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230 lines (164 loc) · 9 KB


The code generator for Connect-Query, a expansion pack for TanStack Query (react-query), that enables effortless communication with servers that speak the Connect Protocol.

Learn more about Connect-Query at


protoc-gen-connect-query is a code generator plugin for Protocol Buffer compilers like buf and protoc. It generates clients from your Protocol Buffer schema, and works in tandem with @bufbuild/protoc-gen-es, the code generator plugin for all Protocol Buffer base types. The code those two plugins generate requires the runtime libraries @connectrpc/connect-query, and @bufbuild/protobuf.

To install the plugins and their runtime libraries, run:

npm install --save-dev @connectrpc/protoc-gen-connect-query @bufbuild/protoc-gen-es
npm install @connectrpc/connect-query @bufbuild/protobuf

We use peer dependencies to ensure that code generator and runtime library are compatible with each other. Note that yarn and pnpm only emit a warning in this case.

Generating Code


For these examples, consider the following example proto file example.proto:

syntax = "proto3";

package example.v1;

message Nothing {}

message Todo {
  string id = 1;
  string name = 2;
  bool completed = 3;

message Todos {
  repeated Todo todos = 1;

service TodoService {
  rpc GetTodos(Nothing) returns (Todos);
  rpc AddTodo(Todo) returns (Nothing);

This file creates an RPC service with the following:

  • GetTodos takes no inputs and returns an array of Todos.
  • AddTodo adds a new Todo and returns nothing.


Add a new configuration file buf.gen.yaml

version: v1
  # This will invoke protoc-gen-es and write output to src/gen
  - name: es
    out: src/gen
    opt: target=ts
    # This will invoke protoc-gen-connect-query
  - name: connect-query
    out: src/gen
    opt: target=ts

With the buf CLI

To use the buf CLI to generate code for all protobuf files within your project, simply run:

npx @bufbuild/buf generate

Note that buf can generate from various inputs, not just local protobuf files. For example, npm run generate generates code for the module connectrpc/eliza on the Buf Schema Registry.

With protoc

PATH=$PATH:$(pwd)/node_modules/.bin \
  protoc -I . \
  --es_out src/gen \
  --es_opt target=ts \
  --connect-query_out src/gen \
  --connect-query_opt target=ts \

Note that we are adding node_modules/.bin to the $PATH, so that the protocol buffer compiler can find them. This happens automatically with npm scripts.

Note: Since yarn v2 and above does not use a node_modules directory, you need to change the variable a bit:

PATH=$(dirname $(yarn bin protoc-gen-es)):$(dirname $(yarn bin protoc-gen-connect-es)):$PATH

With Node

Add a line to the scripts section of your package.json to run buf generate.

"scripts": {
    "buf:generate": "npx @bufbuild/buf generate example.proto"

Finally, tell Buf to generate code by running your command:

npm run buf:generate

Now you should see your generated code:

└── gen/
    ├── example_pb.ts
    └── example-TodoService_connectquery.ts

Generated Output

Connect-Query will create one output file for every service in every protofile. Say you have the following file structure:

└── proto/
    ├── pizza.proto
    └── curry.proto

Where pizza.proto contains DetroitStyleService and ChicagoStyleService, and where curry.proto contains VindalooService. Your generated output will look like this:

└── gen/
    ├── pizza_pb.ts
    ├── pizza-DetroitStyleService_connectquery.ts
    ├── pizza-ChicagoStyleService_connectquery.ts
    ├── curry_pb.ts
    └── curry-VindalooService_connectquery.ts

The reason each service gets a separate file is to facilitate intellisense and language server protocol imports. Notice that one file per input proto is generated by protoc-gen-es (pizza_pb.ts and curry_pb.ts), and that one file per service is created by protoc-gen-connect-query (making up the remainder). The Protobuf-ES generated files (*_pb.ts) are important because those files are referenced from the *_connectquery.ts files.

Plugin options


This option controls whether the plugin generates JavaScript, TypeScript, or TypeScript declaration files.

Say, for example, you used example.proto:

Target Generated output
target=js example-TodoService_connectquery.js
target=ts example-TodoService_connectquery.ts
target=dts example-TodoService_connectquery.d.ts

Multiple values can be given by separating them with +, for example target=js+dts.

By default, we generate JavaScript and TypeScript declaration files, which produces the smallest code size and is the most compatible with various bundler configurations. If you prefer to generate TypeScript, use target=ts.


By default, protoc-gen-connect-query (and all other plugins based on @bufbuild/protoplugin) uses a .js file extensions in import paths, even in TypeScript files.

This is unintuitive, but necessary for ECMAScript modules in Node.js.

Unfortunately, not all bundlers and tools have caught up yet, and Deno requires .ts. With this plugin option, you can replace .js extensions in import paths with the given value. For example, set

  • import_extension=none to remove the .js extension
  • import_extension=.ts to replace the .js extension with .ts


By default, protoc-gen-connect-query (and all other plugins based on @bufbuild/protoplugin) generate ECMAScript import and export statements. For use cases where CommonJS is difficult to avoid, this option can be used to generate CommonJS require() calls.

Possible values:

  • js_import_style=module generate ECMAScript import / export statements - the default behavior.
  • js_import_style=legacy_commonjs generate CommonJS require() calls.


This option exists for other plugins but is not applicable to protoc-gen-connect-query because, unlike most other plugins, it does not generate a maximum of one output file for every input proto file. Instead, it generates one output file per service. If you provide a valid proto file that contains no services, protoc-gen-connect-query will have no output.


By default, protoc-gen-connect-query (and all other plugins based on @bufbuild/protoplugin) generate an annotation at the top of each file: // @ts-nocheck.

We generate the annotation to support a wide range of compiler configurations and future changes to the language. But there can be situations where the annotation shadows an underlying problem, for example an unresolvable import. To remove the annotation and to enable type checks, set the plugin option ts_nocheck=false.

Example Generated Code

See eliza.proto for example inputs, and look here to see the outputs those files generate.