Parse setup tutorial here! Submodule located at cashdash-parse.
- iOS
- CoreLocation
- Alamofire (networking)
- SwiftyJSON (data processing)
- Parse, ParseUI, ParseFacebookUtilsV4 (Parse integration)
- Backend (Heroku)
- Heroku-CLI
- Parse
- MongoDB
Instructions mostly online here. Run npm install -g parse-server mongodb-runner
to install required binaries, then cd
into the server directory and do mongodb-runner start
and parse-server --appId APP_ID --masterKey MASTER_KEY
Integration with iOS through the migrated Parse server can be found here.
Access the database at You will need a login; contact a team member for information. The Parse dashboard appears to be bugged at the moment; data does not show up correctly.
Dashboard available here. App is deployed at; endpoints are available through /parse, at /push and /test. API keys are needed (client key, master key, and REST API key).