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File metadata and controls

593 lines (469 loc) · 45.4 KB


Dgraph is a horizontally scalable and distributed graph database, providing ACID transactions, consistent replication and linearizable reads. It's built from the ground up to perform for a rich set of queries. Being a native graph database, it tightly controls how the data is arranged on disk to optimize for query performance and throughput, reducing disk seeks and network calls in a cluster.


helm repo add dgraph
helm install "my-release" dgraph/dgraph


This chart bootstraps Dgraph cluster deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using Helm package manager.


  • Kubernetes 1.16+
  • Helm 3.0+

Installing the Chart

To install the chart with the release name my-release:

helm repo add dgraph
helm install "my-release" dgraph/dgraph

These commands deploy Dgraph on the Kubernetes cluster in the default configuration. The Configuration section lists the parameters that can be configured during installation:

Tip: List all releases using helm list

Uninstalling the chart

To uninstall/delete the my-release resources:

helm delete "my-release"

The command above removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.

Deletion of the StatefulSet doesn't cascade to deleting associated PVCs. To delete them:

kubectl delete pvc --selector release=my-release


The following table lists the configurable parameters of the dgraph chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
image.registry Container registry name
image.repository Container image name dgraph/dgraph
image.tag Container image tag v21.03.1
image.pullPolicy Container pull policy IfNotPresent
nameOverride Deployment name override (will append the release name) nil
fullnameOverride Deployment full name override (the release name is ignored) nil Zero component name zero
zero.metrics.enabled Add annotations for Prometheus metric scraping true
zero.extraAnnotations Specify annotations for template metadata {}
zero.updateStrategy Strategy for upgrading zero nodes RollingUpdate
zero.schedulerName Configure an explicit scheduler nil
zero.monitorLabel Monitor label for zero, used by prometheus. zero-dgraph-io
zero.rollingUpdatePartition Partition update strategy nil
zero.podManagementPolicy Pod management policy for zero nodes OrderedReady
zero.replicaCount Number of zero nodes 3
zero.shardReplicaCount Max number of replicas per data shard 5
zero.terminationGracePeriodSeconds Zero server pod termination grace period 60
zero.antiAffinity Zero anti-affinity policy soft
zero.podAntiAffinitytopologyKey Anti affinity topology key for zero nodes
zero.nodeAffinity Zero node affinity policy {}
zero.extraEnvs extra env vars []
zero.extraFlags Zero extra flags for command line ""
zero.configFile Zero config file {}
zero.service.type Zero service type ClusterIP
zero.service.annotations Zero service annotations {}
zero.service.publishNotReadyAddresses publish address if pods not in ready state true
zero.service.loadBalancerIP specify static IP address for LoadBalancer type ""
zero.service.externalTrafficPolicy route external traffic to node-local or cluster-wide endpoints ""
zero.service.loadBalancerSourceRanges restrict CIDR IP addresses for a LoadBalancer type []
zero.securityContext.enabled Security context for zero nodes enabled false
zero.securityContext.fsGroup Group id of the zero container 1001
zero.securityContext.runAsUser User ID for the zero container 1001
zero.persistence.enabled Enable persistence for zero using PVC true
zero.persistence.storageClass PVC Storage Class for zero volume nil
zero.persistence.accessModes PVC Access Mode for zero volume ['ReadWriteOnce']
zero.persistence.size PVC Storage Request for zero volume 32Gi
zero.nodeSelector Node labels for zero pod assignment {}
zero.tolerations Zero tolerations []
zero.resources.requests.memory Zero pod resources memory requests 100Mi
zero.startupProbe Zero startup probes (NOTE: only supported in Kubernetes v1.16+) See values.yaml for defaults
zero.livenessProbe Zero liveness probes See values.yaml for defaults
zero.readinessProbe Zero readiness probes See values.yaml for defaults
zero.customStartupProbe Zero custom startup probes (if zero.startupProbe not enabled) {}
zero.customLivenessProbe Zero custom liveness probes (if zero.livenessProbe not enabled) {}
