempty" tf:"stream_analytics_job_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobId. + // Reference to a Job in streamanalytics to populate streamAnalyticsJobId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StreamAnalyticsJobIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"streamAnalyticsJobIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobId. + // Selector for a Job in streamanalytics to populate streamAnalyticsJobId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StreamAnalyticsJobIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"streamAnalyticsJobIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } @@ -71,16 +71,16 @@ type FunctionJavascriptUdaParameters struct { Script *string `json:"script,omitempty" tf:"script,omitempty"` // The resource ID of the Stream Analytics Job where this Function should be created. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Job + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StreamAnalyticsJobID *string `json:"streamAnalyticsJobId,omitempty" tf:"stream_analytics_job_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobId. + // Reference to a Job in streamanalytics to populate streamAnalyticsJobId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StreamAnalyticsJobIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"streamAnalyticsJobIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobId. + // Selector for a Job in streamanalytics to populate streamAnalyticsJobId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StreamAnalyticsJobIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"streamAnalyticsJobIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/streamanalytics/v1beta1/zz_outputblob_types.go b/apis/streamanalytics/v1beta1/zz_outputblob_types.go index f22497520..ff55b6a38 100755 --- a/apis/streamanalytics/v1beta1/zz_outputblob_types.go +++ b/apis/streamanalytics/v1beta1/zz_outputblob_types.go @@ -61,14 +61,14 @@ type OutputBlobInitParameters struct { StorageContainerNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"storageContainerNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The name of the Stream Analytics Job. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Job + // StreamAnalyticsJobName *string `json:"streamAnalyticsJobName,omitempty" tf:"stream_analytics_job_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + // Reference to a Job in streamanalytics to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StreamAnalyticsJobNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"streamAnalyticsJobNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + // Selector for a Job in streamanalytics to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StreamAnalyticsJobNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"streamAnalyticsJobNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -192,15 +192,15 @@ type OutputBlobParameters struct { StorageContainerNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"storageContainerNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The name of the Stream Analytics Job. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Job + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StreamAnalyticsJobName *string `json:"streamAnalyticsJobName,omitempty" tf:"stream_analytics_job_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + // Reference to a Job in streamanalytics to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StreamAnalyticsJobNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"streamAnalyticsJobNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + // Selector for a Job in streamanalytics to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StreamAnalyticsJobNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"streamAnalyticsJobNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/streamanalytics/v1beta1/zz_outputmssql_types.go b/apis/streamanalytics/v1beta1/zz_outputmssql_types.go index 9e797c611..72f0c911c 100755 --- a/apis/streamanalytics/v1beta1/zz_outputmssql_types.go +++ b/apis/streamanalytics/v1beta1/zz_outputmssql_types.go @@ -55,14 +55,14 @@ type OutputMSSQLInitParameters struct { ServerSelector *v1.Selector `json:"serverSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The name of the Stream Analytics Job. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Job + // StreamAnalyticsJobName *string `json:"streamAnalyticsJobName,omitempty" tf:"stream_analytics_job_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + // Reference to a Job in streamanalytics to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StreamAnalyticsJobNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"streamAnalyticsJobNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + // Selector for a Job in streamanalytics to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StreamAnalyticsJobNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"streamAnalyticsJobNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -171,15 +171,15 @@ type OutputMSSQLParameters struct { ServerSelector *v1.Selector `json:"serverSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The name of the Stream Analytics Job. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Job + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StreamAnalyticsJobName *string `json:"streamAnalyticsJobName,omitempty" tf:"stream_analytics_job_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + // Reference to a Job in streamanalytics to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StreamAnalyticsJobNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"streamAnalyticsJobNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + // Selector for a Job in streamanalytics to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StreamAnalyticsJobNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"streamAnalyticsJobNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/streamanalytics/v1beta1/zz_outputpowerbi_types.go b/apis/streamanalytics/v1beta1/zz_outputpowerbi_types.go index f570d240a..5b24bc927 100755 --- a/apis/streamanalytics/v1beta1/zz_outputpowerbi_types.go +++ b/apis/streamanalytics/v1beta1/zz_outputpowerbi_types.go @@ -25,15 +25,15 @@ type OutputPowerBIInitParameters struct { GroupName *string `json:"groupName,omitempty" tf:"group_name,omitempty"` // The ID of the Stream Analytics Job. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Job + // // StreamAnalyticsJobID *string `json:"streamAnalyticsJobId,omitempty" tf:"stream_analytics_job_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobId. + // Reference to a Job in streamanalytics to populate streamAnalyticsJobId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StreamAnalyticsJobIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"streamAnalyticsJobIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobId. + // Selector for a Job in streamanalytics to populate streamAnalyticsJobId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StreamAnalyticsJobIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"streamAnalyticsJobIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -88,16 +88,16 @@ type OutputPowerBIParameters struct { GroupName *string `json:"groupName,omitempty" tf:"group_name,omitempty"` // The ID of the Stream Analytics Job. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Job + // // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StreamAnalyticsJobID *string `json:"streamAnalyticsJobId,omitempty" tf:"stream_analytics_job_id,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobId. + // Reference to a Job in streamanalytics to populate streamAnalyticsJobId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StreamAnalyticsJobIDRef *v1.Reference `json:"streamAnalyticsJobIdRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobId. + // Selector for a Job in streamanalytics to populate streamAnalyticsJobId. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StreamAnalyticsJobIDSelector *v1.Selector `json:"streamAnalyticsJobIdSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/streamanalytics/v1beta1/zz_outputservicebusqueue_types.go b/apis/streamanalytics/v1beta1/zz_outputservicebusqueue_types.go index 9d4f0e411..083b317dc 100755 --- a/apis/streamanalytics/v1beta1/zz_outputservicebusqueue_types.go +++ b/apis/streamanalytics/v1beta1/zz_outputservicebusqueue_types.go @@ -67,14 +67,14 @@ type OutputServiceBusQueueInitParameters struct { SharedAccessPolicyName *string `json:"sharedAccessPolicyName,omitempty" tf:"shared_access_policy_name,omitempty"` // The name of the Stream Analytics Job. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Job + // StreamAnalyticsJobName *string `json:"streamAnalyticsJobName,omitempty" tf:"stream_analytics_job_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + // Reference to a Job in streamanalytics to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StreamAnalyticsJobNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"streamAnalyticsJobNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + // Selector for a Job in streamanalytics to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StreamAnalyticsJobNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"streamAnalyticsJobNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -186,15 +186,15 @@ type OutputServiceBusQueueParameters struct { SharedAccessPolicyName *string `json:"sharedAccessPolicyName,omitempty" tf:"shared_access_policy_name,omitempty"` // The name of the Stream Analytics Job. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Job + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StreamAnalyticsJobName *string `json:"streamAnalyticsJobName,omitempty" tf:"stream_analytics_job_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + // Reference to a Job in streamanalytics to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StreamAnalyticsJobNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"streamAnalyticsJobNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + // Selector for a Job in streamanalytics to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StreamAnalyticsJobNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"streamAnalyticsJobNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/streamanalytics/v1beta1/zz_outputservicebustopic_types.go b/apis/streamanalytics/v1beta1/zz_outputservicebustopic_types.go index ee105f4ed..3cc6b817a 100755 --- a/apis/streamanalytics/v1beta1/zz_outputservicebustopic_types.go +++ b/apis/streamanalytics/v1beta1/zz_outputservicebustopic_types.go @@ -55,14 +55,14 @@ type OutputServiceBusTopicInitParameters struct { SharedAccessPolicyName *string `json:"sharedAccessPolicyName,omitempty" tf:"shared_access_policy_name,omitempty"` // The name of the Stream Analytics Job. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Job + // StreamAnalyticsJobName *string `json:"streamAnalyticsJobName,omitempty" tf:"stream_analytics_job_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + // Reference to a Job in streamanalytics to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StreamAnalyticsJobNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"streamAnalyticsJobNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + // Selector for a Job in streamanalytics to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StreamAnalyticsJobNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"streamAnalyticsJobNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -173,15 +173,15 @@ type OutputServiceBusTopicParameters struct { SharedAccessPolicyName *string `json:"sharedAccessPolicyName,omitempty" tf:"shared_access_policy_name,omitempty"` // The name of the Stream Analytics Job. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Job + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StreamAnalyticsJobName *string `json:"streamAnalyticsJobName,omitempty" tf:"stream_analytics_job_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + // Reference to a Job in streamanalytics to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StreamAnalyticsJobNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"streamAnalyticsJobNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + // Selector for a Job in streamanalytics to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StreamAnalyticsJobNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"streamAnalyticsJobNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/streamanalytics/v1beta1/zz_outputsynapse_types.go b/apis/streamanalytics/v1beta1/zz_outputsynapse_types.go index adf77021d..28dfe384a 100755 --- a/apis/streamanalytics/v1beta1/zz_outputsynapse_types.go +++ b/apis/streamanalytics/v1beta1/zz_outputsynapse_types.go @@ -90,15 +90,15 @@ type OutputSynapseParameters struct { Server *string `json:"server,omitempty" tf:"server,omitempty"` // The name of the Stream Analytics Job. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Job + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StreamAnalyticsJobName *string `json:"streamAnalyticsJobName,omitempty" tf:"stream_analytics_job_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + // Reference to a Job in streamanalytics to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StreamAnalyticsJobNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"streamAnalyticsJobNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + // Selector for a Job in streamanalytics to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StreamAnalyticsJobNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"streamAnalyticsJobNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/streamanalytics/v1beta1/zz_referenceinputblob_types.go b/apis/streamanalytics/v1beta1/zz_referenceinputblob_types.go index ed30862e9..f956394f7 100755 --- a/apis/streamanalytics/v1beta1/zz_referenceinputblob_types.go +++ b/apis/streamanalytics/v1beta1/zz_referenceinputblob_types.go @@ -67,14 +67,14 @@ type ReferenceInputBlobInitParameters struct { StorageContainerNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"storageContainerNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The name of the Stream Analytics Job. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Job + // StreamAnalyticsJobName *string `json:"streamAnalyticsJobName,omitempty" tf:"stream_analytics_job_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + // Reference to a Job in streamanalytics to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StreamAnalyticsJobNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"streamAnalyticsJobNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + // Selector for a Job in streamanalytics to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StreamAnalyticsJobNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"streamAnalyticsJobNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -184,15 +184,15 @@ type ReferenceInputBlobParameters struct { StorageContainerNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"storageContainerNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The name of the Stream Analytics Job. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Job + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StreamAnalyticsJobName *string `json:"streamAnalyticsJobName,omitempty" tf:"stream_analytics_job_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + // Reference to a Job in streamanalytics to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StreamAnalyticsJobNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"streamAnalyticsJobNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + // Selector for a Job in streamanalytics to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StreamAnalyticsJobNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"streamAnalyticsJobNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/streamanalytics/v1beta1/zz_streaminputblob_types.go b/apis/streamanalytics/v1beta1/zz_streaminputblob_types.go index 790082df1..fc540afcc 100755 --- a/apis/streamanalytics/v1beta1/zz_streaminputblob_types.go +++ b/apis/streamanalytics/v1beta1/zz_streaminputblob_types.go @@ -64,14 +64,14 @@ type StreamInputBlobInitParameters struct { StorageContainerNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"storageContainerNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The name of the Stream Analytics Job. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Job + // StreamAnalyticsJobName *string `json:"streamAnalyticsJobName,omitempty" tf:"stream_analytics_job_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + // Reference to a Job in streamanalytics to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StreamAnalyticsJobNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"streamAnalyticsJobNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + // Selector for a Job in streamanalytics to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StreamAnalyticsJobNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"streamAnalyticsJobNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` @@ -174,15 +174,15 @@ type StreamInputBlobParameters struct { StorageContainerNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"storageContainerNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` // The name of the Stream Analytics Job. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Job + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StreamAnalyticsJobName *string `json:"streamAnalyticsJobName,omitempty" tf:"stream_analytics_job_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + // Reference to a Job in streamanalytics to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StreamAnalyticsJobNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"streamAnalyticsJobNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + // Selector for a Job in streamanalytics to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StreamAnalyticsJobNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"streamAnalyticsJobNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` diff --git a/apis/streamanalytics/v1beta1/zz_streaminputeventhub_types.go b/apis/streamanalytics/v1beta1/zz_streaminputeventhub_types.go index 429d91768..08c6be522 100755 --- a/apis/streamanalytics/v1beta1/zz_streaminputeventhub_types.go +++ b/apis/streamanalytics/v1beta1/zz_streaminputeventhub_types.go @@ -79,14 +79,14 @@ type StreamInputEventHubInitParameters struct { SharedAccessPolicyName *string `json:"sharedAccessPolicyName,omitempty" tf:"shared_access_policy_name,omitempty"` // The name of the Stream Analytics Job. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Job + // StreamAnalyticsJobName *string `json:"streamAnalyticsJobName,omitempty" tf:"stream_analytics_job_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + // Reference to a Job in streamanalytics to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StreamAnalyticsJobNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"streamAnalyticsJobNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + // Selector for a Job in streamanalytics to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StreamAnalyticsJobNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"streamAnalyticsJobNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } @@ -206,15 +206,15 @@ type StreamInputEventHubParameters struct { SharedAccessPolicyName *string `json:"sharedAccessPolicyName,omitempty" tf:"shared_access_policy_name,omitempty"` // The name of the Stream Analytics Job. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Job + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StreamAnalyticsJobName *string `json:"streamAnalyticsJobName,omitempty" tf:"stream_analytics_job_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + // Reference to a Job in streamanalytics to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StreamAnalyticsJobNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"streamAnalyticsJobNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + // Selector for a Job in streamanalytics to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StreamAnalyticsJobNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"streamAnalyticsJobNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/apis/streamanalytics/v1beta1/zz_streaminputiothub_types.go b/apis/streamanalytics/v1beta1/zz_streaminputiothub_types.go index c66009165..56439ecf5 100755 --- a/apis/streamanalytics/v1beta1/zz_streaminputiothub_types.go +++ b/apis/streamanalytics/v1beta1/zz_streaminputiothub_types.go @@ -64,14 +64,14 @@ type StreamInputIOTHubInitParameters struct { SharedAccessPolicyName *string `json:"sharedAccessPolicyName,omitempty" tf:"shared_access_policy_name,omitempty"` // The name of the Stream Analytics Job. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Job + // StreamAnalyticsJobName *string `json:"streamAnalyticsJobName,omitempty" tf:"stream_analytics_job_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + // Reference to a Job in streamanalytics to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StreamAnalyticsJobNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"streamAnalyticsJobNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + // Selector for a Job in streamanalytics to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StreamAnalyticsJobNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"streamAnalyticsJobNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } @@ -168,15 +168,15 @@ type StreamInputIOTHubParameters struct { SharedAccessPolicyName *string `json:"sharedAccessPolicyName,omitempty" tf:"shared_access_policy_name,omitempty"` // The name of the Stream Analytics Job. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. - // +crossplane:generate:reference:type=Job + // // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StreamAnalyticsJobName *string `json:"streamAnalyticsJobName,omitempty" tf:"stream_analytics_job_name,omitempty"` - // Reference to a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + // Reference to a Job in streamanalytics to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StreamAnalyticsJobNameRef *v1.Reference `json:"streamAnalyticsJobNameRef,omitempty" tf:"-"` - // Selector for a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + // Selector for a Job in streamanalytics to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. // +kubebuilder:validation:Optional StreamAnalyticsJobNameSelector *v1.Selector `json:"streamAnalyticsJobNameSelector,omitempty" tf:"-"` } diff --git a/config/alertsmanagement/config.go b/config/alertsmanagement/config.go index 80ba05473..dad5e081d 100644 --- a/config/alertsmanagement/config.go +++ b/config/alertsmanagement/config.go @@ -14,28 +14,28 @@ import ( func Configure(p *config.Provider) { p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_monitor_smart_detector_alert_rule", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["action_group.ids"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_monitor_action_group", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } r.References["scope_resource_ids"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_application_insights", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_monitor_alert_processing_rule_action_group", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["add_action_group_ids"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_monitor_action_group", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } r.References["scopes"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_resource_group", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_monitor_alert_processing_rule_suppression", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["scopes"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_resource_group", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) } diff --git a/config/apimanagement/config.go b/config/apimanagement/config.go index c38b61e21..c37f7a2ed 100644 --- a/config/apimanagement/config.go +++ b/config/apimanagement/config.go @@ -24,73 +24,73 @@ func Configure(p *config.Provider) { }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_api_management_api_operation", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["api_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "API", + TerraformName: "azurerm_api_management_api", } r.References["api_management_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Management", + TerraformName: "azurerm_api_management", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_api_management_api_policy", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["api_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "API", + TerraformName: "azurerm_api_management_api", } r.References["api_management_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Management", + TerraformName: "azurerm_api_management", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_api_management_api_schema", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["api_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "API", + TerraformName: "azurerm_api_management_api", } r.References["api_management_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Management", + TerraformName: "azurerm_api_management", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_api_management_product_api", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["api_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "API", + TerraformName: "azurerm_api_management_api", } r.References["product_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Product", + TerraformName: "azurerm_api_management_product", } r.References["api_management_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Management", + TerraformName: "azurerm_api_management", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_api_management_product_policy", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["product_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Product", + TerraformName: "azurerm_api_management_product", } r.References["api_management_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Management", + TerraformName: "azurerm_api_management", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_api_management_subscription", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["user_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "User", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_api_management_user", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } r.References["product_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Product", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_api_management_product", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } r.References["api_management_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Management", + TerraformName: "azurerm_api_management", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_api_management_authorization_server", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["api_management_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Management", + TerraformName: "azurerm_api_management", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_api_management_gateway_api", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["gateway_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Gateway", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_api_management_gateway", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } r.References["api_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "API", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_api_management_api", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } r.TerraformCustomDiff = apiIdCustomDiff diff --git a/config/appplatform/config.go b/config/appplatform/config.go index 206f34c26..e3a45f370 100644 --- a/config/appplatform/config.go +++ b/config/appplatform/config.go @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ import ( func Configure(p *config.Provider) { p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_spring_cloud_api_portal", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["gateway_ids"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "", - Extractor: "", + TerraformName: "azurerm_spring_cloud_gateway", + Extractor: "", } }) } diff --git a/config/cache/config.go b/config/cache/config.go index f76a588ec..95f3be5fc 100644 --- a/config/cache/config.go +++ b/config/cache/config.go @@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ import ( func Configure(p *config.Provider) { p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_redis_linked_server", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["linked_redis_cache_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "RedisCache", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_redis_cache", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } r.References["target_redis_cache_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "RedisCache", + TerraformName: "azurerm_redis_cache", } delete(r.References, "linked_redis_cache_location") }) diff --git a/config/cdn/config.go b/config/cdn/config.go index f2ff321c4..4da241a8b 100644 --- a/config/cdn/config.go +++ b/config/cdn/config.go @@ -17,22 +17,22 @@ func Configure(p *config.Provider) { }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_cdn_frontdoor_route", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["cdn_frontdoor_origin_ids"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "", - Extractor: "", + TerraformName: "azurerm_cdn_frontdoor_origin", + Extractor: "", } r.References["cdn_frontdoor_rule_set_ids"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "", - Extractor: "", + TerraformName: "azurerm_cdn_frontdoor_rule_set", + Extractor: "", } r.References["cdn_frontdoor_custom_domain_ids"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "", - Extractor: "", + TerraformName: "azurerm_cdn_frontdoor_custom_domain", + Extractor: "", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_cdn_frontdoor_custom_domain_association", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["cdn_frontdoor_route_ids"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "", - Extractor: "", + TerraformName: "azurerm_cdn_frontdoor_route", + Extractor: "", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_cdn_frontdoor_firewall_policy", func(r *config.Resource) { diff --git a/config/common/common.go b/config/common/common.go index fbb7cae7f..59fbb0851 100644 --- a/config/common/common.go +++ b/config/common/common.go @@ -27,10 +27,6 @@ import ( ) const ( - // ErrFmtNoAttribute is an error string for not-found attributes - ErrFmtNoAttribute = `"attribute not found: %s` - // ErrFmtUnexpectedType is an error string for attribute map values of unexpected type - ErrFmtUnexpectedType = `unexpected type for attribute %s: Expecting a string` // ErrGetPasswordSecret is an error string for failing to get password secret ErrGetPasswordSecret = "cannot get password secret" // VersionV1Beta1 is used for resources that meet the v1beta1 criteria @@ -48,7 +44,7 @@ const ( type refSpecification struct { group string attributeRegex string - packagePath string + tfName string } // In the regular expressions used when determining the references, we can observe many rules that have common strings. @@ -57,26 +53,26 @@ type refSpecification struct { // rules first will be possible. Since there is no fixed index for key-value pairs in maps, it is not possible to place // rules from specific to general. Therefore, array is used here. var referenceRules = []refSpecification{ - {wildcardGroup, "resource_group$", rconfig.GetDefaultVersionedPath("azure", "ResourceGroup")}, - {wildcardGroup, "subnet$", rconfig.GetDefaultVersionedPath("network", "Subnet")}, - {"cosmosdb", "account$", rconfig.GetDefaultVersionedPath("cosmosdb", "Account")}, - {"dbformariadb", "server$", rconfig.GetDefaultVersionedPath("dbformariadb", "Server")}, - {"network", "loadbalancer$", rconfig.GetDefaultVersionedPath("network", "LoadBalancer")}, + {wildcardGroup, "resource_group$", "azurerm_resource_group"}, + {wildcardGroup, "subnet$", "azurerm_subnet"}, + {"cosmosdb", "account$", "azurerm_cosmosdb_account"}, + {"dbformariadb", "server$", "azurerm_mariadb_server"}, + {"network", "loadbalancer$", "azurerm_lb"}, } // AddCommonReferences adds some common reference fields. // This is a part of resource generation pipeline. func AddCommonReferences(r *tjconfig.Resource) error { delete(r.References, "location") - return addCommonReferences(r.References, r.TerraformResource, r.ShortGroup, r.Version, []string{}) + return addCommonReferences(r.References, r.TerraformResource, r.ShortGroup, []string{}) } -func addCommonReferences(references tjconfig.References, resource *schema.Resource, shortGroup, version string, nestedFieldNames []string) error { +func addCommonReferences(references tjconfig.References, resource *schema.Resource, shortGroup string, nestedFieldNames []string) error { for fieldName, s := range resource.Schema { if s.Elem != nil { e, ok := s.Elem.(*schema.Resource) if ok { - if err := addCommonReferences(references, e, shortGroup, version, append(nestedFieldNames, fieldName)); err != nil { + if err := addCommonReferences(references, e, shortGroup, append(nestedFieldNames, fieldName)); err != nil { return err } continue @@ -88,19 +84,18 @@ func addCommonReferences(references tjconfig.References, resource *schema.Resour if referenceKind == "" { continue } - referenceType, err := searchReference(shortGroup, referenceNameWithoutKind) + refTFName, err := searchReference(shortGroup, referenceNameWithoutKind) if err != nil { return err } - if referenceType == "" { + if refTFName == "" { continue } if references == nil { references = make(map[string]tjconfig.Reference) } if _, ok := references[referenceName]; !ok { - referenceType = prepareReferenceType(shortGroup, version, referenceType) - addReference(references, referenceKind, referenceName, referenceType) + addReference(references, referenceKind, referenceName, refTFName) } } return nil @@ -124,32 +119,22 @@ func searchReference(shortGroup, fieldName string) (string, error) { return "", err } if r.MatchString(fieldName) { - return rule.packagePath, nil + return rule.tfName, nil } } return "", nil } -func prepareReferenceType(shortGroup, version, referenceType string) string { - p := strings.Split(referenceType, "/") - if shortGroup == p[1] && strings.Split(p[2], ".")[0] == version { - referenceType = strings.Split(p[2], ".")