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Diff with hash in set_robot_cell
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yck011522 committed Oct 10, 2024
1 parent ed2ab5f commit bbe1afe
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Showing 4 changed files with 220 additions and 53 deletions.
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions docs/examples/03_backends_ros/files/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,3 +42,21 @@
# If you are running ROS with UI, you should see a cone in the PyBullet world
# and the floor should be gone
input("Press Enter to continue...")

# =========
# Example 3
# =========

# Add the floor mesh to this robot cell
# The `cone` rigid body is also in the robot cell
robot_cell.rigid_body_models["floor"] = RigidBody.from_mesh(floor_mesh)

# Calling `set_robot_cell` again will update the robot cell in the planner
# Behind the scene, compas_fab will compare the new robot cell with the previous one
# Because the cone rigid body is identical to the previous one, the `cone` rigid body
# will not be sent again to the PyBullet backend. Only the `floor` rigid body will be sent.
result = planner.set_robot_cell(robot_cell)

# If you are running ROS with UI, you should see the floor and the cone in the PyBullet world
input("Press Enter to continue...")
208 changes: 159 additions & 49 deletions src/compas_fab/backends/ros/backend_features/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,14 +9,15 @@
from compas_fab.backends.ros.messages import ApplyPlanningSceneRequest
from compas_fab.backends.ros.messages import ApplyPlanningSceneResponse
from compas_fab.backends.ros.messages import CollisionObject
from compas_fab.backends.ros.messages import AttachedCollisionObject
from compas_fab.backends.ros.messages import CollisionMesh
from compas_fab.backends.ros.messages import PlanningScene
from compas_fab.backends.ros.messages import PlanningSceneWorld
from compas_fab.backends.ros.messages.geometry_msgs import Header
from compas_fab.backends.ros.messages.geometry_msgs import Pose
from compas_fab.backends.ros.messages import RobotState
from compas_fab.backends.ros.messages.shape_msgs import Mesh
from compas_fab.backends.ros.service_description import ServiceDescription
from compas_robots.model import LinkGeometry

if not IPY:
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -69,66 +70,175 @@ def set_robot_cell_async(self, callback, errback, robot_cell, robot_cell_state=N
# type: (Callable, Callable, RobotCell, Optional[RobotCellState], Optional[Dict]) -> None
"""Pass the models in the robot cell to the planning client.
The client keeps the robot cell models in memory and uses them for planning.
Calling this method will override the previous robot cell in the client.
MoveIt keeps all the robot cell models in memory and uses them for planning.
Calling this method will override the previous robot cell passed to the client.
Setting the robot cell is a slow operation, as it involves sending the
geometry of the robot cell to the planning client.
It should be called only if the robot cell models have changed.
This function is responsible for creating moveit_msgs/CollisionObject messages
for each RigidBody in the robot cell with the ADD operation.
Tools are also considered as MoveIt CollisionsObjects in the same way.
Because MoveIt backend does not support kinematic tools (with movable parts),
they are treated as static objects fixed at their zero configuration.
planner = self # type: MoveItPlanner # noqa: F841
client = self.client # type: PyBulletClient
client = planner.client # type: PyBulletClient
robot = client.robot

assert robot_cell, "Robot cell should not be None"
assert robot_cell.robot, "Robot cell should have a robot"

# First implementation test
# We remove all objects and add them again, the diff is left to the client
last_planning_scene_world = planner._last_planning_scene_world

# NOTE: Diff are all false for now. In the future we can generate actual diff here
# to reduce already-existing geometry being sent to over ROS
# Retrieve the previous planning scene to keep the allowed collision matrix
# previous_planning_scene = planner.get_planning_scene() # type: PlanningScene
# print(previous_planning_scene.allowed_collision_matrix)

# Add the rigid bodies to the planning scene
collision_objects = {}
for rigid_body_id, rigid_body in robot_cell.rigid_body_models.items():
# `name` == '(noname)+'
# `object_colors`, `fixed_frame_transformation`, `link_padding` and `link_scale` are empty == []
# `robot` == [{'enabled': [True]}]

# NOTE: This function will only create CollisionObjects (not attached),
# The `set_robot_cell_state`` is responsible of the creation of AttachedCollisionObjects.