zero.customReadinessProbe Zero custom readiness probes (if zero.readinessProbe not enabled) {} Alpha component name alpha
alpha.metrics.enabled Add annotations for Prometheus metric scraping true
alpha.extraAnnotations Specify annotations for template metadata {}
alpha.monitorLabel Monitor label for alpha, used by prometheus. alpha-dgraph-io
alpha.updateStrategy Strategy for upgrading alpha nodes RollingUpdate
alpha.schedulerName Configure an explicit scheduler nil
alpha.rollingUpdatePartition Partition update strategy nil
alpha.podManagementPolicy Pod management policy for alpha nodes OrderedReady
alpha.replicaCount Number of alpha nodes 3
alpha.terminationGracePeriodSeconds Alpha server pod termination grace period 600
alpha.antiAffinity Alpha anti-affinity policy soft
alpha.podAntiAffinitytopologyKey Anti affinity topology key for zero nodes
alpha.nodeAffinity Alpha node affinity policy {}
alpha.extraEnvs extra env vars []
alpha.extraFlags Alpha extra flags for command ""
alpha.configFile Alpha config file {}
alpha.service.type Alpha node service type ClusterIP
alpha.service.annotations Alpha service annotations {}
alpha.service.publishNotReadyAddresses publish address if pods not in ready state true
alpha.service.loadBalancerIP specify static IP address for LoadBalancer type ""
alpha.service.externalTrafficPolicy route external traffic to node-local or cluster-wide endpoints ""
alpha.service.loadBalancerSourceRanges restrict CIDR IP addresses for a LoadBalancer type []
alpha.ingress.enabled Alpha ingress resource enabled false
alpha.ingress.hostname Alpha ingress virtual hostname nil
alpha.ingress.annotations Alpha ingress annotations nil
alpha.ingress.tls Alpha ingress TLS settings nil
alpha.ingress_grpc.enabled Alpha ingress-grpc resource enabled false
alpha.ingress_grpc.hostname Alpha ingress-grpc virtual hostname nil
alpha.ingress_grpc.annotations Alpha ingress-gcpc annotations nil
alpha.ingress_grpc.tls Alpha ingress-grpc TLS settings nil
alpha.securityContext.enabled Security context for Alpha nodes enabled false
alpha.securityContext.fsGroup Group id of the Alpha container 1001
alpha.securityContext.runAsUser User ID for the Alpha container 1001
alpha.tls.enabled Alpha service TLS enabled false
alpha.tls.files Alpha service TLS key and certificate files stored as secrets false
alpha.encryption.enabled Alpha Encryption at Rest enabled (Enterprise feature) false
alpha.encryption.file Alpha Encryption at Rest key file (Enterprise feature) nil
alpha.acl.enabled Alpha ACL enabled (Enterprise feature) false
alpha.acl.file Alpha ACL secret file (Enterprise feature) nil
alpha.persistence.enabled Enable persistence for alpha using PVC true
alpha.persistence.storageClass PVC Storage Class for alpha volume nil
alpha.persistence.accessModes PVC Access Mode for alpha volume ['ReadWriteOnce']
alpha.persistence.size PVC Storage Request for alpha volume 100Gi
alpha.nodeSelector Node labels for alpha pod assignment {}
alpha.tolerations Alpha tolerations []
alpha.resources.requests.memory Zero pod resources memory request 100Mi
alpha.startupProbe Alpha startup probes (NOTE: only supported in Kubernetes v1.16+) See values.yaml for defaults
alpha.livenessProbe Alpha liveness probes See values.yaml for defaults
alpha.readinessProbe Alpha readiness probes See values.yaml for defaults
alpha.customStartupProbe Alpha custom startup probes (if alpha.startupProbe not enabled) {}
alpha.customLivenessProbe Alpha custom liveness probes (if alpha.livenessProbe not enabled) {}
alpha.customReadinessProbe Alpha custom readiness probes (if alpha.readinessProbe not enabled) {}
alpha.initContainers.init.enabled Alpha initContainer enabled true
alpha.initContainers.init.image.registry Alpha initContainer registry name
alpha.initContainers.init.image.repository Alpha initContainer image name dgraph/dgraph
alpha.initContainers.init.image.tag Alpha initContainer image tag v21.03.0
alpha.initContainers.init.image.pullPolicy Alpha initContainer pull policy IfNotPresent
alpha.initContainers.init.command Alpha initContainer command line to execute See values.yaml for defaults Ratel component name ratel
ratel.enabled Ratel service enabled or disabled false
ratel.extraAnnotations Specify annotations for template metadata {}
ratel.image.registry Container registry name
ratel.image.repository Container image name dgraph/ratel
ratel.image.tag Container image tag v21.03.1
ratel.image.pullPolicy Container pull policy IfNotPresent
