I’d tell you the value of Haskell, but I’m too lazy.
What’s the difference between a pessimist, an optimist, and an AWS consultant?
A pessimist says the glass is half empty, An optimist says the glass is half full, And the AWS consultant says the water will scale.
Functional programmers don't grow old, they just decompose.
I had a voucher for a free curry, but the waiter told me it only partially applied.
JavaScript: undefined is not a function. Haskell: undefined can be any function.
Someone once described me as a bit shifty, which I took as two compliments.
What did the integer say to the C compiler at an audition?
Please don't type cast me
What did the person who loves referential transparency demand.
We want equality!
Dr Suess was a Haskell programmer. Why? Just look at the type of combinator parsers.
A parser for things is a function from strings to lists of pairs of strings and things!
Parser a :: String -> [(String, a)]