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300 lines (241 loc) · 9.12 KB

File metadata and controls

300 lines (241 loc) · 9.12 KB

Create Range Scan (0xDA)

Requests that the server creates a new range scan for a collection in an active vbucket.

The request has:

  • No extras
  • No key
  • A value (JSON object describing the required configuration)
  • datatype must be JSON and client must enable JSON when issuing HELO

The value is a JSON object with a number of required and optional fields. The request can create a range scan or the feature can also perform a random sample of keys/documents.

If the request is successful the server is now holding a snapshot open from which the keys/documents will be returned by subsequent continue requests. The server will only permit a range scan to exist for a fixed amount of time after which the scan will be closed by the server, releasing disk resources.

JSON definition

The following keys are accepted input. Any keys not shown in the following sections will be ignored.

Root-level keys

The following keys will be checked for at the root of the JSON object

  • The collection of the scan

    • "collection"
    • If this key is omitted, the scan will use the default collection.
    • The value is a string
    • The value is the collection-ID as hexadecimal. This matches other interfaces where a collection-ID is included in a JSON object.
    • For example collection with base10 ID 2748 is encoded as "abc"
  • Key or Key/Value configuration of the scan

    • "key_only"
    • The value is a bool
    • When set to true the scan will only return keys
    • When set to false (or omitted) the scan will return the complete "document", that is the key, metadata and value
  • Extended Attributes configuration of the scan

    • "include_xattrs"
    • The value is a bool
    • When set to true the scan will also include the xattrs for each "document", now consisting of the key, metadata, xattrs and value
    • When set to false (or omitted) the scan will not include xattrs for each document
    • System xattrs will be included if the user has privilege, otherwise only user xattrs are returned, if any
    • This value cannot be set to true if "key_only": true
  • Range-scan configuration

    • "range"
    • value is a JSON object (described below)
    • When omitted the "sampling" key must be included.
  • Sampling configuration

    • "sampling"
    • value is a JSON object (described below)
    • When omitted the "range" key must be included.
  • Snapshot Requirements

    • "snapshot_requirements"
    • value is a JSON object (described below)
    • This key can be omitted
  • A client defined name which may assist debug and observability

    • "name
    • value is a JSON string
    • This key can be omitted
    • If this key is included, the name cannot exceed 50 bytes

For a range-scan

The range-scan configuration is defined in the "ranges" object, the object has the following keys.

Key values for each key are base64 encodings of the desired strings.

  • The start key of the scan

    • "start"
    • value is a string
    • value must be base64 encoded
    • The scan will be inclusive of the start key
  • The end key of the scan

    • "end"
    • value is a string
    • value must be base64 encoded
    • The scan will be inclusive of the end key
  • The exclusive start key of the scan

    • "excl_start"
    • value is a string
    • value must be base64 encoded
    • The scan will be exclusive of the start key
  • The exclusive end key of the scan

    • "excl_end"
    • value is a string
    • value must be base64 encoded
    • The scan will be exclusive of the end key
  • A start and an end must be defined.

  • The create will fail if "start" and "excl_start" are defined.

  • The create will fail if "end" and "excl_end" are defined.

  • The size of the start/end key (before base64 encoding) must not exceed 250 (this is the maximum key length for all documents).

For a random-sample

The random-sample configuration is defined in the "sampling" object, the object has the following keys.

  • The prng seed to use
    • "seed"
    • value is a number
    • If omitted the seed is 0
  • The sample size
    • "samples"
    • value is a number
    • This key must be included in the "sampling" object.
    • A sampling scan does not guarantee that exactly the requested number of items is returned. A bernoulli distribution with a probability of samples / collection size determines if a scanned key is included in the output set.
    • The scan will iterate the collection and randomly include keys using the distribution.
    • If the target collection size is smaller or equal to samples, the entire collection is returned.

Example 1. Collection stores 100 keys and the sample request is for 10. The scan will configure a distribution with a 0.1 probability. The scan will then return approximately 10% of the collection - it could be more or less.