[1] - } else { - referenceType = rconfig.APISPackagePath + referenceType - } - return referenceType -} - -func addReference(references tjconfig.References, referenceKind, referenceName, referenceType string) { +func addReference(references tjconfig.References, referenceKind, referenceName, refTFName string) { switch referenceKind { case nameReferenceKind: references[referenceName] = tjconfig.Reference{ - Type: referenceType, + TerraformName: refTFName, } case idReferenceKind: references[referenceName] = tjconfig.Reference{ - Type: referenceType, - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: refTFName, + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } } } diff --git a/config/compute/config.go b/config/compute/config.go index 7ef1682cf..038d10da4 100644 --- a/config/compute/config.go +++ b/config/compute/config.go @@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ import ( func Configure(p *config.Provider) { p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_linux_virtual_machine", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["network_interface_ids"] = config.Reference{ - Type: rconfig.APISPackagePath + "/network/v1beta1.NetworkInterface", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_network_interface", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } r.LateInitializer = config.LateInitializer{ IgnoredFields: []string{"platform_fault_domain", @@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ func Configure(p *config.Provider) { }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_windows_virtual_machine", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["network_interface_ids"] = config.Reference{ - Type: rconfig.APISPackagePath + "/network/v1beta1.NetworkInterface", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_network_interface", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } r.LateInitializer = config.LateInitializer{ IgnoredFields: []string{"platform_fault_domain", diff --git a/config/consumption/config.go b/config/consumption/config.go index 78c6457e9..ce619a645 100644 --- a/config/consumption/config.go +++ b/config/consumption/config.go @@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ import ( func Configure(p *config.Provider) { p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_consumption_budget_subscription", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["notification.contact_groups"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_monitor_action_group", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) } diff --git a/config/containerregistry/config.go b/config/containerregistry/config.go index dd60f160f..f2523d199 100644 --- a/config/containerregistry/config.go +++ b/config/containerregistry/config.go @@ -21,19 +21,19 @@ func Configure(p *config.Provider) { p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_container_registry_token", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["scope_map_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "ScopeMap", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_container_registry_scope_map", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_container_connected_registry", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["container_registry_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Registry", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_container_registry", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } r.References["sync_token_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Token", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_container_registry_token", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } r.ExternalName.IdentifierFields = common.RemoveIndex(r.ExternalName.IdentifierFields, "container_registry_id") }) diff --git a/config/containerservice/config.go b/config/containerservice/config.go index 562c9fa80..9c491ab0e 100644 --- a/config/containerservice/config.go +++ b/config/containerservice/config.go @@ -86,8 +86,8 @@ func Configure(p *config.Provider) { r.Kind = "KubernetesClusterNodePool" r.ShortGroup = "containerservice" r.References["kubernetes_cluster_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "KubernetesCluster", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_kubernetes_cluster", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) } diff --git a/config/cosmosdb/config.go b/config/cosmosdb/config.go index 048cc6a27..9e6825f94 100644 --- a/config/cosmosdb/config.go +++ b/config/cosmosdb/config.go @@ -17,21 +17,21 @@ func Configure(p *config.Provider) { }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_cosmosdb_sql_container", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["database_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "SQLDatabase", + TerraformName: "azurerm_cosmosdb_sql_database", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_cosmosdb_mongo_collection", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["database_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "MongoDatabase", + TerraformName: "azurerm_cosmosdb_mongo_database", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_cosmosdb_cassandra_table", func(r *config.Resource) { delete(r.References, "cassandra_keyspace_id") r.References["cassandra_keyspace_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "CassandraKeySpace", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_cosmosdb_cassandra_keyspace", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } r.LateInitializer = config.LateInitializer{ IgnoredFields: []string{"analytical_storage_ttl"}, @@ -40,31 +40,31 @@ func Configure(p *config.Provider) { p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_cosmosdb_gremlin_graph", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["database_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "GremlinDatabase", + TerraformName: "azurerm_cosmosdb_gremlin_database", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_cosmosdb_sql_function", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["container_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "SQLContainer", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_cosmosdb_sql_container", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_cosmosdb_sql_stored_procedure", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["database_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "SQLDatabase", + TerraformName: "azurerm_cosmosdb_sql_database", } r.References["container_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "SQLContainer", + TerraformName: "azurerm_cosmosdb_sql_container", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_cosmosdb_sql_trigger", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References = config.References{ "container_id": config.Reference{ - Type: "SQLContainer", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_cosmosdb_sql_container", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, }, } }) diff --git a/config/costmanagement/config.go b/config/costmanagement/config.go index 87004eb46..c6f3ae68d 100644 --- a/config/costmanagement/config.go +++ b/config/costmanagement/config.go @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ import ( func Configure(p *config.Provider) { p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_subscription_cost_management_export", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["subscription_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "", - Extractor: "", + TerraformName: "azurerm_subscription", + Extractor: "", } }) } diff --git a/config/dataprotection/config.go b/config/dataprotection/config.go index 9917e2dba..551aab85f 100644 --- a/config/dataprotection/config.go +++ b/config/dataprotection/config.go @@ -14,21 +14,21 @@ import ( func Configure(p *config.Provider) { p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_data_protection_backup_policy_blob_storage", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["vault_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "BackupVault", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_data_protection_backup_vault", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_data_protection_backup_policy_disk", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["vault_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "BackupVault", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_data_protection_backup_vault", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_data_protection_backup_policy_postgresql", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["vault_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "BackupVault", + TerraformName: "azurerm_data_protection_backup_vault", } }) } diff --git a/config/datashare/config.go b/config/datashare/config.go index f2222be13..9a15a9040 100644 --- a/config/datashare/config.go +++ b/config/datashare/config.go @@ -19,60 +19,60 @@ func Configure(p *config.Provider) { p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_data_share", func(r *config.Resource) { r.Kind = "DataShare" r.References["account_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Account", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_data_share_account", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_data_share_dataset_blob_storage", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["data_share_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "DataShare", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_data_share", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } r.References["container_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: rconfig.APISPackagePath + "/storage/v1beta1.Container", + TerraformName: "azurerm_storage_container", } r.References[""] = config.Reference{ - Type: rconfig.APISPackagePath + "/storage/v1beta1.Account", + TerraformName: "azurerm_storage_account", } r.References["storage_account.resource_group_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: rconfig.APISPackagePath + "/azure/v1beta1.ResourceGroup", + TerraformName: "azurerm_resource_group", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_data_share_dataset_data_lake_gen2", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["share_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "DataShare", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_data_share", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } r.References["storage_account_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: rconfig.StorageAccountReferencePath, - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_storage_account", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } r.References["file_system_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: rconfig.APISPackagePath + "/storage/v1beta1.DataLakeGen2FileSystem", + TerraformName: "azurerm_storage_data_lake_gen2_filesystem", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_data_share_dataset_kusto_cluster", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["share_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "DataShare", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_data_share", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } r.References["kusto_cluster_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: rconfig.APISPackagePath + "/kusto/v1beta1.Cluster", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_kusto_cluster", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_data_share_dataset_kusto_database", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["share_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "DataShare", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_data_share", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } r.References["kusto_database_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: rconfig.APISPackagePath + "/kusto/v1beta1.Database", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_kusto_database", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) } diff --git a/config/dbformysql/config.go b/config/dbformysql/config.go index b54e4c688..1864732b1 100644 --- a/config/dbformysql/config.go +++ b/config/dbformysql/config.go @@ -24,26 +24,26 @@ const ( func Configure(p *config.Provider) { p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_mysql_flexible_server", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["private_dns_zone_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: rconfig.APISPackagePath + "/network/v1beta1.PrivateDNSZone", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_private_dns_zone", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_mysql_flexible_database", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["server_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "FlexibleServer", + TerraformName: "azurerm_mysql_flexible_server", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_mysql_flexible_server_configuration", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["server_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "FlexibleServer", + TerraformName: "azurerm_mysql_flexible_server", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_mysql_flexible_server_firewall_rule", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["server_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "FlexibleServer", + TerraformName: "azurerm_mysql_flexible_server", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_mysql_server", func(r *config.Resource) { diff --git a/config/devices/config.go b/config/devices/config.go index ac558b52a..2b52cc3fb 100644 --- a/config/devices/config.go +++ b/config/devices/config.go @@ -7,8 +7,6 @@ package devices import ( "" "" - - "" ) // Configure configures iothub group @@ -32,46 +30,46 @@ func Configure(p *config.Provider) { r.Kind = "IOTHub" r.References["endpoint.container_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: rconfig.ContainerReferencePath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_storage_container", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_iothub_consumer_group", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["iothub_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "IOTHub", + TerraformName: "azurerm_iothub", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_iothub_dps_certificate", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["iot_dps_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "IOTHubDPS", + TerraformName: "azurerm_iothub_dps", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_iothub_dps_shared_access_policy", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["iot_dps_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "IOTHubDPS", + TerraformName: "azurerm_iothub_dps", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_iothub_shared_access_policy", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["iot_dps_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "IOTHubDPS", + TerraformName: "azurerm_iothub_dps", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_iothub_endpoint_storage_container", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["container_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: rconfig.ContainerReferencePath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_storage_container", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_iothub_fallback_route", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["iothub_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "IOTHub", + TerraformName: "azurerm_iothub", } r.References["endpoint_names"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "IOTHubEndpointStorageContainer", + TerraformName: "azurerm_iothub_endpoint_storage_container", } }) diff --git a/config/eventhub/config.go b/config/eventhub/config.go index 76a350b08..b5cf38e25 100644 --- a/config/eventhub/config.go +++ b/config/eventhub/config.go @@ -19,25 +19,25 @@ func Configure(p *config.Provider) { p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_eventhub", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["namespace_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "EventHubNamespace", + TerraformName: "azurerm_eventhub_namespace", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_eventhub_consumer_group", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["namespace_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "EventHubNamespace", + TerraformName: "azurerm_eventhub_namespace", } r.References["eventhub_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "EventHub", + TerraformName: "azurerm_eventhub", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_eventhub_authorization_rule", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["namespace_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "EventHubNamespace", + TerraformName: "azurerm_eventhub_namespace", } r.References["eventhub_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "EventHub", + TerraformName: "azurerm_eventhub", } }) } diff --git a/config/healthcareapis/config.go b/config/healthcareapis/config.go index d9751f380..18c411365 100644 --- a/config/healthcareapis/config.go +++ b/config/healthcareapis/config.go @@ -14,28 +14,28 @@ import ( func Configure(p *config.Provider) { p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_healthcare_medtech_service", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["workspace_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "HealthcareWorkspace", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_healthcare_workspace", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } r.References["eventhub_namespace_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: rconfig.APISPackagePath + "/eventhub/v1beta1.EventHubNamespace", + TerraformName: "azurerm_eventhub_namespace", } r.References["eventhub_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: rconfig.APISPackagePath + "/eventhub/v1beta1.EventHub", + TerraformName: "azurerm_eventhub", } r.References["eventhub_consumer_group_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: rconfig.APISPackagePath + "/eventhub/v1beta1.ConsumerGroup", + TerraformName: "azurerm_eventhub_consumer_group", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_healthcare_medtech_service_fhir_destination", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["medtech_service_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "HealthcareMedtechService", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_healthcare_medtech_service", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } r.References["destination_fhir_service_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "HealthcareFHIRService", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_healthcare_fhir_service", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) } diff --git a/config/insights/config.go b/config/insights/config.go index ddb4be1db..a18d68f75 100644 --- a/config/insights/config.go +++ b/config/insights/config.go @@ -14,40 +14,40 @@ import ( func Configure(p *config.Provider) { p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_monitor_metric_alert", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["scopes"] = config.Reference{ - Type: rconfig.StorageAccountReferencePath, - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_storage_account", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } r.References["action.action_group_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "MonitorActionGroup", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_monitor_action_group", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_monitor_private_link_scoped_service", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["scope_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "MonitorPrivateLinkScope", + TerraformName: "azurerm_monitor_private_link_scope", } r.References["linked_resource_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "ApplicationInsights", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_application_insights", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_monitor_activity_log_alert", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["scopes"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_resource_group", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_monitor_scheduled_query_rules_alert", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["action.action_group"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "MonitorActionGroup", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_monitor_action_group", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_monitor_scheduled_query_rules_alert_v2", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["scopes"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "ApplicationInsights", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_application_insights", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_monitor_diagnostic_setting", func(r *config.Resource) { diff --git a/config/keyvault/config.go b/config/keyvault/config.go index dd7102a91..5add01fcc 100644 --- a/config/keyvault/config.go +++ b/config/keyvault/config.go @@ -19,15 +19,15 @@ func Configure(p *config.Provider) { p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_key_vault_secret", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["key_vault_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Vault", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_key_vault", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_key_vault_key", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["key_vault_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Vault", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_key_vault", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } r.LateInitializer = config.LateInitializer{ IgnoredFields: []string{"rotation_policy"}, @@ -36,40 +36,40 @@ func Configure(p *config.Provider) { p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_key_vault_certificate", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["key_vault_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Vault", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_key_vault", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_key_vault_certificate_issuer", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["key_vault_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Vault", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_key_vault", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_key_vault_managed_storage_account", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["key_vault_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Vault", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_key_vault", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } r.References["storage_account_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: rconfig.StorageAccountReferencePath, - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_storage_account", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_key_vault_access_policy", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["key_vault_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Vault", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_key_vault", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_key_vault_managed_storage_account_sas_token_definition", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["managed_storage_account_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "ManagedStorageAccount", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_key_vault_managed_storage_account", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) } diff --git a/config/kusto/config.go b/config/kusto/config.go index a4e92f947..e0bf7d903 100644 --- a/config/kusto/config.go +++ b/config/kusto/config.go @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import ( func Configure(p *config.Provider) { p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_kusto_database", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["cluster_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Cluster", + TerraformName: "azurerm_kusto_cluster", } }) } diff --git a/config/logic/config.go b/config/logic/config.go index f43af30bc..3e8fbb9f5 100644 --- a/config/logic/config.go +++ b/config/logic/config.go @@ -6,8 +6,6 @@ package logic import ( "" - - "" ) // Configure configures logic group @@ -16,8 +14,8 @@ func Configure(p *config.Provider) { r.Kind = "IntegrationServiceEnvironment" r.References["virtual_network_subnet_ids"] = config.Reference{ - Type: rconfig.APISPackagePath + "/network/v1beta1.Subnet", - Extractor: `"id",true)`, + TerraformName: "azurerm_subnet", + Extractor: `"id",true)`, } }) } diff --git a/config/management/config.go b/config/management/config.go index 33de01c37..429e390f7 100644 --- a/config/management/config.go +++ b/config/management/config.go @@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ func Configure(p *config.Provider) { p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_management_group_subscription_association", func(r *config.Resource) { r.Kind = "ManagementGroupSubscriptionAssociation" r.References["management_group_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "ManagementGroup", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_management_group", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } r.References["subscription_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: rconfig.APISPackagePath + "/azure/v1beta1.Subscription", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_subscription", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) } diff --git a/config/media/config.go b/config/media/config.go index 37119e696..76bd0dc1d 100644 --- a/config/media/config.go +++ b/config/media/config.go @@ -14,63 +14,63 @@ import ( func Configure(p *config.Provider) { p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_media_services_account", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References[""] = config.Reference{ - Type: rconfig.StorageAccountReferencePath, - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_storage_account", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_media_asset", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["media_services_account_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "ServicesAccount", + TerraformName: "azurerm_media_services_account", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_media_live_event", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["media_services_account_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "ServicesAccount", + TerraformName: "azurerm_media_services_account", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_media_live_event_output", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["live_event_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "LiveEvent", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_media_live_event", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } r.References["asset_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Asset", + TerraformName: "azurerm_media_asset", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_media_streaming_endpoint", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["media_services_account_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "ServicesAccount", + TerraformName: "azurerm_media_services_account", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_media_streaming_locator", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["media_services_account_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "ServicesAccount", + TerraformName: "azurerm_media_services_account", } r.References["asset_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Asset", + TerraformName: "azurerm_media_asset", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_media_streaming_policy", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["media_services_account_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "ServicesAccount", + TerraformName: "azurerm_media_services_account", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_media_transform", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["media_services_account_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "ServicesAccount", + TerraformName: "azurerm_media_services_account", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_media_services_account_filter", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["media_services_account_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "ServicesAccount", + TerraformName: "azurerm_media_services_account", } }) } diff --git a/config/netapp/config.go b/config/netapp/config.go index d5a4ae820..4cdb6e266 100644 --- a/config/netapp/config.go +++ b/config/netapp/config.go @@ -14,46 +14,46 @@ import ( func Configure(p *config.Provider) { p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_netapp_pool", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["account_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Account", + TerraformName: "azurerm_netapp_account", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_netapp_snapshot_policy", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["account_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Account", + TerraformName: "azurerm_netapp_account", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_netapp_snapshot", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["account_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Account", + TerraformName: "azurerm_netapp_account", } r.References["pool_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Pool", + TerraformName: "azurerm_netapp_pool", } r.References["volume_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Volume", + TerraformName: "azurerm_netapp_volume", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_netapp_volume", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["account_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Account", + TerraformName: "azurerm_netapp_account", } r.References["pool_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Pool", + TerraformName: "azurerm_netapp_pool", } r.References["data_protection_snapshot_policy.snapshot_policy_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "SnapshotPolicy", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_netapp_snapshot_policy", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } r.References["data_protection_replication.remote_volume_resource_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Volume", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_netapp_volume", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } r.References["create_from_snapshot_resource_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Snapshot", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_netapp_snapshot", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } delete(r.References, "data_protection_replication.remote_volume_location") }) diff --git a/config/network/config.go b/config/network/config.go index d12ac53f2..9a6d0f5d6 100644 --- a/config/network/config.go +++ b/config/network/config.go @@ -30,94 +30,94 @@ func Configure(p *config.Provider) { r.Kind = "LoadBalancer" r.References["frontend_ip_configuration.public_ip_address_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "PublicIP", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_public_ip", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_lb_backend_address_pool", func(r *config.Resource) { r.Kind = "LoadBalancerBackendAddressPool" r.References["loadbalancer_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "LoadBalancer", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_lb", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_lb_backend_address_pool_address", func(r *config.Resource) { r.Kind = "LoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolAddress" r.References["backend_address_pool_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "LoadBalancerBackendAddressPool", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_lb_backend_address_pool", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } r.References["virtual_network_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "VirtualNetwork", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_virtual_network", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_lb_nat_pool", func(r *config.Resource) { r.Kind = "LoadBalancerNatPool" r.References["loadbalancer_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "LoadBalancer", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_lb", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_lb_nat_rule", func(r *config.Resource) { r.Kind = "LoadBalancerNatRule" r.References["loadbalancer_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "LoadBalancer", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_lb", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_lb_outbound_rule", func(r *config.Resource) { r.Kind = "LoadBalancerOutboundRule" r.References["backend_address_pool_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "LoadBalancerBackendAddressPool", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_lb_backend_address_pool", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } r.References["loadbalancer_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "LoadBalancer", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_lb", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_lb_probe", func(r *config.Resource) { r.Kind = "LoadBalancerProbe" r.References["loadbalancer_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "LoadBalancer", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_lb", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_lb_rule", func(r *config.Resource) { r.Kind = "LoadBalancerRule" r.References["loadbalancer_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "LoadBalancer", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_lb", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_nat_gateway_public_ip_association", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["nat_gateway_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "NATGateway", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_nat_gateway", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } r.References["public_ip_address_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "PublicIP", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_public_ip", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_nat_gateway_public_ip_prefix_association", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["nat_gateway_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "NATGateway", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_nat_gateway", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } r.References["public_ip_prefix_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "PublicIPPrefix", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_public_ip_prefix", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) @@ -127,15 +127,15 @@ func Configure(p *config.Provider) { p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_network_watcher_flow_log", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["network_watcher_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Watcher", + TerraformName: "azurerm_network_watcher", } r.References["network_security_group_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "SecurityGroup", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_network_security_group", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } r.References["storage_account_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: rconfig.APISPackagePath + "/storage/v1beta1.Account", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_storage_account", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } delete(r.References, "traffic_analytics.workspace_region") }) @@ -143,8 +143,8 @@ func Configure(p *config.Provider) { p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_network_connection_monitor", func(r *config.Resource) { r.Kind = "ConnectionMonitor" r.References["network_watcher_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Watcher", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_network_watcher", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) @@ -154,55 +154,55 @@ func Configure(p *config.Provider) { p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_network_security_rule", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["network_security_group_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "SecurityGroup", + TerraformName: "azurerm_network_security_group", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_network_interface_application_security_group_association", func(r *config.Resource) { r.Kind = "NetworkInterfaceApplicationSecurityGroupAssociation" r.References["network_interface_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "NetworkInterface", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_network_interface", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } r.References["application_security_group_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "ApplicationSecurityGroup", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_application_security_group", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_network_interface_backend_address_pool_association", func(r *config.Resource) { r.Kind = "NetworkInterfaceBackendAddressPoolAssociation" r.References["network_interface_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "NetworkInterface", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_network_interface", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } r.References["backend_address_pool_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "LoadBalancerBackendAddressPool", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_lb_backend_address_pool", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_network_interface_nat_rule_association", func(r *config.Resource) { r.Kind = "NetworkInterfaceNatRuleAssociation" r.References["network_interface_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "NetworkInterface", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_network_interface", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } r.References["nat_rule_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "LoadBalancerNatRule", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_lb_nat_rule", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_network_interface_security_group_association", func(r *config.Resource) { r.Kind = "NetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupAssociation" r.References["network_interface_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "NetworkInterface", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_network_interface", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } r.References["network_security_group_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "SecurityGroup", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_network_security_group", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) @@ -217,265 +217,265 @@ func Configure(p *config.Provider) { p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_virtual_network_gateway", func(r *config.Resource) { r.Kind = "VirtualNetworkGateway" r.References["ip_configuration.subnet_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Subnet", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_subnet", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_virtual_network_peering", func(r *config.Resource) { r.Kind = "VirtualNetworkPeering" r.References["virtual_network_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "VirtualNetwork", + TerraformName: "azurerm_virtual_network", } r.References["remote_virtual_network_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "VirtualNetwork", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_virtual_network", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_network_profile", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["container_network_interface.ip_configuration.subnet_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Subnet", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_subnet", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_private_dns_a_record", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["zone_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "PrivateDNSZone", + TerraformName: "azurerm_private_dns_zone", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_private_dns_aaaa_record", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["zone_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "PrivateDNSZone", + TerraformName: "azurerm_private_dns_zone", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_private_dns_cname_record", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["zone_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "PrivateDNSZone", + TerraformName: "azurerm_private_dns_zone", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_private_dns_mx_record", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["zone_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "PrivateDNSZone", + TerraformName: "azurerm_private_dns_zone", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_private_dns_ptr_record", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["zone_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "PrivateDNSZone", + TerraformName: "azurerm_private_dns_zone", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_private_dns_srv_record", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["zone_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "PrivateDNSZone", + TerraformName: "azurerm_private_dns_zone", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_private_dns_txt_record", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["zone_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "PrivateDNSZone", + TerraformName: "azurerm_private_dns_zone", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_private_dns_zone_virtual_network_link", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["private_dns_zone_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "PrivateDNSZone", + TerraformName: "azurerm_private_dns_zone", } r.References["virtual_network_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "VirtualNetwork", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_virtual_network", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_dns_a_record", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["zone_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "DNSZone", + TerraformName: "azurerm_dns_zone", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_dns_aaaa_record", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["zone_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "DNSZone", + TerraformName: "azurerm_dns_zone", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_dns_caa_record", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["zone_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "DNSZone", + TerraformName: "azurerm_dns_zone", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_dns_cname_record", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["zone_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "DNSZone", + TerraformName: "azurerm_dns_zone", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_dns_mx_record", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["zone_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "DNSZone", + TerraformName: "azurerm_dns_zone", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_dns_ns_record", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["zone_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "DNSZone", + TerraformName: "azurerm_dns_zone", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_dns_ptr_record", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["zone_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "DNSZone", + TerraformName: "azurerm_dns_zone", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_dns_srv_record", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["zone_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "DNSZone", + TerraformName: "azurerm_dns_zone", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_dns_txt_record", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["zone_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "DNSZone", + TerraformName: "azurerm_dns_zone", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_private_link_service", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["nat_ip_configuration.subnet_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Subnet", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_subnet", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_private_endpoint", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["private_dns_zone_group.private_dns_zone_ids"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "PrivateDNSZone", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_private_dns_zone", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } delete(r.References, "private_service_connection.private_connection_resource_id") }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_network_packet_capture", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["network_watcher_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Watcher", + TerraformName: "azurerm_network_watcher", } r.References["storage_location.storage_account_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: rconfig.APISPackagePath + "/storage/v1beta1.Account", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_storage_account", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_point_to_site_vpn_gateway", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["virtual_hub_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "VirtualHub", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_virtual_hub", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } r.References["vpn_server_configuration_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "VPNServerConfiguration", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_vpn_server_configuration", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_express_route_circuit_authorization", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["express_route_circuit_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "ExpressRouteCircuit", + TerraformName: "azurerm_express_route_circuit", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_express_route_circuit_peering", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["express_route_circuit_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "ExpressRouteCircuit", + TerraformName: "azurerm_express_route_circuit", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_express_route_circuit_connection", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["peering_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "ExpressRouteCircuitPeering", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_express_route_circuit_peering", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } r.References["peer_peering_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "ExpressRouteCircuitPeering", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_express_route_circuit_peering", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_express_route_gateway", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["virtual_hub_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "VirtualHub", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_virtual_hub", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_express_route_connection", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["express_route_gateway_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "ExpressRouteGateway", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_express_route_gateway", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } r.References["express_route_circuit_peering_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "ExpressRouteCircuitPeering", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_express_route_circuit_peering", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_firewall", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["ip_configuration.subnet_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Subnet", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_subnet", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } r.References["ip_configuration.public_ip_address_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "PublicIP", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_public_ip", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_firewall_application_rule_collection", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["azure_firewall_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Firewall", + TerraformName: "azurerm_firewall", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_firewall_nat_rule_collection", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["azure_firewall_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Firewall", + TerraformName: "azurerm_firewall", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_firewall_network_rule_collection", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["azure_firewall_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Firewall", + TerraformName: "azurerm_firewall", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_firewall_policy_rule_collection_group", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["firewall_policy_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "FirewallPolicy", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_firewall_policy", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_frontdoor_custom_https_configuration", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["custom_https_configuration.azure_key_vault_certificate_vault_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: rconfig.VaultKeyReferencePath, - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_key_vault_key", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_frontdoor_rules_engine", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["frontdoor_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "FrontDoor", + TerraformName: "azurerm_frontdoor", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_application_gateway", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["frontend_ip_configuration.public_ip_address_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "PublicIP", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_public_ip", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) @@ -500,12 +500,12 @@ func Configure(p *config.Provider) { p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_virtual_network_gateway_connection", func(r *config.Resource) { r.Kind = "VirtualNetworkGatewayConnection" r.References["virtual_network_gateway_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "VirtualNetworkGateway", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_virtual_network_gateway", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } r.References["peer_virtual_network_gateway_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "VirtualNetworkGateway", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_virtual_network_gateway", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) @@ -524,8 +524,8 @@ func Configure(p *config.Provider) { p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_virtual_hub", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["virtual_wan_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "VirtualWAN", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_virtual_wan", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } r.UseAsync = true }) @@ -540,27 +540,27 @@ func Configure(p *config.Provider) { IgnoredFields: []string{"address_prefix"}, } r.References["virtual_network_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "VirtualNetwork", + TerraformName: "azurerm_virtual_network", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_subnet_nat_gateway_association", func(r *config.Resource) { r.Kind = "SubnetNATGatewayAssociation" r.References["subnet_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Subnet", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_subnet", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_subnet_network_security_group_association", func(r *config.Resource) { r.Kind = "SubnetNetworkSecurityGroupAssociation" r.References["subnet_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Subnet", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_subnet", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } r.References["network_security_group_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "SecurityGroup", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_network_security_group", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) @@ -577,12 +577,12 @@ func Configure(p *config.Provider) { p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_subnet_route_table_association", func(r *config.Resource) { r.Kind = "SubnetRouteTableAssociation" r.References["subnet_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Subnet", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_subnet", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } r.References["route_table_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "RouteTable", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_route_table", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) @@ -595,8 +595,8 @@ func Configure(p *config.Provider) { p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_network_manager_static_member", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["target_virtual_network_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "VirtualNetwork", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_virtual_network", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) diff --git a/config/operationalinsights/config.go b/config/operationalinsights/config.go index f6e5605ec..1a8775dfa 100644 --- a/config/operationalinsights/config.go +++ b/config/operationalinsights/config.go @@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ func Configure(p *config.Provider) { p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_log_analytics_linked_storage_account", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["storage_account_ids"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_storage_account", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) } diff --git a/config/postgresql/config.go b/config/postgresql/config.go index 576e33ec7..555d41f6a 100644 --- a/config/postgresql/config.go +++ b/config/postgresql/config.go @@ -40,46 +40,46 @@ func Configure(p *config.Provider) { p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_postgresql_flexible_server_configuration", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["server_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "FlexibleServer", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_postgresql_flexible_server", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_postgresql_database", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["server_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Server", + TerraformName: "azurerm_postgresql_server", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_postgresql_active_directory_administrator", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["server_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Server", + TerraformName: "azurerm_postgresql_server", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_postgresql_flexible_server_active_directory_administrator", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["server_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "FlexibleServer", + TerraformName: "azurerm_postgresql_flexible_server", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_postgresql_flexible_server_database", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["server_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "FlexibleServer", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_postgresql_flexible_server", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_postgresql_firewall_rule", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["server_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Server", + TerraformName: "azurerm_postgresql_server", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_postgresql_flexible_server_firewall_rule", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["server_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "FlexibleServer", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_postgresql_flexible_server", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) @@ -116,24 +116,24 @@ func Configure(p *config.Provider) { p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_postgresql_virtual_network_rule", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["server_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Server", + TerraformName: "azurerm_postgresql_server", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_postgresql_server_key", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["server_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Server", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_postgresql_server", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } r.References["key_vault_key_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: rconfig.VaultKeyReferencePath, - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_key_vault_key", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_postgresql_configuration", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["server_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Server", + TerraformName: "azurerm_postgresql_server", } }) } diff --git a/config/resources/config.go b/config/resources/config.go index ca5616bfc..6872965ae 100644 --- a/config/resources/config.go +++ b/config/resources/config.go @@ -14,15 +14,15 @@ import ( func Configure(p *config.Provider) { p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_resource_deployment_script_azure_cli", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["identity.identity_ids"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_user_assigned_identity", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } r.Path = "resourcedeploymentscriptazureclicli" }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_resource_deployment_script_azure_power_shell", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["identity.identity_ids"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_user_assigned_identity", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) } diff --git a/config/security/config.go b/config/security/config.go index 50e3d9686..516364f60 100644 --- a/config/security/config.go +++ b/config/security/config.go @@ -6,8 +6,6 @@ package security import ( "" - - "" ) // Configure configures security group @@ -25,8 +23,8 @@ func Configure(p *config.Provider) { r.Kind = "IOTSecuritySolution" r.References["iothub_ids"] = config.Reference{ - Type: rconfig.APISPackagePath + "/devices/v1beta1.IOTHub", - Extractor: `"id",true)`, + TerraformName: "azurerm_iothub", + Extractor: `"id",true)`, } }) } diff --git a/config/sql/config.go b/config/sql/config.go index 4be3904e8..6e78e0755 100644 --- a/config/sql/config.go +++ b/config/sql/config.go @@ -51,80 +51,80 @@ func Configure(p *config.Provider) { p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_mssql_server_transparent_data_encryption", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["server_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "MSSQLServer", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_mssql_server", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } r.References["key_vault_key_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: rconfig.VaultKeyReferencePath, - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_key_vault_key", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_mssql_virtual_network_rule", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["server_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "MSSQLServer", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_mssql_server", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_mssql_managed_instance", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["dns_zone_partner_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "MSSQLManagedInstance", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_mssql_managed_instance", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_mssql_managed_database", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["managed_instance_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "MSSQLManagedInstance", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_mssql_managed_instance", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_mssql_managed_instance_active_directory_administrator", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["managed_instance_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "MSSQLManagedInstance", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_mssql_managed_instance", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_mssql_failover_group", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["server_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "MSSQLServer", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_mssql_server", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } r.References[""] = config.Reference{ - Type: "MSSQLServer", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_mssql_server", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } r.References["databases"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "MSSQLDatabase", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_mssql_database", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_mssql_managed_instance_failover_group", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["managed_instance_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "MSSQLManagedInstance", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_mssql_managed_instance", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } r.References["partner_managed_instance_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "MSSQLManagedInstance", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_mssql_managed_instance", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_mssql_managed_instance_vulnerability_assessment", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["managed_instance_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "MSSQLManagedInstance", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_mssql_managed_instance", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_mssql_database", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["server_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "MSSQLServer", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_mssql_server", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } r.LateInitializer = config.LateInitializer{ IgnoredFields: []string{"maintenance_configuration_name", "elastic_pool_id"}, @@ -133,21 +133,21 @@ func Configure(p *config.Provider) { p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_mssql_outbound_firewall_rule", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["server_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "MSSQLServer", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_mssql_server", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_mssql_server_dns_alias", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["mssql_server_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "MSSQLServer", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_mssql_server", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_mssql_server_security_alert_policy", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["server_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "MSSQLServer", + TerraformName: "azurerm_mssql_server", } }) @@ -156,13 +156,13 @@ func Configure(p *config.Provider) { IgnoredFields: []string{"max_size_bytes"}, } r.References["server_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "MSSQLServer", + TerraformName: "azurerm_mssql_server", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_mssql_database_vulnerability_assessment_rule_baseline", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["database_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "MSSQLDatabase", + TerraformName: "azurerm_mssql_database", } }) } diff --git a/config/storage/config.go b/config/storage/config.go index 31cd80618..c3a4dfb4a 100644 --- a/config/storage/config.go +++ b/config/storage/config.go @@ -15,23 +15,23 @@ import ( func Configure(p *config.Provider) { p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_storage_blob", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["storage_account_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Account", + TerraformName: "azurerm_storage_account", } r.References["storage_container_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Container", + TerraformName: "azurerm_storage_container", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_storage_container", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["storage_account_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Account", + TerraformName: "azurerm_storage_account", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_storage_data_lake_gen2_filesystem", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["storage_account_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Account", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_storage_account", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) diff --git a/config/streamanalytics/config.go b/config/streamanalytics/config.go index 683c6e7bd..75dba95a1 100644 --- a/config/streamanalytics/config.go +++ b/config/streamanalytics/config.go @@ -14,69 +14,69 @@ import ( func Configure(p *config.Provider) { p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_stream_analytics_output_synapse", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["stream_analytics_job_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Job", + TerraformName: "azurerm_stream_analytics_job", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_stream_analytics_function_javascript_uda", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["stream_analytics_job_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Job", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_stream_analytics_job", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } r.Path = "functionjavascriptudas" }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_stream_analytics_output_blob", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["stream_analytics_job_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Job", + TerraformName: "azurerm_stream_analytics_job", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_stream_analytics_output_mssql", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["stream_analytics_job_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Job", + TerraformName: "azurerm_stream_analytics_job", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_stream_analytics_output_mssql", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["server"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "", + TerraformName: "azurerm_mssql_server", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_stream_analytics_output_mssql", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["table"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "", + TerraformName: "azurerm_storage_table", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_stream_analytics_reference_input_blob", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["stream_analytics_job_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Job", + TerraformName: "azurerm_stream_analytics_job", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_stream_analytics_stream_input_blob", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["stream_analytics_job_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Job", + TerraformName: "azurerm_stream_analytics_job", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_stream_analytics_stream_input_eventhub", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["stream_analytics_job_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Job", + TerraformName: "azurerm_stream_analytics_job", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_stream_analytics_stream_input_iothub", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["stream_analytics_job_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Job", + TerraformName: "azurerm_stream_analytics_job", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_stream_analytics_stream_input_iothub", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["eventhub_consumer_group_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "", + TerraformName: "azurerm_eventhub_consumer_group", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_stream_analytics_output_servicebus_queue", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["stream_analytics_job_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Job", + TerraformName: "azurerm_stream_analytics_job", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_stream_analytics_output_servicebus_topic", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["stream_analytics_job_name"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Job", + TerraformName: "azurerm_stream_analytics_job", } }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_stream_analytics_stream_input_eventhub_v2", func(r *config.Resource) { @@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ func Configure(p *config.Provider) { }) p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_stream_analytics_output_powerbi", func(r *config.Resource) { r.References["stream_analytics_job_id"] = config.Reference{ - Type: "Job", - Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, + TerraformName: "azurerm_stream_analytics_job", + Extractor: rconfig.ExtractResourceIDFuncPath, } }) } diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 7887a0b66..e3132114c 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -78,7 +78,8 @@ spec: API exists. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string apiManagementNameRef: - description: Reference to a Management to populate apiManagementName. + description: Reference to a Management in apimanagement to populate + apiManagementName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -112,7 +113,8 @@ spec: - name type: object apiManagementNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Management to populate apiManagementName. + description: Selector for a Management in apimanagement to populate + apiManagementName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -157,7 +159,7 @@ spec: a new resource to be created. type: string apiNameRef: - description: Reference to a API to populate apiName. + description: Reference to a API in apimanagement to populate apiName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -191,7 +193,7 @@ spec: - name type: object apiNameSelector: - description: Selector for a API to populate apiName. + description: Selector for a API in apimanagement to populate apiName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 6ae5e83c2..16193b60b 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -78,7 +78,8 @@ spec: this forces a new resource to be created. type: string apiManagementNameRef: - description: Reference to a Management to populate apiManagementName. + description: Reference to a Management in apimanagement to populate + apiManagementName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -112,7 +113,8 @@ spec: - name type: object apiManagementNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Management to populate apiManagementName. + description: Selector for a Management in apimanagement to populate + apiManagementName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -156,7 +158,7 @@ spec: Service. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string apiNameRef: - description: Reference to a API to populate apiName. + description: Reference to a API in apimanagement to populate apiName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -190,7 +192,7 @@ spec: - name type: object apiNameSelector: - description: Selector for a API to populate apiName. + description: Selector for a API in apimanagement to populate apiName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 3b0d573d8..23cbf14ca 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -78,7 +78,8 @@ spec: API exists. