- -- Copyright (C) 2012 G. Gonthier, B. Ziliani, A. Nanevski, D. Dreyer
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- -
-From mathcomp
-Require Import ssreflect seq.
-From LemmaOverloading
-Require Import rels.
-Set Implicit Arguments.
-Unset Strict Implicit.
-Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
- -
-(* Automated proving of a proposition in a logic with binders *)
-(* adapted from VeriML paper of Stampoulist and Shao. *)
- -
-(* first another searching structure; can probably be reused from some *)
-(* other file, but I don't bother now *)
-(* simply check if a proposition x is in the context g, represented as a list *)
- -
-Structure tagged_seq := TagS {untags :> seq Prop}.
- -
-Definition recurse := TagS.
-Canonical Structure found (g : seq Prop) := recurse g.
- -
-Structure find (x : Prop) :=
- Find {seq_of :> tagged_seq;
- _ : x \In untags seq_of}.
- -
-Program Canonical Structure
- found_struct x g := @Find x (found (x :: g)) _.
-Next Obligation. by rewrite InE; left. Qed.
- -
-Program Canonical Structure
- recurse_struct x y (g : find x) := @Find x (recurse (y :: g)) _.
-Next Obligation. by rewrite InE /=; right; case: g. Qed.
- -
-(* then a helper structure for controlling the information flow *)
-(* it is like the hoisting pattern *)
- -
-Structure equate_to (x : Prop) := Equate {assign :> Prop}.
- -
-Canonical Structure singleton x := Equate x x.
- -
-Structure check (x : Prop) (g : seq Prop) :=
- Check {x_of :> equate_to x;
- _ : assign x_of \In g}.
- -
-Program Canonical Structure
- start x (f : find x) := @Check x f (singleton x) _.
-Next Obligation. by case: f=>[[]]. Qed.
- -
-(* Now the main body -- branches on the structure of the prop *)
- -
-(* if p is a conjunction, prove both sides *)
-(* if p is a disjunction, try to prove left then right side *)
-(* if p is an implication, put the hypothesis into the context g and recurse *)
-(* if p is a universal, abstract over the bound variable *)
-(* if neither, check if p is in the context g *)
- -
-Structure tagged_prop := Tag {untag :> Prop}.
- -
-Definition var_tag := Tag.
-Definition all_tag := var_tag.
-Definition imp_tag := all_tag.
-Definition orL_tag := imp_tag.
-Definition orR_tag := orL_tag.
-Canonical Structure and_tag p := orR_tag p.
- -
-Structure form (g : seq Prop) :=
- Form {prop_of :> tagged_prop;
- _ : foldr and True g -> untag prop_of}.
- -
-Program Canonical Structure
- and_struct g (p1 p2 : form g) :=
- @Form g (@and_tag (p1 /\ p2)) _.
-Next Obligation.
-case: p1 p2=>[[p1]] H1 [[p2]] H2.
-by split; [apply: H1 | apply: H2]; apply: H.
- -
-Program Canonical Structure
- orL_struct g (p1 : form g) (p2 : Prop) :=
- @Form g (@orL_tag (p1 \/ p2)) _.
-Next Obligation. by case: p1=>[[p1]] H1; left; apply: H1 H. Qed.
- -
-Program Canonical Structure
- orR_struct g (p1 : Prop) (p2 : form g) :=
- @Form g (@orR_tag (p1 \/ p2)) _.
-Next Obligation. by case: p2=>[[p2]] H2; right; apply: H2 H. Qed.
- -
-Program Canonical Structure
- imp_struct g (p : Prop) (q : form (p :: g)) :=
- @Form g (@imp_tag (p -> q)) _.
-Next Obligation. by case: q=>[[q]] H1; apply: H1. Qed.
- -
-Program Canonical Structure
- all_struct A g (p : A -> form g) :=
- @Form g (@all_tag (forall x, p x)) _.
-Next Obligation. by case: (p x)=>[[q]]; apply. Qed.
- -
-Program Canonical Structure
- var_struct x g (c : check x g) :=
- @Form g (@var_tag c) _ .
-Next Obligation.
-case: c=>[[p]] /=; elim: g H=>[//|t s IH] /=.
-case=>H1 H2; rewrite InE /=.
-by case; [move=>-> | apply: IH H2].
- -
-(* main lemma *)
- -
-Lemma auto (p : form [::]) : untag p.
-Proof. by case: p=>[[s]] H; apply: H. Qed.
- -
-(* examples *)
- -
-Example ex1 (p : Prop) : p -> p.
-Proof. by apply: auto. Qed.
- -
-Example ex2 (p : nat -> Prop) : (forall x, p x) -> (forall x, p x).
-Proof. by apply: auto. Qed.
- -
-Example ex3 (p : Prop) : p -> p /\ p.
-Proof. by apply: auto. Qed.
- -
-Example ex4 (p q : Prop) : p -> p /\ q.
-Proof. try apply: auto. Abort.
- -
-Example ex5 (p q : Prop) : p -> p \/ q.
-Proof. by apply: auto. Qed.
- -
-Example ex6 (p q : Prop) : p -> q \/ p.
-Proof. by apply: auto. Qed.
- -
-Example ex7 (p q : nat -> Prop) : forall x:nat, p x -> p x \/ q x.
-Proof. by apply: auto. Qed.
- -
-Example ex8 (p q : nat -> Prop) : forall x, p x -> q x -> p x /\ q x.
-Proof. by apply: auto. Qed.
- -
-(* this one doesn't work; need to make things more general for this *)
-Example ex9 (p : nat -> Prop) : (forall x, p x) -> p 3.
-Proof. try apply: auto. Abort.