ratel.schedulerName Configure an explicit scheduler nil
ratel.replicaCount Number of ratel nodes 1
ratel.extraEnvs Extra env vars []
ratel.service.type Ratel service type ClusterIP
ratel.service.annotations Ratel Service annotations ClusterIP
ratel.service.loadBalancerIP specify static IP address for LoadBalancer type ""
ratel.service.externalTrafficPolicy route external traffic to node-local or cluster-wide endpoints ""
ratel.service.loadBalancerSourceRanges restrict CIDR IP addresses for a LoadBalancer type []
ratel.ingress.enabled Ratel Ingress resource enabled false
ratel.ingress.hostname Ratel Ingress virtual hostname nil
ratel.ingress.annotations Ratel Ingress annotations nil
ratel.ingress.tls Ratel Ingress TLS settings nil
ratel.securityContext.enabled Security context for ratel nodes enabled false
ratel.securityContext.fsGroup Group id of the ratel container 1001
ratel.securityContext.runAsUser User ID for the ratel container 1001
ratel.resources.requests Ratel pod resources requests nil
ratel.livenessProbe Ratel liveness probes See values.yaml for defaults
ratel.readinessProbe Ratel readiness probes See values.yaml for defaults
ratel.customLivenessProbe Ratel custom liveness probes (if ratel.livenessProbe not enabled) {}
ratel.customReadinessProbe Ratel custom readiness probes (if ratel.readinessProbe not enabled) {} Backups component name backups
backups.schedulerName Configure an explicit scheduler for Backups Kubernetes CronJobs nil
backups.admin.user Login user for backups (required if ACL enabled) groot
backups.admin.password Login user password for backups (required if ACL enabled) password
backups.admin.tls_client TLS Client Name (requried if REQUIREANY or REQUIREANDVERIFY set) nil
backups.admin.auth_token Auth Token nil
backups.image.registry Container registry name
backups.image.repository Container image name dgraph/dgraph
backups.image.tag Container image tag v21.03.0
backups.image.pullPolicy Container pull policy IfNotPresent
backups.nfs.enabled Enable mounted NFS volume for backups false
backups.nfs.server NFS Server DNS or IP address nil
backups.nfs.path NFS Server file share path name nil Storage allocated from NFS volume and claim 512Gi
backups.nfs.mountPath Path to mount volume in Alpha (should match backup.destination) /dgraph/backups
backups.volume.enabled Enable mounted volume from a PVC for backups false
backups.volume.claim Name of PVC previously deployed ""
backups.volume.mountPath Path to mount volume in Alpha (should match backup.destination) /dgraph/backups
backups.full.enabled Enable full backups cronjob false
backups.full.debug Enable set -x for cron shell script false
backups.full.schedule Cronjob schedule "0 * * * *"
backups.full.restartPolicy Restart policy Never
backups.incremental.enabled Enable incremental backups cronjob false
backups.incremental.debug Enable set -x for cron shell script false
backups.incremental.schedule Cronjob schedule "0 1-23 * * *"
backups.incremental.restartPolicy Restart policy Never
backups.destination Destination - file path, s3://, minio: /dgraph/backups
backups.subpath Specify subpath where full + related incremental backups are stored dgraph_$(date +%Y%m%d)
backups.minioSecure Set to true if Minio server specified in minio:// supports TLS false
backups.keys.minio.access Alpha env variable MINIO_ACCESS_KEY fetched from secrets ""
backups.keys.minio.secret Alpha env variable MINIO_SECRET_KEY fetched from secrets ""
backups.keys.s3.access Alpha env variable AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID fetched from secrets ""
backups.keys.s3.secret Alpha env variable AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY fetched from secrets ""
global.ingress.enabled Enable global ingress resource (overrides Alpha/Ratel ingress) false
global.ingress.annotations global ingress annotations {}
global.ingress.tls global ingress tls settings {}
global.ingress.ratel_hostname global ingress virtual host name for Ratel service ""
global.ingress.alpha_hostname global ingress virtual host name for Alpha service ""
global.ingress_grpc.enabled Enable global ingress-grpc resource (overrides Alpha ingress-grpc) false
global.ingress_grpc.annotations global ingress-grpc annotations {}
global.ingress_grpc.tls global ingress-grpc tls settings {}
global.ingress_grpc.alpha_grpc_hostname global ingress-grpc virtual host name for Alpha GRPC service ""