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string apiManagementNameRef: - description: Reference to a Management to populate apiManagementName. + description: Reference to a Management in apimanagement to populate + apiManagementName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -112,7 +113,8 @@ spec: - name type: object apiManagementNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Management to populate apiManagementName. + description: Selector for a Management in apimanagement to populate + apiManagementName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -157,7 +159,7 @@ spec: a new resource to be created. type: string apiNameRef: - description: Reference to a API to populate apiName. + description: Reference to a API in apimanagement to populate apiName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -191,7 +193,7 @@ spec: - name type: object apiNameSelector: - description: Selector for a API to populate apiName. + description: Selector for a API in apimanagement to populate apiName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 88c675a96..0bf8e4db3 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -79,7 +79,8 @@ spec: a new resource to be created. type: string apiManagementNameRef: - description: Reference to a Management to populate apiManagementName. + description: Reference to a Management in apimanagement to populate + apiManagementName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -113,7 +114,8 @@ spec: - name type: object apiManagementNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Management to populate apiManagementName. + description: Selector for a Management in apimanagement to populate + apiManagementName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 436aca9f8..680a199f9 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ spec: Gateway API to be created. type: string apiIdRef: - description: Reference to a API to populate apiId. + description: Reference to a API in apimanagement to populate apiId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ spec: - name type: object apiIdSelector: - description: Selector for a API to populate apiId. + description: Selector for a API in apimanagement to populate apiId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -157,7 +157,8 @@ spec: this forces a new API Management Gateway API to be created. type: string gatewayIdRef: - description: Reference to a Gateway to populate gatewayId. + description: Reference to a Gateway in apimanagement to populate + gatewayId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -191,7 +192,8 @@ spec: - name type: object gatewayIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Gateway to populate gatewayId. + description: Selector for a Gateway in apimanagement to populate + gatewayId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -250,7 +252,7 @@ spec: Gateway API to be created. type: string apiIdRef: - description: Reference to a API to populate apiId. + description: Reference to a API in apimanagement to populate apiId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -284,7 +286,7 @@ spec: - name type: object apiIdSelector: - description: Selector for a API to populate apiId. + description: Selector for a API in apimanagement to populate apiId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -328,7 +330,8 @@ spec: this forces a new API Management Gateway API to be created. type: string gatewayIdRef: - description: Reference to a Gateway to populate gatewayId. + description: Reference to a Gateway in apimanagement to populate + gatewayId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -362,7 +365,8 @@ spec: - name type: object gatewayIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Gateway to populate gatewayId. + description: Selector for a Gateway in apimanagement to populate + gatewayId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 82f294ff9..7d82ab60c 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -78,7 +78,8 @@ spec: this forces a new resource to be created. type: string apiManagementNameRef: - description: Reference to a Management to populate apiManagementName. + description: Reference to a Management in apimanagement to populate + apiManagementName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -112,7 +113,8 @@ spec: - name type: object apiManagementNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Management to populate apiManagementName. + description: Selector for a Management in apimanagement to populate + apiManagementName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -157,7 +159,7 @@ spec: created. type: string apiNameRef: - description: Reference to a API to populate apiName. + description: Reference to a API in apimanagement to populate apiName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -191,7 +193,7 @@ spec: - name type: object apiNameSelector: - description: Selector for a API to populate apiName. + description: Selector for a API in apimanagement to populate apiName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -236,7 +238,8 @@ spec: created. type: string productIdRef: - description: Reference to a Product to populate productId. + description: Reference to a Product in apimanagement to populate + productId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -270,7 +273,8 @@ spec: - name type: object productIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Product to populate productId. + description: Selector for a Product in apimanagement to populate + productId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index ff878c4c6..ef8c7debb 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -78,7 +78,8 @@ spec: this forces a new resource to be created. type: string apiManagementNameRef: - description: Reference to a Management to populate apiManagementName. + description: Reference to a Management in apimanagement to populate + apiManagementName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -112,7 +113,8 @@ spec: - name type: object apiManagementNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Management to populate apiManagementName. + description: Selector for a Management in apimanagement to populate + apiManagementName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -157,7 +159,8 @@ spec: created. type: string productIdRef: - description: Reference to a Product to populate productId. + description: Reference to a Product in apimanagement to populate + productId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -191,7 +194,8 @@ spec: - name type: object productIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Product to populate productId. + description: Selector for a Product in apimanagement to populate + productId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index a2eb59c75..7e89a10e6 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -87,7 +87,8 @@ spec: to be created. type: string apiManagementNameRef: - description: Reference to a Management to populate apiManagementName. + description: Reference to a Management in apimanagement to populate + apiManagementName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -121,7 +122,8 @@ spec: - name type: object apiManagementNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Management to populate apiManagementName. + description: Selector for a Management in apimanagement to populate + apiManagementName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -183,7 +185,8 @@ spec: created. type: string productIdRef: - description: Reference to a Product to populate productId. + description: Reference to a Product in apimanagement to populate + productId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -217,7 +220,8 @@ spec: - name type: object productIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Product to populate productId. + description: Selector for a Product in apimanagement to populate + productId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -368,7 +372,8 @@ spec: Subscription. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string userIdRef: - description: Reference to a User to populate userId. + description: Reference to a User in apimanagement to populate + userId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -402,7 +407,8 @@ spec: - name type: object userIdSelector: - description: Selector for a User to populate userId. + description: Selector for a User in apimanagement to populate + userId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -469,7 +475,8 @@ spec: created. type: string productIdRef: - description: Reference to a Product to populate productId. + description: Reference to a Product in apimanagement to populate + productId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -503,7 +510,8 @@ spec: - name type: object productIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Product to populate productId. + description: Selector for a Product in apimanagement to populate + productId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -557,7 +565,8 @@ spec: Subscription. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string userIdRef: - description: Reference to a User to populate userId. + description: Reference to a User in apimanagement to populate + userId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -591,7 +600,8 @@ spec: - name type: object userIdSelector: - description: Selector for a User to populate userId. + description: Selector for a User in apimanagement to populate + userId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index de3d79b0b..25a8ec9f0 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ spec: a new Redis to be created. type: string linkedRedisCacheIdRef: - description: Reference to a RedisCache to populate linkedRedisCacheId. + description: Reference to a RedisCache in cache to populate linkedRedisCacheId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ spec: - name type: object linkedRedisCacheIdSelector: - description: Selector for a RedisCache to populate linkedRedisCacheId. + description: Selector for a RedisCache in cache to populate linkedRedisCacheId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ spec: forces a new Redis to be created. (eg The primary role) type: string targetRedisCacheNameRef: - description: Reference to a RedisCache to populate targetRedisCacheName. + description: Reference to a RedisCache in cache to populate targetRedisCacheName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ spec: - name type: object targetRedisCacheNameSelector: - description: Selector for a RedisCache to populate targetRedisCacheName. + description: Selector for a RedisCache in cache to populate targetRedisCacheName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ spec: a new Redis to be created. type: string linkedRedisCacheIdRef: - description: Reference to a RedisCache to populate linkedRedisCacheId. + description: Reference to a RedisCache in cache to populate linkedRedisCacheId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ spec: - name type: object linkedRedisCacheIdSelector: - description: Selector for a RedisCache to populate linkedRedisCacheId. + description: Selector for a RedisCache in cache to populate linkedRedisCacheId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 84d4ca2c9..4e12a4901 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -90,7 +90,8 @@ spec: Connected Registry to be created. type: string containerRegistryIdRef: - description: Reference to a Registry to populate containerRegistryId. + description: Reference to a Registry in containerregistry to populate + containerRegistryId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -124,7 +125,8 @@ spec: - name type: object containerRegistryIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Registry to populate containerRegistryId. + description: Selector for a Registry in containerregistry to populate + containerRegistryId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -217,7 +219,8 @@ spec: a new Container Connected Registry to be created. type: string syncTokenIdRef: - description: Reference to a Token to populate syncTokenId. + description: Reference to a Token in containerregistry to populate + syncTokenId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -251,7 +254,8 @@ spec: - name type: object syncTokenIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Token to populate syncTokenId. + description: Selector for a Token in containerregistry to populate + syncTokenId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -325,7 +329,8 @@ spec: Connected Registry to be created. type: string containerRegistryIdRef: - description: Reference to a Registry to populate containerRegistryId. + description: Reference to a Registry in containerregistry to populate + containerRegistryId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -359,7 +364,8 @@ spec: - name type: object containerRegistryIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Registry to populate containerRegistryId. + description: Selector for a Registry in containerregistry to populate + containerRegistryId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -452,7 +458,8 @@ spec: a new Container Connected Registry to be created. type: string syncTokenIdRef: - description: Reference to a Token to populate syncTokenId. + description: Reference to a Token in containerregistry to populate + syncTokenId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -486,7 +493,8 @@ spec: - name type: object syncTokenIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Token to populate syncTokenId. + description: Selector for a Token in containerregistry to populate + syncTokenId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 02b870c5a..df18b5a80 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -243,7 +243,8 @@ spec: with the token. type: string scopeMapIdRef: - description: Reference to a ScopeMap to populate scopeMapId. + description: Reference to a ScopeMap in containerregistry to populate + scopeMapId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -277,7 +278,8 @@ spec: - name type: object scopeMapIdSelector: - description: Selector for a ScopeMap to populate scopeMapId. + description: Selector for a ScopeMap in containerregistry to populate + scopeMapId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -339,7 +341,8 @@ spec: with the token. type: string scopeMapIdRef: - description: Reference to a ScopeMap to populate scopeMapId. + description: Reference to a ScopeMap in containerregistry to populate + scopeMapId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -373,7 +376,8 @@ spec: - name type: object scopeMapIdSelector: - description: Selector for a ScopeMap to populate scopeMapId. + description: Selector for a ScopeMap in containerregistry to populate + scopeMapId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 9762e0208..1aa097f85 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -181,7 +181,8 @@ spec: created. type: string kubernetesClusterIdRef: - description: Reference to a KubernetesCluster to populate kubernetesClusterId. + description: Reference to a KubernetesCluster in containerservice + to populate kubernetesClusterId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -215,7 +216,8 @@ spec: - name type: object kubernetesClusterIdSelector: - description: Selector for a KubernetesCluster to populate kubernetesClusterId. + description: Selector for a KubernetesCluster in containerservice + to populate kubernetesClusterId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 9c5ef2af3..99e56f287 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -472,7 +472,8 @@ spec: Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string sourceCosmosdbAccountIdRef: - description: Reference to a Account to populate sourceCosmosdbAccountId. + description: Reference to a Account in cosmosdb to populate + sourceCosmosdbAccountId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -506,7 +507,8 @@ spec: - name type: object sourceCosmosdbAccountIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Account to populate sourceCosmosdbAccountId. + description: Selector for a Account in cosmosdb to populate + sourceCosmosdbAccountId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -907,7 +909,8 @@ spec: Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string sourceCosmosdbAccountIdRef: - description: Reference to a Account to populate sourceCosmosdbAccountId. + description: Reference to a Account in cosmosdb to populate + sourceCosmosdbAccountId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -941,7 +944,8 @@ spec: - name type: object sourceCosmosdbAccountIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Account to populate sourceCosmosdbAccountId. + description: Selector for a Account in cosmosdb to populate + sourceCosmosdbAccountId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index a383d0e69..8722d070c 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -96,7 +96,8 @@ spec: created. type: string cassandraKeyspaceIdRef: - description: Reference to a CassandraKeySpace to populate cassandraKeyspaceId. + description: Reference to a CassandraKeySpace in cosmosdb to populate + cassandraKeyspaceId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -130,7 +131,8 @@ spec: - name type: object cassandraKeyspaceIdSelector: - description: Selector for a CassandraKeySpace to populate cassandraKeyspaceId. + description: Selector for a CassandraKeySpace in cosmosdb to populate + cassandraKeyspaceId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index eeec9d426..38a920787 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ spec: Database within. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string accountNameRef: - description: Reference to a Account to populate accountName. + description: Reference to a Account in cosmosdb to populate accountName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ spec: - name type: object accountNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Account to populate accountName. + description: Selector for a Account in cosmosdb to populate accountName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index a5524566f..631b7ea49 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ spec: Graph within. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string accountNameRef: - description: Reference to a Account to populate accountName. + description: Reference to a Account in cosmosdb to populate accountName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ spec: - name type: object accountNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Account to populate accountName. + description: Selector for a Account in cosmosdb to populate accountName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -194,7 +194,8 @@ spec: a new resource to be created. type: string databaseNameRef: - description: Reference to a GremlinDatabase to populate databaseName. + description: Reference to a GremlinDatabase in cosmosdb to populate + databaseName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -228,7 +229,8 @@ spec: - name type: object databaseNameSelector: - description: Selector for a GremlinDatabase to populate databaseName. + description: Selector for a GremlinDatabase in cosmosdb to populate + databaseName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index b02bd94f5..48e04f8fc 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ spec: to be created. type: string accountNameRef: - description: Reference to a Account to populate accountName. + description: Reference to a Account in cosmosdb to populate accountName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ spec: - name type: object accountNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Account to populate accountName. + description: Selector for a Account in cosmosdb to populate accountName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -176,7 +176,8 @@ spec: a new resource to be created. type: string databaseNameRef: - description: Reference to a MongoDatabase to populate databaseName. + description: Reference to a MongoDatabase in cosmosdb to populate + databaseName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -210,7 +211,8 @@ spec: - name type: object databaseNameSelector: - description: Selector for a MongoDatabase to populate databaseName. + description: Selector for a MongoDatabase in cosmosdb to populate + databaseName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 771e6b6e2..17a7b0a54 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ spec: created. type: string accountNameRef: - description: Reference to a Account to populate accountName. + description: Reference to a Account in cosmosdb to populate accountName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ spec: - name type: object accountNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Account to populate accountName. + description: Selector for a Account in cosmosdb to populate accountName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index c6539f8bb..00c912bc3 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ spec: within. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string accountNameRef: - description: Reference to a Account to populate accountName. + description: Reference to a Account in cosmosdb to populate accountName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ spec: - name type: object accountNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Account to populate accountName. + description: Selector for a Account in cosmosdb to populate accountName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -195,7 +195,8 @@ spec: be created. type: string databaseNameRef: - description: Reference to a SQLDatabase to populate databaseName. + description: Reference to a SQLDatabase in cosmosdb to populate + databaseName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -229,7 +230,8 @@ spec: - name type: object databaseNameSelector: - description: Selector for a SQLDatabase to populate databaseName. + description: Selector for a SQLDatabase in cosmosdb to populate + databaseName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 572dcf490..60a1f8ac0 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ spec: created. type: string accountNameRef: - description: Reference to a Account to populate accountName. + description: Reference to a Account in cosmosdb to populate accountName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ spec: - name type: object accountNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Account to populate accountName. + description: Selector for a Account in cosmosdb to populate accountName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 81c66f9e3..cc2dcd4db 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -82,7 +82,8 @@ spec: SQL User Defined Function to be created. type: string containerIdRef: - description: Reference to a SQLContainer to populate containerId. + description: Reference to a SQLContainer in cosmosdb to populate + containerId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -116,7 +117,8 @@ spec: - name type: object containerIdSelector: - description: Selector for a SQLContainer to populate containerId. + description: Selector for a SQLContainer in cosmosdb to populate + containerId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 88ef374c1..946dcdf82 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ spec: created. type: string accountNameRef: - description: Reference to a Account to populate accountName. + description: Reference to a Account in cosmosdb to populate accountName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ spec: - name type: object accountNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Account to populate accountName. + description: Selector for a Account in cosmosdb to populate accountName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -161,7 +161,8 @@ spec: to be created. type: string containerNameRef: - description: Reference to a SQLContainer to populate containerName. + description: Reference to a SQLContainer in cosmosdb to populate + containerName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -195,7 +196,8 @@ spec: - name type: object containerNameSelector: - description: Selector for a SQLContainer to populate containerName. + description: Selector for a SQLContainer in cosmosdb to populate + containerName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -240,7 +242,8 @@ spec: to be created. type: string databaseNameRef: - description: Reference to a SQLDatabase to populate databaseName. + description: Reference to a SQLDatabase in cosmosdb to populate + databaseName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -274,7 +277,8 @@ spec: - name type: object databaseNameSelector: - description: Selector for a SQLDatabase to populate databaseName. + description: Selector for a SQLDatabase in cosmosdb to populate + databaseName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 77b49c0be..9a06e0809 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -82,7 +82,8 @@ spec: be created. type: string containerIdRef: - description: Reference to a SQLContainer to populate containerId. + description: Reference to a SQLContainer in cosmosdb to populate + containerId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -116,7 +117,8 @@ spec: - name type: object containerIdSelector: - description: Selector for a SQLContainer to populate containerId. + description: Selector for a SQLContainer in cosmosdb to populate + containerId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index a40c68bf3..c7179e8e1 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ spec: within. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string accountNameRef: - description: Reference to a Account to populate accountName. + description: Reference to a Account in cosmosdb to populate accountName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ spec: - name type: object accountNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Account to populate accountName. + description: Selector for a Account in cosmosdb to populate accountName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index df5c1c62e..ee5e2797b 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -85,7 +85,8 @@ spec: Backup Policy Blob Storage to be created. type: string vaultIdRef: - description: Reference to a BackupVault to populate vaultId. + description: Reference to a BackupVault in dataprotection to populate + vaultId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -119,7 +120,8 @@ spec: - name type: object vaultIdSelector: - description: Selector for a BackupVault to populate vaultId. + description: Selector for a BackupVault in dataprotection to populate + vaultId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 6eae7f67c..0a8de48c8 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -129,7 +129,8 @@ spec: Policy Disk to be created. type: string vaultIdRef: - description: Reference to a BackupVault to populate vaultId. + description: Reference to a BackupVault in dataprotection to populate + vaultId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -163,7 +164,8 @@ spec: - name type: object vaultIdSelector: - description: Selector for a BackupVault to populate vaultId. + description: Selector for a BackupVault in dataprotection to populate + vaultId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 7f2eb7e6b..f3dd4bbf0 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -248,7 +248,8 @@ spec: PostgreSQL to be created. type: string vaultNameRef: - description: Reference to a BackupVault to populate vaultName. + description: Reference to a BackupVault in dataprotection to populate + vaultName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -282,7 +283,8 @@ spec: - name type: object vaultNameSelector: - description: Selector for a BackupVault to populate vaultName. + description: Selector for a BackupVault in dataprotection to populate + vaultName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 8df441818..6fa35387b 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -158,7 +158,8 @@ spec: a new Data Share Blob Storage Dataset to be created. type: string dataShareIdRef: - description: Reference to a DataShare to populate dataShareId. + description: Reference to a DataShare in datashare to populate + dataShareId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -192,7 +193,8 @@ spec: - name type: object dataShareIdSelector: - description: Selector for a DataShare to populate dataShareId. + description: Selector for a DataShare in datashare to populate + dataShareId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index d71b74d50..55a416e49 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -170,7 +170,8 @@ spec: forces a new Data Share Data Lake Gen2 Dataset to be created. type: string shareIdRef: - description: Reference to a DataShare to populate shareId. + description: Reference to a DataShare in datashare to populate + shareId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -204,7 +205,8 @@ spec: - name type: object shareIdSelector: - description: Selector for a DataShare to populate shareId. + description: Selector for a DataShare in datashare to populate + shareId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 9f516e359..b31294642 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -158,7 +158,8 @@ spec: forces a new Data Share Kusto Cluster Dataset to be created. type: string shareIdRef: - description: Reference to a DataShare to populate shareId. + description: Reference to a DataShare in datashare to populate + shareId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -192,7 +193,8 @@ spec: - name type: object shareIdSelector: - description: Selector for a DataShare to populate shareId. + description: Selector for a DataShare in datashare to populate + shareId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index d40839cbe..ed2c265da 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -158,7 +158,8 @@ spec: forces a new Data Share Kusto Database Dataset to be created. type: string shareIdRef: - description: Reference to a DataShare to populate shareId. + description: Reference to a DataShare in datashare to populate + shareId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -192,7 +193,8 @@ spec: - name type: object shareIdSelector: - description: Selector for a DataShare to populate shareId. + description: Selector for a DataShare in datashare to populate + shareId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 3b2d969fe..b8ad66be1 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ spec: created. type: string accountIdRef: - description: Reference to a Account to populate accountId. + description: Reference to a Account in datashare to populate accountId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ spec: - name type: object accountIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Account to populate accountId. + description: Selector for a Account in datashare to populate accountId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index f502cfab0..d357e6b6b 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -162,7 +162,8 @@ spec: this forces a new resource to be created. type: string serverNameRef: - description: Reference to a Server to populate serverName. + description: Reference to a Server in dbformariadb to populate + serverName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -196,7 +197,8 @@ spec: - name type: object serverNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Server to populate serverName. + description: Selector for a Server in dbformariadb to populate + serverName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 472548ee8..cd9c67172 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -115,7 +115,8 @@ spec: server ID to use. type: string creationSourceServerIdRef: - description: Reference to a Server to populate creationSourceServerId. + description: Reference to a Server in dbformariadb to populate + creationSourceServerId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -149,7 +150,8 @@ spec: - name type: object creationSourceServerIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Server to populate creationSourceServerId. + description: Selector for a Server in dbformariadb to populate + creationSourceServerId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -367,7 +369,8 @@ spec: server ID to use. type: string creationSourceServerIdRef: - description: Reference to a Server to populate creationSourceServerId. + description: Reference to a Server in dbformariadb to populate + creationSourceServerId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -401,7 +404,8 @@ spec: - name type: object creationSourceServerIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Server to populate creationSourceServerId. + description: Selector for a Server in dbformariadb to populate + creationSourceServerId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 6b4ad28ec..4337789a3 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -168,7 +168,8 @@ spec: Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string serverNameRef: - description: Reference to a FlexibleServer to populate serverName. + description: Reference to a FlexibleServer in dbformysql to populate + serverName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -202,7 +203,8 @@ spec: - name type: object serverNameSelector: - description: Selector for a FlexibleServer to populate serverName. + description: Selector for a FlexibleServer in dbformysql to populate + serverName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 8f9cc4c3a..b6bd9b28d 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -161,7 +161,8 @@ spec: Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string serverNameRef: - description: Reference to a FlexibleServer to populate serverName. + description: Reference to a FlexibleServer in dbformysql to populate + serverName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -195,7 +196,8 @@ spec: - name type: object serverNameSelector: - description: Selector for a FlexibleServer to populate serverName. + description: Selector for a FlexibleServer in dbformysql to populate + serverName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 27ec0f06a..32f92d373 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -164,7 +164,8 @@ spec: Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string serverNameRef: - description: Reference to a FlexibleServer to populate serverName. + description: Reference to a FlexibleServer in dbformysql to populate + serverName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -198,7 +199,8 @@ spec: - name type: object serverNameSelector: - description: Selector for a FlexibleServer to populate serverName. + description: Selector for a FlexibleServer in dbformysql to populate + serverName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 2219c0980..9bcc4e39b 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -168,7 +168,8 @@ spec: created. type: string serverNameRef: - description: Reference to a Server to populate serverName. + description: Reference to a Server in dbforpostgresql to populate + serverName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -202,7 +203,8 @@ spec: - name type: object serverNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Server to populate serverName. + description: Selector for a Server in dbforpostgresql to populate + serverName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 5966b84b8..f59098781 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -163,7 +163,8 @@ spec: this forces a new resource to be created. type: string serverNameRef: - description: Reference to a Server to populate serverName. + description: Reference to a Server in dbforpostgresql to populate + serverName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -197,7 +198,8 @@ spec: - name type: object serverNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Server to populate serverName. + description: Selector for a Server in dbforpostgresql to populate + serverName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -345,7 +347,8 @@ spec: this forces a new resource to be created. type: string serverNameRef: - description: Reference to a Server to populate serverName. + description: Reference to a Server in dbforpostgresql to populate + serverName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -379,7 +382,8 @@ spec: - name type: object serverNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Server to populate serverName. + description: Selector for a Server in dbforpostgresql to populate + serverName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index aa2c5a247..4bae99405 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -169,7 +169,8 @@ spec: this forces a new resource to be created. type: string serverNameRef: - description: Reference to a Server to populate serverName. + description: Reference to a Server in dbforpostgresql to populate + serverName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -203,7 +204,8 @@ spec: - name type: object serverNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Server to populate serverName. + description: Selector for a Server in dbforpostgresql to populate + serverName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 6c562773c..963c5244d 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -162,7 +162,8 @@ spec: this forces a new resource to be created. type: string serverNameRef: - description: Reference to a Server to populate serverName. + description: Reference to a Server in dbforpostgresql to populate + serverName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -196,7 +197,8 @@ spec: - name type: object serverNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Server to populate serverName. + description: Selector for a Server in dbforpostgresql to populate + serverName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index e7202ad2b..246071864 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -175,7 +175,8 @@ spec: to be created. type: string serverNameRef: - description: Reference to a FlexibleServer to populate serverName. + description: Reference to a FlexibleServer in dbforpostgresql + to populate serverName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -209,7 +210,8 @@ spec: - name type: object serverNameSelector: - description: Selector for a FlexibleServer to populate serverName. + description: Selector for a FlexibleServer in dbforpostgresql + to populate serverName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 5f54d3a71..f9531ea75 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -86,7 +86,8 @@ spec: Flexible Server Configuration resource. type: string serverIdRef: - description: Reference to a FlexibleServer to populate serverId. + description: Reference to a FlexibleServer in dbforpostgresql + to populate serverId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -120,7 +121,8 @@ spec: - name type: object serverIdSelector: - description: Selector for a FlexibleServer to populate serverId. + description: Selector for a FlexibleServer in dbforpostgresql + to populate serverId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -188,7 +190,8 @@ spec: Flexible Server Configuration resource. type: string serverIdRef: - description: Reference to a FlexibleServer to populate serverId. + description: Reference to a FlexibleServer in dbforpostgresql + to populate serverId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -222,7 +225,8 @@ spec: - name type: object serverIdSelector: - description: Selector for a FlexibleServer to populate serverId. + description: Selector for a FlexibleServer in dbforpostgresql + to populate serverId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 9f702e2e3..56988d09a 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -92,7 +92,8 @@ spec: to be created. type: string serverIdRef: - description: Reference to a FlexibleServer to populate serverId. + description: Reference to a FlexibleServer in dbforpostgresql + to populate serverId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -126,7 +127,8 @@ spec: - name type: object serverIdSelector: - description: Selector for a FlexibleServer to populate serverId. + description: Selector for a FlexibleServer in dbforpostgresql + to populate serverId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 6746a3c38..ae62a60e6 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -85,7 +85,8 @@ spec: be created. type: string serverIdRef: - description: Reference to a FlexibleServer to populate serverId. + description: Reference to a FlexibleServer in dbforpostgresql + to populate serverId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -119,7 +120,8 @@ spec: - name type: object serverIdSelector: - description: Selector for a FlexibleServer to populate serverId. + description: Selector for a FlexibleServer in dbforpostgresql + to populate serverId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index c19b07a60..ce7fc86fc 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -155,7 +155,8 @@ spec: a new resource to be created. type: string serverIdRef: - description: Reference to a Server to populate serverId. + description: Reference to a Server in dbforpostgresql to populate + serverId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -189,7 +190,8 @@ spec: - name type: object serverIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Server to populate serverId. + description: Selector for a Server in dbforpostgresql to populate + serverId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -324,7 +326,8 @@ spec: a new resource to be created. type: string serverIdRef: - description: Reference to a Server to populate serverId. + description: Reference to a Server in dbforpostgresql to populate + serverId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -358,7 +361,8 @@ spec: - name type: object serverIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Server to populate serverId. + description: Selector for a Server in dbforpostgresql to populate + serverId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 729217bd7..546c7a825 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -163,7 +163,8 @@ spec: a new resource to be created. type: string serverNameRef: - description: Reference to a Server to populate serverName. + description: Reference to a Server in dbforpostgresql to populate + serverName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -197,7 +198,8 @@ spec: - name type: object serverNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Server to populate serverName. + description: Selector for a Server in dbforpostgresql to populate + serverName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index d9e3aaea0..14e5319ed 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ spec: resource to be created. type: string iothubNameRef: - description: Reference to a IOTHub to populate iothubName. + description: Reference to a IOTHub in devices to populate iothubName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ spec: - name type: object iothubNameSelector: - description: Selector for a IOTHub to populate iothubName. + description: Selector for a IOTHub in devices to populate iothubName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 0ef2efc2b..a0f643248 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ spec: new resource to be created. type: string iotDpsNameRef: - description: Reference to a IOTHubDPS to populate iotDpsName. + description: Reference to a IOTHubDPS in devices to populate iotDpsName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ spec: - name type: object iotDpsNameSelector: - description: Selector for a IOTHubDPS to populate iotDpsName. + description: Selector for a IOTHubDPS in devices to populate iotDpsName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ spec: new resource to be created. type: string iotDpsNameRef: - description: Reference to a IOTHubDPS to populate iotDpsName. + description: Reference to a IOTHubDPS in devices to populate iotDpsName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ spec: - name type: object iotDpsNameSelector: - description: Selector for a IOTHubDPS to populate iotDpsName. + description: Selector for a IOTHubDPS in devices to populate iotDpsName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 5bfec3127..580ed615d 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -88,8 +88,8 @@ spec: type: string type: array endpointNamesRefs: - description: References to IOTHubEndpointStorageContainer to populate - endpointNames. + description: References to IOTHubEndpointStorageContainer in devices + to populate endpointNames. items: description: A Reference to a named object. properties: @@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ spec: type: array endpointNamesSelector: description: Selector for a list of IOTHubEndpointStorageContainer - to populate endpointNames. + in devices to populate endpointNames. