diff --git a/ide/packages/panoptes/src/TreeView/BottomUp.tsx b/ide/packages/panoptes/src/TreeView/BottomUp.tsx
index 1b9ebdb..86e084b 100644
--- a/ide/packages/panoptes/src/TreeView/BottomUp.tsx
+++ b/ide/packages/panoptes/src/TreeView/BottomUp.tsx
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import { ProofNodeIdx, TreeTopology } from "@argus/common/bindings";
import _ from "lodash";
import React, { useContext } from "react";
+import { mean, mode, searchObject, stdDev } from "../utilities/func";
import { TreeContext } from "./Context";
import { CollapsibleElement, DirRecursive } from "./Directory";
import { TreeInfo, TreeView } from "./TreeInfo";
@@ -117,39 +118,120 @@ const BottomUp = () => {
return curr;
- const leaves = _.compact(_.map(tree.errorLeaves(), n => liftTo(n, "Goal")));
- const invertedViews = invertViewWithRoots(leaves, tree);
- const groupedAndViews = _.groupBy(invertedViews, v =>
- liftTo(v.root, "Candidate")
+ const leaves = _.uniq(
+ _.compact(_.map(tree.errorLeaves(), n => liftTo(n, "Goal")))
+ const failedGroups = _.groupBy(leaves, leaf => tree.parent(leaf));
+ // Operations on groups of errors
+ const numMainUninferred = (group: ProofNodeIdx[]) =>
+ _.reduce(
+ group,
+ (acc, leaf) =>
+ acc +
+ (() => {
+ const node = tree.node(leaf);
+ if ("Goal" in node) {
+ const goal = tree.goal(node.Goal);
+ return goal.isMainTv ? 1 : 0;
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ })(),
+ 0
+ );
+ const getNumPrincipaled = (group: ProofNodeIdx[]) =>
+ group.length - numMainUninferred(group);
+ const sortByNPT = (group: ProofNodeIdx[]) => -getNumPrincipaled(group);
+ const sortByNPTRatio = (group: ProofNodeIdx[]) =>
+ group.length / getNumPrincipaled(group);
+ const sortByDepth = (group: ProofNodeIdx[]) =>
+ -_.max(_.map(group, leaf => tree.depth(leaf)))!;
+ const takeN = (n: number) => (groups: ProofNodeIdx[][]) =>
+ [_.take(groups, n), _.tail(groups)] as [ProofNodeIdx[][], ProofNodeIdx[][]];
+ const takeAll = (groups: ProofNodeIdx[][]) =>
+ [groups, []] as [ProofNodeIdx[][], ProofNodeIdx[][]];
+ // HACK: this crappy heuristic needs to be replaced with a proper analysis.
+ const [sortStrategy, firstFilter] = (() => {
+ const npts = _.map(failedGroups, getNumPrincipaled);
+ const meanNPT = mean(npts);
+ const stdDevNPT = stdDev(npts, meanNPT);
+ const onlyHigh = _.filter(npts, npt => npt > meanNPT + stdDevNPT);
+ if (onlyHigh.length > 0) {
+ return [sortByNPT, takeN(onlyHigh.length)];
+ }
+ const nptRatioEq = _.filter(
+ failedGroups,
+ group => group.length === getNumPrincipaled(group)
+ );
+ if (nptRatioEq.length > 0) {
+ return [sortByNPTRatio, takeN(nptRatioEq.length)];
+ }
+ return [sortByDepth, takeAll];
+ })();
+ const sortedGroups = _.sortBy(_.values(failedGroups), [
+ // Getting the right group is important but it's not precise.
+ // We currently use the following metrics.
+ //
+ // 1. The number of obligations whose "principle types" are known (NPT).
+ // What this entails is that in an obligation such as `TYPE: TRAIT`,
+ // neither TYPE nor TRAIT is an unresolved type variable `_`.
+ //
+ // We use this number, NPT, to find groups whose NPT is more than
+ // one standard deviation from the mean. This is useful when trait impls are
+ // macro generated for varying arities, larger arities have a high number of
+ // unresolved type variables.
+ //
+ // The above is useful, until it isn't. Then, we can use tha ratio
+ // of group size vs the NPT. This favors smaller groups with more
+ // concrete types.
+ //
+ // 2. Depth of the group. Generally, deep obligations are "more interesting."
+ sortStrategy,
+ ]);
+ const [importantGroups, rest] = firstFilter(sortedGroups);
// The "Argus recommended" errors are shown expanded, and the
// "others" are collapsed. Argus recommended errors are the ones
// that failed or are ambiguous with a concrete type on the LHS.
- const [argusRecommended, others] = _.partition(
- _.values(groupedAndViews),
- views =>
- _.every(views, view => {
- const node = tree.node(view.root);
- if ("Goal" in node) {
- const goal = tree.goal(node.Goal);
- const result = tree.result(goal.result);
- return (
- !goal.isMainTv && (result === "no" || result === "maybe-overflow")
- );
- } else {
- // Leaves should only be goals...