kwargs = {}
# The frame_id needs be the root name of the robot
kwargs["header"] = Header(frame_id=robot.root_name)
# id is the identifier of the rigid body
kwargs["id"] = rigid_body_id
# List of `compas_fab.backends.ros.messages.shape_msgs.Meshes`
kwargs["meshes"] = [Mesh.from_mesh(m) for m in rigid_body.collision_meshes]
# List of `compas_fab.backends.ros.messages.geometry_msgs.Pose`
kwargs["mesh_poses"] = [Pose() for _ in rigid_body.collision_meshes]
kwargs["operation"] = CollisionObject.ADD
if robot_cell_state:
rigid_body_frame = robot_cell_state.rigid_body_states[rigid_body_id].frame
kwargs["pose"] = Pose.from_frame(rigid_body_frame)
kwargs["pose"] = Pose()

co = CollisionObject(**kwargs)
collision_objects[rigid_body_id] = co

# Add attached collision objects to the robot_state
attached_collision_objects = {}
if robot_cell_state:
for rigid_body_id in robot_cell_state.get_attached_rigid_body_ids():
rigid_body_state = robot_cell_state.rigid_body_states[rigid_body_id]
collision_object = collision_objects[rigid_body_id]

kwargs = {}
kwargs["link_name"] = rigid_body_state.attached_to_link
kwargs["object"] = collision_object
kwargs["touch_links"] = rigid_body_state.touch_links
kwargs["weight"] = self.ATTACHED_OBJECTS_WEIGHT

collision_object.pose = Pose.from_frame(rigid_body_state.attachment_frame)
attached_collision_objects[rigid_body_id] = AttachedCollisionObject(**kwargs)
robot_state = RobotState(attached_collision_objects=list(attached_collision_objects.values()), is_diff=False)

world = PlanningSceneWorld(collision_objects=list(collision_objects.values()))
scene = PlanningScene(robot_state=robot_state, world=world, is_diff=False)
collision_objects = []

# Remove rigid bodies from the previous planning scene that are not in the new robot cell
for rigid_body_id in list(planner._current_rigid_body_hashes):
if rigid_body_id not in robot_cell.rigid_body_models:
co = CollisionObject(
# Remove the hash from the dictionary
del planner._current_rigid_body_hashes[rigid_body_id]
print("Rigid body {} removed from the planning scene".format(rigid_body_id))

# Add rigid bodies to the planning scene
# Skip those that are already in the planning scene

for rigid_body_id, rigid_body in robot_cell.rigid_body_models.items():
rigid_body_hash = rigid_body.sha256()
# Compare the hash of the rigid body with the previous one
if rigid_body_id in planner._current_rigid_body_hashes:
if rigid_body_hash == planner._current_rigid_body_hashes[rigid_body_id]:
print("Rigid body {} skipped because is already in the planning scene".format(rigid_body_id))

# Create new CollisionObject to be passed to backend
ros_meshes = [Mesh.from_mesh(m) for m in rigid_body.collision_meshes]
collision_object = CollisionObject(
# Header is robot.root_name when the object is not attached
# The identifier of the rigid body, matches with the robot_cell rigid_body_id
# List of `compas_fab.backends.ros.messages.shape_msgs.Meshes`
# List of Pose, one for each mesh
# NOTE: We leave the `mesh_poses` at origin because it cannot be moved later
mesh_poses=[Pose() for _ in ros_meshes],
# `pose` can be modified later, at the moment it is not set.
# Operation is always ADD
print("Rigid body {} added to the planning scene".format(rigid_body_id))

# Update the hash of the rigid body
planner._current_rigid_body_hashes[rigid_body_id] = rigid_body_hash

# # Add tools to the planning scene
# for tool_id, tool_model in robot_cell.tool_models.items():
# # For each tool, iterate through its links, each link that has geometry(s) will create one collision object
# # They are named as "[tool_name]_[link_name]_collision"
# # The naming convention here is important, as we are planning to love the links later for a kinematic tool.
# for link in tool_model.iter_links():
# collision_meshes = []
# # NOTE: There can be multiple Collision objects in a link, we flatten them to
# for collision in link.collision:
# collision_meshes += list(LinkGeometry._get_item_meshes(collision))
# # For each mesh in the link, create a CollisionMesh
# kwargs = {}
# # The frame_id needs be the root name of the robot
# kwargs["header"] = Header(frame_id=robot.root_name)
# # id is the identifier of the rigid body
# # In theory the `tool_id` from the tool_model dictionary is the same as the ``.
# tool_collision_mesh_name = "{}_{}_collision".format(tool_id,
# kwargs["id"] = tool_collision_mesh_name
# # List of `compas_fab.backends.ros.messages.shape_msgs.Meshes`
# kwargs["meshes"] = [Mesh.from_mesh(m) for m in collision_meshes]
# # List of `compas_fab.backends.ros.messages.geometry_msgs.Pose`, individual pose for the links
# # Pose will be set by set_robot_cell_state later
# kwargs["mesh_poses"] = [Pose() for _ in collision_meshes]
# kwargs["operation"] = CollisionObject.ADD
# # Attachment pose for the tool to the attached_link
# # Pose will be set by set_robot_cell_state later
# kwargs["pose"] = Pose()
# co = CollisionObject(**kwargs)
# collision_objects[tool_collision_mesh_name] = co

world = PlanningSceneWorld(collision_objects=collision_objects)
# NOTE: There is no need to update or change the Allowed Collision Matrix here
# By setting `is_diff` to True, the allowed collision matrix for the robot will
# not be overridden.
scene = PlanningScene(world=world, is_diff=True)

request = scene.to_request(client.ros_distro)
self.APPLY_PLANNING_SCENE(client, request, callback, errback)

