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File metadata and controls

171 lines (139 loc) · 9.56 KB

DynamoDB Tables

Copyright The Linux Foundation and each contributor to CommunityBridge.

SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0


Column Name Description
company_id Primary Key UUID for Companies table
company_acl List of CLA Managers of the Company
company_name Name of the Company
company_manager_id Initial Company Manager who created the company


Column Name Description
company_invite_id Primary Key UUID for Company Invites table
requested_company_id Company that the pending invitation will be sent to*
user_id user requesting invitation
  • When a user tries to create a company that already exists in the Corporate Console, the user can send a request to the CLA Managers to be included in the Company ACL. A row in this table represents a pending request that any CLA Manager of the company can accept or decline in the Corporate Console.


Column Name Description
gerrit_id Primary Key UUID for Gerrit Instances table
gerrit_name Name of the Gerrit Instance
gerrit_url the URL to the Gerrit Instance
group_id_icla The LDAP Group ID for ICLA for this Gerrit Instance*
group_name_icla The LDAP Group Name for ICLA
group_id_ccla The LDAP ID for CCLA regarding this Gerrit Instance
group_name_ccla The LDAP Group Name for CCLA
project_id The CLA Group ID that the Gerrit Instance is configured with
  • When you sign an ICLA or a CCLA for this Gerrit Instance, you will be added to this LDAP Group. Once you are part of this group, you will be able to make a contribution to the repositories of the Gerrit Instance.


Column Name Description
organization_name Primary Key String Identifier for Github Orgs Table.
organization_installation_id The ID assigned by Github when the CLA App has been installed to the Github Organization
organization_sfid The SFDC ID that the Github Organization is configured to.
  • Github Organizations can be configured on the Project Management Console. They will be tied to individual SFDC IDs.


Column Name Description
repository_id Primary Key UUID for the Repositories table (Github repositories that have been configured under a CLA Group)
repository_external_id The name of the CLA Group
repository_name Name of the repository configured
repository_organization_name Name of the Github org that includes the repository
repository_project_id The CLA Group ID that has the Github Repository configured
repository_sfdc_id The SFDC ID that the repository is configured under
repository_type The repository provider (currently only will have github)
repository_url History of ICLA Templates that the project manager created.*


Column Name Description
project_id Primary Key UUID for the Projects table (Referred to as CLA Groups on Project Management Console)
project_name The name of the CLA Group
project_acl The Cla Group Manager ACL (Access Control List)
project_ccla_enabled The boolean flag that determines whether the CLA Group will include a CCLA.
project_icla_enabled The boolean flag that determines whether the CLA Group will include an ICLA.
project_ccla_requires_icla_signature The boolean flag that determines when an employee has signed a CCLA, the employee needs to sign an ICLA as well to pass the CLA checks
project_corporate_documents History of CCLA Templates that the project manager created.*
project_corporate_documents History of ICLA Templates that the project manager created.*

The Templates will be saved as a list of Documents, that have the following properties

Column Name Description
document_author_name Name of the author of the document (deprecated)
document_creation_date Date and time when the document was created through the Project Management Console
document_content_type Document file type. Currently only supports "storage+pdf"
document_file_id UUID unique to the document generated for management under S3 and Docusign API
document_legal_entity_name The legal entity name for the document (deprecated)
document_major_version The major version of the Document
document_minor_version The minor version of the Document
document_name Name of the CLA Template
document_preamble Preamble of the CLA Template (deprecated)
document_s3_url The URL to the generated CLA Template on the AWS S3 Bucket
document_tabs Document custom tabs that a Signer must fill before completing the singing process, such as Corporate Name, E-mail, Address, etc. *

Each Document will have a list of document_tabs, that have the following properties

Column Name Description
document_tab_anchor_string The anchor string (Docusign looks for this string in the document to create the custom tab)
document_tab_anchor_ignore_if_present the flag to ignore the custom tab when Docusign is not able to locate the anchor string
document_tab_anchor_x_offset The anchor string X offsets for the custom tab (in pixels)
document_tab_anchor_y_offset The anchor string Y offsets for the custom tab (in pixels)
document_tab_id The custom tab ID identifier
document_tab_is_locked Flag to determine if the custom tab is editable
document_tab_is_required Flag to determine if the custom tab is optional
document_tab_name custom tab name that displays when you hover the mouse on the tab
document_tab_type type of custom tab (e.g. "text", "sign", "date")
document_tab_position_x the X coordinates that the custom tab will be located (deprecated due to anchor string)
document_tab_position_y the Y coordinates that the custom tab will be located (deprecated due to anchor string)
document_tab_page The page number of the custom tab
document_tab_width width of the custom tab
document_tab_height height of the custom tab


Column Name Description
signature_id Primary Key UUID for the Signatures table
signature_acl The Signature Access Control List
signature_approved Flag that determines if signature is approved
signature_signed Flag that determines if signature has been signed
signature_document_major_version The major version number for the signed document
signature_document_minor_version The minor version number for the signed document
signature_project_id The CLA Group ID that the signature refers to
signature_reference_id The ID of the owner of the signature (user_id or company_id)
signature_reference_type The type of the owner (user/company)
signature_user_ccla_company_id The company ID that the user is signing the employee CCLA for
signature_return_url The return url that the user will be directed to when the user has completed the signing process (The Github Pull Request Page, the Gerrit Instance page)
signature_type Determines whether the signature is for an ICLA (cla) or a CCLA (ccla)
signature_callback_url When a user completes the signing process, Docusign sends the CLA System a webhook that contains information about the document (i.e. user finished signing, user opened document). The URL that the Docusign calls on the CLA System so that the system can mark the signature as signed
signature_envelope_id the envelope_id generated by Docusign (used for voiding signatures that are no longer valid)
signature_sign_url The Docusign URL that the user will be directed to fill the custom tabs and sign the document
domain_whitelist The domain approved list for the CCLA signature. Accepts wildcards on URLs
email_whitelist The email approved list for the CCLA signature
github_whitelist The Github username approved list for the CCLA signature
github_org_whitelist The Github organization approved list for the CCLA signature


Column Name Description
username Primary Key Username for the User permissions
projects List of SFDC projects that the user has access to in the Project Management Console


Column Name Description
user_id Primary Key UUID for the Users Table (users within the CLA system)
user_name The Full name of the user
lf_email The LF Email for the user
lf_username The LFID of the user
user_emails The verified list of emails for a Github User
user_github_id The github ID (i.e. 23942335) for a GIthub user
user_github_username The github username for user
user_company_id The company ID that the user will have when the user completes an employee CCLA


Column Name Description
id Primary Key ID for the Session Stores table (Session stored for Github Oauth)
options The options for the session (Domain, HttpOnly, MaxAge, Path, SameSite, Secure) flags
values The hashed session token for this session


Column Name Description
key Primary Key UUID for the Store table (Temporary Key-value storage for user information during the signing process)
expire (TTL) Expiration date time for the key-value pair in epoch
value Temporary values stored for the key-value