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Guide: Views

Jens Alfke edited this page Aug 4, 2012 · 14 revisions


6. Working With Documents In CouchCocoa

CouchCocoa's CouchDocument class represents a document. A CouchDocument knows its database and document ID, and can cache the document's current contents. The contents are represented as parsed JSON -- an NSDictionary, whose keys are NSStrings and whose values can be any of the classes NSString, NSNumber, NSNull, NSArray or NSDictionary. (Note that, unlike native Cocoa property-lists, NSData and NSDate are not supported.)

Full API documentation of CouchCocoa is available online.

Creating A Document

You'll probably create a new document when the user creates a persistent data item in your app, such as a reminder, a photograph or a high score. To save this, you'll construct a JSON-compatible representation of the data, then instantiate a new CouchDocument and save the data to it.

Here's an example from Grocery Sync:

	NSDictionary *contents = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
								text, @"text",
                                [NSNumber numberWithBool:NO], @"check",
                                [RESTBody JSONObjectWithDate: [NSDate date]], @"created_at",

Next, ask the CouchDatabase (instantiated when you initialized CouchCocoa, remember?) for a new document. This doesn't add anything to the database yet; just like the New command in a typical Mac or Windows app, the document won't be stored on disk until you save some data into it. Continuing from the previous example:

    CouchDocument* doc = [database untitledDocument];

"Untitled" is a little bit of a misnomer, because this document does have an ID already reserved for it. TouchDB just made up a random unique ID (a long string of hex digits.) You can choose your own ID by calling [database documentWithID: someID] instead; just remember that it has to be unique, or you'll get a conflict error when you try to save it.

Saving A Document

Finally save the contents to the document:

    RESTOperation* op = [doc putProperties: contents];
    if (![op wait])
        [self showErrorAlert: @"Couldn't save the new item" forOperation: op];

RESTOperation is an object that represents an asynchronous call to TouchDB. CouchCocoa lets you perform most operations either synchronously or asynchronously; the synchronous mode is easier, but asynchronous avoids blocking the main thread. To make the operation synchronous, we add the wait call; this will block until the operation completes, and then return YES on success or NO on failure. If the operation fails, the snippet uses its error property to present an alert to the user.

If we'd decided to run the operation asynchronously, the code would look quite similar:

    RESTOperation* op = [doc putProperties:inDocument];
    [op onCompletion: ^{
        if (op.error)
            [self showErrorAlert: @"Couldn't save the new item" forOperation: op];
    [op start];

The difference is that we set an onCompletion handler, a block that will be called later when the operation completes (whether or not it succeeds.) The code that should run in the future goes inside the block; back in the present, we just tell the operation to start and keep going.

(Note: If you've ever used node.js, you'll find this asynchrony very familiar.)

Reading A Document

If later on you want to retrieve the contents of the document, you'll need to obtain the CouchDocument object representing it, then get the contents from that object.

There are two ways to get the CouchDocument:

  1. You might know its ID (maybe you kept it in memory, maybe you got it from NSUserDefaults or even from a property of another document), in which case you can call [database documentWithID:].
  2. Or you might be iterating the results of a view query (or allDocument, which is a special view) in which case you can get it from the CouchQueryRow's document property.

Then to get the document's contents, access its properties property:

	CouchDocument* doc = [database documentWithID: documentID];
	NSDictionary* contents =;

Alternatively, you can use the shortcut propertyForKey: to get one property at a time:

	NSString* text = [document propertyForKey: @"text"];
	BOOL checked = [[document propertyForKey: @"check"] boolValue];

You might be wondering which of these lines actually hits the database. The answer is that the CouchDocument starts out empty and loads its contents on demand, then caches them in memory; so it's the call to in the first example, or the first propertyForKey: call in the second example. Afterwards, getting properties is as cheap as a dictionary lookup. (For this reason it's best not to keep references to huge numbers of CouchDocument objects, or you'll end up storing all their contents in memory. Instead, rely on queries to look up documents as you need them.)

Updating A Document

Updating a document is trivial: You just call putProperties: again.