Ingress resource

You can define ingress resources through alpha.ingress for the Alpha HTTP(S) service and ratel.ingress for the ratel UI service, or you can use a combined single ingress with global.ingress for both Alpha HTTP(S) and ratel UI services.

There are some example chart values for ingress resource configuration in example_values/ingress.

Ingress resource with GRPC

The Dgraph Alpha GRPC can be exposed through an ingress configured with either alpha.ingress_grpc or global.ingress_grpc values. For this solution to work, a few requirements must be met:

  • if an external load balancer is used by the ingress controller, the load balancer should be Layer 4 TCP as the ingress-controller will handle both HTTPS and GRPC traffic.
  • The ingress resource must instruct the ingress controller to use GRPC, such as GRPC with ingress-nginx.
  • The ingress controller can support both HTTPS and GRPC traffic, but must do TLS termination, so a secret with the appropriate certificates must be configured; this can be automated with the cert-manager addon.
  • As the Dgraph Alpha service will be accessed through a FQDN name, it is recommended that DNS record updates are automated; this can be automated with the external-dns addon.

There is an example chart values for ingress resource configuration in example_values/ingress.

Zero and Alpha configuration

Should you need additional configuration options you can add these either through environment variables or a configuration file, e.g. config.yaml. Instructions about this configuration can be found in values.yaml.

There are some example values files demonstrating how to add configuration with JSON and YAML file formats in example_values.

Alpha TLS options

The Dgraph Alpha service can be configured to use Mutual TLS. Instructions about this configuration can be found in values.yaml.

There are some example chart values for Alpha TLS configuration in example_values.

Alpha TLS example

As an example to test this feature, you can run the following steps below.

Step 1: Create certificates, keys, and Helm Chart secrets config

When generating the certificates and keys with dgraph cert command, you can use to generate a list of Alpha pod internal DNS names, the certificates and keys, and a Helm chart configuration secrets.yaml. This way other services running on the cluster, such as a backup cronjob, can access the Alpha pod.


## Download Script
curl --silent --remote-name --location \$VERS/charts/dgraph/scripts/
bash \
  --release "my-release" \
  --namespace "default" \
  --replicas 3 \
  --client "dgraphuser" \
  --tls_dir ~/dgraph_tls

Step 2: Deploy

The certificates created support and Alpha internal headless Service DNS hostnames. We can deploy a Dgraph cluster using these certs.

export RELEASE="my-release"

# Download Example Dgraph Alpha config
curl --silent --remote-name --location \$VERS/charts/dgraph/example_values/alpha-tls-config.yaml

# Install Chart with TLS Certificates
helm install $RELEASE \
 --values ~/dgraph_tls/secrets.yaml
 --values alpha-tls-config.yaml

Step 3: Testing mutual TLS with Dgraph Alpha

Use port forwarding with Dgraph Alpha GRPC to make it available on localhost in another terminal tab:

export RELEASE="my-release"
kubectl port-forward $RELEASE-dgraph-alpha-0 9080:9080

Use port forwarding with Dgraph Alpha HTTPS to make it available on localhost in another terminal tab:

export RELEASE="my-release"
kubectl port-forward $RELEASE-dgraph-alpha-0 8080:8080

Now we can test GRPC with dgraph increment, and HTTPS with curl:

# Test GRPC using Mutual TLS
dgraph increment \
 --tls_cacert ~/dgraph_tls/alpha/ca.crt \
 --tls_cert ~/dgraph_tls/alpha/client.dgraphuser.crt \
 --tls_key ~/dgraph_tls/alpha/client.dgraphuser.key \
 --tls_server_name "localhost"

