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+## SimpleMockServer
+ Demo |
+ nightly builds |
+ Example |
+ wiki
+## Introduction
+There is a most simple mock server use file organization, just drag your file, and rm your filename,and u got a
+## Direct use
+[Download the bin version ->](https://github.com/couriourc/mock_server/releases/tag/release)
+startup your download application,and it will auto create directories named `static`,`apis`, and then will start a
+Place the folder that requires Mock in the apis directory, and then start the service, where the api rule is, the
+directory determines the prefix,`[api_suffix]. [api_method]
+.json`, where api_suffix represents the api path, api_method represents the interception method, and
+supports `get| post| patch| head| delete| option| put`
+, this is just to keep the results consistent. Index.json is automatically intercepted here as`/`.
+## Features
+- Returns static JSON data
+- Returns based on interface information
+- Generated based on the Mock template, see http://mockjs.com/examples.html
+ Here, a {{}} writing similar to Vue is supported, and the replaced result is converted using Mockjs, which means that
+ random data is generated through json. We provided the 'cookie', 'user-agent', 'headers', 'body', 'route', 'query', '
+ content-type',just like {{headers.contentType}} or {{query.key1}}
+## Example
+PS D:\projects\mock_server> tree .\example\ /f
+│ .simple-mock.yaml
+│ [SimpleMockServer] your download application
+│ └─api
+│ │ index.delete.json
+│ │ index.get.json
+│ │ index.json
+│ │ index.option.json
+│ │ index.patch.json
+│ │ index.post.json
+│ │ querybyentity.json
+│ │
+│ └─index
+│ test.json
+│ └─peer-stream
+│ │ index.js
+│ │ package.json
+│ │ pnpm-lock.yaml
+│ └─node_modules
+ bootstrap.min.css
+ index.html
+ jquery.min.js
+ normalize.css
+│ index │ url │ method │ file │
+│ 1 │ api/ │ delete │ apis\api\index.delete.json │
+│ 2 │ api/ │ get │ apis\api\index.get.json │
+│ 3 │ api/ │ get │ apis\api\index.json │
+│ 4 │ api/ │ option │ apis\api\index.option.json │
+│ 5 │ api/ │ patch │ apis\api\index.patch.json │
+│ 6 │ api/ │ post │ apis\api\index.post.json │
+│ 7 │ api/querybyentity │ get │ apis\api\querybyentity.json │
+│ 8 │ api/index/test │ get │ apis\api\index\test.json │
+and you can fetch `/api` to access content of `apis\api\index.delete.json`
+## Plugins
+We also offer a plugin system to extend it, I am writing wiki
+## Configuration
+Please see [ source code ](https://github.com/couriourc/mock_server),[WIP]
+## Check list
+- [ x ] Plugin Loaded
+- [ x ] Support Static HTML to deploy
+- [ x ] Mock JSON by filename
+- [ ] WIKI
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## 例如
- └─demo
- │ index.get.json -> api为 demo/ get 方法
- │ index.json 会被 index.get.json 覆盖
- │ index.post.json
- │ querybyentity.json -> api为 demo/querybyentity/ get 方法
- │
- └─index
- test.json -> api为 demo/index/test get 方法
+PS D:\projects\mock_server> tree .\example\ /f
+│ .simple-mock.yaml
+│ [SimpleMockServer] your download application
+│ └─api
+│ │ index.delete.json
+│ │ index.get.json
+│ │ index.json
+│ │ index.option.json
+│ │ index.patch.json
+│ │ index.post.json
+│ │ querybyentity.json
+│ │
+│ └─index
+│ test.json
+│ └─peer-stream
+│ │ index.js
+│ │ package.json
+│ │ pnpm-lock.yaml
+│ └─node_modules
+ bootstrap.min.css
+ index.html
+ jquery.min.js
+ normalize.css
## 基本功能