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SP Conf

SimPle CONFig TypeScript

A small component for reading config. It will log all the variables your are reading so you can see what values your app it using, obfuscating passwords, It will also check if any variables are missing and allow your app to respond.

Gettings Started

$ yarn add sp-conf-ts

How to use

Check out example.ts that shows an example of using it.

import {
} from 'sp-conf-ts'

const regexForIpV4Address = /^(?:[0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$/

const myconfig = {
  port: readNumber('PORT', {defaultValue: 8080}),
  user: readString(['CURRENT_USER', 'DEFAULT_USER']),
  serviceUrl: readUrl('SERVICE_URL'),
  database: {
    host: readString('DB_HOST_IP', {validator: regexForIpV4Address}),
    port: readNumber('DB_PORT'),
    username: readString('DB_USERNAME'),
    password: readPassword('DB_PASSWORD'),
    keepConnectionOpen: readBoolean('KEEP_CONNECTION_OPEN')

if (missingEnvVars) {
  console.error('Some required env vars were missing. Terminating')

export default myconfig

Options common to all methods

  • defaultValue - The value to use if the specified value is not available

  • validator - A regular expressing to specify the format of the input value

  • log - A function that logs about reading env var. Defaults to logging to stdout. E.g. To log messages with a prefix:

log: (msg: string) => console.log('message:', msg)
  • error - A function that reports errors while reading env var. Defaults to logging to stderr. E.g. To log errors with a prefix:
error: (err: string) => console.error('error:', err)
  • source - The object to read env vars from. Defaults to process.env

Methods available

  • readString - Read a string not applying any special rules

  • readNumber - Read a number and complain if its not a number

  • readPassword - Read a string but will obfuscate when logging the value out

  • readUrl - Read a URL and will obfuscate the password if the URL contains one.

  • readBool - Read a boolean and complain if it's not valid. Expected characters are:

    • truthy values - "true", "t", "on", "1"
    • falsy falues - "false", "f", "off", "0" It is not case sensitive so, for example, both "True" and "TRUE" work just fine

    To use your own value for true/false supply the trueValue and/or falseValue. E.g. To log errors with a prefix:

    keepConnectionOpen: readBoolean('LOAD_STUFF', {trueValue: 'yes', falseValue: 'no' })

    If you supply isSetIsTrue insted, then the result will be true if the envvar exists (even empty) and false if not.

  • readCertificate - Read a certificate (a string start is bookmarked by -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and -----END CERTIFICATE----- by default) Set options beginCertificate and endCertificate to use different headder and footer.