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ spec: belongs. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string iothubNameRef: - description: Reference to a IOTHub to populate iothubName. + description: Reference to a IOTHub in devices to populate iothubName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ spec: - name type: object iothubNameSelector: - description: Selector for a IOTHub to populate iothubName. + description: Selector for a IOTHub in devices to populate iothubName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -360,8 +360,8 @@ spec: type: string type: array endpointNamesRefs: - description: References to IOTHubEndpointStorageContainer to populate - endpointNames. + description: References to IOTHubEndpointStorageContainer in devices + to populate endpointNames. items: description: A Reference to a named object. properties: @@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ spec: type: array endpointNamesSelector: description: Selector for a list of IOTHubEndpointStorageContainer - to populate endpointNames. + in devices to populate endpointNames. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index ae8a3b3b8..7aaa84eb8 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ spec: forces a new resource to be created. type: string eventhubNameRef: - description: Reference to a EventHub to populate eventhubName. + description: Reference to a EventHub in eventhub to populate eventhubName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ spec: - name type: object eventhubNameSelector: - description: Selector for a EventHub to populate eventhubName. + description: Selector for a EventHub in eventhub to populate eventhubName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -165,7 +165,8 @@ spec: Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string namespaceNameRef: - description: Reference to a EventHubNamespace to populate namespaceName. + description: Reference to a EventHubNamespace in eventhub to populate + namespaceName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -199,7 +200,8 @@ spec: - name type: object namespaceNameSelector: - description: Selector for a EventHubNamespace to populate namespaceName. + description: Selector for a EventHubNamespace in eventhub to populate + namespaceName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 44e1d8955..64a805ae7 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ spec: forces a new resource to be created. type: string eventhubNameRef: - description: Reference to a EventHub to populate eventhubName. + description: Reference to a EventHub in eventhub to populate eventhubName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ spec: - name type: object eventhubNameSelector: - description: Selector for a EventHub to populate eventhubName. + description: Selector for a EventHub in eventhub to populate eventhubName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -156,7 +156,8 @@ spec: Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string namespaceNameRef: - description: Reference to a EventHubNamespace to populate namespaceName. + description: Reference to a EventHubNamespace in eventhub to populate + namespaceName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -190,7 +191,8 @@ spec: - name type: object namespaceNameSelector: - description: Selector for a EventHubNamespace to populate namespaceName. + description: Selector for a EventHubNamespace in eventhub to populate + namespaceName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 6b7e08f03..4e0305b8e 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -135,7 +135,8 @@ spec: this forces a new resource to be created. type: string namespaceNameRef: - description: Reference to a EventHubNamespace to populate namespaceName. + description: Reference to a EventHubNamespace in eventhub to populate + namespaceName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -169,7 +170,8 @@ spec: - name type: object namespaceNameSelector: - description: Selector for a EventHubNamespace to populate namespaceName. + description: Selector for a EventHubNamespace in eventhub to populate + namespaceName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 8c577188d..8f4987d57 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -84,8 +84,8 @@ spec: Med Tech Service Fhir Destination. type: string destinationFhirServiceIdRef: - description: Reference to a HealthcareFHIRService to populate - destinationFhirServiceId. + description: Reference to a HealthcareFHIRService in healthcareapis + to populate destinationFhirServiceId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -119,8 +119,8 @@ spec: - name type: object destinationFhirServiceIdSelector: - description: Selector for a HealthcareFHIRService to populate - destinationFhirServiceId. + description: Selector for a HealthcareFHIRService in healthcareapis + to populate destinationFhirServiceId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -177,8 +177,8 @@ spec: Fhir Destination to be created. type: string medtechServiceIdRef: - description: Reference to a HealthcareMedtechService to populate - medtechServiceId. + description: Reference to a HealthcareMedtechService in healthcareapis + to populate medtechServiceId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -212,8 +212,8 @@ spec: - name type: object medtechServiceIdSelector: - description: Selector for a HealthcareMedtechService to populate - medtechServiceId. + description: Selector for a HealthcareMedtechService in healthcareapis + to populate medtechServiceId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -275,8 +275,8 @@ spec: Med Tech Service Fhir Destination. type: string destinationFhirServiceIdRef: - description: Reference to a HealthcareFHIRService to populate - destinationFhirServiceId. + description: Reference to a HealthcareFHIRService in healthcareapis + to populate destinationFhirServiceId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -310,8 +310,8 @@ spec: - name type: object destinationFhirServiceIdSelector: - description: Selector for a HealthcareFHIRService to populate - destinationFhirServiceId. + description: Selector for a HealthcareFHIRService in healthcareapis + to populate destinationFhirServiceId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index f05bddca0..2891fc8d3 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -350,7 +350,8 @@ spec: forces a new Healthcare Med Tech Service to be created. type: string workspaceIdRef: - description: Reference to a HealthcareWorkspace to populate workspaceId. + description: Reference to a HealthcareWorkspace in healthcareapis + to populate workspaceId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -384,7 +385,8 @@ spec: - name type: object workspaceIdSelector: - description: Selector for a HealthcareWorkspace to populate workspaceId. + description: Selector for a HealthcareWorkspace in healthcareapis + to populate workspaceId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 722071d70..59ce5e22f 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ spec: the type: string actionGroupIdRef: - description: Reference to a MonitorActionGroup to populate - actionGroupId. + description: Reference to a MonitorActionGroup in insights + to populate actionGroupId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -117,8 +117,8 @@ spec: - name type: object actionGroupIdSelector: - description: Selector for a MonitorActionGroup to populate - actionGroupId. + description: Selector for a MonitorActionGroup in insights + to populate actionGroupId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -527,8 +527,8 @@ spec: the type: string actionGroupIdRef: - description: Reference to a MonitorActionGroup to populate - actionGroupId. + description: Reference to a MonitorActionGroup in insights + to populate actionGroupId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -562,8 +562,8 @@ spec: - name type: object actionGroupIdSelector: - description: Selector for a MonitorActionGroup to populate - actionGroupId. + description: Selector for a MonitorActionGroup in insights + to populate actionGroupId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 5a568422a..c0ebbb459 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -81,7 +81,8 @@ spec: to be created. type: string linkedResourceIdRef: - description: Reference to a ApplicationInsights to populate linkedResourceId. + description: Reference to a ApplicationInsights in insights to + populate linkedResourceId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -115,7 +116,8 @@ spec: - name type: object linkedResourceIdSelector: - description: Selector for a ApplicationInsights to populate linkedResourceId. + description: Selector for a ApplicationInsights in insights to + populate linkedResourceId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -240,8 +242,8 @@ spec: Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string scopeNameRef: - description: Reference to a MonitorPrivateLinkScope to populate - scopeName. + description: Reference to a MonitorPrivateLinkScope in insights + to populate scopeName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -275,8 +277,8 @@ spec: - name type: object scopeNameSelector: - description: Selector for a MonitorPrivateLinkScope to populate - scopeName. + description: Selector for a MonitorPrivateLinkScope in insights + to populate scopeName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -336,7 +338,8 @@ spec: to be created. type: string linkedResourceIdRef: - description: Reference to a ApplicationInsights to populate linkedResourceId. + description: Reference to a ApplicationInsights in insights to + populate linkedResourceId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -370,7 +373,8 @@ spec: - name type: object linkedResourceIdSelector: - description: Selector for a ApplicationInsights to populate linkedResourceId. + description: Selector for a ApplicationInsights in insights to + populate linkedResourceId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index b577a4bab..85123c3a6 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -86,8 +86,8 @@ spec: type: array x-kubernetes-list-type: set actionGroupRefs: - description: References to MonitorActionGroup to populate - actionGroup. + description: References to MonitorActionGroup in insights + to populate actionGroup. items: description: A Reference to a named object. properties: @@ -124,8 +124,8 @@ spec: type: object type: array actionGroupSelector: - description: Selector for a list of MonitorActionGroup to - populate actionGroup. + description: Selector for a list of MonitorActionGroup in + insights to populate actionGroup. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -458,8 +458,8 @@ spec: type: array x-kubernetes-list-type: set actionGroupRefs: - description: References to MonitorActionGroup to populate - actionGroup. + description: References to MonitorActionGroup in insights + to populate actionGroup. items: description: A Reference to a named object. properties: @@ -496,8 +496,8 @@ spec: type: object type: array actionGroupSelector: - description: Selector for a list of MonitorActionGroup to - populate actionGroup. + description: Selector for a list of MonitorActionGroup in + insights to populate actionGroup. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index b4cd3e473..79c6bf061 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -296,7 +296,8 @@ spec: type: string type: array scopesRefs: - description: References to ApplicationInsights to populate scopes. + description: References to ApplicationInsights in insights to + populate scopes. items: description: A Reference to a named object. properties: @@ -333,8 +334,8 @@ spec: type: object type: array scopesSelector: - description: Selector for a list of ApplicationInsights to populate - scopes. + description: Selector for a list of ApplicationInsights in insights + to populate scopes. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -565,7 +566,8 @@ spec: type: string type: array scopesRefs: - description: References to ApplicationInsights to populate scopes. + description: References to ApplicationInsights in insights to + populate scopes. items: description: A Reference to a named object. properties: @@ -602,8 +604,8 @@ spec: type: object type: array scopesSelector: - description: Selector for a list of ApplicationInsights to populate - scopes. + description: Selector for a list of ApplicationInsights in insights + to populate scopes. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index aace46d12..688decaef 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ spec: this forces a new resource to be created. type: string keyVaultIdRef: - description: Reference to a Vault to populate keyVaultId. + description: Reference to a Vault in keyvault to populate keyVaultId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ spec: - name type: object keyVaultIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Vault to populate keyVaultId. + description: Selector for a Vault in keyvault to populate keyVaultId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ spec: this forces a new resource to be created. type: string keyVaultIdRef: - description: Reference to a Vault to populate keyVaultId. + description: Reference to a Vault in keyvault to populate keyVaultId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ spec: - name type: object keyVaultIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Vault to populate keyVaultId. + description: Selector for a Vault in keyvault to populate keyVaultId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index f122c7d1e..a7e03d9e6 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ spec: Issuer. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string keyVaultIdRef: - description: Reference to a Vault to populate keyVaultId. + description: Reference to a Vault in keyvault to populate keyVaultId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ spec: - name type: object keyVaultIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Vault to populate keyVaultId. + description: Selector for a Vault in keyvault to populate keyVaultId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ spec: Issuer. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string keyVaultIdRef: - description: Reference to a Vault to populate keyVaultId. + description: Reference to a Vault in keyvault to populate keyVaultId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ spec: - name type: object keyVaultIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Vault to populate keyVaultId. + description: Selector for a Vault in keyvault to populate keyVaultId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 0350b4ca7..ccc0971f6 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ spec: be created. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string keyVaultIdRef: - description: Reference to a Vault to populate keyVaultId. + description: Reference to a Vault in keyvault to populate keyVaultId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ spec: - name type: object keyVaultIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Vault to populate keyVaultId. + description: Selector for a Vault in keyvault to populate keyVaultId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -529,7 +529,7 @@ spec: be created. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string keyVaultIdRef: - description: Reference to a Vault to populate keyVaultId. + description: Reference to a Vault in keyvault to populate keyVaultId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -563,7 +563,7 @@ spec: - name type: object keyVaultIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Vault to populate keyVaultId. + description: Selector for a Vault in keyvault to populate keyVaultId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 273f5e98e..35795fcaa 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ spec: Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string keyVaultIdRef: - description: Reference to a Vault to populate keyVaultId. + description: Reference to a Vault in keyvault to populate keyVaultId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ spec: - name type: object keyVaultIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Vault to populate keyVaultId. + description: Selector for a Vault in keyvault to populate keyVaultId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ spec: Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string keyVaultIdRef: - description: Reference to a Vault to populate keyVaultId. + description: Reference to a Vault in keyvault to populate keyVaultId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ spec: - name type: object keyVaultIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Vault to populate keyVaultId. + description: Selector for a Vault in keyvault to populate keyVaultId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index c4658325d..4af50b54c 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ spec: to be created. type: string keyVaultIdRef: - description: Reference to a Vault to populate keyVaultId. + description: Reference to a Vault in keyvault to populate keyVaultId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ spec: - name type: object keyVaultIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Vault to populate keyVaultId. + description: Selector for a Vault in keyvault to populate keyVaultId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ spec: to be created. type: string keyVaultIdRef: - description: Reference to a Vault to populate keyVaultId. + description: Reference to a Vault in keyvault to populate keyVaultId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ spec: - name type: object keyVaultIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Vault to populate keyVaultId. + description: Selector for a Vault in keyvault to populate keyVaultId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 2b8b74721..7cd69a0ad 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -79,8 +79,8 @@ spec: description: The ID of the Managed Storage Account. type: string managedStorageAccountIdRef: - description: Reference to a ManagedStorageAccount to populate - managedStorageAccountId. + description: Reference to a ManagedStorageAccount in keyvault + to populate managedStorageAccountId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -114,8 +114,8 @@ spec: - name type: object managedStorageAccountIdSelector: - description: Selector for a ManagedStorageAccount to populate - managedStorageAccountId. + description: Selector for a ManagedStorageAccount in keyvault + to populate managedStorageAccountId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index bee6b3cf7..5d35c216c 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ spec: created. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string keyVaultIdRef: - description: Reference to a Vault to populate keyVaultId. + description: Reference to a Vault in keyvault to populate keyVaultId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ spec: - name type: object keyVaultIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Vault to populate keyVaultId. + description: Selector for a Vault in keyvault to populate keyVaultId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ spec: created. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string keyVaultIdRef: - description: Reference to a Vault to populate keyVaultId. + description: Reference to a Vault in keyvault to populate keyVaultId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ spec: - name type: object keyVaultIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Vault to populate keyVaultId. + description: Selector for a Vault in keyvault to populate keyVaultId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 906fa8297..9ef9b4bfe 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ spec: created. type: string clusterNameRef: - description: Reference to a Cluster to populate clusterName. + description: Reference to a Cluster in kusto to populate clusterName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ spec: - name type: object clusterNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Cluster to populate clusterName. + description: Selector for a Cluster in kusto to populate clusterName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 051b75080..d3e0d7c99 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -80,7 +80,8 @@ spec: with. Changing this forces a new Management to be created. type: string managementGroupIdRef: - description: Reference to a ManagementGroup to populate managementGroupId. + description: Reference to a ManagementGroup in management to populate + managementGroupId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -114,7 +115,8 @@ spec: - name type: object managementGroupIdSelector: - description: Selector for a ManagementGroup to populate managementGroupId. + description: Selector for a ManagementGroup in management to populate + managementGroupId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -253,7 +255,8 @@ spec: with. Changing this forces a new Management to be created. type: string managementGroupIdRef: - description: Reference to a ManagementGroup to populate managementGroupId. + description: Reference to a ManagementGroup in management to populate + managementGroupId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -287,7 +290,8 @@ spec: - name type: object managementGroupIdSelector: - description: Selector for a ManagementGroup to populate managementGroupId. + description: Selector for a ManagementGroup in management to populate + managementGroupId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index b103dcd01..048288930 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -87,7 +87,8 @@ spec: Changing this forces a new Media Asset to be created. type: string mediaServicesAccountNameRef: - description: Reference to a ServicesAccount to populate mediaServicesAccountName. + description: Reference to a ServicesAccount in media to populate + mediaServicesAccountName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -121,7 +122,8 @@ spec: - name type: object mediaServicesAccountNameSelector: - description: Selector for a ServicesAccount to populate mediaServicesAccountName. + description: Selector for a ServicesAccount in media to populate + mediaServicesAccountName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 62c9e09c1..c8e998596 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ spec: this forces a new Live Output to be created. type: string assetNameRef: - description: Reference to a Asset to populate assetName. + description: Reference to a Asset in media to populate assetName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ spec: - name type: object assetNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Asset to populate assetName. + description: Selector for a Asset in media to populate assetName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ spec: new Live Output to be created. type: string liveEventIdRef: - description: Reference to a LiveEvent to populate liveEventId. + description: Reference to a LiveEvent in media to populate liveEventId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ spec: - name type: object liveEventIdSelector: - description: Selector for a LiveEvent to populate liveEventId. + description: Selector for a LiveEvent in media to populate liveEventId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ spec: this forces a new Live Output to be created. type: string assetNameRef: - description: Reference to a Asset to populate assetName. + description: Reference to a Asset in media to populate assetName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ spec: - name type: object assetNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Asset to populate assetName. + description: Selector for a Asset in media to populate assetName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 3a56a61b6..d5d94cff2 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -189,7 +189,8 @@ spec: a new Live Event to be created. type: string mediaServicesAccountNameRef: - description: Reference to a ServicesAccount to populate mediaServicesAccountName. + description: Reference to a ServicesAccount in media to populate + mediaServicesAccountName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -223,7 +224,8 @@ spec: - name type: object mediaServicesAccountNameSelector: - description: Selector for a ServicesAccount to populate mediaServicesAccountName. + description: Selector for a ServicesAccount in media to populate + mediaServicesAccountName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 491622fc2..0864cbdb2 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -84,7 +84,8 @@ spec: a new Account Filter to be created. type: string mediaServicesAccountNameRef: - description: Reference to a ServicesAccount to populate mediaServicesAccountName. + description: Reference to a ServicesAccount in media to populate + mediaServicesAccountName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -118,7 +119,8 @@ spec: - name type: object mediaServicesAccountNameSelector: - description: Selector for a ServicesAccount to populate mediaServicesAccountName. + description: Selector for a ServicesAccount in media to populate + mediaServicesAccountName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 029d438b3..fa706dd98 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -160,7 +160,8 @@ spec: a new Streaming Endpoint to be created. type: string mediaServicesAccountNameRef: - description: Reference to a ServicesAccount to populate mediaServicesAccountName. + description: Reference to a ServicesAccount in media to populate + mediaServicesAccountName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -194,7 +195,8 @@ spec: - name type: object mediaServicesAccountNameSelector: - description: Selector for a ServicesAccount to populate mediaServicesAccountName. + description: Selector for a ServicesAccount in media to populate + mediaServicesAccountName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index b51b85699..1c20377cc 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ spec: Locator to be created. type: string assetNameRef: - description: Reference to a Asset to populate assetName. + description: Reference to a Asset in media to populate assetName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ spec: - name type: object assetNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Asset to populate assetName. + description: Selector for a Asset in media to populate assetName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -205,7 +205,8 @@ spec: a new Streaming Locator to be created. type: string mediaServicesAccountNameRef: - description: Reference to a ServicesAccount to populate mediaServicesAccountName. + description: Reference to a ServicesAccount in media to populate + mediaServicesAccountName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -239,7 +240,8 @@ spec: - name type: object mediaServicesAccountNameSelector: - description: Selector for a ServicesAccount to populate mediaServicesAccountName. + description: Selector for a ServicesAccount in media to populate + mediaServicesAccountName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -399,7 +401,7 @@ spec: Locator to be created. type: string assetNameRef: - description: Reference to a Asset to populate assetName. + description: Reference to a Asset in media to populate assetName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -433,7 +435,7 @@ spec: - name type: object assetNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Asset to populate assetName. + description: Selector for a Asset in media to populate assetName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 349f2d18a..b870eb88d 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -455,7 +455,8 @@ spec: a new Streaming Policy to be created. type: string mediaServicesAccountNameRef: - description: Reference to a ServicesAccount to populate mediaServicesAccountName. + description: Reference to a ServicesAccount in media to populate + mediaServicesAccountName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -489,7 +490,8 @@ spec: - name type: object mediaServicesAccountNameSelector: - description: Selector for a ServicesAccount to populate mediaServicesAccountName. + description: Selector for a ServicesAccount in media to populate + mediaServicesAccountName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 0450ade5b..4ab66e7a8 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -80,7 +80,8 @@ spec: a new Transform to be created. type: string mediaServicesAccountNameRef: - description: Reference to a ServicesAccount to populate mediaServicesAccountName. + description: Reference to a ServicesAccount in media to populate + mediaServicesAccountName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -114,7 +115,8 @@ spec: - name type: object mediaServicesAccountNameSelector: - description: Selector for a ServicesAccount to populate mediaServicesAccountName. + description: Selector for a ServicesAccount in media to populate + mediaServicesAccountName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 62e529798..aca6fab80 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ spec: to be created. type: string accountNameRef: - description: Reference to a Account to populate accountName. + description: Reference to a Account in netapp to populate accountName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ spec: - name type: object accountNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Account to populate accountName. + description: Selector for a Account in netapp to populate accountName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 9153b25a6..8523f6b19 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ spec: resource to be created. type: string accountNameRef: - description: Reference to a Account to populate accountName. + description: Reference to a Account in netapp to populate accountName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ spec: - name type: object accountNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Account to populate accountName. + description: Selector for a Account in netapp to populate accountName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 40d9e380c..b9516e944 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ spec: to be created. type: string accountNameRef: - description: Reference to a Account to populate accountName. + description: Reference to a Account in netapp to populate accountName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ spec: - name type: object accountNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Account to populate accountName. + description: Selector for a Account in netapp to populate accountName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ spec: created. type: string poolNameRef: - description: Reference to a Pool to populate poolName. + description: Reference to a Pool in netapp to populate poolName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ spec: - name type: object poolNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Pool to populate poolName. + description: Selector for a Pool in netapp to populate poolName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ spec: to be created. type: string volumeNameRef: - description: Reference to a Volume to populate volumeName. + description: Reference to a Volume in netapp to populate volumeName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ spec: - name type: object volumeNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Volume to populate volumeName. + description: Selector for a Volume in netapp to populate volumeName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 