Because retry
was already taken.
In your Gemfile
gem 'rrrretry'
Then run bundle install
Monkey patches Enumerable to add a method called retry
that attempts to run code for every element, returns the first valid run.
If code does not return, the original error will be raised.
Most people will use it for network communication like this:
10.times.retry do
But if you prefer runnable examples check these out:
First run returns a divided by 0
error, so the next result is returned.
[0, 1, 2].each.retry { |i| 1/i }
# => 1
If there are no valid returns, the last error will be raised.
[0, 1, 2].each.retry { raise "bar" }
# => RuntimeError: bar
By default only StandardError
is caught, multiple error types can be
array = [->{ raise Exception }, ->{ raise SignalException }, ->{ 1 }]
array.each.retry(Exception, SignalException) { |i| }
# => 1
For the sake of reporting, previous exceptions are passed to the block.
[0, 1].each.retry do |i, ex|
puts "LOG: Retrying due to exception: #{ex.to_s}" unless ex.nil?
raise "bar"
# => LOG: Retrying due to exception: bar
# => RuntimeError: bar
Naw, it's 8 lines of ruby:
def retry(*exceptions, &block)
exceptions << StandardError if exceptions.empty?
enum ||= self.to_enum
rescue *exceptions => e
last_exception = e and retry unless e.is_a? StopIteration
raise last_exception unless last_exception.nil?
Because I needed this code in more than one project, I didn't like the other solutions, and because coding is fun.
Yes. Do as I say, not as I do.
MIT YO. See MIT-LICENSE for more info.