# The allowed_collision_matrix is a dictionary with a structure similar to the following:
# {
# "entry_names": [
# "base_link_inertia",
# "forearm_link",
# "shoulder_link",
# "upper_arm_link",
# "wrist_1_link",
# "wrist_2_link",
# "wrist_3_link",
# ],
# "entry_values": [
# {"enabled": [False, False, True, True, True, False, False]},
# {"enabled": [False, False, False, True, True, False, False]},
# {"enabled": [True, False, False, True, True, True, False]},
# {"enabled": [True, True, True, False, False, False, False]},
# {"enabled": [True, True, True, False, False, True, True]},
# {"enabled": [False, False, True, False, True, False, True]},
# {"enabled": [False, False, False, False, True, True, False]},
# ],
# "default_entry_names": [],
# "default_entry_values": [],
# }

# The robot_state is a RobotState object with a structure similar to the following:
# {
# "joint_state": {
# "header": {"seq": 0, "stamp": {"secs": 0, "nsecs": 0}, "frame_id": "base_link"},
# "name": [
# "shoulder_pan_joint",
# "shoulder_lift_joint",
# "elbow_joint",
# "wrist_1_joint",
# "wrist_2_joint",
# "wrist_3_joint",
# ],
# "position": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
# "velocity": [],
# "effort": [],
# },
# "multi_dof_joint_state": {
# "header": {"seq": 0, "stamp": {"secs": 0, "nsecs": 0}, "frame_id": "base_link"},
# "joint_names": [],
# "transforms": [],
# "twist": [],
# "wrench": [],
# },
# "attached_collision_objects": [],
# "is_diff": False,
# }
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/compas_fab/backends/ros/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
from compas_fab.robots import RobotCell
from compas_fab.robots import RobotCellState

__all__ = [
Expand Down
46 changes: 42 additions & 4 deletions src/compas_fab/backends/ros/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
from compas_fab.backends.interfaces.planner import PlannerInterface

from compas_fab.backends.ros.backend_features import MoveItSetRobotCell
from compas_fab.backends.ros.backend_features import MoveItSetRobotCellState
from compas_fab.backends.ros.backend_features import MoveItResetPlanningScene
from compas_fab.backends.ros.backend_features.move_it_add_attached_collision_mesh import MoveItAddAttachedCollisionMesh
from compas_fab.backends.ros.backend_features.move_it_add_collision_mesh import MoveItAddCollisionMesh
Expand All @@ -23,6 +24,19 @@
from compas_fab.backends.ros.backend_features.move_it_remove_collision_mesh import MoveItRemoveCollisionMesh
from compas_fab.backends.ros.messages import PlanningSceneWorld
from compas_fab.backends.ros.messages import PlanningScene
from compas_fab.backends.ros.messages import RobotState

from compas import IPY

if not IPY:
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from typing import Optional # noqa: F401
from typing import Dict

__all__ = [
Expand All @@ -35,13 +49,14 @@ class MoveItPlanner(
# MoveItRemoveCollisionMesh,
# MoveItAppendCollisionMesh,
# MoveItAddAttachedCollisionMesh,
# MoveItRemoveAttachedCollisionMesh,
"""Implement the planner backend interface based on MoveIt!"""
Expand All @@ -51,3 +66,26 @@ def __init__(self, client):

# Initialize all mixins
super(MoveItPlanner, self).__init__()

self._last_planning_scene_world = None # type: Optional[PlanningSceneWorld]
self._last_robot_state = None # type: Optional[RobotState]

self._current_rigid_body_hashes = {} # type: Dict[str, bytes]

def last_planning_scene_world(self):
# type: () -> PlanningSceneWorld
if self._last_planning_scene_world is None:
planning_scene = self.get_planning_scene() # type: PlanningScene
self._last_planning_scene_world =
self._last_robot_state = planning_scene.robot_state
return self._last_planning_scene_world

def last_robot_state(self):
# type: () -> RobotState
if self._last_robot_state is None:
planning_scene = self.get_planning_scene() # type: PlanningScene
self._last_planning_scene_world =
self._last_robot_state = planning_scene.robot_state
return self._last_robot_state

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