330da1293..089716217 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ spec: to be created. type: string accountNameRef: - description: Reference to a Account to populate accountName. + description: Reference to a Account in netapp to populate accountName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ spec: - name type: object accountNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Account to populate accountName. + description: Selector for a Account in netapp to populate accountName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ spec: to be created.' type: string createFromSnapshotResourceIdRef: - description: Reference to a Snapshot to populate createFromSnapshotResourceId. + description: Reference to a Snapshot in netapp to populate createFromSnapshotResourceId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ spec: - name type: object createFromSnapshotResourceIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Snapshot to populate createFromSnapshotResourceId. + description: Selector for a Snapshot in netapp to populate createFromSnapshotResourceId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -254,7 +254,8 @@ spec: description: Resource ID of the primary volume. type: string remoteVolumeResourceIdRef: - description: Reference to a Volume to populate remoteVolumeResourceId. + description: Reference to a Volume in netapp to populate + remoteVolumeResourceId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -288,7 +289,8 @@ spec: - name type: object remoteVolumeResourceIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Volume to populate remoteVolumeResourceId. + description: Selector for a Volume in netapp to populate + remoteVolumeResourceId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -343,7 +345,8 @@ spec: to the volume. type: string snapshotPolicyIdRef: - description: Reference to a SnapshotPolicy to populate snapshotPolicyId. + description: Reference to a SnapshotPolicy in netapp to + populate snapshotPolicyId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -377,7 +380,8 @@ spec: - name type: object snapshotPolicyIdSelector: - description: Selector for a SnapshotPolicy to populate snapshotPolicyId. + description: Selector for a SnapshotPolicy in netapp to + populate snapshotPolicyId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -478,7 +482,7 @@ spec: created. type: string poolNameRef: - description: Reference to a Pool to populate poolName. + description: Reference to a Pool in netapp to populate poolName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -512,7 +516,7 @@ spec: - name type: object poolNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Pool to populate poolName. + description: Selector for a Pool in netapp to populate poolName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -809,7 +813,7 @@ spec: to be created.' type: string createFromSnapshotResourceIdRef: - description: Reference to a Snapshot to populate createFromSnapshotResourceId. + description: Reference to a Snapshot in netapp to populate createFromSnapshotResourceId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -843,7 +847,7 @@ spec: - name type: object createFromSnapshotResourceIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Snapshot to populate createFromSnapshotResourceId. + description: Selector for a Snapshot in netapp to populate createFromSnapshotResourceId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -899,7 +903,8 @@ spec: description: Resource ID of the primary volume. type: string remoteVolumeResourceIdRef: - description: Reference to a Volume to populate remoteVolumeResourceId. + description: Reference to a Volume in netapp to populate + remoteVolumeResourceId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -933,7 +938,8 @@ spec: - name type: object remoteVolumeResourceIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Volume to populate remoteVolumeResourceId. + description: Selector for a Volume in netapp to populate + remoteVolumeResourceId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -988,7 +994,8 @@ spec: to the volume. type: string snapshotPolicyIdRef: - description: Reference to a SnapshotPolicy to populate snapshotPolicyId. + description: Reference to a SnapshotPolicy in netapp to + populate snapshotPolicyId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -1022,7 +1029,8 @@ spec: - name type: object snapshotPolicyIdSelector: - description: Selector for a SnapshotPolicy to populate snapshotPolicyId. + description: Selector for a SnapshotPolicy in netapp to + populate snapshotPolicyId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 6fff76903..af77a38ce 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -273,7 +273,8 @@ spec: addresses for details. type: string publicIpAddressIdRef: - description: Reference to a PublicIP to populate publicIpAddressId. + description: Reference to a PublicIP in network to populate + publicIpAddressId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -307,7 +308,8 @@ spec: - name type: object publicIpAddressIdSelector: - description: Selector for a PublicIP to populate publicIpAddressId. + description: Selector for a PublicIP in network to populate + publicIpAddressId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -350,7 +352,8 @@ spec: description: The ID of the Subnet. type: string subnetIdRef: - description: Reference to a Subnet to populate subnetId. + description: Reference to a Subnet in network to populate + subnetId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -384,7 +387,8 @@ spec: - name type: object subnetIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Subnet to populate subnetId. + description: Selector for a Subnet in network to populate + subnetId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -656,7 +660,8 @@ spec: configuration should connect to. type: string subnetIdRef: - description: Reference to a Subnet to populate subnetId. + description: Reference to a Subnet in network to populate + subnetId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -690,7 +695,8 @@ spec: - name type: object subnetIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Subnet to populate subnetId. + description: Selector for a Subnet in network to populate + subnetId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -1694,7 +1700,8 @@ spec: addresses for details. type: string publicIpAddressIdRef: - description: Reference to a PublicIP to populate publicIpAddressId. + description: Reference to a PublicIP in network to populate + publicIpAddressId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -1728,7 +1735,8 @@ spec: - name type: object publicIpAddressIdSelector: - description: Selector for a PublicIP to populate publicIpAddressId. + description: Selector for a PublicIP in network to populate + publicIpAddressId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -1771,7 +1779,8 @@ spec: description: The ID of the Subnet. type: string subnetIdRef: - description: Reference to a Subnet to populate subnetId. + description: Reference to a Subnet in network to populate + subnetId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -1805,7 +1814,8 @@ spec: - name type: object subnetIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Subnet to populate subnetId. + description: Selector for a Subnet in network to populate + subnetId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -2077,7 +2087,8 @@ spec: configuration should connect to. type: string subnetIdRef: - description: Reference to a Subnet to populate subnetId. + description: Reference to a Subnet in network to populate + subnetId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -2111,7 +2122,8 @@ spec: - name type: object subnetIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Subnet to populate subnetId. + description: Selector for a Subnet in network to populate + subnetId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 08ea1a134..322e45e94 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ spec: a new resource to be created. type: string networkWatcherIdRef: - description: Reference to a Watcher to populate networkWatcherId. + description: Reference to a Watcher in network to populate networkWatcherId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ spec: - name type: object networkWatcherIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Watcher to populate networkWatcherId. + description: Selector for a Watcher in network to populate networkWatcherId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index ff2bb88ce..425b7d366 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ spec: Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string zoneNameRef: - description: Reference to a DNSZone to populate zoneName. + description: Reference to a DNSZone in network to populate zoneName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ spec: - name type: object zoneNameSelector: - description: Selector for a DNSZone to populate zoneName. + description: Selector for a DNSZone in network to populate zoneName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index f3bf2d7d6..61c910d72 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ spec: Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string zoneNameRef: - description: Reference to a DNSZone to populate zoneName. + description: Reference to a DNSZone in network to populate zoneName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ spec: - name type: object zoneNameSelector: - description: Selector for a DNSZone to populate zoneName. + description: Selector for a DNSZone in network to populate zoneName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 35cae401b..e481a6757 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ spec: Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string zoneNameRef: - description: Reference to a DNSZone to populate zoneName. + description: Reference to a DNSZone in network to populate zoneName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ spec: - name type: object zoneNameSelector: - description: Selector for a DNSZone to populate zoneName. + description: Selector for a DNSZone in network to populate zoneName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 567a4c39d..03b025411 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ spec: Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string zoneNameRef: - description: Reference to a DNSZone to populate zoneName. + description: Reference to a DNSZone in network to populate zoneName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ spec: - name type: object zoneNameSelector: - description: Selector for a DNSZone to populate zoneName. + description: Selector for a DNSZone in network to populate zoneName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 0b0b0573f..16f5401ea 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ spec: Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string zoneNameRef: - description: Reference to a DNSZone to populate zoneName. + description: Reference to a DNSZone in network to populate zoneName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ spec: - name type: object zoneNameSelector: - description: Selector for a DNSZone to populate zoneName. + description: Selector for a DNSZone in network to populate zoneName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 472c555c4..ae4f866cb 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ spec: Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string zoneNameRef: - description: Reference to a DNSZone to populate zoneName. + description: Reference to a DNSZone in network to populate zoneName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ spec: - name type: object zoneNameSelector: - description: Selector for a DNSZone to populate zoneName. + description: Selector for a DNSZone in network to populate zoneName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index ed01fe977..eaba2de56 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ spec: Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string zoneNameRef: - description: Reference to a DNSZone to populate zoneName. + description: Reference to a DNSZone in network to populate zoneName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ spec: - name type: object zoneNameSelector: - description: Selector for a DNSZone to populate zoneName. + description: Selector for a DNSZone in network to populate zoneName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index a95f90299..c983511e6 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ spec: Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string zoneNameRef: - description: Reference to a DNSZone to populate zoneName. + description: Reference to a DNSZone in network to populate zoneName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ spec: - name type: object zoneNameSelector: - description: Selector for a DNSZone to populate zoneName. + description: Selector for a DNSZone in network to populate zoneName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index b08a4e227..5e24bf7c2 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ spec: Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string zoneNameRef: - description: Reference to a DNSZone to populate zoneName. + description: Reference to a DNSZone in network to populate zoneName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ spec: - name type: object zoneNameSelector: - description: Selector for a DNSZone to populate zoneName. + description: Selector for a DNSZone in network to populate zoneName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index b4caf1261..6ae370bc4 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -80,7 +80,8 @@ spec: to be created. type: string expressRouteCircuitNameRef: - description: Reference to a ExpressRouteCircuit to populate expressRouteCircuitName. + description: Reference to a ExpressRouteCircuit in network to + populate expressRouteCircuitName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -114,7 +115,8 @@ spec: - name type: object expressRouteCircuitNameSelector: - description: Selector for a ExpressRouteCircuit to populate expressRouteCircuitName. + description: Selector for a ExpressRouteCircuit in network to + populate expressRouteCircuitName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 3de0a9444..d85596bc9 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -107,8 +107,8 @@ spec: to be created. type: string peerPeeringIdRef: - description: Reference to a ExpressRouteCircuitPeering to populate - peerPeeringId. + description: Reference to a ExpressRouteCircuitPeering in network + to populate peerPeeringId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -142,8 +142,8 @@ spec: - name type: object peerPeeringIdSelector: - description: Selector for a ExpressRouteCircuitPeering to populate - peerPeeringId. + description: Selector for a ExpressRouteCircuitPeering in network + to populate peerPeeringId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -188,8 +188,8 @@ spec: this forces a new Express Route Circuit Connection to be created. type: string peeringIdRef: - description: Reference to a ExpressRouteCircuitPeering to populate - peeringId. + description: Reference to a ExpressRouteCircuitPeering in network + to populate peeringId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -223,8 +223,8 @@ spec: - name type: object peeringIdSelector: - description: Selector for a ExpressRouteCircuitPeering to populate - peeringId. + description: Selector for a ExpressRouteCircuitPeering in network + to populate peeringId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -292,8 +292,8 @@ spec: to be created. type: string peerPeeringIdRef: - description: Reference to a ExpressRouteCircuitPeering to populate - peerPeeringId. + description: Reference to a ExpressRouteCircuitPeering in network + to populate peerPeeringId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -327,8 +327,8 @@ spec: - name type: object peerPeeringIdSelector: - description: Selector for a ExpressRouteCircuitPeering to populate - peerPeeringId. + description: Selector for a ExpressRouteCircuitPeering in network + to populate peerPeeringId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index a488420fe..3419f295a 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -80,7 +80,8 @@ spec: created. type: string expressRouteCircuitNameRef: - description: Reference to a ExpressRouteCircuit to populate expressRouteCircuitName. + description: Reference to a ExpressRouteCircuit in network to + populate expressRouteCircuitName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -114,7 +115,8 @@ spec: - name type: object expressRouteCircuitNameSelector: - description: Selector for a ExpressRouteCircuit to populate expressRouteCircuitName. + description: Selector for a ExpressRouteCircuit in network to + populate expressRouteCircuitName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 6b50e1ac3..0b9f900b0 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ spec: a new resource to be created. type: string expressRouteCircuitPeeringIdRef: - description: Reference to a ExpressRouteCircuitPeering to populate - expressRouteCircuitPeeringId. + description: Reference to a ExpressRouteCircuitPeering in network + to populate expressRouteCircuitPeeringId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -122,8 +122,8 @@ spec: - name type: object expressRouteCircuitPeeringIdSelector: - description: Selector for a ExpressRouteCircuitPeering to populate - expressRouteCircuitPeeringId. + description: Selector for a ExpressRouteCircuitPeering in network + to populate expressRouteCircuitPeeringId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -172,7 +172,8 @@ spec: to be created. type: string expressRouteGatewayIdRef: - description: Reference to a ExpressRouteGateway to populate expressRouteGatewayId. + description: Reference to a ExpressRouteGateway in network to + populate expressRouteGatewayId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -206,7 +207,8 @@ spec: - name type: object expressRouteGatewayIdSelector: - description: Selector for a ExpressRouteGateway to populate expressRouteGatewayId. + description: Selector for a ExpressRouteGateway in network to + populate expressRouteGatewayId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -316,8 +318,8 @@ spec: a new resource to be created. type: string expressRouteCircuitPeeringIdRef: - description: Reference to a ExpressRouteCircuitPeering to populate - expressRouteCircuitPeeringId. + description: Reference to a ExpressRouteCircuitPeering in network + to populate expressRouteCircuitPeeringId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -351,8 +353,8 @@ spec: - name type: object expressRouteCircuitPeeringIdSelector: - description: Selector for a ExpressRouteCircuitPeering to populate - expressRouteCircuitPeeringId. + description: Selector for a ExpressRouteCircuitPeering in network + to populate expressRouteCircuitPeeringId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index eb23666cd..efe14c977 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -179,7 +179,8 @@ spec: to be created. type: string virtualHubIdRef: - description: Reference to a VirtualHub to populate virtualHubId. + description: Reference to a VirtualHub in network to populate + virtualHubId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -213,7 +214,8 @@ spec: - name type: object virtualHubIdSelector: - description: Selector for a VirtualHub to populate virtualHubId. + description: Selector for a VirtualHub in network to populate + virtualHubId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -291,7 +293,8 @@ spec: to be created. type: string virtualHubIdRef: - description: Reference to a VirtualHub to populate virtualHubId. + description: Reference to a VirtualHub in network to populate + virtualHubId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -325,7 +328,8 @@ spec: - name type: object virtualHubIdSelector: - description: Selector for a VirtualHub to populate virtualHubId. + description: Selector for a VirtualHub in network to populate + virtualHubId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 9b42d19b2..b2de254f6 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ spec: resource to be created. type: string azureFirewallNameRef: - description: Reference to a Firewall to populate azureFirewallName. + description: Reference to a Firewall in network to populate azureFirewallName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ spec: - name type: object azureFirewallNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Firewall to populate azureFirewallName. + description: Selector for a Firewall in network to populate azureFirewallName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index c4dd6cce5..be87e4c4d 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ spec: resource to be created. type: string azureFirewallNameRef: - description: Reference to a Firewall to populate azureFirewallName. + description: Reference to a Firewall in network to populate azureFirewallName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ spec: - name type: object azureFirewallNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Firewall to populate azureFirewallName. + description: Selector for a Firewall in network to populate azureFirewallName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 02aea23f1..c88e379a3 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ spec: resource to be created. type: string azureFirewallNameRef: - description: Reference to a Firewall to populate azureFirewallName. + description: Reference to a Firewall in network to populate azureFirewallName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ spec: - name type: object azureFirewallNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Firewall to populate azureFirewallName. + description: Selector for a Firewall in network to populate azureFirewallName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 8f232cf9f..7bd2249fc 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -193,7 +193,8 @@ spec: a new Firewall Policy Rule Collection Group to be created. type: string firewallPolicyIdRef: - description: Reference to a FirewallPolicy to populate firewallPolicyId. + description: Reference to a FirewallPolicy in network to populate + firewallPolicyId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -227,7 +228,8 @@ spec: - name type: object firewallPolicyIdSelector: - description: Selector for a FirewallPolicy to populate firewallPolicyId. + description: Selector for a FirewallPolicy in network to populate + firewallPolicyId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index a2742c759..a45136e90 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -99,7 +99,8 @@ spec: with the firewall. type: string publicIpAddressIdRef: - description: Reference to a PublicIP to populate publicIpAddressId. + description: Reference to a PublicIP in network to populate + publicIpAddressId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -133,7 +134,8 @@ spec: - name type: object publicIpAddressIdSelector: - description: Selector for a PublicIP to populate publicIpAddressId. + description: Selector for a PublicIP in network to populate + publicIpAddressId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -178,7 +180,8 @@ spec: to be created. type: string subnetIdRef: - description: Reference to a Subnet to populate subnetId. + description: Reference to a Subnet in network to populate + subnetId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -212,7 +215,8 @@ spec: - name type: object subnetIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Subnet to populate subnetId. + description: Selector for a Subnet in network to populate + subnetId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -278,7 +282,8 @@ spec: to be created. type: string subnetIdRef: - description: Reference to a Subnet to populate subnetId. + description: Reference to a Subnet in network to populate + subnetId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -312,7 +317,8 @@ spec: - name type: object subnetIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Subnet to populate subnetId. + description: Selector for a Subnet in network to populate + subnetId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -523,7 +529,8 @@ spec: with the firewall. type: string publicIpAddressIdRef: - description: Reference to a PublicIP to populate publicIpAddressId. + description: Reference to a PublicIP in network to populate + publicIpAddressId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -557,7 +564,8 @@ spec: - name type: object publicIpAddressIdSelector: - description: Selector for a PublicIP to populate publicIpAddressId. + description: Selector for a PublicIP in network to populate + publicIpAddressId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -602,7 +610,8 @@ spec: to be created. type: string subnetIdRef: - description: Reference to a Subnet to populate subnetId. + description: Reference to a Subnet in network to populate + subnetId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -636,7 +645,8 @@ spec: - name type: object subnetIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Subnet to populate subnetId. + description: Selector for a Subnet in network to populate + subnetId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -702,7 +712,8 @@ spec: to be created. type: string subnetIdRef: - description: Reference to a Subnet to populate subnetId. + description: Reference to a Subnet in network to populate + subnetId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -736,7 +747,8 @@ spec: - name type: object subnetIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Subnet to populate subnetId. + description: Selector for a Subnet in network to populate + subnetId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 5c99b48b7..3b8144b28 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ spec: forces a new resource to be created. type: string frontdoorNameRef: - description: Reference to a FrontDoor to populate frontdoorName. + description: Reference to a FrontDoor in network to populate frontdoorName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ spec: - name type: object frontdoorNameSelector: - description: Selector for a FrontDoor to populate frontdoorName. + description: Selector for a FrontDoor in network to populate frontdoorName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 24d20bf2c..186fad5da 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -84,8 +84,8 @@ spec: forces a new Backend Address Pool Address to be created. type: string backendAddressPoolIdRef: - description: Reference to a LoadBalancerBackendAddressPool to - populate backendAddressPoolId. + description: Reference to a LoadBalancerBackendAddressPool in + network to populate backendAddressPoolId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -119,8 +119,8 @@ spec: - name type: object backendAddressPoolIdSelector: - description: Selector for a LoadBalancerBackendAddressPool to - populate backendAddressPoolId. + description: Selector for a LoadBalancerBackendAddressPool in + network to populate backendAddressPoolId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -169,7 +169,8 @@ spec: For regional load balancer, user needs to specify `virtual_network_id` and `ip_address` type: string virtualNetworkIdRef: - description: Reference to a VirtualNetwork to populate virtualNetworkId. + description: Reference to a VirtualNetwork in network to populate + virtualNetworkId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -203,7 +204,8 @@ spec: - name type: object virtualNetworkIdSelector: - description: Selector for a VirtualNetwork to populate virtualNetworkId. + description: Selector for a VirtualNetwork in network to populate + virtualNetworkId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -271,7 +273,8 @@ spec: For regional load balancer, user needs to specify `virtual_network_id` and `ip_address` type: string virtualNetworkIdRef: - description: Reference to a VirtualNetwork to populate virtualNetworkId. + description: Reference to a VirtualNetwork in network to populate + virtualNetworkId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -305,7 +308,8 @@ spec: - name type: object virtualNetworkIdSelector: - description: Selector for a VirtualNetwork to populate virtualNetworkId. + description: Selector for a VirtualNetwork in network to populate + virtualNetworkId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 1e7df7959..87dfbcd6f 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -80,7 +80,8 @@ spec: be created. type: string loadbalancerIdRef: - description: Reference to a LoadBalancer to populate loadbalancerId. + description: Reference to a LoadBalancer in network to populate + loadbalancerId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -114,7 +115,8 @@ spec: - name type: object loadbalancerIdSelector: - description: Selector for a LoadBalancer to populate loadbalancerId. + description: Selector for a LoadBalancer in network to populate + loadbalancerId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index e6aac5a38..3727be5ee 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -108,7 +108,8 @@ spec: NAT pool. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string loadbalancerIdRef: - description: Reference to a LoadBalancer to populate loadbalancerId. + description: Reference to a LoadBalancer in network to populate + loadbalancerId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -142,7 +143,8 @@ spec: - name type: object loadbalancerIdSelector: - description: Selector for a LoadBalancer to populate loadbalancerId. + description: Selector for a LoadBalancer in network to populate + loadbalancerId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index a313430fb..7db88c4ac 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -197,7 +197,8 @@ spec: NAT Rule. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string loadbalancerIdRef: - description: Reference to a LoadBalancer to populate loadbalancerId. + description: Reference to a LoadBalancer in network to populate + loadbalancerId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -231,7 +232,8 @@ spec: - name type: object loadbalancerIdSelector: - description: Selector for a LoadBalancer to populate loadbalancerId. + description: Selector for a LoadBalancer in network to populate + loadbalancerId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index f4f1707d4..5e95aef67 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -83,8 +83,8 @@ spec: is randomly load balanced across IPs in the backend IPs. type: string backendAddressPoolIdRef: - description: Reference to a LoadBalancerBackendAddressPool to - populate backendAddressPoolId. + description: Reference to a LoadBalancerBackendAddressPool in + network to populate backendAddressPoolId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -118,8 +118,8 @@ spec: - name type: object backendAddressPoolIdSelector: - description: Selector for a LoadBalancerBackendAddressPool to - populate backendAddressPoolId. + description: Selector for a LoadBalancerBackendAddressPool in + network to populate backendAddressPoolId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -182,7 +182,8 @@ spec: Outbound Rule. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string loadbalancerIdRef: - description: Reference to a LoadBalancer to populate loadbalancerId. + description: Reference to a LoadBalancer in network to populate + loadbalancerId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -216,7 +217,8 @@ spec: - name type: object loadbalancerIdSelector: - description: Selector for a LoadBalancer to populate loadbalancerId. + description: Selector for a LoadBalancer in network to populate + loadbalancerId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -282,8 +284,8 @@ spec: is randomly load balanced across IPs in the backend IPs. type: string backendAddressPoolIdRef: - description: Reference to a LoadBalancerBackendAddressPool to - populate backendAddressPoolId. + description: Reference to a LoadBalancerBackendAddressPool in + network to populate backendAddressPoolId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -317,8 +319,8 @@ spec: - name type: object backendAddressPoolIdSelector: - description: Selector for a LoadBalancerBackendAddressPool to - populate backendAddressPoolId. + description: Selector for a LoadBalancerBackendAddressPool in + network to populate backendAddressPoolId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index d325acff1..a9f009884 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -83,7 +83,8 @@ spec: Probe. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string loadbalancerIdRef: - description: Reference to a LoadBalancer to populate loadbalancerId. + description: Reference to a LoadBalancer in network to populate + loadbalancerId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -117,7 +118,8 @@ spec: - name type: object loadbalancerIdSelector: - description: Selector for a LoadBalancer to populate loadbalancerId. + description: Selector for a LoadBalancer in network to populate + loadbalancerId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index ee102c673..d1598f8af 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -128,7 +128,8 @@ spec: Rule. