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Orca4 Design


Current Use Cases

ORB_SLAM2 detects and manages a single continuous map of ORB features.

Case 1: The sub starts at the surface with good visibility of the seafloor and maintains visibility during the mission.

Case 2: The sub starts at the surface, but the seafloor is not visible. The sub dives to obtain good visibility of the seafloor. Once the seafloor is discovered the mapping begins.

Future Use Cases

Case 3: After mapping starts the sub loses visibility of the seafloor and enters into recovery actions to rediscover a previously mapped portion of the seafloor. No mapping occurs during recovery.

Case 4: Visibility is lost and the sub discovers an unmapped patch of seafloor and starts building a separate map. This may repeat. The origins of the subsequent maps are set by dead reckoning. The map origins may be adjusted over time as exploration continues. Maps may be merged if they are found to overlap.

Case 5: A GPS sensor is available to provide good poses at the surface. These poses can be used to improve the origin poses of the map(s). The sub may ascend and descend while mapping regions.

Coordinate Frames

Orca4 uses the 3 coordinate frames described in ROS REP 105: base_link, odom and map. A fourth slam frame is used to handle the case when mapping starts late.


The base_link frame is a body frame, centered on the sub itself.

The ROS body frame convention is FLU: x-forward, y-left, z-up.

The ArduSub body frame convention is FRD: x-forward, y-right, z-down.


The odom frame is a world frame used to describe the sub's pose in the local environment.

The ROS world frame convention is ENU: x-east, y-north, z-up.

The ArduSub world frame convention is NED: x-north, y-east, z-down.

The initial pose is {0, 0, 0} facing east, where the z origin is the surface of the water.

The pose is predicted from the Nav2-generated desired velocity and a simple motion model.

ArduSub does not know about the odom frame.

In the simulation you can see the error between the simple Orca4 motion model and the more accurate Gazebo motion model by observing the TF chain map -> odom -> base_link.


The map frame is a world frame used to describe the sub's pose in the global environment.

The initial pose is {0, 0, 0} facing east, where the z origin is the surface of the water.

The map frame is the same as a MAVLink LOCAL frame such as MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_ENU. The ArduSub EKF is running in the map frame.

ArduSub also keeps a MAVLink GLOBAL frame that is expressed in altitude, latitude and longitude. Orca4 does not use this GLOBAL frame.


The slam frame records the global position of the sub when the ORB_SLAM2 first generates a map.

In future use cases there will be multiple slam frames, one for each SLAM-generated map.

Helper frames

By default ORB_SLAM2 assumes that the stereo camera is facing forward. The down frame is rotated to point the camera down towards the seafloor.

MAVROS handles NED/ENU and FLU/FRD translations, and publishes transforms for helper frames map_ned, odom_ned and base_link_frd.

Control Summary

The Manager node manages the state of ArduSub, MAVROS and Orca4.

The BaseController node sends VISION_POSITION_ESTIMATE messages to ArduSub at 5Hz. The ArduSub EKF fuses these poses with the barometer and IMU readings.

  • When the system boots the default pose {0, 0, 0} is sent to warm the ArduSub EKF
  • If the sub moves before mapping starts (dead reckoning), the pose generated by the BaseController motion model is sent
  • Once mapping starts the pose from ORB_SLAM2 is sent

Nav2 uses the latest map pose to plan a route at 1Hz. Nav2 publishes a desired velocity vector on /cmd_vel at 20Hz.

BaseController turns the desired velocity vector into SET_POSITION_TARGET_GLOBAL_INT messages to set the desired depth, and into OVERRIDE_RC messages to control the x and yaw RC inputs. Both messages are sent at 20Hz.

ArduSub is in ALT_HOLD mode. ArduSub uses a PID controller to hold the target depth. ArduSub blends the PID outputs with the RC overrides to drive the thrusters.

Life of a Pose

This narrative follows the life of a single map -> base_link pose, showing how it moves from system to system. Mapping has started. Helper transforms are ignored.

Gazebo calculates the actual (ground truth) pose of the sub using the Thruster, Buoyancy and Hydrodynamics plugins. (This is published on /model/orca/odometry by ros_ign and is visible in Rviz2.)

ArduPilotPlugin sends the pose to ArduSub, along with gyro and accel data from a simulated IMU.

ArduSub generates noisy measurements for 2 fake IMUs and a fake barometer. (I'm not entirely sure who generates the IMU noise -- Gazebo or ArduSub or both?)

Gazebo also generates simulated camera images and ros_ign publishes them on /stereo_left and /stereo_right.

ORB_SLAM2 processes the camera images, detects ORB features, computes a camera pose, and publishes it on /orb_slam2_stereo_node/pose.

