You've worked iteratively (formative) on your product and finish with an oral test (summative). You'll show the feature you've created for back-end based on your code in your repository and live version. A teacher will try out your feature and look at the code.
You will show you can create a quality project in which you apply the subject matter of this course and that you understand it.
You will answer questions in such a way as to demonstrate sufficient knowledge of our goals.
This is an individual assessment, so tests will be conducted between one teacher and one student.
This is an assessment, not another moment for feedback. So you will be graded. There isn't much time for additional feedback or troubleshooting technical issues.
Since we have limited time make sure you come to the assessment prepared:
- Bring your computer and make sure it's charged and connected to Wifi.
- Have the latest version of your feature ready in your browser.
- Have the latest version of your code ready on GitHub.
- Have the latest version of your code ready in your editor.
- Have a view on your database open in MongoDB Compass or Mongo Atlas Cloud
Make sure your repository stays online after the assessment is finished, we might want to check the code handed in on GitHub after the assessment. You also need to download and zip your code and hand this in on Brightspace.
Use the peer review document as a checklist (AVV) for your assessments to check if everything in your repository and application is in order.
Download a .pdf
version of the Rubric
- A teacher can refuse when you show up late regardless of the reason. That means you go straight to the re-sits and will be graded with a
. Usually teachers give you a small window of time after the assessment(~5 minutes) to show up. - We don’t like plagiarism and report it to our assessment committee (examencommissie in Dutch).
- Grades will be published and communicated trough Brightspace.