# Test HTTPS using Mutual TLS
curl --silent \
  --cacert ~/dgraph_tls/alpha/ca.crt \
  --cert ~/dgraph_tls/alpha/client.dgraphuser.crt \
  --key ~/dgraph_tls/alpha/client.dgraphuser.key \

Securing internal communication with mutual TLS

Starting with Dgraph v20.11.0, both Alpha and Zero can now use secure internal communication with Mutual TLS. As an example, see zero-tls-config.yaml for an example configuration.

Securing internal Communication mutual TLS example

Step 1: Create certificates, keys, and Helm chart secrets config

Similar to the above process in generating the certificate, keys, and configuration with, you will add a --zero argument to generate the node certificate and key for the Dgraph Zero service in addition to the Dgraph Alpha service.


## Download Script
curl --silent --remote-name --location \$VERS/charts/dgraph/scripts/
bash \
  --release "my-release" \
  --namespace "default" \
  --replicas 3 \
  --client "dgraphuser" \
  --zero \
  --tls_dir ~/dgraph_tls

Step 2: Deploy

The certificates created support and Alpha and Zero internal headless Service DNS hostnames. We can deploy a Dgraph cluster using these certs.

export RELEASE="my-release"

# Download Example Dgraph Alpha + Zero config for using mTLS on internal ports
curl --silent --remote-name --location \$VERS/charts/dgraph/example_values/zero-tls-config.yaml

# Install Chart with TLS Certificates
helm install $RELEASE \
 --values ~/dgraph_tls/secrets.yaml
 --values zero-tls-config.yaml

Step 3: Testing mutual TLS with Dgraph Zero

Now we can test Dgraph Zero HTTPS with curl below. For testing Alpha, see Step 3: Testing mutual TLS with Dgraph Alpha.

First, use port forwarding to forward Dgraph Zero HTTPS port to localhost in another terminal tab:

export RELEASE="my-release"
kubectl port-forward $RELEASE-dgraph-zero-0 6080:6080 &

Now we can test Dgraph Zero HTTPS:

# Test HTTPS using Mutual TLS
curl --silent \
  --cacert ~/dgraph_tls/zero/ca.crt \
  --cert ~/dgraph_tls/zero/client.dgraphuser.crt \
  --key ~/dgraph_tls/zero/client.dgraphuser.key \

Alpha encryption at rest (enterprise feature)

You can generate a secret for the key file using base64 tool:

printf '12345678901234567890123456789012' | base64

Then create a Helm chart value config file with the secret:

# alpha-enc-secret.yaml
      enc_key_file: MTIzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQ1Njc4OTAxMjM0NTY3ODkwMTI=

Create a corresponding configuration enables and configures Dgraph Alpha to use this file:

# alpha-enc-config.yaml
    enabled: true
    config.yaml: |
        key_file: /dgraph/enc/enc_key_file

Then deploy Dgraph using the secret and config files:

helm install $RELNAME \
 --values alpha-enc-secret.yaml
 --values alpha-enc-config.yaml

Alpha access control lists (enterprise feature)

You can generate a secret for the secrets file using base64 tool:

printf '12345678901234567890123456789012' | base64

Then create a Helm chart value config file with the secret:

# alpha-acl-secret.yaml
      hmac_secret_file: MTIzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQ1Njc4OTAxMjM0NTY3ODkwMTI=

Create a corresponding configuration enables and configures Dgraph Alpha to use this file:

# alpha-acl-config.yaml
    enabled: true
    config.yaml: |
        secret_file: /dgraph/acl/hmac_secret_file

Then deploy Dgraph using the secret and config files:

helm install $RELNAME \
 --values alpha-acl-secret.yaml
 --values alpha-acl-config.yaml

Binary backups (enterprise feature)

Dgraph Binary Backups are supported by Kubernetes CronJobs. There are two types of Kubernetes CronJobs supported:

  • Full backup at midnight: 0 * * * *
  • Incremental backups every hour, except midnight: 0 1-23 * * *

Binary Backups supports three types of destinations:

Using Amazon S3

You can use Amazon S3 with backup cronjobs. You will want to configure the following:

  • Backups
    • backups.destination - should be in this format s3://s3.<region><bucket>
    • keys.s3.access - set for AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID used on Alpha pods, that is stored as a secret.
    • keys.s3.secret - set for AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY used on Alpha pods, that is stored as a secret.

