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CDK stack for codemonger

This is a Cloud Development Kit (CDK) stack that provisions AWS resources for the website of codemonger (

This stack is described with the CDK version 2.

Here is the overview of the architecture. AWS Architecture


Installing Node.js

You need Node.js installed. The version v16.x should work.

Obtaining a public SSL/TLS certificate for

To use the domain name, you need a public SSL/TLS certificate that proves the ownership of the domain. This project supposes that you have requested and obtained a public certificate via AWS Certificate Manager (ACM), and the ARN of the certificate is saved in the lib/certificate-config.ts file that should look like the following,

export const CODEMONGER_DOMAIN_NAME = '';
export const CODEMONGER_CERTIFICATE_ARN = 'arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:{ACCOUNT_ID}:certificate/{CERTIFICATE_ID}';

Note that lib/certificate-config.ts is never pushed to this repository.

Working with the CDK stack

Resolving dependencies

You have to resolve dependencies before starting development.

npm install


This documentation supposes that an AWS profile with appropriate credentials is stored in the AWS_PROFILE environment variable. The following is an example in my case,

export AWS_PROFILE=codemonger-jp

Setting the toolkit stack name

CDK stores some assets in a toolkit stack that is created by bootstrapping. Since the default toolkit stack name is "CDKToolkit", all the assets from different projects are thrown into there. Because I do not like mixing everything in one place, I prefer to use a different toolkit stack name per project. This project supposes that the toolkit stack name is "codemonger-toolkit-stack" and is stored in a variable TOOLKIT_STACK_NAME.


Setting the synthesizer qualifier

CDK v2 assigns a qualifier to a toolkit stack, and it is "hnb659fds" by default. Since CDK provisions some toolkit resources with physical names that can only be distinguished by the qualifier, you have to assign a unique qualifier for your project to separate the toolkit stack from the other projects.

This documentation supposes that the qualifier is "cdmngr2022" and it is stored in a variable TOOLKIT_STACK_QUALIFIER.


Note that a qualifier is included in an S3 bucket name, so you have to use only characters allowed for S3 bucket names; e.g., capital letters are not allowed. And it must be at most 10 characters long.

Provisioning the toolkit stack

This step is necessary only once when you start the development.

npx cdk bootstrap --toolkit-stack-name $TOOLKIT_STACK_NAME --qualifier $TOOLKIT_STACK_QUALIFIER

Please refer to the CDK documentation (Bootstrapping) for more details.

Synthesizing a CloudFormation template

Before deploying this CDK stack, you may want to check what CloudFormation template is going to be deployed. cdk synth command outputs a CloudFormation template without deploying it.

npx cdk synth -c "@aws-cdk/core:bootstrapQualifier=$TOOLKIT_STACK_QUALIFIER"

The above command outputs a CloudFormation template for the development stage. If you want one for the production stage, please specify "production" to the codemonger:stage CDK context.

npx cdk synth -c "@aws-cdk/core:bootstrapQualifier=$TOOLKIT_STACK_QUALIFIER" -c codemonger:stage=production

Deploying the CDK stack

cdk deploy command deploys the CDK stack to the AWS account associated with the AWS_PROFILE environment variable.

npx cdk deploy --toolkit-stack-name $TOOLKIT_STACK_NAME -c "@aws-cdk/core:bootstrapQualifier=$TOOLKIT_STACK_QUALIFIER"

The above command deploys the CDK stack for development. If you want to deploy the CDK stack for production, please specify "production" to the codemonger:stage CDK context.

npx cdk deploy --toolkit-stack-name $TOOLKIT_STACK_NAME -c "@aws-cdk/core:bootstrapQualifier=$TOOLKIT_STACK_QUALIFIER" -c codemonger:stage=production

After deploying the CDK stack, you will find the following CloudFormation stack created or updated,

  • codemonger-development for the development stage
  • codemonger-production for the production stage

Deploying the production stack without the alternate domain name

The production stack tries to associates the CloudFront distribution with the domain name But my first attempt failed because the domain name had already been taken by another CloudFront distribution before this CDK stack was created. So I had to take special steps described here. According to these steps, a new CloudFront distribution had to be configured with a valid SSL/TLS certificate covering but no atlernate domain name assigned. Unfortunately, since CDK requires a domain name specified if an SSL/TLS certificate is specified, I first had to provision a CloudFront distribution without domain name and SSL/TLS certificate, and then manually associated an SSL/TLS certificate to the CloudFront distribution. Thus, I provided a CDK context codemonger:no-domain-name that provisions the CloudFront distribution for production without the domain name and SSL/TLS certificate.

npx cdk deploy --toolkit-stack-name $TOOLKIT_STACK_NAME -c "@aws-cdk/core:bootstrapQualifier=$TOOLKIT_STACK_QUALIFIER" -c codemonger:stage=production -c codemonger:no-domain-name=true

After successfully transferring the domain name to the new CloudFront distribution, you have to omit the -c codemonger:no-domain-name=true option.

Obtaining the S3 bucket name for contents

This CDK stack provisions an S3 bucket to store contents of the codemonger website. The following command outputs the name of the S3 bucket for contents.

aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name codemonger-$DEPLOYMENT_STAGE --query "Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey=='ContentsBucketName']|[0].OutputValue" --output text

Please replace $DEPLOYMENT_STAGE with the deployment stage where the S3 bucket you want resides. The last sed command removes surrounding double quotation marks from the output, by the way.

Deploying contents of the website

Please refer to the ../zola folder for how to deploy contents of the website.

Obtaining the domain name of a CloudFront distribution

This CDK stack provisions a CloudFront distribution for contents of the codemonger website. The production site is served through but there is a CloudFront distribution behind. The following command outputs the domain name of the CloudFront distribution for contents.

aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name codemonger-$DEPLOYMENT_STAGE --query "Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey=='ContentsDistributionDomainName']|[0].OutputValue" --output text

Please replace $DEPLOYMENT_STAGE with the deployment stage where the CloudFront distribution you want resides. The last sed command removes surrounding double quotation marks from the output, by the way.

Running unit tests

Run unit tests with the following command,

npm test

It tests the following,