- throw new Error(`Leaves should only be goals ${node}`);
- }
- })
+ const [argusRecommendedLeaves, others] = _.partition(
+ _.flatten(importantGroups),
+ leaf => {
+ const node = tree.node(leaf);
+ if ("Goal" in node) {
+ const goal = tree.goal(node.Goal);
+ const result = tree.result(goal.result);
+ return (
+ !goal.isMainTv && (result === "no" || result === "maybe-overflow")
+ );
+ } else {
+ // Leaves should only be goals...
+ throw new Error(`Leaves should only be goals ${node}`);
+ }
+ }
+ const hiddenLeaves = _.concat(_.flatten(rest), others);
+ const argusViews = invertViewWithRoots(argusRecommendedLeaves, tree);
+ const otherViews = invertViewWithRoots(hiddenLeaves, tree);
const LeafElement = ({ leaf }: { leaf: TreeViewWithRoot }) => (
const recommendedSortedViews = tree.sortByRecommendedOrder(
- _.flatten(argusRecommended),
+ _.flatten(argusViews),
v => v.root
const recommended = _.map(recommendedSortedViews, (leaf, i) => (
@@ -161,9 +243,7 @@ const BottomUp = () => {
Other failures ...}
Children={() =>
- _.map(_.flatten(others), (leaf, i) => (
- ))
+ _.map(otherViews, (leaf, i) => )
diff --git a/ide/packages/panoptes/src/TreeView/TopDown.tsx b/ide/packages/panoptes/src/TreeView/TopDown.tsx
index 1f6dc4c..4d908a9 100644
--- a/ide/packages/panoptes/src/TreeView/TopDown.tsx
+++ b/ide/packages/panoptes/src/TreeView/TopDown.tsx
@@ -84,10 +84,10 @@ const TopDown = () => {
const getCandidateChildren = (kids: ProofNodeIdx[]) =>
_.sortBy(_.uniq(kids), [
- k => {
- const node = tree.node(k);
- return "Goal" in node && tree.goal(node.Goal).isMainTv ? 1 : 0;
- },
+ // k => {
+ // const node = tree.node(k);
+ // return "Goal" in node && tree.goal(node.Goal).isMainTv ? 1 : 0;
+ // },
k => {
switch (tree.nodeResult(k)) {
case "no":
diff --git a/ide/packages/panoptes/src/TreeView/TreeInfo.ts b/ide/packages/panoptes/src/TreeView/TreeInfo.ts
index fe32ea8..2991c42 100644
--- a/ide/packages/panoptes/src/TreeView/TreeInfo.ts
+++ b/ide/packages/panoptes/src/TreeView/TreeInfo.ts
@@ -133,6 +133,15 @@ export class TreeInfo {
return this.tree.nodes[n];
+ public depth(n: ProofNodeIdx) {
+ return this.pathToRoot(n).path.length;
+ }
+ public goalOfNode(n: ProofNodeIdx) {
+ const node = this.node(n);
+ return "Goal" in node ? this.goal(node.Goal) : undefined;
+ }
public candidate(n: CandidateIdx): CandidateData {
return this.tree.candidates[n];
@@ -241,7 +250,13 @@ export class TreeInfo {
const leaf = f(t);
const pathToRoot = this.pathToRoot(leaf);
const len = pathToRoot.path.length;
- return -len;
+ const numVars = _.reduce(
+ pathToRoot.path,
+ (sum, k) => sum + this.inferVars(k),
+ 0
+ );
+ return numVars / len;
const bubbleTraitClauses = (t: T) => {
diff --git a/ide/packages/panoptes/src/utilities/func.ts b/ide/packages/panoptes/src/utilities/func.ts
index ff12f46..404f9c1 100644
--- a/ide/packages/panoptes/src/utilities/func.ts
+++ b/ide/packages/panoptes/src/utilities/func.ts
@@ -110,3 +110,33 @@ export function isHiddenObl(o: { necessity: string; result: string }) {
o.necessity === "Yes" || (o.necessity === "OnError" && o.result === "no")
+export function searchObject(obj: any, target: any) {
+ for (let key in obj) {
+ if (obj[key] === target) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (typeof obj[key] === "object" && obj[key] !== null) {
+ if (searchObject(obj[key], target)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return obj === target;
+export function mean(arr: number[]) {
+ return _.sum(arr) / arr.length;
+export function mode(arr: number[]) {
+ const counts = _.countBy(arr);
+ const max = _.max(_.values(counts));
+ return _.findKey(counts, v => v === max);
+export function stdDev(arr: number[], avg: number) {
+ return Math.sqrt(_.sum(_.map(arr, n => Math.pow(n - avg, 2))) / arr.length);