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string loadbalancerIdRef: - description: Reference to a LoadBalancer to populate loadbalancerId. + description: Reference to a LoadBalancer in network to populate + loadbalancerId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -162,7 +163,8 @@ spec: - name type: object loadbalancerIdSelector: - description: Selector for a LoadBalancer to populate loadbalancerId. + description: Selector for a LoadBalancer in network to populate + loadbalancerId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index c7f68a23a..3aa2e025e 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -109,7 +109,8 @@ spec: be associated with the Load Balancer. type: string publicIpAddressIdRef: - description: Reference to a PublicIP to populate publicIpAddressId. + description: Reference to a PublicIP in network to populate + publicIpAddressId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -143,7 +144,8 @@ spec: - name type: object publicIpAddressIdSelector: - description: Selector for a PublicIP to populate publicIpAddressId. + description: Selector for a PublicIP in network to populate + publicIpAddressId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -192,7 +194,8 @@ spec: with the IP Configuration. type: string subnetIdRef: - description: Reference to a Subnet to populate subnetId. + description: Reference to a Subnet in network to populate + subnetId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -226,7 +229,8 @@ spec: - name type: object subnetIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Subnet to populate subnetId. + description: Selector for a Subnet in network to populate + subnetId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -426,7 +430,8 @@ spec: be associated with the Load Balancer. type: string publicIpAddressIdRef: - description: Reference to a PublicIP to populate publicIpAddressId. + description: Reference to a PublicIP in network to populate + publicIpAddressId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -460,7 +465,8 @@ spec: - name type: object publicIpAddressIdSelector: - description: Selector for a PublicIP to populate publicIpAddressId. + description: Selector for a PublicIP in network to populate + publicIpAddressId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -509,7 +515,8 @@ spec: with the IP Configuration. type: string subnetIdRef: - description: Reference to a Subnet to populate subnetId. + description: Reference to a Subnet in network to populate + subnetId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -543,7 +550,8 @@ spec: - name type: object subnetIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Subnet to populate subnetId. + description: Selector for a Subnet in network to populate + subnetId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 12b73748e..911b7ecd8 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -159,7 +159,8 @@ spec: Manager Static Member to be created. type: string targetVirtualNetworkIdRef: - description: Reference to a VirtualNetwork to populate targetVirtualNetworkId. + description: Reference to a VirtualNetwork in network to populate + targetVirtualNetworkId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -193,7 +194,8 @@ spec: - name type: object targetVirtualNetworkIdSelector: - description: Selector for a VirtualNetwork to populate targetVirtualNetworkId. + description: Selector for a VirtualNetwork in network to populate + targetVirtualNetworkId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -252,7 +254,8 @@ spec: Manager Static Member to be created. type: string targetVirtualNetworkIdRef: - description: Reference to a VirtualNetwork to populate targetVirtualNetworkId. + description: Reference to a VirtualNetwork in network to populate + targetVirtualNetworkId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -286,7 +289,8 @@ spec: - name type: object targetVirtualNetworkIdSelector: - description: Selector for a VirtualNetwork to populate targetVirtualNetworkId. + description: Selector for a VirtualNetwork in network to populate + targetVirtualNetworkId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 6205743b1..525fc47b6 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -79,7 +79,8 @@ spec: new resource to be created. type: string natGatewayIdRef: - description: Reference to a NATGateway to populate natGatewayId. + description: Reference to a NATGateway in network to populate + natGatewayId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -113,7 +114,8 @@ spec: - name type: object natGatewayIdSelector: - description: Selector for a NATGateway to populate natGatewayId. + description: Selector for a NATGateway in network to populate + natGatewayId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -158,7 +160,7 @@ spec: to be created. type: string publicIpAddressIdRef: - description: Reference to a PublicIP to populate publicIpAddressId. + description: Reference to a PublicIP in network to populate publicIpAddressId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -192,7 +194,7 @@ spec: - name type: object publicIpAddressIdSelector: - description: Selector for a PublicIP to populate publicIpAddressId. + description: Selector for a PublicIP in network to populate publicIpAddressId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -250,7 +252,8 @@ spec: new resource to be created. type: string natGatewayIdRef: - description: Reference to a NATGateway to populate natGatewayId. + description: Reference to a NATGateway in network to populate + natGatewayId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -284,7 +287,8 @@ spec: - name type: object natGatewayIdSelector: - description: Selector for a NATGateway to populate natGatewayId. + description: Selector for a NATGateway in network to populate + natGatewayId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -329,7 +333,7 @@ spec: to be created. type: string publicIpAddressIdRef: - description: Reference to a PublicIP to populate publicIpAddressId. + description: Reference to a PublicIP in network to populate publicIpAddressId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -363,7 +367,7 @@ spec: - name type: object publicIpAddressIdSelector: - description: Selector for a PublicIP to populate publicIpAddressId. + description: Selector for a PublicIP in network to populate publicIpAddressId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index e62f87da5..eee56e0f5 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -79,7 +79,8 @@ spec: new resource to be created. type: string natGatewayIdRef: - description: Reference to a NATGateway to populate natGatewayId. + description: Reference to a NATGateway in network to populate + natGatewayId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -113,7 +114,8 @@ spec: - name type: object natGatewayIdSelector: - description: Selector for a NATGateway to populate natGatewayId. + description: Selector for a NATGateway in network to populate + natGatewayId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -158,7 +160,8 @@ spec: to be created. type: string publicIpPrefixIdRef: - description: Reference to a PublicIPPrefix to populate publicIpPrefixId. + description: Reference to a PublicIPPrefix in network to populate + publicIpPrefixId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -192,7 +195,8 @@ spec: - name type: object publicIpPrefixIdSelector: - description: Selector for a PublicIPPrefix to populate publicIpPrefixId. + description: Selector for a PublicIPPrefix in network to populate + publicIpPrefixId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -250,7 +254,8 @@ spec: new resource to be created. type: string natGatewayIdRef: - description: Reference to a NATGateway to populate natGatewayId. + description: Reference to a NATGateway in network to populate + natGatewayId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -284,7 +289,8 @@ spec: - name type: object natGatewayIdSelector: - description: Selector for a NATGateway to populate natGatewayId. + description: Selector for a NATGateway in network to populate + natGatewayId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -329,7 +335,8 @@ spec: to be created. type: string publicIpPrefixIdRef: - description: Reference to a PublicIPPrefix to populate publicIpPrefixId. + description: Reference to a PublicIPPrefix in network to populate + publicIpPrefixId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -363,7 +370,8 @@ spec: - name type: object publicIpPrefixIdSelector: - description: Selector for a PublicIPPrefix to populate publicIpPrefixId. + description: Selector for a PublicIPPrefix in network to populate + publicIpPrefixId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index beb78f238..b8a7d7843 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -81,8 +81,8 @@ spec: forces a new resource to be created. type: string applicationSecurityGroupIdRef: - description: Reference to a ApplicationSecurityGroup to populate - applicationSecurityGroupId. + description: Reference to a ApplicationSecurityGroup in network + to populate applicationSecurityGroupId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -116,8 +116,8 @@ spec: - name type: object applicationSecurityGroupIdSelector: - description: Selector for a ApplicationSecurityGroup to populate - applicationSecurityGroupId. + description: Selector for a ApplicationSecurityGroup in network + to populate applicationSecurityGroupId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -161,7 +161,8 @@ spec: a new resource to be created. type: string networkInterfaceIdRef: - description: Reference to a NetworkInterface to populate networkInterfaceId. + description: Reference to a NetworkInterface in network to populate + networkInterfaceId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -195,7 +196,8 @@ spec: - name type: object networkInterfaceIdSelector: - description: Selector for a NetworkInterface to populate networkInterfaceId. + description: Selector for a NetworkInterface in network to populate + networkInterfaceId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -254,8 +256,8 @@ spec: forces a new resource to be created. type: string applicationSecurityGroupIdRef: - description: Reference to a ApplicationSecurityGroup to populate - applicationSecurityGroupId. + description: Reference to a ApplicationSecurityGroup in network + to populate applicationSecurityGroupId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -289,8 +291,8 @@ spec: - name type: object applicationSecurityGroupIdSelector: - description: Selector for a ApplicationSecurityGroup to populate - applicationSecurityGroupId. + description: Selector for a ApplicationSecurityGroup in network + to populate applicationSecurityGroupId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -334,7 +336,8 @@ spec: a new resource to be created. type: string networkInterfaceIdRef: - description: Reference to a NetworkInterface to populate networkInterfaceId. + description: Reference to a NetworkInterface in network to populate + networkInterfaceId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -368,7 +371,8 @@ spec: - name type: object networkInterfaceIdSelector: - description: Selector for a NetworkInterface to populate networkInterfaceId. + description: Selector for a NetworkInterface in network to populate + networkInterfaceId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 024b2248e..0f25d0dcb 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -81,8 +81,8 @@ spec: this forces a new resource to be created. type: string backendAddressPoolIdRef: - description: Reference to a LoadBalancerBackendAddressPool to - populate backendAddressPoolId. + description: Reference to a LoadBalancerBackendAddressPool in + network to populate backendAddressPoolId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -116,8 +116,8 @@ spec: - name type: object backendAddressPoolIdSelector: - description: Selector for a LoadBalancerBackendAddressPool to - populate backendAddressPoolId. + description: Selector for a LoadBalancerBackendAddressPool in + network to populate backendAddressPoolId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -166,7 +166,8 @@ spec: a new resource to be created. type: string networkInterfaceIdRef: - description: Reference to a NetworkInterface to populate networkInterfaceId. + description: Reference to a NetworkInterface in network to populate + networkInterfaceId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -200,7 +201,8 @@ spec: - name type: object networkInterfaceIdSelector: - description: Selector for a NetworkInterface to populate networkInterfaceId. + description: Selector for a NetworkInterface in network to populate + networkInterfaceId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -259,8 +261,8 @@ spec: this forces a new resource to be created. type: string backendAddressPoolIdRef: - description: Reference to a LoadBalancerBackendAddressPool to - populate backendAddressPoolId. + description: Reference to a LoadBalancerBackendAddressPool in + network to populate backendAddressPoolId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -294,8 +296,8 @@ spec: - name type: object backendAddressPoolIdSelector: - description: Selector for a LoadBalancerBackendAddressPool to - populate backendAddressPoolId. + description: Selector for a LoadBalancerBackendAddressPool in + network to populate backendAddressPoolId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -344,7 +346,8 @@ spec: a new resource to be created. type: string networkInterfaceIdRef: - description: Reference to a NetworkInterface to populate networkInterfaceId. + description: Reference to a NetworkInterface in network to populate + networkInterfaceId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -378,7 +381,8 @@ spec: - name type: object networkInterfaceIdSelector: - description: Selector for a NetworkInterface to populate networkInterfaceId. + description: Selector for a NetworkInterface in network to populate + networkInterfaceId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 17c7715df..f6e698418 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -86,7 +86,8 @@ spec: a new resource to be created. type: string natRuleIdRef: - description: Reference to a LoadBalancerNatRule to populate natRuleId. + description: Reference to a LoadBalancerNatRule in network to + populate natRuleId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -120,7 +121,8 @@ spec: - name type: object natRuleIdSelector: - description: Selector for a LoadBalancerNatRule to populate natRuleId. + description: Selector for a LoadBalancerNatRule in network to + populate natRuleId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -164,7 +166,8 @@ spec: a new resource to be created. type: string networkInterfaceIdRef: - description: Reference to a NetworkInterface to populate networkInterfaceId. + description: Reference to a NetworkInterface in network to populate + networkInterfaceId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -198,7 +201,8 @@ spec: - name type: object networkInterfaceIdSelector: - description: Selector for a NetworkInterface to populate networkInterfaceId. + description: Selector for a NetworkInterface in network to populate + networkInterfaceId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -262,7 +266,8 @@ spec: a new resource to be created. type: string natRuleIdRef: - description: Reference to a LoadBalancerNatRule to populate natRuleId. + description: Reference to a LoadBalancerNatRule in network to + populate natRuleId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -296,7 +301,8 @@ spec: - name type: object natRuleIdSelector: - description: Selector for a LoadBalancerNatRule to populate natRuleId. + description: Selector for a LoadBalancerNatRule in network to + populate natRuleId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -340,7 +346,8 @@ spec: a new resource to be created. type: string networkInterfaceIdRef: - description: Reference to a NetworkInterface to populate networkInterfaceId. + description: Reference to a NetworkInterface in network to populate + networkInterfaceId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -374,7 +381,8 @@ spec: - name type: object networkInterfaceIdSelector: - description: Selector for a NetworkInterface to populate networkInterfaceId. + description: Selector for a NetworkInterface in network to populate + networkInterfaceId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index d88e97372..886148ec3 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -80,7 +80,8 @@ spec: a new resource to be created. type: string networkInterfaceIdRef: - description: Reference to a NetworkInterface to populate networkInterfaceId. + description: Reference to a NetworkInterface in network to populate + networkInterfaceId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -114,7 +115,8 @@ spec: - name type: object networkInterfaceIdSelector: - description: Selector for a NetworkInterface to populate networkInterfaceId. + description: Selector for a NetworkInterface in network to populate + networkInterfaceId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -159,7 +161,8 @@ spec: new resource to be created. type: string networkSecurityGroupIdRef: - description: Reference to a SecurityGroup to populate networkSecurityGroupId. + description: Reference to a SecurityGroup in network to populate + networkSecurityGroupId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -193,7 +196,8 @@ spec: - name type: object networkSecurityGroupIdSelector: - description: Selector for a SecurityGroup to populate networkSecurityGroupId. + description: Selector for a SecurityGroup in network to populate + networkSecurityGroupId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -251,7 +255,8 @@ spec: a new resource to be created. type: string networkInterfaceIdRef: - description: Reference to a NetworkInterface to populate networkInterfaceId. + description: Reference to a NetworkInterface in network to populate + networkInterfaceId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -285,7 +290,8 @@ spec: - name type: object networkInterfaceIdSelector: - description: Selector for a NetworkInterface to populate networkInterfaceId. + description: Selector for a NetworkInterface in network to populate + networkInterfaceId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -330,7 +336,8 @@ spec: new resource to be created. type: string networkSecurityGroupIdRef: - description: Reference to a SecurityGroup to populate networkSecurityGroupId. + description: Reference to a SecurityGroup in network to populate + networkSecurityGroupId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -364,7 +371,8 @@ spec: - name type: object networkSecurityGroupIdSelector: - description: Selector for a SecurityGroup to populate networkSecurityGroupId. + description: Selector for a SecurityGroup in network to populate + networkSecurityGroupId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index e892b483f..840db9875 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ spec: a new resource to be created. type: string networkWatcherNameRef: - description: Reference to a Watcher to populate networkWatcherName. + description: Reference to a Watcher in network to populate networkWatcherName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ spec: - name type: object networkWatcherNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Watcher to populate networkWatcherName. + description: Selector for a Watcher in network to populate networkWatcherName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index b2238989f..e081e938b 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -256,7 +256,8 @@ spec: to be created. type: string virtualHubIdRef: - description: Reference to a VirtualHub to populate virtualHubId. + description: Reference to a VirtualHub in network to populate + virtualHubId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -290,7 +291,8 @@ spec: - name type: object virtualHubIdSelector: - description: Selector for a VirtualHub to populate virtualHubId. + description: Selector for a VirtualHub in network to populate + virtualHubId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -335,8 +337,8 @@ spec: new resource to be created. type: string vpnServerConfigurationIdRef: - description: Reference to a VPNServerConfiguration to populate - vpnServerConfigurationId. + description: Reference to a VPNServerConfiguration in network + to populate vpnServerConfigurationId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -370,8 +372,8 @@ spec: - name type: object vpnServerConfigurationIdSelector: - description: Selector for a VPNServerConfiguration to populate - vpnServerConfigurationId. + description: Selector for a VPNServerConfiguration in network + to populate vpnServerConfigurationId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -526,7 +528,8 @@ spec: to be created. type: string virtualHubIdRef: - description: Reference to a VirtualHub to populate virtualHubId. + description: Reference to a VirtualHub in network to populate + virtualHubId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -560,7 +563,8 @@ spec: - name type: object virtualHubIdSelector: - description: Selector for a VirtualHub to populate virtualHubId. + description: Selector for a VirtualHub in network to populate + virtualHubId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -605,8 +609,8 @@ spec: new resource to be created. type: string vpnServerConfigurationIdRef: - description: Reference to a VPNServerConfiguration to populate - vpnServerConfigurationId. + description: Reference to a VPNServerConfiguration in network + to populate vpnServerConfigurationId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -640,8 +644,8 @@ spec: - name type: object vpnServerConfigurationIdSelector: - description: Selector for a VPNServerConfiguration to populate - vpnServerConfigurationId. + description: Selector for a VPNServerConfiguration in network + to populate vpnServerConfigurationId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index daf08fd2a..2f6d9b947 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -173,7 +173,8 @@ spec: exists. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string zoneNameRef: - description: Reference to a PrivateDNSZone to populate zoneName. + description: Reference to a PrivateDNSZone in network to populate + zoneName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -207,7 +208,8 @@ spec: - name type: object zoneNameSelector: - description: Selector for a PrivateDNSZone to populate zoneName. + description: Selector for a PrivateDNSZone in network to populate + zoneName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index aa603517f..7643397b3 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -173,7 +173,8 @@ spec: exists. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string zoneNameRef: - description: Reference to a PrivateDNSZone to populate zoneName. + description: Reference to a PrivateDNSZone in network to populate + zoneName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -207,7 +208,8 @@ spec: - name type: object zoneNameSelector: - description: Selector for a PrivateDNSZone to populate zoneName. + description: Selector for a PrivateDNSZone in network to populate + zoneName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index a768bfa8e..2885151e9 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -171,7 +171,8 @@ spec: exists. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string zoneNameRef: - description: Reference to a PrivateDNSZone to populate zoneName. + description: Reference to a PrivateDNSZone in network to populate + zoneName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -205,7 +206,8 @@ spec: - name type: object zoneNameSelector: - description: Selector for a PrivateDNSZone to populate zoneName. + description: Selector for a PrivateDNSZone in network to populate + zoneName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 6b7955bec..00693761f 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -180,7 +180,8 @@ spec: exists. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string zoneNameRef: - description: Reference to a PrivateDNSZone to populate zoneName. + description: Reference to a PrivateDNSZone in network to populate + zoneName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -214,7 +215,8 @@ spec: - name type: object zoneNameSelector: - description: Selector for a PrivateDNSZone to populate zoneName. + description: Selector for a PrivateDNSZone in network to populate + zoneName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 0774bcb19..a8d45637c 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -173,7 +173,8 @@ spec: exists. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string zoneNameRef: - description: Reference to a PrivateDNSZone to populate zoneName. + description: Reference to a PrivateDNSZone in network to populate + zoneName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -207,7 +208,8 @@ spec: - name type: object zoneNameSelector: - description: Selector for a PrivateDNSZone to populate zoneName. + description: Selector for a PrivateDNSZone in network to populate + zoneName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 63c5b7db1..fb432f151 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -185,7 +185,8 @@ spec: exists. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string zoneNameRef: - description: Reference to a PrivateDNSZone to populate zoneName. + description: Reference to a PrivateDNSZone in network to populate + zoneName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -219,7 +220,8 @@ spec: - name type: object zoneNameSelector: - description: Selector for a PrivateDNSZone to populate zoneName. + description: Selector for a PrivateDNSZone in network to populate + zoneName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 1eeb6f7ac..dafaf1cef 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -177,7 +177,8 @@ spec: exists. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string zoneNameRef: - description: Reference to a PrivateDNSZone to populate zoneName. + description: Reference to a PrivateDNSZone in network to populate + zoneName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -211,7 +212,8 @@ spec: - name type: object zoneNameSelector: - description: Selector for a PrivateDNSZone to populate zoneName. + description: Selector for a PrivateDNSZone in network to populate + zoneName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 5b25248d5..7d5441823 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -79,7 +79,8 @@ spec: dot). Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string privateDnsZoneNameRef: - description: Reference to a PrivateDNSZone to populate privateDnsZoneName. + description: Reference to a PrivateDNSZone in network to populate + privateDnsZoneName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -113,7 +114,8 @@ spec: - name type: object privateDnsZoneNameSelector: - description: Selector for a PrivateDNSZone to populate privateDnsZoneName. + description: Selector for a PrivateDNSZone in network to populate + privateDnsZoneName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -248,7 +250,8 @@ spec: to the DNS Zone. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string virtualNetworkIdRef: - description: Reference to a VirtualNetwork to populate virtualNetworkId. + description: Reference to a VirtualNetwork in network to populate + virtualNetworkId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -282,7 +285,8 @@ spec: - name type: object virtualNetworkIdSelector: - description: Selector for a VirtualNetwork to populate virtualNetworkId. + description: Selector for a VirtualNetwork in network to populate + virtualNetworkId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -351,7 +355,8 @@ spec: to the DNS Zone. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string virtualNetworkIdRef: - description: Reference to a VirtualNetwork to populate virtualNetworkId. + description: Reference to a VirtualNetwork in network to populate + virtualNetworkId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -385,7 +390,8 @@ spec: - name type: object virtualNetworkIdSelector: - description: Selector for a VirtualNetwork to populate virtualNetworkId. + description: Selector for a VirtualNetwork in network to populate + virtualNetworkId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 0647aaa16..bb33ddc70 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -124,7 +124,8 @@ spec: type: string type: array privateDnsZoneIdsRefs: - description: References to PrivateDNSZone to populate privateDnsZoneIds. + description: References to PrivateDNSZone in network to + populate privateDnsZoneIds. items: description: A Reference to a named object. properties: @@ -161,8 +162,8 @@ spec: type: object type: array privateDnsZoneIdsSelector: - description: Selector for a list of PrivateDNSZone to populate - privateDnsZoneIds. + description: Selector for a list of PrivateDNSZone in network + to populate privateDnsZoneIds. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -481,7 +482,8 @@ spec: type: string type: array privateDnsZoneIdsRefs: - description: References to PrivateDNSZone to populate privateDnsZoneIds. + description: References to PrivateDNSZone in network to + populate privateDnsZoneIds. items: description: A Reference to a named object. properties: @@ -518,8 +520,8 @@ spec: type: object type: array privateDnsZoneIdsSelector: - description: Selector for a list of PrivateDNSZone to populate - privateDnsZoneIds. + description: Selector for a list of PrivateDNSZone in network + to populate privateDnsZoneIds. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 8af1baaa3..d023345e5 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -131,7 +131,8 @@ spec: be used for the Private Link Service. type: string subnetIdRef: - description: Reference to a Subnet to populate subnetId. + description: Reference to a Subnet in network to populate + subnetId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -165,7 +166,8 @@ spec: - name type: object subnetIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Subnet to populate subnetId. + description: Selector for a Subnet in network to populate + subnetId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -372,7 +374,8 @@ spec: be used for the Private Link Service. type: string subnetIdRef: - description: Reference to a Subnet to populate subnetId. + description: Reference to a Subnet in network to populate + subnetId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -406,7 +409,8 @@ spec: - name type: object subnetIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Subnet to populate subnetId. + description: Selector for a Subnet in network to populate + subnetId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 69d122ea2..840ae99a3 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -92,7 +92,8 @@ spec: the IP Configuration. type: string subnetIdRef: - description: Reference to a Subnet to populate subnetId. + description: Reference to a Subnet in network to populate + subnetId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -126,7 +127,8 @@ spec: - name type: object subnetIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Subnet to populate subnetId. + description: Selector for a Subnet in network to populate + subnetId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -295,7 +297,8 @@ spec: the IP Configuration. type: string subnetIdRef: - description: Reference to a Subnet to populate subnetId. + description: Reference to a Subnet in network to populate + subnetId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -329,7 +332,8 @@ spec: - name type: object subnetIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Subnet to populate subnetId. + description: Selector for a Subnet in network to populate + subnetId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 3e4b686a4..65f7bc776 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -128,7 +128,8 @@ spec: be created. type: string networkSecurityGroupNameRef: - description: Reference to a SecurityGroup to populate networkSecurityGroupName. + description: Reference to a SecurityGroup in network to populate + networkSecurityGroupName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -162,7 +163,8 @@ spec: - name type: object networkSecurityGroupNameSelector: - description: Selector for a SecurityGroup to populate networkSecurityGroupName. + description: Selector for a SecurityGroup in network to populate + networkSecurityGroupName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 412acb648..0a075acf9 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ spec: resource to be created. type: string subnetIdRef: - description: Reference to a Subnet to populate subnetId. + description: Reference to a Subnet in network to populate subnetId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ spec: - name type: object subnetIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Subnet to populate subnetId. + description: Selector for a Subnet in network to populate subnetId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ spec: resource to be created. type: string subnetIdRef: - description: Reference to a Subnet to populate subnetId. + description: Reference to a Subnet in network to populate subnetId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ spec: - name type: object subnetIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Subnet to populate subnetId. + description: Selector for a Subnet in network to populate subnetId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 5ea498d4f..e61e0b2a2 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -80,7 +80,8 @@ spec: to be created. type: string networkSecurityGroupIdRef: - description: Reference to a SecurityGroup to populate networkSecurityGroupId. + description: Reference to a SecurityGroup in network to populate + networkSecurityGroupId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -114,7 +115,8 @@ spec: - name type: object networkSecurityGroupIdSelector: - description: Selector for a SecurityGroup to populate networkSecurityGroupId. + description: Selector for a SecurityGroup in network to populate + networkSecurityGroupId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -158,7 +160,7 @@ spec: resource to be created. type: string subnetIdRef: - description: Reference to a Subnet to populate subnetId. + description: Reference to a Subnet in network to populate subnetId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -192,7 +194,7 @@ spec: - name type: object subnetIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Subnet to populate subnetId. + description: Selector for a Subnet in network to populate subnetId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -251,7 +253,8 @@ spec: to be created. type: string networkSecurityGroupIdRef: - description: Reference to a SecurityGroup to populate networkSecurityGroupId. + description: Reference to a SecurityGroup in network to populate + networkSecurityGroupId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -285,7 +288,8 @@ spec: - name type: object networkSecurityGroupIdSelector: - description: Selector for a SecurityGroup to populate networkSecurityGroupId. + description: Selector for a SecurityGroup in network to populate + networkSecurityGroupId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -329,7 +333,7 @@ spec: resource to be created. type: string subnetIdRef: - description: Reference to a Subnet to populate subnetId. + description: Reference to a Subnet in network to populate subnetId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -363,7 +367,7 @@ spec: - name type: object subnetIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Subnet to populate subnetId. + description: Selector for a Subnet in network to populate subnetId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 224e71ebb..c4b3d1552 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -79,7 +79,8 @@ spec: with the Subnet. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string routeTableIdRef: - description: Reference to a RouteTable to populate routeTableId. + description: Reference to a RouteTable in network to populate + routeTableId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -113,7 +114,8 @@ spec: - name type: object routeTableIdSelector: - description: Selector for a RouteTable to populate routeTableId. + description: Selector for a RouteTable in network to populate + routeTableId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -157,7 +159,7 @@ spec: resource to be created. type: string subnetIdRef: - description: Reference to a Subnet to populate subnetId. + description: Reference to a Subnet in network to populate subnetId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -191,7 +193,7 @@ spec: - name type: object subnetIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Subnet to populate subnetId. + description: Selector for a Subnet in network to populate subnetId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -249,7 +251,8 @@ spec: with the Subnet. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string routeTableIdRef: - description: Reference to a RouteTable to populate routeTableId. + description: Reference to a RouteTable in network to populate + routeTableId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -283,7 +286,8 @@ spec: - name type: object routeTableIdSelector: - description: Selector for a RouteTable to populate routeTableId. + description: Selector for a RouteTable in network to populate + routeTableId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -327,7 +331,7 @@ spec: resource to be created. type: string subnetIdRef: - description: Reference to a Subnet to populate subnetId. + description: Reference to a Subnet in network to populate subnetId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -361,7 +365,7 @@ spec: - name type: object subnetIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Subnet to populate subnetId. + description: Selector for a Subnet in network to populate subnetId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 51ee8c3ff..ae3dacf29 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -260,7 +260,8 @@ spec: the subnet. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string virtualNetworkNameRef: - description: Reference to a VirtualNetwork to populate virtualNetworkName. + description: Reference to a VirtualNetwork in network to populate + virtualNetworkName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -294,7 +295,8 @@ spec: - name type: object virtualNetworkNameSelector: - description: Selector for a VirtualNetwork to populate virtualNetworkName. + description: Selector for a VirtualNetwork in network to populate + virtualNetworkName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 4f9f1ce75..34f6e2b07 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -203,7 +203,8 @@ spec: be created. type: string virtualWanIdRef: - description: Reference to a VirtualWAN to populate virtualWanId. + description: Reference to a VirtualWAN in network to populate + virtualWanId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -237,7 +238,8 @@ spec: - name type: object virtualWanIdSelector: - description: Selector for a VirtualWAN to populate virtualWanId. + description: Selector for a VirtualWAN in network to populate + virtualWanId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -339,7 +341,8 @@ spec: be created. type: string virtualWanIdRef: - description: Reference to a VirtualWAN to populate virtualWanId. + description: Reference to a VirtualWAN in network to populate + virtualWanId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -373,7 +376,8 @@ spec: - name type: object virtualWanIdSelector: - description: Selector for a VirtualWAN to populate virtualWanId. + description: Selector for a VirtualWAN in network to populate + virtualWanId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index b7e528c6c..77ebe79fd 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -290,8 +290,8 @@ spec: subscription. