Free Agent Time Tracker
A web based tool for logging your hours in FreeAgent.
Its focussed around the month view and logging a whole months worth of times.
After reading the note below and if you are feeling (very) brave you can try it at:
It's not properly tested. I use it, but I'm a reckless fool and I've only got my self to blame.
Green shows a day with all hours complete
Red shows days with missing hours
White show days that have not happened yet
Yellow shows weekends
The following env vars need to be set to run:
- PORT: The port the service will listen on
- FREEAGENR_FATT_CLIENT_SECRET: Labeled "OAuth secret" in Freeagent developer dashboard
- FREEAGENT_API_URL: For live use or for the sandbox use
- FREEAGENT_FATT_CLIENT_ID: Labeled "OAuth identifier" in Freeagent developer dashboard
- GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID: Your google APIs client ID
- GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET: Your google APIs client secret
- MONGO_DB_URL: The connection string of your mongo instance. Should look like: mongodb://fatt-website:[email protected]:33170/fatt
- SECRET: Used to sign authentication tokes, can be what ever you like
- SITE_NAME: The url your site is hosts at to redirect back to from google. E.g. ""
Node version 0.10 or above.
$ npm instal
$ npm start
Yeah, so, tests. Um. Move alone, nothing to see here.
Do not run this against the FreeAgent account you use to like, earn money to buy food and stuff. It will probably do terrible things to it and by extension, you.