This library provides an API client for communicating with the ECOES API.
It uses Guzzle as a the underlying HTTP client.
$ecoes = new Ecoes\Api('API KEY GOES HERE');
$request = new Ecoes\SearchUtilityAddress\Request('POSTCODE');
// $matches will be an array of matching addresses.
$matches = $ecoes->SearchUtilityAddress($request)->getUtilityAddressMatches();
$ecoes = new Ecoes\Api('API KEY GOES HERE');
$request = new Ecoes\GetTechnicalDetailsByMpan\Request('MPAN');
// $matches will be an array of matching MPANs.
$matches = $ecoes->GetTechnicalDetailsByMpan($request)->getUtilityMatches();
// $match will be an array of a single matched MPAN.
$match = $ecoes->GetTechnicalDetailsByMpan($request)->getUtilityMatch();