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New to CRC Checklist

Erik A. Roberts edited this page Apr 30, 2018 · 8 revisions

Some things to do when you first join the CRC

  1. Introduce yourself to Nancy Kopell, the Cognitive Rhythms Collaborative director

  2. Join the CRC mailing list (!forum/crcers)

  3. Join the CRC journal club (!forum/crc-physiology-and-rhythms)

  4. Create a Mendeley account and request to join the CRC group to access the CRC annotated bibliography

  5. Create a GitHub account and join the CogRhythms group.

    1. Speak to someone about setting up Git push and pull functionality on your local computer.
  6. Check out the CRC Quick Reference for other useful resources.

  7. Join other neuroscience-related mailing lists of interest (see CRC Quick Reference).

  8. Email the web admin about adding your profile to the Cognitive Rhythms Collaborative website.