The maintainers of the project are:
- 47 Degrees (twitter: @47deg) <47degdev>
These are the people that have contributed to the Fetch project:
- Adelbert Chang <adelbertc>
- Alessandro Lacava <lambdista>
- Chris Vale <chris-vale-ck>
- Jisoo Park <guersam>
- Juan Pedro Moreno <juanpedromoreno>
- Justin Heyes-Jones <justinhj>
- Maureen Elsberry <MaureenElsberry>
- Pepe García <pepegar>
- Peter Neyens <peterneyens>
- Rafa Paradela <rafaparadela>
- Raúl Raja Martínez <raulraja>
- Suhas Gaddam <suhasgaddam>
- The Gitter Badger <gitter-badger>
- William Ho <williamho>