A puppet module to manage Redhat subscriptions using the subscription-manager
This module provides the rh_subscription
type that can be used to add and remove subscriptions
Manage yum repos via the subscription manager
Enable or disable RH subscriptions based on their pool ID
Manage rh_subscription
resources using a hash to map human readable names to pool ID's
Use Puppet to add a repo using subscription manager
rh_repo { 'rhel-7-server-extras-rpms':
ensure => present,
Use Puppet to add or remove a subscription based on it's pool ID
rh_subscription { '8e8e7f7a77554a776277ac6dca654':
ensure => present,
The rhsm class also provides a helper using create_resources()
to configure any subscriptions or repos in hiera
8e8e7f7a77554a776277ac6dca654: {}
8e8e7f7a77554a776277e63d13ca4: {}
rhel-7-server-optional-rpms: {}
Puppet will automatically configure these subscriptions when the rhsm class is declared.
class { '::rhsm': }
The module also provides a way to store pool IDs with corresponding readable names and refer to those in your manifests
rhel_extras: 8e8e7f7a77554a776277ac6dca654
oracle_stuff: 8e8e7f7a77554a776277e63d13ca4
You can then declare these subscriptions from hiera....
rhel_extras: {}
oracle_stuff: {}
Or use the rhsm::named_subscription
defined resource type directly
class { '::rhsm': }
rhsm::named_subscription { 'oracle_stuff':
ensure => present,
- Written and maintained by Craig Dunn [email protected]
- Sponsered by Baloise Group http://baloise.github.io