OK, it's not quite that trivial. Remember the dry theoretical discussion of Multiversion Concurrency Control (MVCC) back in section 2? Here's where it gets real. When you update a document, TouchDB wants to know which revision you updated, so it can stop you if there were any updates in the meantime. (Otherwise, you would wipe out those updates by overwriting them.) I'll get into update-conflict handling in a little bit; for now, just realize that TouchDB wants to see that _rev property in the properties you're putting.

Fortunately this is painlessly accomplished, since the _rev property was already in the dictionary you got from the CouchDocument. So all you need to do is modify the properties dictionary and hand back the modified dictionary, which still contains the _rev property, to putProperties:

    NSMutableDictionary *contents = [[ mutableCopy] autorelease];
    BOOL wasChecked = [[contents valueForKey: @"check"] boolValue];
    [contents setObject: [NSNumber numberWithBool: !wasChecked] forKey: @"check"];

docContent is now a copy of the existing document (including the important _rev property), with the value of the checked property toggled.

Finally you save the document the same way you did when you created it:

    RESTOperation* op = [doc putProperties: contents];
    if (![op wait])
        [self showErrorAlert: @"Couldn't update the item" forOperation: op];

Update Conflicts

Now let's look at the messy reality of concurrent programming. The above example code is vulnerable to a race condition. If something else updates the document in between the calls to and [document putProperties:], the operation will fail. (The error domain will be CouchHTTPErrorDomain and the error code 409, which is HTTP for "Conflict".)

"So what?" you might object. "My app is single-threaded, so it can't make any other changes in between." Ah, but most TouchDB apps use replication (since it's such an awesome feature), and replication runs in the background. So it's possible that one of your users might get unlucky and find that TouchDB sucked down a remote update to that very document, and inserted it a moment before he tried to save his own update. He'll get some weird error about a conflict. Then he'll try the operation again, and this time it'll work (because by now your CouchDocument has updated itself to the latest revision). This will annoy him and he'll go and lower his App Store rating of your app.

This is, admittedly, vanishingly unlikely to happen in the above example, because the elapsed time between getting and putting the properties is so short (microseconds, probably). It's more likely in a situation where it takes the user a while to make a change. For example, in a fancier to-do list app the user might open an inspector view, make multiple changes, then commit them. The app would probably fetch the document properties when the user presses the Edit button, let the user take as long as she wants to modify the UI controls, then save when she returns to the main UI. In this situation minutes may have gone by, and it's much more likely that in the meantime the replicator pulled down someone else's update to that same document.

I'll show you how to deal with this, but for simplicity I'll do it in the context of our rather trivial example. The easiest way to deal with this is to respond to a conflict by starting over and trying again. By now the CouchDocument will have updated itself to the latest revision, so you'll be making your changes to current content and won't get a conflict.

First we figure out what change we want to make -- in this case, the new setting of the checkbox:

    NSMutableDictionary *docContent = [[ mutableCopy] autorelease];
    BOOL wasChecked = [[docContent valueForKey:@"check"] boolValue];

Then we get the document contents, apply the change, and retry as long as there's a conflict:

    NSError* error = nil;
    do {
        docContent = [[ mutableCopy] autorelease];
        [docContent setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:!wasChecked] forKey:@"check"];
        [[doc putProperties: docContent] wait: &error];
    } while ([error.domain isEqualToString: CouchHTTPErrorDomain] && error.code == 409);

(Yes, there is a second call to But it's in the loop; the first call is redundant, but it's vital if there's a conflict and the loop has to execute a second time, so that docContent can pick up the new contents.)

Deleting A Document

Deleting is a lot like updating; instead of calling putProperties: you call DELETE.

Mini-FAQ about DELETE:

  1. The name is in all caps because it's an HTTP verb.
  2. It's not declared as a method on CouchDocument because it's inherited from its base class RESTResource.

Here's the sample code, which should be familiar looking by now:

    RESTOperation* op = [doc DELETE];
    if (![op wait])
        [self showErrorAlert: @"Couldn't delete the item" forOperation: op];

The same complications about conflicts apply. You won't get a conflict if someone else deleted the document first, but you will if someone modified it. Then you'll need to decide which takes precedence, and either redo the DELETE call or give up.

NEXT: Views And Queries