Example 2. Collection stores 100 key and the sample request is for 200. The scan will return all 100 keys.

Snapshot Requirements

The request can include a set of requirements that the vbucket snapshot must meet in-order for the request to be successful. The "snapshot_requirements" can be defined for either a range-scan or a random-sample.

  • The 64-bit vbucket uuid which the snapshot must match for the create to succeed.
    • "vb_uuid"
    • value is a string encoding a base10 number
    • This key must be defined in the "snapshot_requirements" object.
  • A sequence number that must of been persisted for the create to succeed.
    • "seqno"
    • value is a number
    • This key must be defined in the "snapshot_requirements" object.
  • If a mutation is still stored for the sequence number.
    • "seqno_exists"
    • value is a bool
    • When true the scan will check the by-seqno index for existince of an item with "seqno"
    • When omitted this defaults to false
  • A millisecond timeout, the create request will wait this long the "seqno" to be persisted.
    • "timeout_ms"
    • value is a number
    • When omitted, no timeout is used and the command will fail immediately if the "seqno" is not persisted.
    • TBD: upper limit on this timeout


A range-scan for all "user" prefixed keys. Here the start is "user" and the end is "user\xFF" (i.e. the 5th byte is 255 which ensures all user prefixed keys match).

  "collection": "f2",
  "range": {
    "end": "dXNlcv8=",
    "start": "dXNlcg=="

The same range-scan, but require a vbucket uuid match and that a seqno has been persisted.

  "collection": "f2",
  "range": {
    "end": "dXNlcv8=",
    "start": "dXNlcg=="
  "snapshot_requirements": {
    "vb_uuid": "16627788222",
    "seqno": 1000

Next key-only and require a vbucket uuid match and that a seqno has been persisted with a 2 second wait.

  "collection": "f2",
  "key_only": true,
  "range": {
    "end": "dXNlcv8=",
    "start": "dXNlcg=="
  "snapshot_requirements": {
    "vb_uuid": "16627788222",
    "seqno": 1000,
    "timeout_ms": 2000

Random sample

  "collection": "f2",
  "sampling": {
    "seed": 18111,
    "samples": 512


On success the response will include a 128-bit (16-byte) identifier that the client will use in continue and cancel requests. This will be encoded as the value of the response packet.

The returned UUID does not define any sub-structure to the 16-bytes and the entire 16-bytes are in network byte order. For example the following success response shows UUID 00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff.

     CREATE_RANGE_SCAN success
Field        (offset) (value)
Magic        (0)    : 0x80
Opcode       (1)    : 0xDA
Key length   (2,3)  : 0x0000
Extra length (4)    : 0x00
Data type    (5)    : 0x00
Status       (6,7)  : 0x0000
Total body   (8-11) : 0x00000010
Opaque       (12-15): 0x00001210
CAS          (16-23): 0x0000000000000000
scan-uuid    (24-39): 0x00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff


Status::KeyEnoent (0x01)

The requested range is empty.

Status::Einval (0x04)

Input validation failure (e.g. incorrect key length). The returned error context (JSON object) will contain details.

Status::NotStored (0x05)

When snapshot requirements are defined, this status indicates that the sequence number which must exist, i.e. "seqno_exists":true, was not found.

Status::NotMyVbucket (0x07)

Server does not own an active copy of the vbucket.

Status::Erange (0x22)

When sampling, this error indicates the collection does not have enough keys to satisfy the requested sample size.

Status::Etmpfail (0x86)

When snapshot requirements are defined, this status indicates that the vbucket has yet to persist the required sequence number.

Status::Einternal (0x84)

This status code is used for unexpected internal failure, for example failure to open or read the disk snapshot. log messages will be generated for this error and it is unlikely that a retry will succeed.

Status::Ebusy (0x85)

The server is busy and cannot open a new disk snapshot. The server has an upper bound on how many disk scans can be concurrently on-going, both Range Scans and DCP perform scans.

Status::VbUuidNotEqual (0xa8)

This status is returned when snapshot requirements are requested and the value of "vb_uuid" does not match the value from the server's vbucket.