account_address -> Account
- code,EVM bytecode
- codesize,len(code)
- Storage
- balance
- [node1,node2,,]
- edges
- cfg_filename
gas_available- pc
- Memory
i (memsize?)- Stack
- Ia, the address of the account which owns the code that is executing. == address(this)
Io,the sender address of the transaction that originated this execution.- Ip, the price of gas in the transaction that origi- nated this execution. == tx.gasprice
- Id,the byte array that is the input data to this execution; if the execution agent is a transaction, this would be the transaction data. == ==Call Data
- Is, the address of the account which caused the code to be executing; if the execution agent is a transaction, this would be the transaction sender. == msg.caller
- Iv, the value, in Wei, passed to this account as part of the same procedure as execution; if the execution agent is a transaction, this would be the transaction value. == msg.value
- Ib, the byte array that is the machine code to be executed. == sytem_state[address(this)].code
- IH, the block header of the present block.
- block.coinbase
- block.timestamp
- block.number
- block.difficulty
- block.gaslimit
Ie, the depth of the present message-call or contract-creation (i.e. the number of CALLs or CREATEs being executed at present).Iw, the permission to make modifications to the state.
block_number -> hash
Each CFG node holds its own Machine_state at the end of its symbolic execution.
- Machine_state
- code contained the node
origindestination- node_number
- node_number -> [dest1,dest2,,,]