Using MinIO

For this option, you will need to deploy a MinIO Server or a MinIO Gateway such as MinIO GCS Gateway or MinIO Azure Gateway. The MinIO Helm Chart can be useful for this process.

For Minio configuration, you will want to configure the following:

  • Backups
    • backups.destination - should be in this format minio://<server-address>:9000/<bucket>.
    • minioSecure (default: false) - configure this to true if you installed TLS certs/keys for MinIO server.
    • keys.minio.access - set for MINIO_ACCESS_KEY used on Alpha pods, that is stored as a secret.
    • keys.minio.secret - set for MINIO_SECRET_KEY used on Alpha pods, that is stored as a secret.

Using NFS

Backup cronjobs can take advantage of NFS if you have an NFS server available, such as EFS or GCFS. For external NFS servers outside of the Kubernetes cluster, the NFS server will need to be accessible from Kubernetes Worker Nodes.  

When this feature is enabled, a shared NFS volume will be mounted on each of the Alpha pods to /dgraph/backups by default. The NFS volume will also be mounted on backup cronjob pods so that the backup script can create datestamp named directories to organize full and incremental backups.

  • Backups
    • backups.destination (default: /dgraph/backups) - file-path where Dgraph Alpha will save backups
    • backups.nfs.server - NFS server IP address or DNS name. If external to the Kubernetes, the NFS server should be accessible from Kubernetes worker nodes.
    • backups.nfs.path - NFS server path, e.g. EFS uses /, while with GCFS, the user specifies this during creation.
    • (default: 512Gi) - storage allocated from NFS server
    • backups.nfs.mountPath (default: /dgraph/backups) - this is mounted on Alpha pods, should be same as backups.destination

Using mutual TLS

If Dgraph Alpha TLS options are used, backup cronjobs will submit the requests using HTTPS. If Mutual TLS client certificates are configured as well, you need to specify the name of the client certificate and key so that the backup cronjob script can find them.

  • Alpha
  • Backups
    • backups.admin.tls_client - this should match the client cert and key that was created with dgraph cert --client, e.g. backupuser

Using the access control list

When ACLs are used, the backup cronjob will log in to the Alpha node using a specified user account.  Through this process, the backup cronjob script will receive an AccessJWT token that will be submitted when requesting a backup.

  • Alpha
  • Backups
    • backups.admin.user (default: groot) - a user that is a member of guardians group will need to be specified.
    • backups.admin.password (default: password) - the corresponding password for that user will need to be specified.

Using an auth token

When a simple Auth Token is used, the backup cronjob script will submit an auth token when requesting a backup.

  • Alpha
    • Alpha will need to be configured with environment variable DGRAPH_ALPHA_AUTH_TOKEN or configuration with auth_token set.
  • Backups
    • backups.admin.auth_token - this will need to have the same value configured in Alpha

Using a different backup image

The default backup image uses the same Dgraph image specified under image. This can be changed to an alternative image of your choosing under backup.image. The backup image will need bash, grep, and curl installed.

Troubleshooting Kubernetes CronJobs

The Kubernetes CronJob will create jobs based on the schedule. To see the results of these scheduled jobs, you would do the following:

  1. Run kubectl get jobs to list the jobs
  2. Using a name from one of the jobs, run kubectl get pods --selector job-name=<job-name>

As an example, you could get the logs of the jobs with the following:

JOBS=( $(kubectl get jobs --no-headers --output custom-columns="") )
for JOB in "${JOBS[@]}"; do
   POD=$(kubectl get pods --selector job-name=$JOB --no-headers --output custom-columns="")
   kubectl logs $POD


Dgraph exposes Prometheus metrics to monitor the state of various components involved in the cluster, this includes Dgraph Alpha and Dgraph Zero.

Further information can be found in the Monitoring in Kubernetes documentation.