Note that 'sudo' is not installed by default in Debian. It's possible to install and configure it, you can find information here. But we don't recommend it cause you may have other problems. We recommend running the following commands as a superuser, so make sure the very first command you run is:
For Vagrant run:
sudo su -
Run a general system update:
apt-get update
Git is officially maintained in Debian:
apt-get install git
Curl is officially maintained in Debian:
apt-get install curl
Ruby versions packaged in official repositories are not suitable to work with Consul Democracy, so we'll have to install it manually.
One possible tool is rvm:
command curl -sSL | gpg --import -
command curl -sSL | gpg --import -
curl -L | bash -s stable
then add rvm script source to user's bash (~/.bashrc) (this step is only necessary if you can't execute the rvm command)
[[ -s /usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm ]] && source /usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm
and finally, reload .bashrc to be able to run RVM
source ~/.bashrc
To compile the assets, you'll need a JavaScript runtime. Node.js is the preferred option. As with Ruby, we don't recommend installing Node from your distro's repositories.
To install it, you can use n
Run the following command on your terminal:
curl -L | bash -s -- -y lts
And it will install the latest LTS (Long Term Support) Node version on your $HOME
folder automatically (This makes use of n-install)
Reload .bashrc to be able to run node
source /root/.bashrc
Check it's correctly installed by running:
node -v
PostgreSQL version 9.4 is not official in debian 9.
So you have to add a repository, the official postgresql works fine.
Add the repository to apt, for example creating file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list with:
deb jessie/updates main
afterwards you'll have to download the key, and install it, by:
apt-key add ACCC4CF8.asc
and install postgresql
apt-get update
apt-get install postgresql-9.4 postgresql-server-dev-9.4 postgresql-contrib-9.4
You also need to configure a user for your database. As an example, we'll choose the username "consul":
su - postgres
createuser consul --createdb --superuser --pwprompt
Install Imagemagick:
apt-get install imagemagick
To run E2E integration tests, we use Selenium along with Headless Chrome.
To get it working, install the chromedriver package:
apt-get install chromedriver
ln -s /usr/lib/chromedriver /usr/local/bin/
Make sure it's working as expected by running the following command:
chromedriver --version
You should receive an output with the latest version of ChromeDriver. If that's the case, you're good to go!
If you are using an Arch-based distro, installing chromium
from the extra
repository should be sufficient.
You also have the option of just installing ChromeDriver from AUR. If you use pacaur
, run the following command:
pacaur -S chromedriver
Now you're ready to go get Consul Democracy installed!!