We are building a Phoenix app which shares a database with a legacy Rails appliction. At present, the Rails application manages database migrations. This leaves us several challenges:
- We need to have a Test DB to run our Phoenix app's tests.
- Rails uses
instead ofinserted_at
. - Our legacy database uses UUID's (Binary ID's) for the primary keys.
In our text.exs
file, when we configure the db's, add the priv
key to both the main and shard db's and begin the
paths in each with test
. So the main db gets priv: "test"
and the shard db's get priv: "test/shards"
. Now when
we run MIX_ENV=test mix ecto.create
it will create the main test db and MIX_ENV=test mix shards.create
it creates
the test shard db's. Now we build migrations using Ecto, specifying the test environment and Ecto will place the
migration files in our test directory instead of priv
. We create Ecto migrations to build the structure of the
existing databases.
This is relatively straight-forward since we already have a custom schema file for our app:
defmodule MyApp.Schema do
@moduledoc false
defmacro __using__(opts \\ []) do
sharded = Keyword.get(opts, :sharded, false)
quote do
use EctoSharding.Schema, sharded: unquote(sharded)
# set primary keys to UUIDs
@primary_key {:id, :binary_id, autogenerate: true}
@foreign_key_type :binary_id
# use Rails-compatible timestamps
@timestamps_opts [ inserted_at: :created_at, usecs: true]
Since all of our schemas already use this schema as a base, we have one central place to add customizations to the
common fields as needed. We've also defaulted sharded
to false
so that we only need to specify that in the sharded
schema. Those for the main DB will not need to include the schema
option (this makes sharding a little less obtrusive)