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string peerVirtualNetworkGatewayIdRef: - description: Reference to a VirtualNetworkGateway to populate - peerVirtualNetworkGatewayId. + description: Reference to a VirtualNetworkGateway in network to + populate peerVirtualNetworkGatewayId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -325,8 +325,8 @@ spec: - name type: object peerVirtualNetworkGatewayIdSelector: - description: Selector for a VirtualNetworkGateway to populate - peerVirtualNetworkGatewayId. + description: Selector for a VirtualNetworkGateway in network to + populate peerVirtualNetworkGatewayId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -509,8 +509,8 @@ spec: to be created. type: string virtualNetworkGatewayIdRef: - description: Reference to a VirtualNetworkGateway to populate - virtualNetworkGatewayId. + description: Reference to a VirtualNetworkGateway in network to + populate virtualNetworkGatewayId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -544,8 +544,8 @@ spec: - name type: object virtualNetworkGatewayIdSelector: - description: Selector for a VirtualNetworkGateway to populate - virtualNetworkGatewayId. + description: Selector for a VirtualNetworkGateway in network to + populate virtualNetworkGatewayId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -795,8 +795,8 @@ spec: subscription. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string peerVirtualNetworkGatewayIdRef: - description: Reference to a VirtualNetworkGateway to populate - peerVirtualNetworkGatewayId. + description: Reference to a VirtualNetworkGateway in network to + populate peerVirtualNetworkGatewayId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -830,8 +830,8 @@ spec: - name type: object peerVirtualNetworkGatewayIdSelector: - description: Selector for a VirtualNetworkGateway to populate - peerVirtualNetworkGatewayId. + description: Selector for a VirtualNetworkGateway in network to + populate peerVirtualNetworkGatewayId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -916,8 +916,8 @@ spec: to be created. type: string virtualNetworkGatewayIdRef: - description: Reference to a VirtualNetworkGateway to populate - virtualNetworkGatewayId. + description: Reference to a VirtualNetworkGateway in network to + populate virtualNetworkGatewayId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -951,8 +951,8 @@ spec: - name type: object virtualNetworkGatewayIdSelector: - description: Selector for a VirtualNetworkGateway to populate - virtualNetworkGatewayId. + description: Selector for a VirtualNetworkGateway in network to + populate virtualNetworkGatewayId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index ad5fb68cc..6e281848f 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -267,7 +267,8 @@ spec: single Virtual Network Gateway. type: string subnetIdRef: - description: Reference to a Subnet to populate subnetId. + description: Reference to a Subnet in network to populate + subnetId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -301,7 +302,8 @@ spec: - name type: object subnetIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Subnet to populate subnetId. + description: Selector for a Subnet in network to populate + subnetId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -905,7 +907,8 @@ spec: single Virtual Network Gateway. type: string subnetIdRef: - description: Reference to a Subnet to populate subnetId. + description: Reference to a Subnet in network to populate + subnetId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -939,7 +942,8 @@ spec: - name type: object subnetIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Subnet to populate subnetId. + description: Selector for a Subnet in network to populate + subnetId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 7f11fcaab..f62dacd86 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -91,7 +91,8 @@ spec: network. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string remoteVirtualNetworkIdRef: - description: Reference to a VirtualNetwork to populate remoteVirtualNetworkId. + description: Reference to a VirtualNetwork in network to populate + remoteVirtualNetworkId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -125,7 +126,8 @@ spec: - name type: object remoteVirtualNetworkIdSelector: - description: Selector for a VirtualNetwork to populate remoteVirtualNetworkId. + description: Selector for a VirtualNetwork in network to populate + remoteVirtualNetworkId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -267,7 +269,8 @@ spec: a new resource to be created. type: string virtualNetworkNameRef: - description: Reference to a VirtualNetwork to populate virtualNetworkName. + description: Reference to a VirtualNetwork in network to populate + virtualNetworkName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -301,7 +304,8 @@ spec: - name type: object virtualNetworkNameSelector: - description: Selector for a VirtualNetwork to populate virtualNetworkName. + description: Selector for a VirtualNetwork in network to populate + virtualNetworkName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -371,7 +375,8 @@ spec: network. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string remoteVirtualNetworkIdRef: - description: Reference to a VirtualNetwork to populate remoteVirtualNetworkId. + description: Reference to a VirtualNetwork in network to populate + remoteVirtualNetworkId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -405,7 +410,8 @@ spec: - name type: object remoteVirtualNetworkIdSelector: - description: Selector for a VirtualNetwork to populate remoteVirtualNetworkId. + description: Selector for a VirtualNetwork in network to populate + remoteVirtualNetworkId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 95a7b6c21..b7f95704c 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -87,7 +87,8 @@ spec: be created. type: string networkSecurityGroupIdRef: - description: Reference to a SecurityGroup to populate networkSecurityGroupId. + description: Reference to a SecurityGroup in network to populate + networkSecurityGroupId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -121,7 +122,8 @@ spec: - name type: object networkSecurityGroupIdSelector: - description: Selector for a SecurityGroup to populate networkSecurityGroupId. + description: Selector for a SecurityGroup in network to populate + networkSecurityGroupId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -165,7 +167,7 @@ spec: a new resource to be created. type: string networkWatcherNameRef: - description: Reference to a Watcher to populate networkWatcherName. + description: Reference to a Watcher in network to populate networkWatcherName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -199,7 +201,7 @@ spec: - name type: object networkWatcherNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Watcher to populate networkWatcherName. + description: Selector for a Watcher in network to populate networkWatcherName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -622,7 +624,8 @@ spec: be created. type: string networkSecurityGroupIdRef: - description: Reference to a SecurityGroup to populate networkSecurityGroupId. + description: Reference to a SecurityGroup in network to populate + networkSecurityGroupId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -656,7 +659,8 @@ spec: - name type: object networkSecurityGroupIdSelector: - description: Selector for a SecurityGroup to populate networkSecurityGroupId. + description: Selector for a SecurityGroup in network to populate + networkSecurityGroupId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index a78b8dfce..f4b2f672a 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ spec: database. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string serverIdRef: - description: Reference to a MSSQLServer to populate serverId. + description: Reference to a MSSQLServer in sql to populate serverId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ spec: - name type: object serverIdSelector: - description: Selector for a MSSQLServer to populate serverId. + description: Selector for a MSSQLServer in sql to populate serverId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index eb2a7766c..63dba49e5 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ spec: this forces a new resource to be created. type: string databaseNameRef: - description: Reference to a MSSQLDatabase to populate databaseName. + description: Reference to a MSSQLDatabase in sql to populate databaseName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ spec: - name type: object databaseNameSelector: - description: Selector for a MSSQLDatabase to populate databaseName. + description: Selector for a MSSQLDatabase in sql to populate databaseName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ spec: this forces a new resource to be created. type: string databaseNameRef: - description: Reference to a MSSQLDatabase to populate databaseName. + description: Reference to a MSSQLDatabase in sql to populate databaseName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ spec: - name type: object databaseNameSelector: - description: Selector for a MSSQLDatabase to populate databaseName. + description: Selector for a MSSQLDatabase in sql to populate databaseName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 5dc5d4fdc..957393567 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ spec: elastic pool. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. type: string serverNameRef: - description: Reference to a MSSQLServer to populate serverName. + description: Reference to a MSSQLServer in sql to populate serverName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ spec: - name type: object serverNameSelector: - description: Selector for a MSSQLServer to populate serverName. + description: Selector for a MSSQLServer in sql to populate serverName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 588cf60ac..f09ffc76a 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ spec: type: array x-kubernetes-list-type: set databasesRefs: - description: References to MSSQLDatabase to populate databases. + description: References to MSSQLDatabase in sql to populate databases. items: description: A Reference to a named object. properties: @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ spec: type: object type: array databasesSelector: - description: Selector for a list of MSSQLDatabase to populate + description: Selector for a list of MSSQLDatabase in sql to populate databases. properties: matchControllerRef: @@ -167,7 +167,8 @@ spec: the failover group. type: string idRef: - description: Reference to a MSSQLServer to populate id. + description: Reference to a MSSQLServer in sql to populate + id. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -201,7 +202,8 @@ spec: - name type: object idSelector: - description: Selector for a MSSQLServer to populate id. + description: Selector for a MSSQLServer in sql to populate + id. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -269,7 +271,7 @@ spec: created. type: string serverIdRef: - description: Reference to a MSSQLServer to populate serverId. + description: Reference to a MSSQLServer in sql to populate serverId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -303,7 +305,7 @@ spec: - name type: object serverIdSelector: - description: Selector for a MSSQLServer to populate serverId. + description: Selector for a MSSQLServer in sql to populate serverId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -370,7 +372,7 @@ spec: type: array x-kubernetes-list-type: set databasesRefs: - description: References to MSSQLDatabase to populate databases. + description: References to MSSQLDatabase in sql to populate databases. items: description: A Reference to a named object. properties: @@ -407,7 +409,7 @@ spec: type: object type: array databasesSelector: - description: Selector for a list of MSSQLDatabase to populate + description: Selector for a list of MSSQLDatabase in sql to populate databases. properties: matchControllerRef: @@ -456,7 +458,8 @@ spec: the failover group. type: string idRef: - description: Reference to a MSSQLServer to populate id. + description: Reference to a MSSQLServer in sql to populate + id. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -490,7 +493,8 @@ spec: - name type: object idSelector: - description: Selector for a MSSQLServer to populate id. + description: Selector for a MSSQLServer in sql to populate + id. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index bdee41fe8..97f49eca3 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -108,7 +108,8 @@ spec: resource to be created. type: string managedInstanceIdRef: - description: Reference to a MSSQLManagedInstance to populate managedInstanceId. + description: Reference to a MSSQLManagedInstance in sql to populate + managedInstanceId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -142,7 +143,8 @@ spec: - name type: object managedInstanceIdSelector: - description: Selector for a MSSQLManagedInstance to populate managedInstanceId. + description: Selector for a MSSQLManagedInstance in sql to populate + managedInstanceId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 3f3ab1242..4da5108d6 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -89,7 +89,8 @@ spec: to be created. type: string managedInstanceIdRef: - description: Reference to a MSSQLManagedInstance to populate managedInstanceId. + description: Reference to a MSSQLManagedInstance in sql to populate + managedInstanceId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -123,7 +124,8 @@ spec: - name type: object managedInstanceIdSelector: - description: Selector for a MSSQLManagedInstance to populate managedInstanceId. + description: Selector for a MSSQLManagedInstance in sql to populate + managedInstanceId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 4f56a15c1..fc5611546 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -85,7 +85,8 @@ spec: this forces a new resource to be created. type: string managedInstanceIdRef: - description: Reference to a MSSQLManagedInstance to populate managedInstanceId. + description: Reference to a MSSQLManagedInstance in sql to populate + managedInstanceId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -119,7 +120,8 @@ spec: - name type: object managedInstanceIdSelector: - description: Selector for a MSSQLManagedInstance to populate managedInstanceId. + description: Selector for a MSSQLManagedInstance in sql to populate + managedInstanceId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -164,7 +166,8 @@ spec: created. type: string partnerManagedInstanceIdRef: - description: Reference to a MSSQLManagedInstance to populate partnerManagedInstanceId. + description: Reference to a MSSQLManagedInstance in sql to populate + partnerManagedInstanceId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -198,7 +201,8 @@ spec: - name type: object partnerManagedInstanceIdSelector: - description: Selector for a MSSQLManagedInstance to populate partnerManagedInstanceId. + description: Selector for a MSSQLManagedInstance in sql to populate + partnerManagedInstanceId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -278,7 +282,8 @@ spec: this forces a new resource to be created. type: string managedInstanceIdRef: - description: Reference to a MSSQLManagedInstance to populate managedInstanceId. + description: Reference to a MSSQLManagedInstance in sql to populate + managedInstanceId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -312,7 +317,8 @@ spec: - name type: object managedInstanceIdSelector: - description: Selector for a MSSQLManagedInstance to populate managedInstanceId. + description: Selector for a MSSQLManagedInstance in sql to populate + managedInstanceId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -357,7 +363,8 @@ spec: created. type: string partnerManagedInstanceIdRef: - description: Reference to a MSSQLManagedInstance to populate partnerManagedInstanceId. + description: Reference to a MSSQLManagedInstance in sql to populate + partnerManagedInstanceId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -391,7 +398,8 @@ spec: - name type: object partnerManagedInstanceIdSelector: - description: Selector for a MSSQLManagedInstance to populate partnerManagedInstanceId. + description: Selector for a MSSQLManagedInstance in sql to populate + partnerManagedInstanceId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 8b2012778..92bd0fc4d 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -106,7 +106,8 @@ spec: Setting this after creation forces a new resource to be created. type: string dnsZonePartnerIdRef: - description: Reference to a MSSQLManagedInstance to populate dnsZonePartnerId. + description: Reference to a MSSQLManagedInstance in sql to populate + dnsZonePartnerId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -140,7 +141,8 @@ spec: - name type: object dnsZonePartnerIdSelector: - description: Selector for a MSSQLManagedInstance to populate dnsZonePartnerId. + description: Selector for a MSSQLManagedInstance in sql to populate + dnsZonePartnerId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -450,7 +452,8 @@ spec: Setting this after creation forces a new resource to be created. type: string dnsZonePartnerIdRef: - description: Reference to a MSSQLManagedInstance to populate dnsZonePartnerId. + description: Reference to a MSSQLManagedInstance in sql to populate + dnsZonePartnerId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -484,7 +487,8 @@ spec: - name type: object dnsZonePartnerIdSelector: - description: Selector for a MSSQLManagedInstance to populate dnsZonePartnerId. + description: Selector for a MSSQLManagedInstance in sql to populate + dnsZonePartnerId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 942df0bbc..201f4d6ce 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -80,7 +80,8 @@ spec: forces a new resource to be created. type: string managedInstanceIdRef: - description: Reference to a MSSQLManagedInstance to populate managedInstanceId. + description: Reference to a MSSQLManagedInstance in sql to populate + managedInstanceId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -114,7 +115,8 @@ spec: - name type: object managedInstanceIdSelector: - description: Selector for a MSSQLManagedInstance to populate managedInstanceId. + description: Selector for a MSSQLManagedInstance in sql to populate + managedInstanceId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index fd618f54b..1e15ae1c6 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ spec: to be created. type: string serverIdRef: - description: Reference to a MSSQLServer to populate serverId. + description: Reference to a MSSQLServer in sql to populate serverId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ spec: - name type: object serverIdSelector: - description: Selector for a MSSQLServer to populate serverId. + description: Selector for a MSSQLServer in sql to populate serverId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index cd0b499ff..5a718a04f 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ spec: a new MSSQL Server DNS Alias to be created. type: string mssqlServerIdRef: - description: Reference to a MSSQLServer to populate mssqlServerId. + description: Reference to a MSSQLServer in sql to populate mssqlServerId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ spec: - name type: object mssqlServerIdSelector: - description: Selector for a MSSQLServer to populate mssqlServerId. + description: Selector for a MSSQLServer in sql to populate mssqlServerId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index a1fa92d3d..cc0dc8b24 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ spec: this forces a new resource to be created. type: string serverNameRef: - description: Reference to a MSSQLServer to populate serverName. + description: Reference to a MSSQLServer in sql to populate serverName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ spec: - name type: object serverNameSelector: - description: Selector for a MSSQLServer to populate serverName. + description: Selector for a MSSQLServer in sql to populate serverName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 36ad0c12b..338ce55fd 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ spec: this forces a new resource to be created. type: string serverIdRef: - description: Reference to a MSSQLServer to populate serverId. + description: Reference to a MSSQLServer in sql to populate serverId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ spec: - name type: object serverIdSelector: - description: Selector for a MSSQLServer to populate serverId. + description: Selector for a MSSQLServer in sql to populate serverId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 62452d087..ab8b4057a 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ spec: new resource to be created. type: string serverIdRef: - description: Reference to a MSSQLServer to populate serverId. + description: Reference to a MSSQLServer in sql to populate serverId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ spec: - name type: object serverIdSelector: - description: Selector for a MSSQLServer to populate serverId. + description: Selector for a MSSQLServer in sql to populate serverId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 2dc9ed250..cd36cfc1a 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ spec: be created. type: string storageAccountNameRef: - description: Reference to a Account to populate storageAccountName. + description: Reference to a Account in storage to populate storageAccountName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ spec: - name type: object storageAccountNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Account to populate storageAccountName. + description: Selector for a Account in storage to populate storageAccountName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ spec: created. type: string storageContainerNameRef: - description: Reference to a Container to populate storageContainerName. + description: Reference to a Container in storage to populate storageContainerName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ spec: - name type: object storageContainerNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Container to populate storageContainerName. + description: Selector for a Container in storage to populate storageContainerName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 93e969f8a..2a428b942 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ spec: created. type: string storageAccountNameRef: - description: Reference to a Account to populate storageAccountName. + description: Reference to a Account in storage to populate storageAccountName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ spec: - name type: object storageAccountNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Account to populate storageAccountName. + description: Selector for a Account in storage to populate storageAccountName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 7dacbda9e..bf93420c5 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ spec: a new resource to be created. type: string storageAccountIdRef: - description: Reference to a Account to populate storageAccountId. + description: Reference to a Account in storage to populate storageAccountId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ spec: - name type: object storageAccountIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Account to populate storageAccountId. + description: Selector for a Account in storage to populate storageAccountId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ spec: a new resource to be created. type: string storageAccountIdRef: - description: Reference to a Account to populate storageAccountId. + description: Reference to a Account in storage to populate storageAccountId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ spec: - name type: object storageAccountIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Account to populate storageAccountId. + description: Selector for a Account in storage to populate storageAccountId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 131a1a50b..de09ff6ab 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -109,7 +109,8 @@ spec: resource to be created. type: string streamAnalyticsJobIdRef: - description: Reference to a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobId. + description: Reference to a Job in streamanalytics to populate + streamAnalyticsJobId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -143,7 +144,8 @@ spec: - name type: object streamAnalyticsJobIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobId. + description: Selector for a Job in streamanalytics to populate + streamAnalyticsJobId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -231,7 +233,8 @@ spec: resource to be created. type: string streamAnalyticsJobIdRef: - description: Reference to a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobId. + description: Reference to a Job in streamanalytics to populate + streamAnalyticsJobId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -265,7 +268,8 @@ spec: - name type: object streamAnalyticsJobIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobId. + description: Selector for a Job in streamanalytics to populate + streamAnalyticsJobId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 5337b70fb..1e061cc35 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -382,7 +382,8 @@ spec: forces a new resource to be created. type: string streamAnalyticsJobNameRef: - description: Reference to a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + description: Reference to a Job in streamanalytics to populate + streamAnalyticsJobName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -416,7 +417,8 @@ spec: - name type: object streamAnalyticsJobNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + description: Selector for a Job in streamanalytics to populate + streamAnalyticsJobName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -684,7 +686,8 @@ spec: forces a new resource to be created. type: string streamAnalyticsJobNameRef: - description: Reference to a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + description: Reference to a Job in streamanalytics to populate + streamAnalyticsJobName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -718,7 +721,8 @@ spec: - name type: object streamAnalyticsJobNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + description: Selector for a Job in streamanalytics to populate + streamAnalyticsJobName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 52572250a..037119cfa 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -276,7 +276,8 @@ spec: forces a new resource to be created. type: string streamAnalyticsJobNameRef: - description: Reference to a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + description: Reference to a Job in streamanalytics to populate + streamAnalyticsJobName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -310,7 +311,8 @@ spec: - name type: object streamAnalyticsJobNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + description: Selector for a Job in streamanalytics to populate + streamAnalyticsJobName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -630,7 +632,8 @@ spec: forces a new resource to be created. type: string streamAnalyticsJobNameRef: - description: Reference to a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + description: Reference to a Job in streamanalytics to populate + streamAnalyticsJobName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -664,7 +667,8 @@ spec: - name type: object streamAnalyticsJobNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + description: Selector for a Job in streamanalytics to populate + streamAnalyticsJobName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 63706777a..d42982c7e 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -89,7 +89,8 @@ spec: forces a new resource to be created. type: string streamAnalyticsJobIdRef: - description: Reference to a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobId. + description: Reference to a Job in streamanalytics to populate + streamAnalyticsJobId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -123,7 +124,8 @@ spec: - name type: object streamAnalyticsJobIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobId. + description: Selector for a Job in streamanalytics to populate + streamAnalyticsJobId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -204,7 +206,8 @@ spec: forces a new resource to be created. type: string streamAnalyticsJobIdRef: - description: Reference to a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobId. + description: Reference to a Job in streamanalytics to populate + streamAnalyticsJobId. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -238,7 +241,8 @@ spec: - name type: object streamAnalyticsJobIdSelector: - description: Selector for a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobId. + description: Selector for a Job in streamanalytics to populate + streamAnalyticsJobId. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 7e973e537..0de0b4522 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -377,7 +377,8 @@ spec: forces a new resource to be created. type: string streamAnalyticsJobNameRef: - description: Reference to a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + description: Reference to a Job in streamanalytics to populate + streamAnalyticsJobName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -411,7 +412,8 @@ spec: - name type: object streamAnalyticsJobNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + description: Selector for a Job in streamanalytics to populate + streamAnalyticsJobName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -758,7 +760,8 @@ spec: forces a new resource to be created. type: string streamAnalyticsJobNameRef: - description: Reference to a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + description: Reference to a Job in streamanalytics to populate + streamAnalyticsJobName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -792,7 +795,8 @@ spec: - name type: object streamAnalyticsJobNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + description: Selector for a Job in streamanalytics to populate + streamAnalyticsJobName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 645323df5..1d087370a 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -300,7 +300,8 @@ spec: forces a new resource to be created. type: string streamAnalyticsJobNameRef: - description: Reference to a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + description: Reference to a Job in streamanalytics to populate + streamAnalyticsJobName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -334,7 +335,8 @@ spec: - name type: object streamAnalyticsJobNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + description: Selector for a Job in streamanalytics to populate + streamAnalyticsJobName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -681,7 +683,8 @@ spec: forces a new resource to be created. type: string streamAnalyticsJobNameRef: - description: Reference to a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + description: Reference to a Job in streamanalytics to populate + streamAnalyticsJobName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -715,7 +718,8 @@ spec: - name type: object streamAnalyticsJobNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + description: Selector for a Job in streamanalytics to populate + streamAnalyticsJobName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 9dd0c98fe..11d6cdd67 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -184,7 +184,8 @@ spec: forces a new resource to be created. type: string streamAnalyticsJobNameRef: - description: Reference to a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + description: Reference to a Job in streamanalytics to populate + streamAnalyticsJobName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -218,7 +219,8 @@ spec: - name type: object streamAnalyticsJobNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + description: Selector for a Job in streamanalytics to populate + streamAnalyticsJobName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index faa43f819..f17d21421 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -370,7 +370,8 @@ spec: forces a new resource to be created. type: string streamAnalyticsJobNameRef: - description: Reference to a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + description: Reference to a Job in streamanalytics to populate + streamAnalyticsJobName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -404,7 +405,8 @@ spec: - name type: object streamAnalyticsJobNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + description: Selector for a Job in streamanalytics to populate + streamAnalyticsJobName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -740,7 +742,8 @@ spec: forces a new resource to be created. type: string streamAnalyticsJobNameRef: - description: Reference to a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + description: Reference to a Job in streamanalytics to populate + streamAnalyticsJobName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -774,7 +777,8 @@ spec: - name type: object streamAnalyticsJobNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + description: Selector for a Job in streamanalytics to populate + streamAnalyticsJobName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index ffd683bf8..2e33b94a1 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -364,7 +364,8 @@ spec: forces a new resource to be created. type: string streamAnalyticsJobNameRef: - description: Reference to a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + description: Reference to a Job in streamanalytics to populate + streamAnalyticsJobName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -398,7 +399,8 @@ spec: - name type: object streamAnalyticsJobNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + description: Selector for a Job in streamanalytics to populate + streamAnalyticsJobName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -728,7 +730,8 @@ spec: forces a new resource to be created. type: string streamAnalyticsJobNameRef: - description: Reference to a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + description: Reference to a Job in streamanalytics to populate + streamAnalyticsJobName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -762,7 +765,8 @@ spec: - name type: object streamAnalyticsJobNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + description: Selector for a Job in streamanalytics to populate + streamAnalyticsJobName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index a4cbb4c14..92d602aef 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -452,7 +452,8 @@ spec: forces a new resource to be created. type: string streamAnalyticsJobNameRef: - description: Reference to a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + description: Reference to a Job in streamanalytics to populate + streamAnalyticsJobName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -486,7 +487,8 @@ spec: - name type: object streamAnalyticsJobNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + description: Selector for a Job in streamanalytics to populate + streamAnalyticsJobName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -900,7 +902,8 @@ spec: forces a new resource to be created. type: string streamAnalyticsJobNameRef: - description: Reference to a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + description: Reference to a Job in streamanalytics to populate + streamAnalyticsJobName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -934,7 +937,8 @@ spec: - name type: object streamAnalyticsJobNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + description: Selector for a Job in streamanalytics to populate + streamAnalyticsJobName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- diff --git a/package/crds/ b/package/crds/ index 745f6c33a..047326cb8 100644 --- a/package/crds/ +++ b/package/crds/ @@ -367,7 +367,8 @@ spec: forces a new resource to be created. type: string streamAnalyticsJobNameRef: - description: Reference to a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + description: Reference to a Job in streamanalytics to populate + streamAnalyticsJobName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -401,7 +402,8 @@ spec: - name type: object streamAnalyticsJobNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + description: Selector for a Job in streamanalytics to populate + streamAnalyticsJobName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |- @@ -730,7 +732,8 @@ spec: forces a new resource to be created. type: string streamAnalyticsJobNameRef: - description: Reference to a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + description: Reference to a Job in streamanalytics to populate + streamAnalyticsJobName. properties: name: description: Name of the referenced object. @@ -764,7 +767,8 @@ spec: - name type: object streamAnalyticsJobNameSelector: - description: Selector for a Job to populate streamAnalyticsJobName. + description: Selector for a Job in streamanalytics to populate + streamAnalyticsJobName. properties: matchControllerRef: description: |-