To run the example, you need to start up the server and copy the .war to the application server
The example consumes messages from a servlet endpoint which is secured by Spring Security with http basic authentication, there are two services:
http://localhost:8080/camel-example-spring-security/camel/user is for the authenticated user whose role is
http://localhost:8080/camel-example-spring-security/camel/admin is for the authenticated user whose role is
Then you can use the script in the client directory to send the request
and check the response, or use a web browser to access upper urls with the
user/password (jim/jimspassword
with the admin and user role or
with the user role only).
If you hit any problem using Camel or have some feedback, then please let us know.
We also love contributors, so get involved :-)
The Camel riders!