BaseController subscribes to /orb_slam2_stereo_node/pose, computes the pose of the sub (vs the camera), and publishes it on /mavros/vision_pose/pose. BaseController also publishes the map -> odom transform.

MAVROS subscribes to /mavros/vision_pose/pose and sends a VISION_POSITION_ESTIMATE message to ArduSub.

ArduSub fuses the vision, barometer and IMU measurements into an estimated pose. ArduSub splits this pose into 2 messages: LOCAL_POSITION (x, y, z) message and ATTITUDE (roll, pitch, yaw).

MAVROS recombines the LOCAL_POSITION and ATTITUDE information into a pose and publishes it on /mavros/local_position/pose.

Nav2 subscribe to all transforms, plans a route at 1Hz, and publishes the desired x, z and yaw velocities on /cmd_vel at 20Hz.

BaseController subscribes to /mavros/local_position/pose and /cmd_vel, computes the desired z position, and publishes it on /mavros/setpoint_position/global.

MAVROS subscribes to /mavros/setpoint_position/global and sends a SET_POSITION_TARGET_GLOBAL_INT message to ArduSub.

ArduSub calculates servo commands to achieve and hold the desired z position.

BaseController also computes the desired x and yaw values, computes the thrust required, and publishes an RC override message on /mavros/rc/override.

MAVROS subscribes to /mavros/rc/override and sends an OVERRIDE_RC message to ArduSub.

ArduSub applies the RC overrides to the RC outputs.

ArduPilotPlugin sends servo commands to the Thruster plugins.

The ThrusterPlugins apply thrust forces and spin the propellers in Gazebo.

Manager Node

The Manager node listens on /set_target_mode and moves between the DISARMED, ROV, and AUV modes by monitoring and controlling other systems. Functions include:

  • arming or disarming the thrusters by calling /mavros/cmd/arming
  • setting the ArduSub mode by calling /mavros/set_mode
  • requesting MAVLink messages by calling /mavros/set_message_interval
  • activating the Nav2 system by calling /lifecycle_manager_navigation/manage_nodes
  • taking or releasing control of the sub by calling /conn
Parameter Type Default Notes
msg_ids array of int [31, 32] Manager will ask ArduSub to send these MAVLink messages. This request is re-sent every 10s.
msg_rate int 20 Desired message rate in Hz.

BaseController Node

The BaseController node listens on /conn and drives the sub in AUV mode. Functions include:

  • listen to /cmd_vel and estimate motion
  • listen to /mavros/local_position/pose and /orb_slam2_stereo_node/pose and compute and broadcast all dynamic transforms
  • manage localization states, e.g., RUN_NO_MAP, RUN_LOCALIZED, RUN_NOT_LOCALIZED
  • if BaseController is driving, publish messages on /mavros/setpoint_position/global and /mavros/rc/override
  • publish diagnostics on /odom and /motion

Motion model parameters

There's a very simple motion model that considers buoyancy and drag. It does not consider added mass.

Parameter Type Default Notes
mdl_mass double 9.75 Mass, kg
mdl_volume double 0.01 Displacement volume, m^3
mdl_fluid_density double 997 Fluid density, kg/m^3, typically 997 for freshwater, 1027 for seawater
mdl_thrust_scale double 0.7 Global thrust scale, used to boost small thrust values typical for AUV operation
mdl_drag_coef_x double 0.8 Drag coefficient for forward / back motion
mdl_drag_coef_y double 0.95 Drag coefficient for strafing motion
mdl_drag_coef_z double 0.95 Drag coefficient for vertical motion
mdl_drag_partial_const_yaw double 0.004 Drag coefficient for yaw motion
mdl_thrust_dz_pwm int16 35 Thruster deadzone

Control parameters

Parameter Type Default Notes
ardu_frame_id string map ArduSub EKF frame id
slam_frame_id string slam ORB_SLAM2 frame id
down_frame_id string down Rotated ORB_SLAM2 frame id
odom_frame_id string odom Odom frame id
base_frame_id string base_link Base frame id
slam_timeout_ms int 1000 SLAM timeout
transform_expiration_ms int 0 Transform expiration, 0 means don't expire
timer_rate int 20 Main loop timer in Hz
x_vel double 0.4 Max forward / back velocity, m/s
y_vel double 0.4 Max strafing velocity, m/s
z_vel double 0.2 Max vertical velocity, m/s
yaw_vel double 0.4 Max yaw velocity, r/s
x_accel double 0.4 Max forward / back acceleration, m/s^2
y_accel double 0.4 Max strafing acceleration, m/s^2
z_accel double 0.2 Max vertical acceleration, m/s^2
yaw_accel double 0.4 Max yaw acceleration, r/s^2
coast bool false Coast mode (TODO)